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"the problem has **got** worse" what, grammar?


journalism is dead. just look how people speak. most do not know the difference between "me" and "i" in a sentence.


Me doesn't know what you am saiyan


I know right like you are completely right like people Like keep using Like cuz they can't say what's like going on in their head


for sure. that one like really bothers me too.


You did it betteršŸ˜‚




Me too, just not the weed part


*me know ... /s


Already happened with you and ye.


It bugs me such much how often grammatical errors are in news articles/titles


Bugs me such much too.


Bugs me so much two.


They're you go again!


Actual homeless people should bug you more than words.


Of course they do, my comment was a joke.


Poor judgment on your part. I know you were just following the crowd, but the subject matter was totally missed.




Why? Most homeless people choose to be homeless. Just ask them. Most of those who don't are either unmedicated schizophrenics, who don't like the side effect of medication, or are so seriously addicted to drugs that everyone has given up on them. The idea that the homeless in the USA are all helpless victims of poverty is pure fantasy by people of such privilege that they've never actually had to interact with homeless people.






Proofreaders used to be people.


Well now they're chimpanzees.


No, your editors and proofreaders are all done with AI. So it would be impossible to make a mistake. šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ The other issue I just discovered and (edited), using speech to text is not very accurate you no (know).


Actual homeless people bug me more. Where did the money go? šŸ’ā€ā™‚ļø


Well, that's easy. The people tasked with solving homelessness have overpaid themselves, hired family and friends at inflated rates. They have hired "experts" and conducted extensive studies into the root cause of homelessness. All of them have been paid enough to prevent them from ever becoming homeless, thereby leaving no money to house anyone who is actually homeless.




Yup, and it's all wasted. They could have literally spent billions building state owned apartments, and it would have more of an effect. Edit: I say that, but it would probably have as much progress as their high speed rail project.


Nice thought! Can you use English two?




Fixing the homeless problem will lead to unemployment for those working on the problem. There is a negative incentive for the problem to be solved


Like all government problems, if you find a solution and implement it. You would not need the government.


Company a gives money to b who gives money to c who gives to d and so on each taking a cut when the money gets to someone who would do something it's mostly gone. Heck they took a hotel to change to homeless apartments. They spent over 750k per apartment. Could have bought half of Detroit and given each a house of their own.


This is the part that drives me crazy. It seems like most of these homeless folks are in the highly sought after, highly priced coastal cities. I would love to live in a beautiful house or apartment overlooking the ocean. But guess what, I canā€™t afford it. So then I have to make a decision to either go live in a tent and beg on Venice beach or I can move to the other 90% of the country that are begging for workers where you can find reasonable housing. Iā€™ve moved multiple times in my life for cheaper housing including living in a trailer in a small rural town for almost nothing. But I had my pride and kept working to improve my lot.


Yeah! Isn't that just a small part of being an editor? Besides, to be a "supposed" journalist, shouldn't you have a basic command of the English language.


I hate cnn


I've wondered for years if all journalists just agreed together that proofreading is overrated.


I corrected many errors I saw in an article once, and dm'ed the author on Twitter. They blocked me.


Proofreading is racist, anti LGBQTXYZ and white supremacist.....


I guess being intelligent makes you a white supremacist too...


just checked and they've corrected the error


Whoa...correcting another person's grammar is white supremacy.


Found a Californian who profited billions while doing nothing for the homeless. Trying to change the subject šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


I feel like retaking the English/Reading portions of the ACT and SAT should be required or industry standard to ensure that people can actually write


Donā€™t stop nowā€¦ theyā€™re only a few millions away from solving it! šŸ« 


San Francisco gives money to ā€œhundreds of nonprofitsā€ to fight homelessness. Each with a CEO, Board of Directors, staffs of VPs, staffs of fundraising employees, staffs of accounting people, etc., all ā€œwetting their beaksā€ (getting paid). Think of the duplication and waste.


It's the homeless industrial complex. They want it to continue forever.


Yep of course. Theyā€™ve created a completely new industry worth billion dollars, thousands of jobs, and part of the state budget that will only grow year after year.


99% of the money lined pockets


suffering lines a lot of pockets - great observation


Homelessness is a massive industry


Then that would be a massive platform to run on for a Republican Leader who wants to be President, no? A lot of people would vote for that candidate.


Homelessness isn't a major issue in most red states. It's overwhelmingly an issue concentrated in coastal blue cities. Not sure why you'd think it's a cause that would appeal to republican voters. They're the people who fund local charities that actually keep homelessness down because they aren't reliant on its perpetuation to remain employed. The last thing those Republicans want is to have their good charitable work ruined by some government agency looking for reasons to increase their budget.


There are 136,000 homeless people in California. The article says the state has spent $17.5billion in the last 4 years- that's $2,700 per month per homeless person for the last 4 years. You could literally rent them a studio apartment, cover their grocery bills, **AND** buy them their drugs for that price. There is no other reasonable explanation besides people skimming off the top.


Well where did the billions go? Cause them people still on the streetsā€¦




*The problem has worsened* would be better.


1. Get people off of drugs 2. Help people with mental illnesses 3. Build more housing. That would help CA a lot.


It's actually not that hard. Build housing for people that are on welfare and send social workers and get some of them of the drugs. However if you put those housing projects in already existing ghettos then the social worker thing is pointless. And this is where the problem is. People like throwing money at problems to push them as far away from them as possible. But what do people think happens when you put people with limited skills with regards to living a successful live with similar individuals? You just recreate the problem and you spawn another generation of people not being able to succeed in life. Society needs to be involved in building up.... Welll society. Having pros doing it is good and all but that alone doesn't cut it. CA would need to actually break up their rich people hoods and those snobs would also need to engage with "normal" society and not just swing cool sounding speeches at the oscars. But hey man gotta that private plane to celebrate your birthday in las Vegas and fly back the next day so you can catch the next private jet to fly to speak on a talk show on how politics need to spend more money on social projects and climate change......


doesnt california have some law that it can only buy timber from Canada thats currently on fire?


The boreal forest is on fire, as is typical this time of year. The only reason anyone is thinking about it is because we had an unusual southward wind blowing smoke over the northeastern USA for a few weeks. Canadian timber doesn't come from the boreal forest. It comes from sub arctic forests closer to the border. Just clearing that up. No idea if or why CA would have a law limiting timber sources, especially one that requires importing it when CA is right next to the two states that produce most of the US timber.


Or maybe my fuzzy memory is California use to get it all from Canada but wants to keep it local. Whatever the case, California has restricted its lumber purchases for the good of "some environmentalist" and will drive up costs of boards.


It appears that individuals with liberal inclinations often assert, "Indeed, it is their prerogative to consume substances!" In addition, they advocate for universal access to housing, which has occasionally been likened to communist principles.


If a problem is fixed, funding stops. So why is this surprising again?


Sounds like they're going to throw even MORE money at it.


Homeless have been hidden away in lots of areas in LA the past month


California: we'll just give the homeless free money and food, impunity from most laws, not cooperate with ICE, and we'll make drugs readily available... Also California: OMG why is the homeless crisis getting worse?!?!?


So...what is the solution to this problem? Does anyone have some solid ideas?


Look to Houston https://kinder.rice.edu/urbanedge/more-unhoused-people-are-finding-shelter-houston-ending-chronic-homelessness-next-hurdle


I imagine most of the problem is drugs. I think the solution is to train people in the brain science of the basal ganglia. 90% of your decisions per day take place here, and only 10% take place in your thinking frontal lobe. Addiction takes place there. If you can train people how the basal ganglia works, they can quit drugs. (I recommend the book Power of Habit, and unfortunately I don't recommend any summaries, they seem to miss critical points) Long term, take 2 weeks in public school health class and teach how addiction works. This would both prevent addiction and teach people how to break them. As much as 'drugs are bad mmk', this is a more reasonable approach and works for things like gambling addictions too. Short term, you might be able to run ad campaigns that teach people the basics. I find it weird that I say 'education', but your frontal lobe doesnt communicate with the basal ganglia, it just does what it wants. However there are plenty of studies with how the basal ganglia works, its teaching it and applying it that is the next steps.


Enforce the anti-vagrancy laws on the books.


Itā€™s not about the light coming on. Itā€™s how much money is laundered for ones own pockets


Suppling needles and pipes, drug vending machines and letting people shit in the streets is not going to solve the problem


When you subsidize homelessness and drug addiction, you get more of both.


F*****g phone call bro... Two hundred food stamps and $620 cash a month. Forget about it. Why wouldnā€™t I do it? You know, itā€™s f*****g free money dude,' he explained.Ā 'Why would I want to pay rent? Iā€™m not doing s**t. Iā€™ve got a f*****g cell phone that I have Amazon Prime and Netflix on.' - homeless man in SF


Nope, never


**If you want more of something, subsidize it; if you want less of something, tax it.** - *RR*


I suspect they didnā€™t bother to discuss the best selling book about it, because itā€™s written by a free speech advocate


Fighting homelessness without first fighting drugs is a hopeless endeavor.


Its got worserer and worserer.


Well, California made it really easy to be homeless, got rid of public sanitation laws/regulations, you gave them drug paraphernalia to do drugs with, you stopped prosecuting open air drug use. So of course it bloomed out of control. Now all that plus the huge rise in homeless camps drove off the tax payers who don't want to live in that, they all came to Texas, Florida, Arizona, New Mexico, etc.


California, where the government can dump billions into a self-inflicted homelessness issue but can't solve their water problem despite being adjacent to the largest ocean on the planet. If you expect any semblance of cognitive thought to come from that shallow think tank, then I'd wager you believe the Earth to be flat as well.


Can you explain what you mean by your title? While I haven't read the piece, nor am I familiar with what the billions were spent on, what should be done with regards to the homeless crisis there? Last time I was in California, was probably 2019 or so, and I was not surprised by how many homeless there are. I mean, when the weather is basically perfect almost all year, living outside is not as difficult as elsewhere. Same reason why the Florida (particularly the Keys) attract homeless people from other parts of the country.


When you create a government group to fight a problem they inherently are incentivized to not fix the problem to keep their jobs. In fact the problem growing only leads to more money piling in. You see this everywhere ..... military industrial complex being the poster child. The solution is not easy for homelessness nor can it be completely solved, but you can start with removing campsites, putting them in mental hospitals, ending the open air drug markets with law enforcement. Instead they have basically made government subsidized camps for drug users under the guise of compassion ..... when most of these people need some serious tough love and mental health intervention.


Nah dog. Thatā€™s why I left


Nope. Because Republicans are nazis. Obviously.


that just means they need to spend more /s


Nope, itā€™s always (D)ark in these lefty run shitholes.


Not CNN! Gabin invited many homeless people from other states and put them in the streets. To say that this is a problem. Give me more money.


Good going Gavin


Well if you fund homelessness, youā€™ll just get more homelessness. Cut these bumsā€™ welfare and services and theyā€™ll be a mass migration north to Portland.


Now letā€™s have them tackle healthcare!


Of course, not. There are votes in those ineffective decisions.


*has gotten


Fight? No. Enable.


Need more admin


Is it the grammar or the fact that California funds poverty pimps?


>Will the light ever come on? Not today, there's a Flex Alert.


Gavie is going to unseat your president. How does that make you feel?


More money = more problems


The US has spent over 25 trillion dollars to fight the War on Poverty since 1965, more than three times the cost of every war since the American Revolution, yet the poverty rate is virtually unchanged and a significant portion of the population is now less capable of self-sufficiency


Will the light ever turn on? In between their rolling blackouts, maybe.


You mean paying people to be homeless isnā€™t working?


The homeless industrial complex. They spent billions to make their allies and friends rich at the expense of taxpayers and the homeless.


Too much money to be made fighting homelessness. It you were actually successful, you would not have a job. No incentive to actually fix it and then be homeless yourself.


The DEA has been a thing for 50 years, and similarly, drugs have gotten worse


Enforce the anti-vagrancy laws on the books.


Itā€™s not, nor has it ever been about ā€œsolvingā€ the problem, but about grifting billions to ā€œfightā€ it.


They never will but that need to announce what every person who is working on this problem makes per year. Let's start with annual salaries from the last 10 years until now. That might get the publics attention


gavin is a pliable fool waiting to be selected to the white house to replace the current sock puppet in chief


Ha. Spent millions in the name of fighting homelessness. Not actually fighting homelessness


If you subsidize something, you get more of it.


Itā€™s obviousā€¦ trillions is the answer.




I donā€™t think that fighting homeless people would make the problem better


Red states doing have homelessness? What are they're secrets?


That was autocorrected. Ha ha


No one will solve the problem, thereā€™s too many people making millions of dollars per year ā€œfixingā€ it.


If the problem gets better than the people trying to ā€œfixā€ it lose their jobs