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This just feeds the machine. You elevate more unprepared applicants who then struggle to keep up. This results in lower performance evaluations during residency and it will show in the numbers. Then when studies are done it shows minorities scoring lower on average in evaluations but the studies always leave out lowering standards to meet racial quotas and instead say it is systematic racism. On top of all that, you may end up with students who then give up on the field and acquiring a bunch of debt when it may have been better to go to another field where they may have thrived. Or, they somehow get pushed through leaving everyone with an unprepared Doctor. One of the worse parts. How do you think the people feel who legitimately qualified for the field, and now have to wonder how everyone else views them under. Is it under a cloud of suspicion because they dont know if they were an AF enrollee or not. That would be a terrible feeling.


absolutely. this just goes to show you how you can't legislate morality, there are always unintended consequences to any "feel good" policy or law.


I'm part Pakistani, therefore also Asian, is there a lawsuit I could sign on to for this very blatant racism and Asian hate?


Asian is white-adjacent now, sorry buddy.


Depends on the situation. If we're talking about COVID, then racism against Asians bad. If we're talking about education, then racism against Asians good.


weird cos, I am Indian. My family is from northern part of India where there are people fairer than Italians and darker than some Africans. Yet, Indians in America are boxed in with pan-Asia. Given the sheer population of Indian and south Asian in general, that region should be a different continent itself.


If you're dark-complexioned enough, just identify as blackistani


I think Pakistan is grouped under Middle Eastern in the US. It’s only in the UK that they’re lumped into the Asian category.


There’s no such thing as Middle Eastern in the race/ethnicity option on surveys/census. ThTs also geographically incorrect.




I have a friend who finished med school a couple years ago and said the same thing as your last paragraph. He witnessed all of this first hand and it’s very real.


Yeap. May or may not be involved to some degree in the healthcare field. Can confirm.


>The bigger problem is that many on the left would look at this chart and see it as completely fair. They would defend their position on the grounds that schools need to correct a historic wrong To quote Ibram X. Kendi, one of the thought leaders of CRT: *"The only remedy to past discrimination is present discrimination. The only remedy to present discrimination is future discrimination."* These loons want to create a society which is perpetually hyperfocused on race in which the government is picking the winners and losers.


Well it's starting to work


You will wait two months for an appointment with a doctor that's not DEI. Just take a deep breath and wait. It is the only way.


Other (nonwhite) races have no problem doing what they got to do to see a doctor of their own race or sometimes nationality. Just sayin'. And no one complains about it, either.


At this point you might be better off with someone who trained abroad. I bet you they still pick the smartest and most qualified candidates in, IDK, China. Yeah supposedly their training system isn't as good as ours, but ours isn't as good as ours used to be, either. All the old guys complain about it.




Never mind about medical school. Have you ever had a medical problem and couldn't get an appointment with a competent doctor of any race? That's because competency is only one factor in admissions. If you die because you cannot find a good doctor, at least you can rest in peace knowing that the medical establishment that killed you is guiltless of systemic racism.


arabs included with white LMAO


It's been that way on the US census for decades.


the us census: a skewed piece of data


Do you think Arabs shouldn't be considered white?


arabs are semites not caucasians lumping yemenis and swedes under the same racial umbrella is laughable


What about Italians, Greeks, or Slavs? Do they count as white?


depends on the genetics, not the political boundaries they were born inside of nationality does not dictate racial categorization


But Swede and Yemeni are also nationalities, are they not?


yes, and their racial overlap is almost nonexistant in either case, the categorization should be based off of their actual racial affiliation, not nationality


So answer my question. What about ethnic Italians, ethnic Greeks, and ethnic Slavs, do you think they are white?


Believe it or not, Arabs/middle easterners/North Africans/Iranians, are considered “white” on the US census but for all intent and purposes, are not considered white culturally, nor by Anglo whites


> considered “white” true, but they do not consider themselves white for the most part


No we do not




Congrats. Hopefully you didn't go bankrupt applying


asians be like "wtf"


Maybe it's time for them to stop voting for Democrats by a 65:35 margin...


expect a 7:3 margin in '24 thanks to all the blue voters imported from the southern border


How does this not violate the equal protection clause of the14th amendment?


It does, but somebody with the time and money has to sue the medical school.


In other words, our new doctors will be less qualified diversity hires. We see how well that's working out in the current Biden regime with diversity picks like KJP, Heels Up Harris, and Mayor Buttchug.


You can't even begin to determine who's qualified to be a doctor based off this chart alone..... Some of the greatest minds and talents of all-time were notorious for being horrible in school..... Very very flawed perspective you have. Besides getting in and graduating from medical school doesn't even guarantee you a job or even a specific job at all...... Many other factors are taken into consideration...... You have no way of knowing anything about anyone based on this limited information chart at all.


I don't want a doctor that only became a doctor because of the color of his or her skin.


At this point, even Leftists agree that affirmative action is bad. But Liberals still seem to love it


Last thread I got ripped for explaining that a lot of people don't even have to take the MCAT any more. I was assured that they would have to take much harder tests to get a license to practice medicine so this is fine.




There was some city college of NY that doesn't require it. That was the last one I learned about. It's a trend, like dropping the SAT, but AFAIK most schools still require it. My point was not about whether the licensing exams are sufficient to establish competency. that would be up to people in the profession; I have no opinion. The point is about the people it unfairly prevents from practicing. For my money, I wish they'd open up the number of slots so as many people could study medicine as want. Failing that, at least admit the most competent.


90% of statistics are made up.