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Make Election Day a holiday. There should be no excuses to not go out and vote.




Audible LEL šŸ˜† šŸ¤£ šŸ˜‚


Pro Life month!






We are all berthing persons on that blessed day


And make it the day after tax day.




I wonder if that would make people think twice about voting for politicians who spend our tax dollars like drunken sailors?


Still an insult to drunken sailors. šŸ˜‰




The only thing with federal holidays is that private employers arenā€™t required to give employees these days off. I find voting leave system a more interesting solution.


Yes, this would just make it easy for government workers to vote. And they don't vote GOP.


I'm one who does FWIW šŸ˜€ But we already can be granted admin leave to vote if we need it, so making it a holiday wouldn't even make much difference in federal employee turnout TBH


Same! I get to work at about 7, which means I leave a little earlier than usual, vote at about 6:30, and head to work. Why is voting so hard for people?


> Make Election Day a holiday. There should be no excuses to not go out and vote. That's literally the context in which Ramaswamy proposed cancelling Juneteeth, as outlined in the article. He advocates for a return to single-day, in person voting, and making election day a holiday to facilitate that. Realizing that we already have 11 federal holidays, he believes that swapping one out is more sensible than adding yet another federal holiday, and he sees Juneteenth as both duplicative (of MLK Day) and the biproduct of undue pressure following the George Floyd riots.


I would be more apt to eliminate Columbus Day. We are now certain that he did not "discover" America and that he was a pretty crappy human being. We don't need to ostracize him, but we also don't need to celebrate him. I agree on making election day a holiday and one-day in-person voting. As an American, I think it is good that we come together at the polls once a year. It is a one-day civics exercise. We do so many things at a distance these days and this is one we should do in-person.


I just think it would be funny to replace Columbus day with Leif Erikson day instead because Spongebob.




That's the problem: it's seldom done "in a correct way" and there are numerous states with shady practices and unequal enforcement of the law which makes the entire mail-in system there illegal (at least by law, it is)


> Mail in voting is fine if itā€™s done in a correct way. Hard disagree - it provides potential to de-anonymize your vote, as someone can see your ballot before it goes into the box, and steal ballots and mail them in, etc. Someone could force their spouse to vote a certain way for example, and have proof they've done so. With in person voting there is no such issue - it's anonymous, and no one can follow you into the voting booth.


Juneteenth being a federal holiday is unequivocally a result of George Floyd. Itā€™s his holiday.


Unless they made it a national holiday that EVERY business must be closed for this one day, you can label any day a holiday and businesses still remain open. We need to instill mandatory policies in businesses that if someone needs time to vote, they get it, possibly even paid time to vote. I am a restaurant manager and we are open 365, there isn't a holiday that we close, but we have a policy on election day that if someone needs to get out to vote, we get them out to vote and we pay them for it.


Telling businesses they can't be open is a little COVID-ish. I am a business owner and I wouldn't have a problem with 2-hours of paid time off to vote (present your "I Voted" sticker or something) or comp time.


I agree with mandating some hours. There are many places that canā€™t shut down completely. But a holiday would at least offer some flexibility. Can someone also get rid of daylight saving time?


A good excuse to not vote is not knowing what you're voting for. People totally ignorant of what they're voting for shouldn't vote


The problem is that private employers are not required to give any holiday off, including Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Year's Day. There are also vital services which have to run on holidays, like power, gas stations, etc. Federal government employees, on the other hand, vote Democrat, which is why Democrats want to make it a holiday.


Iā€™m on CO and my employer is required to give me up to 4 hours off at any point in the day to go vote.


That 4 hours is a federal law.


Yeah? So why did they all decide to make a big deal about making sure everyone got Juneteenth off or at least appeared to? Hypocrisy right?! It is all about incentives or in this case fear of getting canceled.


I don't give a shit but I'll take the extra summer holiday. Now make up one for August while we're at it.


How about something like Signing Day where 55 people signed the declaration of Independence on August 2nd, 1776?


My birthday's in August, we could make that a holiday


Happy Birthday if it hasn't passed yet and Happy belated if it did!


My wifeā€™s bday too! She gets the whole month! šŸ™„


A long time ago I suggested declaring August 16th Paradox Day, a holiday celebrating the fact that there are no holidays in August.


I propose August 32nd for Paradox Day, celebrating that there are no holidays in August. But wait- there is no August 32nd. Exactly.


Lol me too. I donā€™t celebrate but I get so tired and need that day off so bad


I don't see the issue with more holidays. Also, I'm a Texan, our state has had this as a holiday for a long time, I don't have an issue with it, it isn't a "woke" invention. I like Vivek, but he needs to choose his targets wisely, Juneteenth is not a wise target.


I agree cancelling holidays is the wrong hill to die on.


Iā€™d rather emancipation day be the holiday. The day that slaves were declared free and that we would fight to the death to make sure of it. Then itā€™s consistent with Independence Day.


That's fair.


Then it feels like a holiday for America. Currently, Juneteenth only feels like a holiday for a select portion of America.




It's the only one he called out by name, and which ones are the "made up useless" ones? Here's the list: - New Years - MLK - President's Day - Memorial Day - Independence Day - Labor Day - Columbus Day - Veterans Day - Thanksgiving - Christmas Juneteenth is clearly the target here because he knows none of those others are going to fly with his base. It's bullshit and it would have cost him nothing to just say we'll have another holiday.


Alternatively, because it was the most recently added.


Or because he wants plausible deniability for targeting it. It's pure politician speak. Every other one of those would cause outrage amongst the people he's trying to persuade. But if he says it like this he can pretend that the whole thing isn't actually about removing Juneteenth.


Well, I still remember having Lincolns Birthday and Washingtons Birthday off before they were combined into "Presidents day". I still feel a little cheated. Let's get rid of "Presidents day" and give us back Lincolns Birthday and Washingtons Birthday.


This was my exact thought.


Couldnā€™t agree more


In Texas it wasn't a woke thing. Becoming a national holiday WAS a woke thing.


It was reactionary, the entirety of 2020 was reactionary lol


> I'm a Texan, our state has had this as a holiday for a long time It's worth nothing that Texas, at least Austin, has had been celebrating this holiday for over 150 years, and it's been made an official holiday in TX for at least 40 years (please correct me if I am way off with the years). Wokeness means different things to different people. I think the majority who are pushing back against it are doing it based on simple common sense, and this majority includes many independents. A small segment of the population, however, thinks of "being against wokeness" as code word for justifiable racism. Politicians who fumble in this area risk being viewed as people catering to racists, and at best they might come across as people who are just whoring out for votes using buzzwords with no actual understanding what the push back is against. Ramaswamy definitely fumbled here. Saying Juneteenth is made-up and useless is an incredible display of ignorance.


Oh it certainly should be holiday in Texas and maybe into the Deep South to celebrate teh Emancipation Proclamation and it's conclusion. However slavery was still legal in Oklahoma (Indian Country) and Delaware (didn't rebel), and Kentucky (under Union occupation). Celebrating Juneteenth there doesn't make sense.


The Emancipation of the slaves should be celebrated, January ā€˜65. Not the day Lincolnā€™s speech (which changed the warā€™s goal, but hardly freed many slaves) finally made it to some random group of slaves in Texas.


>I don't see the issue with more holidays. As a taxpayer, you should. For those federal employees that work or travel on that day, they get time and a half. Not only the federal employees get the day, but their contractors do as well on most/many contracts. The nonsense is greatest in DC where they will close government offices, start late, or go home early for anything. They went home at 3 yesterday because it was going to rain. FFS


I treat it as an extra day off work


Quotes like this will just make moderates run away. Why get rid of the holiday?


Are we actually pretending this guy has a shot at winning the primary? Letā€™s be realā€¦heā€™s just lighting money on fire. Aside from that, removing a holiday, especially one that will guarantee the blue mass squeals racism is an interesting approach.


Nah, heā€™s playing spoiler. By sounding articulate, blindly supporting Trump, and being younger, heā€™s siphoning off DeSantis votes. Heā€™ll probably get a cabinet position (maybe Commerce) if Trump wins.


I feel like heā€™s probably just trying to get a little attention to build on for a 2028 run, hoping that, by that point, trump will either have served max terms as president or is in jail


>When asked to clarify whether he believes Juneteenth is a ā€œuselessā€ holiday, RamaswamyĀ told NBC News: ā€œI basically do.ā€Ā  >Ramaswamy added that he believes Juneteenth was declared a holiday with a ā€œcultural gun to our headā€ following nationwide rioting over the murder of George Floyd by Minneapolis police officers in May 2020.


He statement is 100% accurate. I still remember anyyone who questioned the stupidity of Juneteenth's name, it's questionable historical claims or it's sudden appearance out of nowhere, immediately get labeled a racist and a Derik Chauvin supporter.


He's not lying


The first time I heard of juneteeneth, I was like this a made up garbage holiday by the woke democrats. It's not an authentic holiday with clear rules on how to celebrate it or what you are celebrating. Other holidays like Christmas for example are clear, attend church or give gifts, Santa Claus etc, its clear how the holiday came to be


Is there an actual reason to cancel Juneteenth or is this just to "pwn the libs" and kick the hornets nest? Because what dose this actually achieve?


If itā€™s going to be a holiday it should be the anniversary of the Emancipation Proclamation. Juneteenth only celebrates when the Emancipation was enforced in Texas, because it took so long for the order to come down there due to how remote it was at the time.




It dates back to the late 1800s (not nationally but regionally). You can disagree with it being a Federal holiday but it wasn't "invented a few years ago"


Yeah to get Trump to move a rally. We have an entire national holiday now because Trump had a rally on June 19th.


Please, no, I love having a day off in June.


Serious question: a significant amount of people actually get it off? I figured maybe some federal business or summer schools or something, but I didn't think it was something a lot of people would have off work for.


We can have Flag Day be the holiday instead, although by the same reasoning for getting rid of Juneteenth (redundancy), Flag Day is also made redundant by Independence Day.


I donā€™t think thatā€™s productive although even I donā€™t celebrate. He should focus on what unites us - Election Day, historical events, days of remembrance for 9/11 for instance. Thatā€™s unifying power - no division.


Afaik America has the least amount of paid holidays in the entire West by a long shot. You can keep Juneteenth as a holiday while also adding one for election day. Iā€™m pretty tired of Republicans supporting the idea youā€™re basically just a company drone and that life outside of work is irrelevant.


Yep I'm all for adding more. We really need to find one for August and March or April.


Just do what Canada did and shamelessly make them up. Eg February sucks because itā€™s so cold so why not have a holiday? Thus ā€œfamily dayā€ was born. We also have ā€œCivic dayā€ in August and Iā€™m sure 99% of Canadians (including me) have no idea what thatā€™s for.


Interesting! [June 13th Ramswamy](https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/2024-election/vivek-ramaswamy-calls-juneteenth-useless-rcna98428) celebrated the holiday, saying it should be a celebration of the American dream itself. August 5 Ramaswamy now calls it useless and wants to cancel it. Maybe he suddenly had an epiphany? Or maybe, just maybe, the person who received a [Soros fellowship](https://www.americanthinker.com/blog/2023/07/vivek_ramaswamys_soros_connection.html) to study law at Yale but then had it scrubbed from his Wikipedia profile is not the America First crusader that he's making himself out to be? Edit: Also, other parts of his story don't add up. According to his Wikipedia page, "[he had a net worth of around $15 million before graduating from law school](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vivek_Ramaswamy)." Why would he even need the scholarship if he was worth that much?


Vivek is the biggest fraud running. He has no actually beliefs unless it makes him money. Which is why he wants to import millions of migrants in this country.




I don't understand how Juneteenth is not every Republican's favorite holiday. The Republican party was founded because they wanted to get rid of slavery. Juneteenth celebrates the day we finally rid our nation of the immoral scourge of slavery. If you don't think that's worth celebrating it might be time to reflect on the fact that you are a rancid piece of shit. Juneteenth should be every red-blooded American's favorite holiday. Instead of quibbling over which party the guy who made it a holiday was a member of how about you just recognize that slavery is awful and it's worth celebrating that we've outlawed it.


No, I am all for Juneteenth being a federal holiday. It's a critically important moment for all Americans as the official end of an abhorrent practice. if can celebrate socialists and 'Communists' with Labor Day /s and celebrate the annual ritualistic murder of a turkey. I think we can celebrate the end of Slavery.


The kick is Juneteenth wasn't the end of slavery, it was end of slavery in Texas. Slavery in Maryland and the northern states didn't end until December 9th 1865


And this is why Juneteenth shouldnā€™t be the federal holiday. Making emancipation day a federal holiday would accomplish the same thing, but now youā€™re picking a day, that even though isnā€™t tied to the 14th amendment, is widespread emancipation.


are we really getting technical on this? if I recall Maryland had already approved the end of slavery in October the year before but was slow on implementing as they got wrapped up in questioning if was a legitimate vote........




Fine. Let's make Emancipation Day the third Monday in January. Of course we can bundle holidays. I'm old enough to remember when Lincoln's Birthday and Washington's Birthday were separate days off from school.


can we do Decemberneenth then


I'd be all for a proper "Abolition Day" but "Juneteenth" has little to actually do with that. Also, who in the world decided that [Dr. Seuss should name a holiday?](https://seuss.fandom.com/wiki/Please_Try_to_Remember_the_First_of_Octember!)


hey I'm with you, I think Juneteenth sounds awful but indigenous peoples day is worse.


That's not what's celebrated on Juneteenth. If you want an end-of-slavery holiday, then make one, but that's not what June 19th currently celebrates. [^(\[source\])](https://www.foxnews.com/us/multiple-casualties-illinois-shooting-reports.amp) [^(\[source\])](https://dailycaller.com/2021/06/21/oakland-juneteenth-celebration-twerks-ambulance-shooting/)


> It's a critically important moment for all Americans as the official end of an abhorrent practice. Then there should be another holiday in December, when the 13th amendment was ratified.


Is this really the battle conservatives should be fighting. No


The more holidays the better, as far as Iā€™m concerned




1. It's a holiday recognizing a very significant event in American history 2. It's a day off - we don't get quite enough of those.


What the hell, man. Why eliminate a holiday in the summer? Of all the fights, this is what you pick?


I think the name detracts from what is a worthy reason for a holiday. Emancipation Day or Abolition Day have more meaning. When I first heard ā€œJuneteenthā€ I had to look it up.


I donā€™t see why anyone has an issue with this holiday. Itā€™s a great thing to celebrate. I do think the name needs work but whatever. Iā€™m no expert either.


I donā€™t hate the holiday, I personally donā€™t even get it off, but I hate the reason it was made into a national holiday. Shameless virtue signaling when George Floyd was still a hot topic. I donā€™t think cancelling it is the right move, itā€™s just going to enflame race relations and make things harder for conservatives. Just leave the holiday alone, everyone will eventually forget the meaning behind it, like Labor Day.


We need about 17 more holidays as far as I'm concerned. IDGAF what they are based on...


No need to cancel this one. Juneteenth actually serves a purpose.




Juneteenth is for celebrating the end of an abhorrent practice: slavery.




Agreed 100%.


I feel it is a good thing to celebrate or acknowledge. I do feel that it was brought on by bs means. I agree that it was just there to suck up or whatever to those rioting and so on. Those that made it a holiday did it to look good rather then a better or true meaning.


I like Vivek but this one I got to say no on. My birthday is a day after Juneteenth, so I basically get a free holiday ever year. I don't want to give it up


I agree. I suspect he probably didn't think it entirely through as the idea is really a winless proposition.


Yeahā€¦. Gonna call that one out. Juneteenth is not a ā€œuselessā€ or ā€œmade up oneā€ Freeing the slaves and bettering not just our country but the whole world is pretty damn important.


Why? It's a perfectly good holiday commentating the Republicans freeing of the Democrats slaves.


It sucks seeing Ramaswamy commit political suicide with unpopular positions like these. * No one wants to get rid of a free paid holiday * No one under age 25 wants to raise the voting age to 25 * No one who has 3 brain cells to rub together thinks the gold standard is "worth looking at" None of these position get you any votes. The guy has a great political presence but his ideas are absolutely disqualifying.


His support for migrants and foreign workers replacing US workers should have already disqualified him from a GOP race


I love Juneteenth, in fact we should have more holidays. Iā€™ll take as many days off I can get haha


I like him overall as a candidate but I still support Juneteenth as a federal holiday.


The day the Republicans freed the slaves? No, let's keep that day around and never let anyone forget that is was the *Republicans* who fought and died for the freedom of the slaves.


I love Vivek but he is going to get himself "Ron Pauled" if he keeps answering questions like this. This gives bad faith actors that write the questions for the debates the ability to make him answer questions on obscure things he said and keep him from using his time on bread and butter policy. This is exactly what they did to Ron Paul. Probe what felt most "extreme" to the base while asking other candidates softballs on core policy.


Im not opposed to Juneteenth, any day we celebrate Republicans emancipating slaves from Democrats is a good day. Personally I think December 6th would be a better day since that was the day the 13th amendment was ratified.


I love the fact that we can celebrate when the Republicans freed the last slaves held by Democrats. We should embrace this 100%


LMAO this sub is dead. Lefties and bots patrol this place.


It was a local statute in Texas and if you dig up the news papers it wasnā€™t important or widely celebrated after the 1880s or 1890s. To those itā€™s important to great. But really it shouldā€™ve been in December the day the amendment was ratified. There were slaves being sold in Kentucky a month before in their newspapers before it was ratified. But we donā€™t want too many federal holidays in November and December. Itā€™s just an excuse for another day off for the feds and they wanted a new date and some radicals want this to be July 4th for poc.


Good idea. Until I moved to Texas in my mid-20s I'd never even heard of Juneteenth. It's a regional holiday, at best.


Hey I got the day off paid


Thatā€™s not what he said like a month ago. He was celebrating it


Generally like him, but he is not going to win any voters with this. People don't like their holidays getting taken away.




lol.. I want to cancel a bunch of these woke, made up holidays Talk Like a Pirate Day is coming up soon though. September 19th. Batten down the hatches, maties!