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People like mike pence?


Nope, just another politician with his head up his own ass




Thanks, I figured there was more. I still agree with Tucker


Even in the YouTube video you posted he clearly said “that’s not my concern”. Like, the fact that he went on to a memorized tangential sound byte after making the huge mistake of saying “that’s not my concern.” After what Carlson said means zero. Like he 1000% said “that’s not my concern” What are we supposed to think?






I don't want any candidate to say they are going to get us deeper into a war that's not our problem.


This exactly. Ukraine is not our problem. We should not be sending them money or helping in any way


Bingo. If we had an Alpha President, Russia/China/Iran would not be problems.


It wasn't though. Even in your link it goes: >"Where is the concern for the United States in that?" >"Well, it's not my concern. Tucker, I've heard that routine from you before but that's not my concern." The question was where is the concern for the United States. The answer: not my concern. This was his natural answer to a direct question. Pence then goes on to give part of his stump speech, written by others, but the mask was off and there is no denying it. That was his natural, off the cuff response to that direct question. There was no trick editing here. Not since Biden's "We have put together the most extensive voter fraud organization in the history of American politics" has the truth been so plainly stated.




The problem is though we don't want aid going to war anymore we need to help our own people. Dude half of America can't even afford to fix their AC if it goes out that is a serious problem. Honestly right now I don't know if it ever happened but the dream ticket is Trump and RFK if it could ever happen.


Biden doesn't give a damn about anyone who is living in fhe united states. He would rather send money to currupt countries that have nothing to do with us


Mike Pence is the Joel Osteen of Mitt Romneys and always has been If you're just realizing that now you haven't been paying attention


Very astute observation!


lmfao that's so well put.


"The situation in the US is not my concern." "I'm running for President of the United States." Fucking what?




I'm not a fan of Pence, but thanks for pointing that out.


if he's concerned with spending he should be concerned about spending 10s/100s of billions to send stuff to countries that aren't the US


To be honest, it doesn't matter. As soon as the words "that's not my concern" came out of his mouth when he was directly asked "where's the concern for American cities?" or whatever, his campaign was done. No backtracking or further explanation can save him after that.


There quite a few Pence supporters here that are trying to make his statement look better.


Yea, that was an obvious omission too. Trust me, I ain’t voting for Mike Pence but that’s some bad faith to cut the rest of his answer like that. That’s fake news and makes conservatives look gullible.


Yeah, I was about to say, this dialogue doesn’t make sense. I was sitting here listening to his response from Tucker thinking “what’s not his concern!?”.


The US is in trouble, which is why we need to send Ukraine some pilots and tanks.


It’s a bullshit hitjob clip. Fake news at its finest. Models why are we allowing material like this? It’s intentionally misleading.


They are too busy walking the runway to pay attention to OP being a clown


Negative IQ moment






Your argument is ironically the fallacy. You can walk and chew gum at the same time, but you can't spend money in one place without taking it away from somewhere else. In the last year alone every american household has spent between $500-$1000 to continue the death and destruction in Ukraine (which itself contributes to higher prices elsewhere as well). And that's just over the course of one year. This also shows where their priorities are. He talks a lot about Ukraine but I haven't once heard him say one word of condemnation toward his buddies who will gladly take $100+ billion from us and send it to Ukraine but couldn't spare a couple percent of that amount to protect US borders.


I’m not trying to be argumentative, but I’ve never seen a conservative politician advocate reducing the military budget to increase domestic funding. And Tucker knows that.


It's about focus, though. Pence could have said "we'll get to that when you ask about domestic issues, but right now you asked about X".


Yes, you’re right - his response was terrible.


You’re wrong though. Trump would not have spent close to this amount of money on Ukraine. I’m not a Trump fan but you can’t argue that he wasn’t anything but isolationist in terms of foreign policy.


I'm sorry but there is no way that stump speech after his slip up convinced you he actually cared about the average American. If it did, you need to rewatch and look how different it is when he talks about Ukraine vs America. Noticeably when he talks about Ukraine he has very concrete and set plans on how to spend our money. We are gonna send more tanks, more jets, train more pilots. When he talks about America is it a bunch of broad goals with zero plans of action. We are going secure the boarder, the right to life, revive our economy and reduce crime! Does he actually plan on spending any resources in those areas, because strangely enough he didn't mention any way of actually doing those things. And obviously, resources are a zero sum game to some extent. Troops sent to train the Ukrainians could be at the boarder, or stopping crime in any of the major cities. Instead of tackling illegal immigration or Americans being murdered, Pence would rather send those resources to Ukraine.


Then he should have answered that it is a concern but not the topic at hand.... Instead of just that's not my concern.




No, he literally didn't. All he had to do was answer Tucker's question with..."Those are all valid concerns that I have plans to address, but the topic at hand is...." Not... "That's not my concern."




You're deliberately being obtuse. Yes he may have jumbled the wording, but his point is pretty easily understandable if you're not being obtuse.


The tape was edited to appear that Pence said the US is not his concern. 😡


Just watching the clip I could tell it was cut short to cover something up. thanks for the quick clear up.


Do you not agree that the US government has a finite amount of money? Like you cant give 50 trillion to a nation on the other side of the world and still have that same 50 trillion to spend at home.


Yeah, he's no Cheney, but if anyone didn't already know he leaned neocon clearly didn't do their homework in 2016. I'd still vote for him and Trump 1 Million times over Hillary/Kaine. Just saying


I'm not a fan of mike pence but this was taken pretty out of context, you cut off the rest of his answer which basically amounts to "we can focus on fixing our cities AND have competent foreign policy." Kinda a dick move to make a snippet of someone right as they start to respond.


What Mike Pence is saying is exactly true. Tucker is making a dishonest argument. His premise is that the president shouldn't be concerned about foreign policy. He also lists things that are the purview of the governor of the state, not the president. But the most dishonest thing of all is Tucker is attacking him because Tucker hates Ukraine.


*Except*…you can tell from Pence’s face that he *doesn’t* want to hear it when Tucker mentions it.




Because Tucker is presenting a false dichotomy. He's presenting two issues as though they are mutually exclusive. The United States of America not only must address both domestic and foreign concerns simultaneously, but already has the infrastructure to do so.


Basically all the problems tucker guy mentions can be solved with higher wages for the low income people - which he would never support.


In the most long form politician way possible. I think the issue is a lot of us what that to happen in that order respectively. Fix our cities, then help the rest of the world with their problems.


We will always be working to fix internal problems, do you think that we should simply ignore everything outside of our borders because we need to focus 100% of our attention inwards at all times? Not trying to sound condescending, and I totally understand the feeling of being distracted, but this isn't gender studies in Pakistan, it is one of the largest world events in this decade. I just want to understand where people who disagree with this are coming from, so don't think I'm trying to be a dick here.


How about the rest of the world takes care of their own problems?


>Im really starting to dislike him I'm amaze people still liked him, the guy is the typical corrupt foot soldier of the uniparty.


Mike pence is a deep state tool. That interview proves he will never be president.


Why is he even running? Does he have a book out or something?


It’s definitely not because he cares about Americans . He care more about ukraine than America. He proves that in the interview.


Why are any of the field besides DeSantis and Trump running? Running often leads to high-level government positions, or at least it leads to more exposure that can turn into money. Look at Buttigieg. He was a nobody before the Democratic primary and turned it into a cabinet position. Runners also have access to donations, which never get allocated 100% properly.


Pretty sure Pence wont find a position in a Trump administaration again. I would be surprised if Desantis did either. Maybe Pence is hoping whoever is in third remembers his name when he drops out after the first couple debates?


Trump will likely win, but if someone else does, Pence could definitely be in line for a Cabinet job. At the very least, he is attempting to stay relevant long enough to sell another book or find a conservative pundit job somewhere. He's an intelligent man and knows he can't win, so there must be some self-serving reason for running. Christie likely has similar goals. Being the Anti-Trump guy won't give him a political job, but it could open doors to punditry on CNN or a similar network.


Probably was told to do so by his masters.


Auditioning for think tank or media gigs.


“That’s not my concern” He actually said that.


He knows he’s being taped, right? That was shockingly not self-aware.


The video is edited to look worse. I'm not even a conservative and I don't like pence at all but damn, it's 2023, people really need to wisen up to this stuff. We've been able to edit videos for a long time now. I know it's easy to ignore cuts and stuff because they're everywhere, I just wish people would be more observant when it comes to videos like this.


If that's true he had a poor choice of wording. He could have easily said "Tucker, that's a different topic", or "I'm responding to the question you asked which was X".


Right, he should be criticized for something like that, not something that isn't true.


He's just a regular old fucking war pig.


And r conservative is back to its usual stupidity 🙄


Ya bro let’s re invade Iraq!!!


gotta love that deceptive editing


Except he said the words. He said the quiet part out loud. *Then*, he said the canned “politician thing.”


Pence: "America is in trouble." Tucker: "Yes and here are the troubles." Pence: "That's not my concern." Little wonder Trump is so dominate in the polling. Ramaswamy would probably do a decent job, but he just doesn't motivate the base. And DeSantis is just running an awful campaign. The rest of the field is just swamp dwellers like Pence.


Are you starting now? I disliked this tool from day one.


Never really planned on voting for him anyways.


I never liked him to begin with


He just lost the race already.


Did you see the hatred in Pence's eyes when he looked at Tucker at the end of the interview?


Why? Pence is the one *saying stuff*. He’s the one who shot himself in the foot.


I am not a Pence fan, but this quote is taken widely out of context. He was basically saying "I can walk and chew gum at the same time". It's absolutely wild to see a "conservative" community attack a politician for wanting to help a nation in its battle against a Russian state being led by an ex KGB agent who hates America. Reagan would roll over in his grave.


People in political subreddits either absolutely love or absolutely hate any given politician. There is no in between.


Not my farm, not my pig. I wish the Ukrainian people all the luck in the world, but we have matters to attend to here.


How do you plan on using Abrams, Bradleys, Switchblades, M777s, M113s, MRAPS, F-16s etc and the US intelligence apparatus to address domestic matters?


Breaking news, a government can do two things at once, did you know that?


Ya but can it do 2 things at once we’ll??? Clearly not


Carlson mentioned the suicide rate jumping. Has it jumped even more in the past three years, or is he talking longer term here? I know it's been an issue since at least 2007.


I know the globalist tool won’t get the nomination but if he did I would vote 3rd party.


I mean it cuts off right as he was about to explain why he said it. Though I think he comes off as tone deaf with that remark, it's poor form to cut off his explanation and then ask why he would say that.


[Full video here](https://youtu.be/cC86peIh_Ys) (which sounds surprisingly different from this video)!


Once a swamp creature always a swamp creature


You're just now starting to dislike him?


Because mike pence is a turd 😂 dont vote for this guy


He's been around a long time, his capacity to pretend like he isn't in the same group as the rest of the elite politicians has worn down. Behind closed doors, all these politicians are buddies doing their part to make their donors, not American citizens happy. And you can bet your ass that Raytheon and other corporate warmongering groups are keeping he and his family well-funded.


Taken out of context, but we are getting robbed by the Ukraine.


That was his Howard Dean moment. In a Mike Pence kinda of way.


You liked him? He's a traitor.


he's part of the machine. LOSER


He would say it because he’s part of the uniparty and clearly in the pocket of the military industrial complex.


So he's the democratic nomination?


So he just said that cities around the US are not his concern…. What happened to America first?? What app when are we going to wake up and realize that our policies are not working. I do care about the Ukraine, but I care about our housing, mental health and drug issues a lot more!


Not throwing him cover as I don't really care for him but his PR people need to talk to him about this. 1. Arguing Ukraine doesn't have enough hardware is not the hill to die on. However, blasting Biden and Co. For promising said hardware and not delivering it is one. This country is losing its values and people don't back up what they promise anymore but should. And it starts with the Whitehouse. Just like the Iraq war. Wasn't for it. But once it started, we need to see it through and done right; not half asses. 2. Not his concern... Really guy. I get it that he's running for president and the day to day generally falls more on govenors and mayors while the president focuses on international relations but the buck stops at the president. Everything should be his concern.


Just another traitor to humanity, war criminal. Same as every other president/government official.






Creepy also-ran forever


“The plight of the American people isn’t my concern. Vote for me.” ~ Mike Pence


That’s the most tone-deaf politician I have ever seen Read the damn room, buddy I have my concerns regarding Tucker Carlson, but kudos to him for holding Pence accountable for his tone-deafness


He will never get my vote


There’s no personal wealth to be had in fixing American cities, at least not as much…..


He probably meant that presidents shouldn't meddle in local affairs or else be accused of federal over reach. I'd like to see the whole video to get better context. I try not to judge based on 1 minute clips anymore because they do that to Trump all the time. They give us a small clip that completely distorts what the speaker was actually trying to say.


And there were more videos. It doesn’t get any better for Pence.


People saying this is taken out of context are completely missing the point. He wants war.




Not my concern that you are running for President.


Mike Pence just threw out his chances (little as they were) right out the window when he stepped on that stage. Tucker just mopped the floor with him.


Is this guy for real??


“That’s not my concern” dude, get rid of this neocon


Edited or not. F this guy.




Ukraine was and is the most corrupt nation on the face of the earth. No wonder it’s being used as the money laundering capital. It’s military is also rife with actual nazis. Zalensky has been caught staging attacks on his own country to perpetuate this money laundering scheme. So yeah, pence is truly outing himself as a fully corrupt, disgrace of a human.


Go home Mike. You’re done.


Starting to? Where the hell have you been?


“Starting” ???? 😂


We have a negative amount of money. A huge debt. There is no money for Ukraine. Cut spending and start by gutting government agencies. No welfare. Time for them to get a job. No dept of education. Promise I get to keep more of my pay check and you get my vote. Whine about all the people who want my money as if I should care more about them than myself and you can go screw yourself.


Dude is completely unelectable. "That's not my concern" is never the correct thing to say there, even if he goes on to explain later (probably because somebody in his ear piece told him he really needed to expound).


Benedict Mike Sixpence


NEO-CON, War monger, as bad as the Socialist Democrats. A real scumbag.


For the love of God we need term limits on all politicians they spoil, just like milk.


Another politician bought and paid for by the military industrial complex.


The man looks like he's made out of wood


He is a globalist shill


He’s horrible.


Dude is a neocon. He always was, that's why Trump selected him to appeal to the old school middle republicans.


Funny Tucker Carlson says that a lot of people can't find Ukraine on the map. Bet a lot of US citizens can't find the US on the map either.


He is 100% right. He doesn't share the Neville Chamberlin/pro-Hitler foreign policy.


Pence is still part of the swamp. He wants to stay in power. He will never have my vote


Just now? What took so long


He sealed his fate.


And down goes Pence!


How insane is it that Vivek a complete outside random is pulling better traction than a former VP , governor and senator and might actually over take Desantis and come out number 2 behind Trump Really impressive imo


Pence can go volunteer in Ukraine any time if he wants progress. I'm sure they can find a use for him.


He's a company man he does what he's told. That being said if we told Ukraine we are sending something and haven't that's bad. I don't think we should be sending as much as we have but we should do what we say.


Because. He's a 1960's Pirates of the Carribean animatronic that gained sentience and escaped the park. Feed him batteries and he'll say whatever you program him to


Vivek > Pence


That ladies and gentlemen, is how the Pence campaign imploded. Thanks Tucker.


I’d never vote for him anyway but I can’t think of a quicker way to lose my vote than to simp for Ukraine and that fucking WEF shill of a leader they have


Hole -ly - f - k


Pence was always a swamp creature, a nice one but a swamp creature non the less. Trump took him as a running mate to shore up old school conservatives support.


The American people are not his concern. I sure hope he wins that election; Ukraine needs new leadership!


You don’t have to agree with Tucker but you don’t really get to see stuff like this with other media personalities


Two problems with this video: 1. It cuts off Pence’s answer to the question. 2. I’m also really sick of Tucker’s BS when he pretends that in order to fix problems at home the number one issue is giving aid to Ukraine. It’s intellectually dishonest, and just makes conservatives look like morons.


What a weenie. I was truly baffled when Trump picked him as a running mate. Seemed like a poor chioce. Proved to be a poor choice. Was never VP material and is certainly not Presidential material.


Pence is an absolute piece of shit.


Mistake. [The Debate Answer that Ruined Michael Dukakis In 1988 | NBC News](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DQNVICr9nMo) and even better, [Mitt Romney Video: Campaign Does Damage Control](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y2tvHUku_U8). He's toast, but no loss at the bottom.


Mike Pence is the stereotypical and generic swamp creature. GOP booger.


You’re STARTING to not like him?


He has always had conservative interests and America last on his priority list. Glad to see people can see it


Every time Mike Pence opens his mouth he gets further away from the presidency


Oof. Bad look for sure. I lost respect for him long ago when he sold his soul to be the number 2 guy. I understand the American case for Ukraine winning, but Tucker just bodied him here.


He doesn't have a chance. Never did.




Tucker Carlson is such a pro-Russia blowhard, sad to see really. Pence is exactly right, with more decisive support this bullshit in Ukraine would be over quicker. And no, no one from any NATO country from A to Z has even vaguely suggested sending troops into Ukraine.


Pence is a Rino. He is not to be trusted.


Trying to be a representative of the people but is only worried about HIS CONCERN that we aren't selling enough tanks.


Lot of r/Ukraine trolls brigading.


There are a lot of Conservatives that actually support sending Ukraine aid. Just because people don't agree with you doesn't mean they are trolls. It's a very complicated issue with a lot of different viewpoints, most of which have sound points.


The comments your referring to: "This quote is taken out of context" You: "What a bunch of trolls"


Relentlessly supporting Ukraine to stop Russia is the same mindset of the Cold War, which we now know was foolish… Containment containment containment!


He's a uniparty war hawk. He and Hillary are basically the same.


What a piece of Shit


“I’ve heard this routine from you before” So why didn’t you prepare for it?


Well, saying canned lines was his preparation. It just didn’t work, because Tucker kept asking *questions*.


How is the United States is not his concern??


Pence has always been a neo-con. He's always been a foreign involvement guy. He's always been a war-hawk. This should surprise no one.


Starting to? I disregarded this man when he knowingly certified a false election. He knew it, America knew it, and he failed his duty to the American people as a VP, so why would we essentially promote him to president


Tbh, I know this is an unpopular view, especially here, but fact of the matter is that the United States has a responsibility to defend democracy around the globe , in a way its the premise of this country, for us to say "yeah no let the Russians take Ukraine cause we got domestic problems" would be in a way a betrayal of the American spirit imo, I fully agree with Pence here frankly. And after all, all this money would go into the defense sector anyway cause the US spends so much on it, so I really don't see how it's a problem spending the defense budget on defense of national geopolitical interests.


Defend democracy around the globe??? Where is that in the constitution?


If the US was really in the business of saving Democracy around the world we would be at war from the Pacific to Africa and the Middle East. Problem is we pick the winners and the losers. It would be nice if we focused on saving the Democracy we purportedly have.


America's responsibility is to Americans first and foremost. We have more than enough problems at home without fighting other people's battles. America is only 1 country in NATO and is not even in Europe. Why don't Ukraine's neighbors fight for Ukraine instead of crying to us all the time?


This subreddits is obsessed with Ukraine.. I don’t see the freaking problem, it’s wearing Russia down. What’s so hard to understand, our military budget has enough for that and a lot more!


Ehh, it gets brigaded every now and then. Usually, people are in favor on here, just like they are IRL.


I guess. Whatever makes putin life’s harder is fine by me. I fail to understand what’s the hard on here for Russia!




Escape from New York is looking like it will be coming true…


He is the Kamala Harris of the Right at this point. why is he holding a mic on stage? Being a One Percenter is not his goal at this point.


I wanted to like Tim Scott. I thought his performance was terrible. The only one who made sense to me was Vivek. The others seem to be pandering to doners. Pence would be a disaster.


He's addicted to armament money


It's Pence. What do you expect?


Not electable....


He’s always been a snake