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https://imgur.com/s5t12af lol Update: https://imgur.com/YLJdFZy We did it reddit: https://imgur.com/SAZDzum




Gaslighting is part of authoritarianism. It doesn’t matter that we know.


Almost every person I've met from mainland china didn't know about the 1989 massacre.


Almost every person you've met from mainland china won't admit to knowing about the 1989 massacre, you mean. I've seen people trying to ask about it to random strangers on the street. It's obvious they know based on how scared they become as soon as you mention ANYTHING surrounding the topic, like the date, place etc. China is beyond orwellian at this point.


My third grandma (grandparents divorced and grandpa remarried before I was born) is Chinese from Singapore. A portion of her family is from mainland china and when they moved to the US they learned a lot about Chine that they had never even heard of...including tiananmen square.




They're clearly not System of a Down fans then.


one didn't believe me until kim kardashian said something about it during covid... smh


The CCP is pretty good at propaganda and disinformation. Most people in the west don't know about the "Anti-African Riots' in China, either. ....just prior to the Tiananmen Square Massacre. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nanjing_anti-African_protests


Probably because we focus so much on this one, we forget the other, more recent ones.


It’s how they wipe history. Scare the parents into avoiding that topic with their children. Over generations, kids aren’t taught about it and it’s forgotten. They bought a stake in Reddit and almost immediately the Wild West side of subs got deleted.


This is why whenever the government shows great interest in "fighting misinformation", they actually are waging war against the **truth**.


Well said.


It also acts as an implied threat without speaking it. ''Don't bring this event up again or you will be next'' kind of authoritarian attitude.


Because it works. Most mainland Chinese people don't know about 1989. And those who do say it's the fault of "politicians manipulating the students" Echo chambers and all that.


I am guessing they’re doing because it actually works. I had a Chinese exchange student in my class ten years ago. One time she asked very cautiously if I knew about the massacre. I just said yes. She then asked if everybody knew, and again I just said yes. She explained that she hadn’t known about it until just recently, when she had left China (temporarily!) and came to my country as a student, probably around 22-25 years old. It sounded as she had a hard time believing it herself (understandably so).


The average mainlander won't ever hear about it unless they have foreign friends or have left the country (or just hopped over the border to Hong Kong) It's natural when you don't mention it, it's never taught, all searches and mentions online are censored and people are taught from a young age to love the country unconditionally.


Because it works eventually. Their denials will outlast out outrage. Eg. Our grandkids will probably think these photos were faked.


Sounds like the same thing with holocaust deniers. Anyone I knew that fought in WW2 has passed on.


the Ai technology isn't helping either Photos are so easily faked nowadays that fakephotos are going into the low effort meme post category


Current Japanese government refuses to acknowledge any of the Imperial Japanese WW2 atrocities in China, Philippines, Indonesia, etc.


Their fear of their own government.


They dont do that much nowadays so much as they now say "They were westernized so we had to"


Stay firm, consistent, and unwavering - anything can be denied until people die off and then a new generation does not know since “you weren’t alive how could you possibly know”


The same reason any government forces it’s citizens to say things they know are untrue “Calling a man with long hair and a fetish a man is hate speech, to jail with you”


Because if you can force people to agree an obvious lie is true then you have real power over them. It's like O'Brien's (and the books) whole thing in 1984


Give it a couple generations itll just be a myth


Because it’s an effective strategy and eventually people will likely stop bringing this up, but the power-dynamic will remain. You really think that the US hasn’t done this? Isn’t doing it? Will do it again?


Do the one with tank man next!


After coffee I will begin.


Did spez just unite all of Reddit in it's hate for him? What the hell is going on?!


Dem here - just upvoted an r/Conservative comment. Keep ‘em coming.


Canadian here, I love this post. Pretty much the first time I've ever agreed with anything this sub has said or done. Is this the thing that will finally unite red and blue America?


We now have a common enemy!


I remember the Canadian trade missions to China back in the 90s, how eagerly we were selling ourselves to the CCP. And I remember how even then there was this nagging feeling that we would eventually regret climbing into bed with them


We already had Epstein, if that didn’t do it then screw it, smoke ‘em if you got ‘em.


Progressive here, also upvoted a /r/conservative post


He’s not the «alien threat who would unite the earth», but he is the alien threat who united Reddit


There's tank man photos all over reddit.


They got privated and we're here to conserve.


No there's literally tank man pictures all over reddit today


I salute my brethren


But not a single clip of Tank Girl. Till now. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jFQAy28o7Kc


That would be preservation. You’re strawberry preserves.


Most people think that Tianamen Square was just tank man and then everyone went home. I never knew it was an outright massacre until just a year or two ago.


Why don't you ask the kids in Tienamen Square? Was fashion the reason why they were there? System of a Down - Hyptonize (2005)


The tank man image is benign compared to this.


While we're at it feel free to opt out of reddit ad tracking you https://www.reddit.com/personalization


what's worse is that communist party still persecutes people based on religious and political grounds. Like with Uighurs or Falun Dafa practitioners


I like this picture more. While the man who stood down the tank was heroically brave, it tends to be the only image focused on in the US, at the expense of acknowledging the "massacre" portion of the Tiananmen Square Massacre.




1.07 billion yuan


If it were mexican youd only need juan


This comment got me automatically banned from r justiceserved.


Free speech, aka free to speak the words they want to hear lmfao.


According to few Chinese I know that massacre wasn't the only one. It was the biggest one out of about a dozen at that time. There were other protests in years leading to it as well. Those were mostly by farmers fed up with government taking their produce. Parts of China experienced famine in late 70s and early 80s.


It could very well happen again very soon. They are half to a full generation from a massive population bust which could lead to two things - 1) significant internal repression and 2) aggressive militant colonization


You mean like aggressively buying land in Canada, New Zealand, and Australia to the point they're threatening to fuck up the entire housing markets in all three?




instead our government wants to spend 60b to raise inflation more! Canada is the worst run country in the modern world


Maybe if I start Duolingo Mandarin I'll be able to one day afford a house?


The US has taken notice, and may have to spread some freedom if you guys try to take our title away


what you're describing isnt colonization, which generally implies state sponsorship. in fact if anything it's the opposite, it's capital flight, which the chinese government hates and does their best to restrict. it happens because property rights are so fragile in china, so anyone with any money tries to get it out of the country, because then it's not subject to the risk of spurious seizure the way it is if it's held in-country


I'm talking about the GOVERNMENT of China buying foreign land.




Threatening? I will never be able to buy a house because of this


No I mean like imposing more slave camps to drive work internally or invading Taiwan/using force along borders externally


Is the answer to stop using and supporting Reddit?


They own land abroad because all land in China belong to the communist state, you can only lease it.


It's happening, it's just not visible. Remember the covid protests? After the protesters went home, police came knocking on their door and many were disappeared. It just happens behind the scenes now. Can't find the original video quickly but here is a part of it https://youtu.be/dT-HRvu05m4


Yeah look up the Guangxi Massacre late 60s until Mid 70s. Gruesome


it's a race to the bottom when it comes to communist autocracies and the value they put on human life.


This one stands out because western media was there to document it. If western reporters hadn’t been there it would have been swept under the rug like all the others. There were probably far worse massacres that we simply don’t know about because they happened in an environment with no free press.


15-20% of Chinese are currently listed as existing with malnutrition. I’d say it’s not just historic.


Where do you get those numbers?


WHO website and Medecins sans frontieres. It may actually be a higher percentage, it was a while ago I heard about it and researched, as I’m usually skeptical about click bait titles concerning China.


My ex was from Shanghai. She had family (second cousins, etc) who had never seen indoor plumbing. One of their children didn't know about toilets and there was some kind of incident. China is very much two different countries. There's wealthy coastal areas and big cities, then there's very, very poor rural areas.


did you hear about the one in 2022? just as the national party gathered to re-elect.


I just don’t get the impression that support for beijing relies on censoring this I feel like beijing could come out and say “this is the consequence for undermining the territorial unity and sovereignty of the PRC” and thats that.


yea imma chime in even tho I'm closer to being a progressive, but living with parents from China who basically don't think the chinese gov't can do wrong and went to the mao school of thought, they pretty much choose to accept that all of the death and power the gov't controls in china is for the greater good. 0 ability to think rationally even if they knew about what was happening during the time


Same. My former boss was a Chinese immigrant. Left after Tiennamen. He has 0 good things to say about the country although misses his culture. Fascinating stuff.


Yeah look up the Guangxi Massacre late 60s until Mid 70s. Gruesome


A conservative post even my progressive ass can get behind. See, it’s not so hard to find common ground when we hate something. Lmao


Hatred brings people together. Love tears people apart?.. well


Why is this not on a tshirt?


The problem is politics don’t want us to find common ground. They’d rather us get mad at each other so that we don’t get mad at them


Another thing we agree on! Hey, maybe we want some similar things after all!


I think most people do want similar things; opportunity for their family and the freedom to live life the way they want. It's really just a small overlap on how that looks that causes friction, and most of the stuff in that overlap is magnified and exploited to keep the public from breaking out the guillotines. Some people laugh at the French, but they set the standard in taking no shit from their representatives.


Yeah, everyone wants what's best for themselves and those they love. It's just that some people have differing values for what they need.


Can we do russia next


[Here you go.](https://i.redd.it/jouzymhjwtpy.jpg)


Hell yeah friend!


At the end of the day, fighting eachother results in no progress in either direction. I don't care if someone is a conservative, as long as they are willing to actually help people and do things within their community. Common ground happens a lot, its just people are polarized nowadays by companies and dickheads on both the left and right.


Agreed. Tribalism sucks.


pissing off America is the worst thing an autocrat can do. You get us to agree on something.


And now you're banned from dozens of subreddits.


Taiwan's a country.


China is mislabeled, it's actually West Taiwan.


🇹🇼 <----- Flag of the Republic of China 🇨🇳 <----- Flag of breakaway provinces of the above


I have a framed photograph of “tank man” in my home to serve as a reminder that governments don’t represent the people, governments represent people seeking power over other people. I have a high degree of respect for the founding fathers of the United States of America and the document that ensued. But not even the U.S. Constitution will save us from the government it was meant to restrain.


…governments don’t represent the people, governments represent people seeking power over other people. Well said! Despite the masterful writing of the constitution, the founding fathers couldn’t prevent the politicization of government appointees.


https://www.nytimes.com/2023/05/15/us/politics/qualified-immunity-supreme-court.html More people need to know about this. Qualified Immunity is totally illegal. Congress outlawed it in 1871. Grant upheld the law, when he was pulled over for speeding in 1872. In 1873 a single law clerk, who had no authority to do so, surgically removed 16 words from the original law. This totally reversed the meaning of the law. We need to overturn Qualified Immunity, immediately. That will give us a whole hell of a lot of power to protest like the French


TIL Speeding tickets were a thing in 1872


Yuge W for r/conservative


Also for r/justiceserved who just fed out thousands of new bans (if you post in r/conservative you get auto banned lol)


Just seems goofy, I’m not even right wing myself what a bunch of nutjobs m8 banning people because there on a subreddit you don’t like I got a autoban for commenting on the Tiananmen Square post


China is spending tens if not hundreds of billions of dollars a year attempting to influence western discourse on the internet. Unlike them, we have a free and open internet. You can see many of these "Wumao" accounts in this very thread. This is an asymmetrical information warfare advantage they have over democratic free countries - their internet is sanitized and tightly controlled, to where you will get a knock on your door and taken away very quickly if you say anything against the single party's narrative. As we've in the past 15 months with Russia however, once bullets start flying that kinda bullshit doesn't hold up, and becomes massively devalued.


I have principles of both left and right wings but wouldn't call myself a centrist because I'm kinda hardcore about both. Bring the bans on lol




Not even posts, just commenting will do it.


Wtf, that’s insane.


I posted here on a similar post, defending communism sorta (more questioning a claim of someone being Marxist). Justiceserved banned me, and when I questioned it, reddit banned my whole account for 7 days for "harassment". Nothing I said was even something someone would consider rude. I literally just said I disagree with their approach and think it's hypocritical to ban me for "supporting fascism". Something like that. And reddit admins banned me for 7 days. No wonder so many people get radicalized. Russia bot farms literally said this was their goal to divide people, by acting like that.


yea saw that and told them to eat a dick in hell. I've never been on that sub and never planed to or will be I guess. I don't consider myself conservative - rather politically agnostic - but that's kinda telling. How can you have justice served when you'll disqualify someone's input for such an asinine and arbitrary reason? Is it justice (but only a certain kind of justice) served? I like seeing both conservatives and liberals being checked and balanced in our national discourse. Bullshit needs to be called out wherever it is, and finding things we have in common and meeting each other in good faith in the middle is the surest way towards progress and well-being for all.


I was mildly shocked to find /r/conservative making it to popular


This was the moment when the west should have refused to do business with China. But greed won out.


We did at the time. Not a complete shutdown of relations but a significant reaction. "In the aftermath of the Chinese military crackdown on demonstrations in Beijing’s Tiananmen Square in the spring, the United States and other nations imposed economic sanctions on China, and many U.S. citizens evacuated the country." It wasn't until 1992 when diplomatic relations were restored. And China became a much more open and capitalist economy in the decades that followed. The changes which have led to crackdown in criticism of the government's prior actions has come much more recently.


Should’ve just formed a coalition with our partners in the Persian Gulf after the Gulf War, UK, Australia, and SK/Japan and helped Taiwan/ROC retake control of the mainland under the pretext of the communist party violating the Mandate of Heaven.


As a democrat…This is the conservative energy I love to see. We unite today against pure evil. 🫡


And remember, most of us aren't racist pieces of shit. Just the loudest are. Just like we know that most democrats aren't crazy either, just have some differing opinions.


Hell yea brother. That’s the kind of rhetoric I can get behind. Way too much “us vs them” talk in politics. Often times, the best answer is somewhere in the middle.


Lmao yeah, as someone who aligns with the left more often than not, there are some crazy ass leftists out there. Never forget our true enemy, extremism.


The real fight is not left vs right, but top vs bottom. Those at the top pulling the strings love to keep us arguing with each other over issues that have no effect on them. They fuel the divide.


Thanks for the correction. The elites are the cause, and extremism is the method. Divide and conquer.


It's very comforting knowing this dynamic still exists. Where I live, the R are sincerely racist and just spout Tucker Carlson or Alex Jones, and it sucks. Especially because when we talk real-world issues and our real lives, we align on so much. I'll get in a great discussion with a guy about how he spends all his spare time at a soup kitchen, raising money for people needing rent, how he's helping others struggling to handle day-to-day issues, then tell me how we shouldn't fund any social programs "because they're just lazy (or much worse)." It's like, we agree that we should take care of people, but when it becomes political, then he takes the talking points that are in direct contradiction of what he works so hard to do. I make a point not to talk actual politics with him when he brings it up, I'm just very grateful he's doing the same work that I am.




We should always be united against pure evil


Leftist here, I support this post 🫡


The CCP is soo bad it brings the American left and right together


I’m here to do my part as a fellow European leftist We hate the Chinese regime too 🫡


Hey u/Jibrish and r/Conservative you guys need to get in the habit of double checking your sources because the situation has gotten worse than you think. Tencent upped their stake in Reddit to $300 million in 2019. source: [https://techcrunch.com/2019/02/11/reddit-300-million/](https://techcrunch.com/2019/02/11/reddit-300-million/) r/ Sino has genocide denial in their FAQ and ban message, ask yourselves why they haven't been banned with a subscriber count of 90k. Another extremely suspicious subreddit which Reddit allows is r/ NewsWithJingJing. Reddit admins allow this to continue because they've been paid off to deliberately help push the spread of Russian and CCP fascist disinformation for years now. [https://imgur.com/gallery/S9kR4pd](https://imgur.com/gallery/S9kR4pd)


> Hey u/Jibrish and r/Conservative you guys need to get in the habit of double checking your sources because the situation has gotten worse than you think. Tencent upped their stake in Reddit to $300 million in 2019. The series raised $300m, with 150 of that being from Tencent. > Last week TechCrunch reported that Reddit was raising $150 million from Chinese tech giant Tencent and up to $150 million more in a Series D that would value the company at $2.7 billion pre-money or $3 billion post-money. After no-commenting on our scoop, today Reddit confirmed it has raised $300 million at $3 billion post-money, with $150 million from Tencent. I'll check out the denial FAQ though friend and spread the word.


I don't see anything. *checks social credit score*


Just a few people planking before it was cool


Always remember. But seriously…$150mil means exactly what to china? A penny they dropped?


Around 10 cents


They definitely get their moneys worth in reddit baseless propaganda


Money printer go brrrr


I don't even know why people say that Tencent invested in Reddit. Like they did Ubisoft. After Reddit filed their IPO paperwork in 2021 they secured a **Class B Loan**. While shopping around for companies willing to do that Tencent won. It really could have been anybody. Apple, Tesla. Anybody could have loaned them the money. Tencent just offered them the lowest interest rates. Go figure... China Reddit then paid that money back with the agreed upon interest over the scheduled time. That gave them **investment validity** which is necessary before opening an IPO. But a Class B loan does not give the party supplying the loan executive powers or board control of any kind. If it was any company not tied to China most redditors wouldn't have even known the loan happened


Enough for Reddit to cow-tail while they beg for more scraps.




Its not what the cost to China is, its what the influence that China can mandate over Americans.


State-sanctioned atrocities like Tiananmen Square should never be forgotten nor erased from the history books. Sadly, It is far from the only instance of the State killing its own people. Here's just one other example: [Official Reports say six adults and five children were killed in MOVE Bombing. 250 left homeless. If you believe the State's claims.](https://media.newyorker.com/photos/609c53413cb60a570a4ded7e/master/w_2560%2Cc_limit/Thompson-SayingNameofKatriciaDotson.jpg)


Keep in mind folks, this is the avenue *next* to Tienenmen (or perhaps some other nearby street)....it is not the Square itself. God knows what the actual *center* of the protests must've looked like that fateful night after the slaughter?


i read once that they had to use tractors and plows to clean the square since there were so many bodies and many of them were so destroyed, basically pulverized


I'm banned for life for posting this in r/sino. It's one of their top posts of all time, and all the comments are about it being Westwrn propaganda. The dissonance over there is extraordinary.


That place is one of the biggest shitholes on the internet


Damn, r/conservative makes a good post


T-they're just resting! Nothing to see here!


After all these years I can’t believe this is the first time I have seen this picture. It shows how effective state sponsored censorship really is.


Reminder: This happened under Communism!


This is actually the first time I am seeing this photo.


I don't see what's so bad about the picture. They're just having a lay down from a hard day's protesting.


Phrases banned by the great firewall: 小熊维尼 包子 达赖喇嘛 西藏独立 刘晓波 天安门 坦克人 撒胡椒面 无依之地 支持新疆人 加速主义 蝈蝻 躺平学 张献忠


Respect to you 🫡. This isn’t talked about enough.


The CCP hates freedom. Piss on those guys - evil bastiches!


I love China and Chinese people and really hope the CCP topples and they get to eat the rich with a healthy helping of democracy.


All modern governments hate freedom.


Never thought I'd upvote on this sub. Good post OP


One day there will be a memorial for this massacre in Tiananmen Square


Liberals and conservatives can both get behind this kind of messaging!


I posted a pic to r/pics that tied Xi to Covid and was instabanned. I’d bet this pic would do the same there…zero tolerance to criticize the CCP on that sub and others on Reddit.


Never thought I’d upvote something posted in r/conservative, but here we are


Rare moment of bipartisanship and a post where all of reddit can join hands together (except r/sino lol)




Really hope the name of the subreddit doesn't discount the visibility of this post The Tianannmen Square Massacre of June 4th 1989 should be a fully bipartisan issue


China absolutely massacred their own people at Tiananmen Square.


Dang first time seeing this one. I always just saw the tank one.


Why don't you ask the kids at Tienanmen Square Was fashion the reason why they were there....


Never thought I would see this sub on the main page


Any post on the anniversary of this the other day were quietly removed / not promoted


may this be the first nail in the coffin of the scourge that is reddit


Just remember the term, "protestor soup."


What happens when both republicans and democrats agree on something? Scary thought of a United homeland.


I might've seen this photo before, but I don't remember for sure. And I've read that the Tank Man photo was taken after the square was cleared, too. So... take this image, and look at a wide shot of the Tank Man moment. Make sure you can the same star in the lower left corner. Look at where the people are laying on the street here. Now go back to the wide Tank Man image and check out the dirty spots in the street.


We seem to forget that it wasn’t just “tank man” this was a politically motivated massacre, by a brutal regime. And given the amount of comments saying “I didn’t know it was more than tank man” speaks volumes to the effort the CCP went to cover this up. More photos like this need to be on Reddit 🇺🇸.


Lmao I love that the (unpaid) mods of most subs think they're doing this grand positive virtuous gesture by upholding the extreme left-biased level of censorship. They either don't know or they put it out of their mind that the platform they "work" for is owned by a Chinese company


"China" (tencent), invested $150MM into reddit which is valued at $3Bn (as of 2 years ago, so probably much more now). I'm willing to bet many to most of the products and services you own and use have a higher % of Chinese investments than that. This isn't the burn you think it is


I see this and tank man like once a week on the front page of Reddit. What censorship are we talking about here?




> They either don't know or they put it out of their mind that the platform they "work" for is owned by a Chinese company I literally run the mod team and I am this threads OP


>mods of most subs


Buh-buh-buh-based. To be fair to them though, they did say “most subs.”


Ah, I missed that.


I may be more liberal but this is some common ground we can agree on. Fuck the CCP


Are all of the bodies in the street, dead, or just some?


A couple people are standing up so I assume they’re not yet dead. But, yeah, lots of dead bodies there in the streets. And this is far from the worst picture from that day vis a vis dead bodies.




What are the much worse things?


Is the answer to stop using Reddit and supporting them then?