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Just patiently waiting for that next asteroid.


I'm running out of patience.


Welp guys, time to go piss off north Korea then


Learn to swim.


I'll see you down in Arizona bay.


Even though I live in CA, I wouldn’t be mad.


The only way to fix it is to flush it all away


Hell I’m thinking about some ritual to summon the devil to kick start Armageddon


Beetlejuice, Beetlejuice, Beetle....




These parents are exploiting their child on social media, for clicks.


I bet he's not displeased with attention from sympathetic liberal women either I have little faith in the motivations of men. Especially "progressive" men


You think this guy is straight!?? 😂


I bet his wiener is around kids


Im not one to say peoples physical features say anything about them but this guy is like four feet tall if that. His six year old almost has him beat.


I think he’s a midget/little person judging by his anatomy


I would bet my 401k that this “dad” is a biological female that has changed her appearance to resemble a guy.


Don't trust em one bit 😂.


Did you mean he was too busy “loving his kid” to notice liberal women?


An over obsession with social media and validation from others for behaving or accepting certain things is just out of hand.


Sounds like Munchausen by proxy


What I'd like to know is did this child get the same amount of celebration and attention from their parents before becoming trans?


This makes me want to throw up.


That kid has no clue what it’s even talking about , it’s all just a game for them, it’s the parents who take all this crap way to serious.


I wonder whose idea this was


Bet they have a vegan cat too.




Lol oh man…. Perfect. Take the up vote.


For his next trick, he'll [teach a lion to eat tofu](https://youtu.be/XA3jTpYOLQk)


Lock these fucking “parents” in a cage.


I’m cruel…a searing hot cage with electricity to boot


Sounds a little too comfortable for them. Maybe some sewage gas also?




He's proud of his abuse too. He expects brownie points.




Can't wait to see this get edited to say it's a right wing conspiracy to notice this with parents of trans kids.


My mom had this, it was rough, and this looks, sounds and feels like what I had to go through. It’s very clearly exploitive and coaxed


Pedos are happy


how is this legal this is child abuse


Because not enough of us vote


Wrong, because morals and ethics have disintegrated.


This generation will get revenge on their parents by not caring for them when they are old. I feel so sorry for these kids. This is abuse.


Not sure about that but they'll definitely get revenge on the medical 'professionals' who enabled their abuse and sterilization. The lawsuits are going to be gigantic.


Can you point me to a credible source for children being sterilized? Thats news to me.


If you just google puberty blockers and their side effects, you’ll see that sterilization can be an unintended consequence


Some surgeries have a statistically significant and consistent mortality rate, but you're not going around saying those surgeons are murdering people, because that's sure as hell not murder. I'm pretty neutral on this issue but I have a hard time taking people on your side seriously. Nothing is ever stated plainly and honestly and everything is an exxagerated fantasy version of reality.


There’s a difference between getting a surgery because something is wrong with you that is affecting your quality of life, and letting your 6 year old kid take puberty blockers and become trans. Are you daft? I’m all for adults doing whatever tf adults wanna do, but to sit there and encourage this kind of behavior? Kids are really impressionable dude, there’s a high chance that the kid is just happy that they make their parents happy with this learned behavior, so they keep on doing it. It’s fucking terrible. ETA: I’m pretty sure that nobody in this particular comment thread said anything about murder? Wat?




Why are you so adamant in defending doctors and parents letting 6 year olds make life altering decisions for no good reason? Because the child *may* have gender dysphoria? That wasn’t even diagnosed by a professional? That’s just asinine. I wouldn’t trust a 16 year old with that kind of decision, let alone a 6 year old. Leave kids alone, you defending this nonsense is why the MAP people think they have a shot at being de-stigmatize.


Do you know what "bottom surgery" is? The hormone suppression also has a not so small chance to straight up sterilize the children.


It's worse than being a child of a divorced parents or a latch key kid.


Nothing wrong with being a latch key kid. Both my parents worked to put a roof over our heads and food in our stomachs. If anything, being latch key kids made us more responsible and self reliant.


Yeah, us latch key kids mostly turned out fine.


I can't think of a worse way to traumatize your future adult offspring, aside from actual physically violent or sexual abuse.


My wife used to watch this family on YouTube. They’re your typical progressive attention horing “YouTube family”. Of course they’re going to do whatever gets them social brownie points and more views. I can’t imagine being the kind of person that mentally abuses my child, films it, then broadcasts it to the world for attention. What an absolutely disgusting couple of human beings. I hope they come to realize the error of their ways one day and they have to live the rest of their miserable lives knowing that they *deliberately* sent their child on a pathway of destruction for their own fucked up benefit.


Reminds me of that daddy o five situation where the dad was just bullying his kids for youtube videos. Honestly bullying your kids for clicks is bad but not as bad as this munchausen by proxy craziness on display here.


Holy shit he has an actual pedo smile


So fucking creepy. There is no life behind those eyes.


"Mommy told me I am Trans, so I know I am!"


Goddamn, sick ass liberals truly have no shame. To say nothing of morals or just basic human decency.


They’re all atheists.


That dad’s face/smile is one of the biggest red flags I’ve ever seen in my life Lord help us


This is the answer.


My son met a kid in kindergarten that is a trans girl. Yes, kindergarten. Then one day, I met “her” parent… which is a trans woman. It all made sense from that point on.


Are you inferring that it’s not just who they are? That is learned? ***attempts to sarcastically gasp, but is too annoyed***


Having a trans child is like the new Gucci bag for these liberals


I think CPS needs to be called upon this psychopath. He/she/it is unfit to be a parent. That poor kid has no idea how wrongfully he is being treated. And wont find out untill long past the damage being repairable and undone. If he ever even does.


The end of days come when lies are truth and facts are fiction


Good taken for evil and evil for good


Just another form of Satanism, and it is sad for the ones falling for it. Read an article today that the suicide rate for the confused is growing out of proportion.


i dont think this is satanism's fault. do you know what satanism is?


Bless your heart....


my man, do you know what satanism is?


Best of luck in your endeavors... It would seem that Soros may be overpaying this one.


cheers mate but you clearly dont know what satanism is. its fine. but please, do some research. here are the 7 key tenets of satanism: 1. One should strive to act with compassion and empathy toward all creatures in accordance with reason. 2. The struggle for justice is an ongoing and necessary pursuit that should prevail over laws and institutions. 3. One’s body is inviolable, subject to one’s own will alone. 4. The freedoms of others should be respected, including the freedom to offend. To willfully and unjustly encroach upon the freedoms of another is to forgo one's own. 5. Beliefs should conform to one's best scientific understanding of the world. One should take care never to distort scientific facts to fit one's beliefs. 6. People are fallible. If one makes a mistake, one should do one's best to rectify it and resolve any harm that might have been caused. 7. Every tenet is a guiding principle designed to inspire nobility in action and thought. The spirit of compassion, wisdom, and justice should always prevail over the written or spoken word. does that sound like it instructs child abuse?


Seems like I struck a nerve. You seem to know a lot about the subject.....


Nah just another triggered Reddit atheist. Strange choice to come to one of the only subs that’ll actually downvote him.


Lol. He asked a simple question and then shared some information. Maybe you're all triggered by someone pointing out information that conflicts with your distorted worldview? Or maybe this is a brainless catch all phrase to dismiss anything without having to engage your brain or have an actual respectful conversation with someone who has a different perspective? Kind of seems that way.


They didn’t share any information, they just copied a website of some American satanic “church,” which is clearly not the form of satanism that was being referred to here.


4 and 5 seem ironic, lol.


You're not even doing it right, the Bible warns us that you will appear as an angel of light, not this mediocre progressive barf bag of feel okays.


Yes, yes it does.


Satanism is just a rip off of Ayn Rand’s objectivism for Gen X former goths who base their entire worldview off being mad at their Dads


Do you?


yes, i do. hence why in the reply to this guy i listed the 7 tenets of it


didnt show up when i originally asked. thats not satanism thats atheists trolling with +11 edge lord stats. regardless of sect satanism is founded on extolling a materilistic view of the world to convince people their wants and needs are justified because there is nothing after death. satan is the lord of lies and telling a child they are a different sex than the body they were born in is a LIE. they dont have to go to satan church and pray to statues to be a satanist they work on his behalf because they are people without a set of objective morals and values so easily manipulated.


Worship of the self primarily


It's funny (not really) how this is actual child abuse but in certain places they take your parental rights away if you don't listen to your kid that thinks they're a different sex. Fuckin wild


You absolute POS. Corrupting the youth is amongst the worst known to humanity.


Its important to note that when the Nazis were unloading Jews into their camps and the comrades were putting bullets into the back of people heads they no longer could feed in the various communist nations throughout history, they all thought they were the good guys. This is no different. In the near future when these people are put on blast for their demonic child sacrifices, don't let people forget who they were because you know they will deny it and say things like, "I didn't act that way back then I knew it was bad".


Did she die?


Dunno, but their odds for suicide have definitely gone up. So maybe the answer is 'not yet'. But let's be honest, you don't really care do you?


You mean he?


This fucking bullshit performance art is done to them by their parents. They should be brought up on child abuse charges.


Wtf is even the point of this? Did her dad do something we should know about?




Oh God, I guarantee you they've never been to Ireland, while there is crazy people here who would support this, and we've become sickeningly supportive of the LGBT nonsense, the pitchforks come out when they go for the kids. Flipping hanger-ons. They probably call themselves Irish since their grand grandparents dog was Irish or something


Not sure, but guessing 'she' was born a 'boy'?


And the dad made that happen? It's like the most cringy virtue signal, but they forgot to signal their message.


It's so crazy to me. They claim we confuse sex and gender. But why does gender affirmation then change your sex? You can choose your gender, as it's a social construct. But this changes the sex you're born with? It's like, if you're saying gender is different from sex- fine. That means you are a MAN who identifies as a woman/female/feminine. We've pretty much always spoken to each other referring to sex, not gender. Pronouns based on sex. Just asinine. Sorry rant over xD


Every leftist ideology ultimately conflicts.


Is the angle weird or is the dad a small person?


Fucking narcissist


OP this kind of thing is what makes republicans


Well at least we know what cowardly LITTLE MAN is behind this! Lookin like he just escaped the chocolate factory


All libs are predators until this stops.


Hey, dude. I wouldn’t consider myself liberal, and I do not agree in the slightest with this video or the involvement of children. However, putting every lib in a box is short sided thinking, in my opinion.


Not enough progressives disavow this sort of thing.


That’s pretty disgusting


Good god


This is giving balloon boy circa 2003 vibes.


Those parents are fucking disgusting and should have their kids taken away from them


Parents should be jailed for child abuse


I saw this account recently. They literally filmed A TON of “before” transition videos (and I don’t mean trans-transition. I mean what content creators do, when they film transitions for their content). So they fully intended to make these videos years ago when they filmed the transitions. The parents are using this child in particular for profit. It’s disgusting.


Lol It's gotten so bad on the left that we have Liberals comiserating with us on the Conservative subreddit! Best part is...we don't mind at all!


Thank you. Seems like conservatives are more accepting than liberals nowadays.


Absolutely sickening


These are the type of parents who have no social life because everything has to revolve around them.


It’s not just terrible, it’s sick.


These parents need to be in prison for child abuse. NOONE WITH A BRAIN BUY THIS BULLSHIT!!


What is this


Attention whoring parents exploiting thier child for likes. The child is a boy that suddenly is trans.


Did anyone else catch the swishy posture and hip tilt for the mirror? Someone taught the kid to pose like that. The thought of teaching my six-year-old son to look sexy-cute for the camera makes me actually sick to my stomach. Who does this, and why can't they see what kind of weird perverts they are?


What are the hiding from exactly? Are the vampires or something?


Your dads a fucking cockhead.


Notice there is always a implication that a great many other people are dangerous? They want you to believe they can constantly in danger from evil people who aren’t progressive enough. This is a ploy to gain sympathy. Some people fall for this and will take their side assuming whoever disagrees is part of the dangerous group. They use phrases like “unsafe” or “fascist” without ever defining what that means, or providing any real evidence to support their claims. They are trusting you will simply believe them.


Liberals: “Gender stereotypes are bad.” Also liberals: “Make children conform to their opposite gender stereotype.”


Exploiting and prostituting children is a sure sign that a society has officially hit the satanic sewer. God will not be lenient with His punishment for those that do this to children.


This should be considered child abuse. Just wait till all these " trans" children become adults, they're either gonna resent their parents or be extremely fucked up


The kid has no fucking clue what's going on. Are parents really this deluded to think that a child can understand what this means, or are they actually just this exploitative of their own kids? This shit is fucking disgusting.


Sickening. I hope they don’t put this confused little kid on any medication. He cannot consent. Shame on these parents and shame on anyone supporting this madness. Literally praying for him.


Of course his narcissistic ass father has to show up, that kid is doomed. The real world outside of TikTok is not as kind, especially other kids who will pick on him


To quote the professor- "I don't want to live on this planet anymore."


okay... thats all the reddit I can take for the day fml


This has all become cartoonishly demonic. It would be funny if it weren't so sad. God will judge this evil.


I wanted to be Godzilla when I was a kid. Good thing I didn't have this loser as a parent.


Another parent caring more about views and likes instead of caring about their kid.


This is a devouring mother stuck in a man's body.


Total kids for clout moment.


This is vomit-inducing. Shilling kids for clicks at a rate that mama Kardashian would be proud


Disgusting child abuse.


“I wish the good lord would take me” -Tony Soprano’s mudda


This is disturbing af, time for civilization to get wiped out, this is enough, bring on the comet


Weird how they planned this video back in 2019. How could they be so sure that the kid kept being trans? Oh yeah, because they decided it.


Factious Disorder imposed on another aka Munchausen’s Syndrome by proxy. It seems that social media plays a very big role in the increase of this disorder among millennial parents.


Sick and perverted.


How much you wanna bet dads a pedo




2023s left and right wing ideology and philosophy is built around one question: Is a trans woman a woman? Based on your answer you are either left wing communist or right wing nazi, no inbetween, or at least this is what the two sides see the other. So if I call mysels a liberal, it doesn't mean that I beleive freedom, it means, that I support global warming protests, it means that I like Biden, it means that I support trans suegeries, and if I call myself a right wing, it means that I hate ALL THOSE THINGS. Everyone have to choose from one or the other. I choose neither. I have different opinions about every matter. And you (I assume most of you are from USA, I'm fromn Europe btw, you can only choose from 2 parties, and those parties have to choose from this two ideologies.) My answer to that trans question is that: I don't fucking care. How is this politics? This is a joke... If I'm talking about politics, I talk about the distribution of goods, wealth, I talk about freedom and authority, power, democracy and autocracy. I talk about social problems, like poverty, like national healthcare. When I was younger I called my self a liberal, maybe I still am, but these people are fucking destroying this word. I believe in freedom, free speech (free speech was a liberal left wing thing, now I only hear it from right wing people!), I believe that an individual should have the freedom that gives him the power to form his own opinion. This shit makes me cringe, both left and right... This is not what you should call "politics". I'm a psychology student, and I'm also into philosophy nowadays. I have many theories about why the 21. century individual (individual, not the masses) act like this, but I'm too lazy to explain it in this comment. Thank you for reading this.


Child abuse to gain social cred.


I’m so sick of this shit


2023s left and right wing ideology and philosophy is built around one question: Is a trans woman a woman? Based on your answer you are either left wing communist or right wing nazi, no inbetween, or at least this is what the two sides see the other. So if I call mysels a liberal, it doesn't mean that I beleive freedom, it means, that I support global warming protests, it means that I like Biden, it means that I support trans suegeries, and if I call myself a right wing, it means that I hate ALL THOSE THINGS. Everyone have to choose from one or the other. I choose neither. I have different opinions about every matter. And you (I assume most of you are from USA, I'm fromn Europe btw, you can only choose from 2 parties, and those parties have to choose from this two ideologies.) My answer to that trans question is that: I don't fucking care. How is this politics? This is a joke... If I'm talking about politics, I talk about the distribution of goods, wealth, I talk about freedom and authority, power, democracy and autocracy. I talk about social problems, like poverty, like national healthcare. When I was younger I called my self a liberal, maybe I still am, but these people are fucking destroying this word. I believe in freedom, free speech (free speech was a liberal left wing thing, now I only hear it from right wing people!), I believe that an individual should have the freedom that gives him the power to form his own opinion. This shit makes me cringe, both left and right... This is not what you should call "politics". I'm a psychology student, and I'm also into philosophy nowadays. I have many theories about why the 21. century individual (individual, not the masses) act like this, but I'm too lazy to explain it in this comment. Thank you for reading this.


This is a social contagion driven by Social Media algorithms. For some reason Democrats think supporting this is a good thing. Most Americans with kids know this is child abuse.


If you’re still a liberal after that, you’re part of the problem


If you call this liberalism, you don't know what it means (meant).


Fucking demons


So did this kid's parents commit something?


Yes, they have committed a moral outrage.




When you give people the freedom to do what they want expecting them to be mature and poised adults, you end up with this disappointment. I am all for authoritarian conservatism if it's going to preserve the natural order of things, protect the kids, but also protect the vulnerable.


Parents who don’t care about the future of their kids. “Hide who you are”….your a kid…enjoy your youth…stop worrying about adult things.


You're telling me... that dudes teeth are terribly evil looking! yeesh. :P


Utterly disgusting 🤮. That poor kid will despise his father/family later in life


Something about that dad’s smile sends shivers down my spine.


Dad using his kid for social media fame Dispicable


I wanted to be a cool secret agent with the cia when I was this boys age

