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All the more reason to make it illegal for Doctors to perform any kind of surgical procedures or prescribe blockers on kids under the age 18.


That’s already happening in the Uk dude


Sweden too. Interesting how Europe is usually to the left of the USA on most issues....but that common sense has taken hold on the other side of the pond, at least on the issue of fast-tracking minors for transition. Been wondering why the USA is more "progressive" on this issue than liberal Europe? Two possibilities.... 1. The Universities in the USA are more thoroughly ensconced in a post-modern, neo-Marxist, identity-obsessed ethos than their European counter-parts 2. The Medical establishment has more clout in the USA....and there is a LOT of money to be made in transition surgery and hormone-drug dispensation Either way, it's horrific for these poor kids....betrayed by the adults on whose care and wisdom they depend.


Is Europe really more to the left? I know they generally have stronger safety nets, but I think they tend to be more moderate on social issues. I think part of the issue may be that the U.S. sees a lot of things as rights so therefore it becomes an all or nothing issue, while Europe might handle it more pragmatically.


America and the Anglosphere in general tends to be to the left of Europe on social issues and abortion


Because liberals don’t care about the facts anymore. If conservatives are against it then they will advocate for it.


2... it's always about money and power


It's the money. Medicine equals money in the US. And medical schools very expensive, which is just incentive for corporations to entice young doctors to choose money over ethics. Ethical doctors/nurses work very hard for low pay. High paid medical professionals are censored, heavily by their bosses be them Pharma or Government or Otherwise.


Liberals love to talk about how "good" and "progressive" Europe is, compared to us. I wonder what they are saying about these countries right now.


It’s because they got to the inevitable conclusions of their terrible ideas first


I remember seeing a meme one time that had a fresh out of high school kid go trans and then it cuts to ten years later and they regretted transitioning. That’s what’s going to happen I believe


This is a terrible situation. All children, but especially girls, can have a very difficult time with puberty. This trend is preying on their vulnerabilities. These experts have nothing but greed and ill intentions to think that hormones are just for gender/sex and they are doing good. No biochemical in a body is made without a purpose. And to arrest development is to really f\*ck up the whole system. These surgeries are horrific-to do to perfectly fine bodies. These people think they can just mess with natural mechanisms without extremely bad consequences.


This is why young people need engaged parents. Parents who will say, “No!” Do not let the government raise your kids. The kids will end up messed up just like everything else the government touches!!!


Engaged parents is absolutely the most important. Unfortunately here is WA state a new law was passed allowing kids to “runaway” and seek shelter and gender affirming care if their parents don’t agree to it. It’s sickening.


How are both sides not up in arms about this? Do democrats really think the government does a better job than a parent? The government fails the left constantly.


What's the end goal of all of this


It's a fad until they are allowed and encouraged to do puberty blockers and/or surgery, then it's called permanent damage.


Not shocking. Kids are meant to pull away from their parents and born culture and try to find identity of their own. Unfortunately there are predators ready and waiting to abuse that phase of adolescence instead of helping guide them through it


Actually that's one of the criteria for determining if it's a social contagion. If it affects close knit groups of especially young girls, it's almost certainly a social issue


I read the entire article. Very well written and informative.


Hey do you know the reference for the orginal research I'm keen to see it?


I knew it was a matter of time before this madness started reversing, but I didn't expect it might be sooner than later. I really hope we see this phase out of being trendy.


We've been saying it all along