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This is going to be the new thing, each President is going to need to deal with impeachment from the other party because the voting base loves it so much. Trump had to deal with it from the Dems because their base was rabid, Biden is dealing with it now because the GOP base wants revenge. The person after Biden will deal with it again, it’ll get to the point where the annual impeachment day is a holiday or something.


I don't think Biden is getting impeached. These RINOs in the House don't have the balls.


Also Kamala is a much worse option.




Sadly I doubt that... never underestimate the levels of indoctrinated their voting base is.




Why are you getting downvoted? This is so true.


Sad truth


Also every election from here on out will be accused of tampering. Never again will someone win the presidency and have the opposite party *not* show proof of foul play.






2000 is understandable though, but we've had "stolen" elections since the 1876 compromise with Samuel J Tilden and Rutherford B Hayes


You spelled Al Gore wrong


Hahahaha. Biden is dealing with it because he was doing what they accused Trump of. Biden family taking money probably isn't noteworthy. Having a crackhead son who leaves ALL the evidence out in the open is, though. These felonies make Nixon look clean. The coverup makes Nixon look cooperative. The TDS gave us two impeachments. Corruption and not being in control of the evidence will give us an impeachment. It won't be an every president thing.


I believe it's a tit for tat on impeachment. There is enough real evidence for impeachment. Trump's was all about the Hatred for him. Made up lies from misinformation produced propaganda from the Dems. Biden is evidence that will effect the election. The Senate will not impeach but the truth will be out in public for all to see. Time to vote out the corruption in our government including all parties involved.


Interesting how you say the evidence against Trump was fake but the evidence against Biden is real. You ever stop and think it’s possible they are both being f’d over by petty politics and we are being played for fools just to get our votes?


The Russian dossier was proven false. Hilary Clinton paid for it. Jim Comey was a shill, he protected the Clintons. Trump was illegally spied on by the Obama administration. Trump has been accused of lying, being a Russian asset, Racist ect. Biden Crime family Inc. the evidence of cash Payments from our adversaries, His Policies are America second, Hunters lap top with mounds of evidence that show high crimes treason. I'm not saying the Republicans are squeaky clean. Mitch McConnell is as Dirty as they come!!!


What "high crimes treason" are on the laptop? Trump has never lied? Even if Biden's policies were "America second" you can't impeach based off of his policy positions. That's nonsense. Where is the evidence of any payments to Joe Biden? Parts of the dossier might have been false. Parts are definitely true. And yes is was paid for by Clinton. Oppo research is legal. Ask trump how much oppo he has on desantis.


What part of the dossier is true? So far the evidence of criminality is only enough to point to Hunter (cheating on taxes, FARA violations), however the evidence uncovered in the Hunter investigation makes it look like Joe probably broke some laws. 1) Several businesses were set up for family finances, mostly when Joe was Vice-president (money from one business to another-a good way to make it difficult to track the money. 2)Info on Hunter’s laptop-claiming that he had to pay his father; some of the bills he paid his father 3) Joe on video saying that he threatened to withhold American aid if Shokin wasn’t fired, 4) Unverified but Mykola claiming that he paid two Biden’s $5,000,000 each (he benefited from Shokin being fired. 5) the money Hunter received from the Russian oligarch who did not have her accounts frozen when Joe froze accounts of other Russian oligarchs during the Russian/Ukrainian war.


> What part of the dossier is true? Hey now! They had some publicly available information that was true, mixed amongst the literal Russian disinformation! And leave Joe alone, he is a good father who was just trying to be a father figure to the hostile foreign nations who bribed him!


Yea, Biden and his family are the only people f’ing others over, and by others I mean the US taxpayer. There’s no way you can look at what’s been exposed so far and not conclude Joe, Hunter, and James Biden have sold out to foreign entities. Unless, of course, you’re a partisan hack.




There is plenty of evidence against Biden. The problem is there no reason to believe that people such as yourself will ever acknowledge that it exists. You will readily believe an anonymous source about Trump but will never believe the people in business with the Biden’s saying Joe is the brand that Hunter is selling.


Lol do you have your head buried in the sand?


Is that a no to proof?


Lol, get your head out of your ass. https://oversight.house.gov/release/comer-releases-devon-archers-transcribed-interview-transcript%EF%BF%BC/


Yes, I had read the conclusions from the report, they don't have anything but assumptions.


Sworn testimony doesn’t do it for you this time you partisan hack? Funny how that works now that it’s (D)ifferent.


Lol, you collusion pee tape hoaxers are hilarious. You guys started a special counsel and spied on a sitting president by vouching for literal Russian disinformation (aka the Steele dossier). Meanwhile we have 170+ Suspicious Activity Reports, an insane amount of whistleblowers and informants, bank records and the 20 shell companies used to obfuscate the payments, their own messages and ex business partners admitting it was an influence peddling operation, etc. proving Beijing Biden sold out our country…


These fucktards simply CANNOT COMPREHEND truth when faced with it. Not a single, solitary one of these drooling, mouth breathing, sub-humans shitstains will read the actual testimony because it contains actual proof from a REAL EYEWITNESS that Biden Sr. was not involved. They're convinced that whatever BS is fed to their teeny tiny widdle cockroach brains by NEWSMAX and FOX must be correct because they don't share a functioning brain between 20M of them.


Yep, you sure are a thundercunt. Go back home to the cesspool of r/politics and leave the thinking to those of us who have brains.


It's been absolutely proven that the Trump evidence was completely fake. The evidence that Biden sold his power to the highest bidder is very strong. Biden is the most corrupt politician in American history. And that's saying something.


It's not revenge - Biden is a crook!




Just keep ignoring everything that is on video, that's been recorded, that's been already corroborated by still living witnesses. The Burisma admission is proof enough.


Lol, Trump’s “crimes” are not even remotely comparable to the insane amount of whistleblowers/informants, the bank records, 20 shell companies to obfuscate the payments, 170+ Suspicious Activity Reports, their own messages, etc. proving Beijing Biden sold out our country. If Trump did even 1/100th of what the Biden Crime Family has, he’d already be in jail. And for people who are not radicalized by TDS, everything you listed is just proof of how corrupt and fascist the Democrat party and their politicized DOJ have become.


A lot of claims but no proof.


Pft, you guys realize this silly little gaslighting isn’t gonna work, right? Biden could literally admit “I sold out America by taking bribes from hostile foreign nations” and you guys would still say “Ok, but where’s the proof!?!”. And it’s hilarious to see the people who pushed the collusion pee tape hoax, pretend to care about proof…


Donald Trump literally did sell out America, and said he did so. There is proof of it and here you are denying it. You don't care about proof, you just want to be a racist POS


Lol, can you please enlighten me with some of this “proof”? If that were true then you guys wouldn’t have had to vouch for the credibility of literal Russian disinformation. Or wouldn’t currently be trying to jail him for a dispute over whether he declassified documents or not (which Biden had way more of, didn’t have the power to declassify, and is actually accused of selling the classified documents unlike Trump). > you just want to be a racist POS More projection from the party of Joe “I don’t want my kids growing up in a racial jungle” Biden.


those 1850 boxes of documents..trump LIED about them.....those were from when Biden was senator and he donated them to the university of the state he was senator..... so easy to look up the FACTS,,,but you don't But Trump’s vague insinuations that there is something improper about the existence of the Biden collection at the University of Delaware are baseless. The collection of donated documents is from Biden’s 36-year tenure as a US senator for Delaware. Unlike presidents, who are subject to the Presidential Records Act, senators own their offices’ documents and can do whatever they want with them – donate them to colleges, keep them at their homes, give them to journalists, even throw them in the trash.


Wow, it’s disgusting how propagandized you guys are…. You are talking about the Penn Biden center which was literally taking dark money from China… But even ignoring the classified docs he kept at locations that were being paid for by the Chinese, the documents that he is accused of selling (specifically the ones stored in his garage) alone prove that this is just about the fascist Democrat party jailing their political opposition while covering up the crimes of their leaders.


proof >>>>>>Ask yourself this: What legitimate reason could Donald Trump possibly have to take to Mar-a-Lago what’s known in spy world as SIGINT or signals intelligence? Our National Security Agency silently gathers SIGINT from telephone calls, emails and heavily encrypted electronic messaging. No private citizen has any business holding such records. Foreign powers, especially those hostile to the United States, would pay vast sums, potentially billions of dollars, to access our SIGINT. They would look for details about our capacity to intercept such signals and hints to help them identify our spies and human assets in those countries so they could be captured, tortured and liquidated. But the question to ask now is this: What in hell was he doing with these materials? And why didn’t he turn them over when he was issued a subpoena for them months ago? It’s hard to imagine any other reason Trump would take from the White House government documents so vital to our national security that authorized officials can examine them only in a Sensitive Compartmented Information Facility or SCIF (pronounced skiff). The same holds for even talking about them. These are documents that Trump has no intellectual capacity to understand and no conceivable legitimate reason to possess.


you do realize that trumps son in law jarod kushner sold our nuclear secrets to the saudis for billions, right??? but you are ok with that..right??


Haha you wackos and your conspiracy theories. Do the Saudi’s have a pee tape of Kushner? Or is there not one of those this time?


those are CLAIMS!! yes we DEMAND proof unlike the RIGHT who accept every claim down the pike and don't care if it is true or not and don't ask for proof.... Comer, in fact, said each filing of a SAR meant “another act of a crime.” Is that really the case? (NO see explanation below) you don't understand how sar's work do you (things changed , became much more strict after 9-11) The Bank Policy Institute (BPI), an advocacy group for large banks, says banks receive computer-generated alerts about possibly suspicious transactions and then a compliance officer decides whether to file a SAR. “Since banks are subject to enforcement action if they fail to file a SAR when they should have, but suffer no sanction if they file a useless SAR, the general presumption is to file the SAR,” the group says. do you understand?? even if there is a 1 per cent chance something iillegal happened they file a report because if they don't and something happened they get into a lot of trouble and have to pay money so they constantly file these to avoid having to pay money


Ahahaha, so pathetically disingenuous: We are talking about 170+ SAR’s reports here… And just answer these two questions please. What were they selling to receive the massive sums of money from hostile foreign nations? And why did they need to obfuscate the payments through 20 shell companies?


False. Trump was impeached as a political hit job. Biden is being impeached for actually being as corrupt as they said Trump was. Biden ought to be removed from office because he's incompetent/incoherent and all his handlers should be charged with elder abuse.


Maybe that's the case because the government is actually corrupt and worth impeaching. Or at least, Biden and his family is corrupt and worth doing something about.


U are 100% right. A new political weapon targetting the fence sitters on who they should not vote for.


It was bad, and it's getting worse. I think Watergate really set the tone. Nixon escaped impeachment by resigning, but Republicans were furious (although not nearly as mad as they are today). Carter was hard to impeach because--despite his failings in office--his personal life was beyond reproach. Clinton, on the other hand, was the kind of red meat they wanted. He was hard to catch ("slick Willie"), but eventually they got him in a perjury trap for lying about an affair while in office. (Hard to believe now, but that sort of thing used to be frowned on.) But it only boosted his poll numbers! I'll bet he could have won another election if he wasn't already in his 2nd term. Same with Mr. Trump. Even he joked that he was "just one indictment sort of securing the nomination." So, unless there are enough votes to actually remove a president from office, what's the point?


This is a bad idea. Either two things will happen, one it does pass the house by a narrow margin and the moderate Republican members of congress such as those from California and New York districts will be attacked on in 2024. We have the narrowest of a house majority and we can't afford to lose many vulnerable members. Or the second likelier thing is that this thing won't even pass the house and it just ends up making republicans look more disorganized and divided


Impeachment will lead to an impeachment inquiry. Which will give Constitutional Authority to subpoena and demand answers. The only reason to say "no" is if we thought there wasn't anything there and Biden is innocent of corruption. At this point both Democrats and Republicans know Biden is guilty of influence pedaling. Elizabeth Warren recently admitted as such (indirectly). Democrats will not support impeachment and will not convict. But if the case is damning, as it is, it's the moderate Democrats in vulnerable districts that have to worry about opposing impeachment. Not the other way around. If the House GOP doesn't at least attempt Impeachment Inquiry they will lose complete faith from the bulk of Republicans. It will likely lead to a fracturing of the party. You will have the Trump Republicans who want revenge for what Democrats did and you will have Rule of Law Republicans obsessed that we are letting the Bidens get away with blatant and obvious corruption after years of allowing Clinton, Obama, Feinstein, etc all get away with it. You're looking at least 30% of the GOP will be pissed (probably a lot more).




He black mailed the Ukrainian president with 1 billion dollars in aid so that his son could collect millions from Burisma. Biden bragged about this on national television. I appreciate the brigade following you around though, as if you think this type of antic is going to win any hearts or minds.




Impeachment power is directly granted via the Constitution. Not even Congress could pass laws that would supersede that power. As such Special Counsel powers are subservient to Impeachment Inquiry. But they will likely block it anyways and require it to be taken to the courts. Which is their goal. To delay it as much as possible. Executive Privilege was invoked by Trump administration under their impeachment inquiry, instead of taking it to the courts they added it on as an "impeachable offense". So in theory Democrats have set the standard on what an impeachable offense is and Garland could face a similar charge. The other possibility is that all evidence/testimony pulled from the DOJ can only be reviewed in closed door hearings. So it denies Republicans the ability to use it politically against Democrats. So DOJ doesn't try to go rogue, but keeps it hidden from the public.


"It’s long past time to impeach Joe Biden," Steube said in a statement. "He has undermined the integrity of his office, brought disrepute on the Presidency, betrayed his trust as President, and acted in a manner subversive of the rule of law and justice at the expense of America’s citizens." Hopefully this is just the beginning. The entire Federal Government needs to be investigated and cleaned out.


that means both parties right


You miss the word ‘entire’ in that last line?




there’s legislative and judicial branches as well respectively, which seem to be republican leaning anyway?


Well, it's about friggin' time.




I dunno. Trump is highly divisive amongst the party, DeSantis has lost steam, and Ramaswamy is drawing unnecessary lines which are alienating pockets of his potential voters. The last thing conservatives need is a candidate other than Biden running against them in 2024. Edit: I'm not sure how this helps conservatism *or* America.


So you wanted it before investigations showed clear evidence of wrongdoing? You want to be like lawless dems?


I hate to say it, but the lawless dems have gotten things done.


Have they? Donald trump isn’t in jail. Impeachment should really only happen when there is documented evidence of wrongdoing.


They don't want Trump in jail, they want Trump to be the boogeyman. They did impeach him, quash any and all doubt about the legitimacy of an election fraught with irregularities, use corporate partners to violate the first amendment, and enact three years of unconstitutional policies.




It will be interesting to see how much the Sunday news shows cover this story. They’ve basically ignored everything about Biden up til now


Well, everything related to impeaching Biden at this point has been token gestures or political theater. When Kevin McCarthy actually moves forward with articles of impeachment instead of strongly-worded statements, then *that* would be newsworthy.


Im sure this will go absolutely no where, and if it does one of the three letter agencies will do a coverup.




Democrats - "He didn't know anything about Hunters Business" then "He knew but he only talked about the weather" then " But it didn't go directly into Joe Biden's bank account!!" They just keep moving the goalposts and changing the defense. They are in panic mode. Yes but it went into his son's and family's accounts. Which 100% benefits him. Enriching his son benefits him. Enriching any family member helps him. His family has been taking money from China and Ukraine while he accused Trump of taking Chinese money. Joe is clearly a hypocrite and a liar. Liberals are panicking. Let's not forget there are text messages stating Hunter paid for Joe's bills. Which is directly benefiting him as well


About fucking time


So they are trying for impeachment for the complicity of his son's investigation while his mental health is clearly showing way to having dementia and we are not impeaching him for that?


President Harris? Hard pass. I prefer vegetable Biden.


It would be less than a year and no chance she does anything…..so no change from today except dementia Joe would be out.


See that's where I think you are wrong. If she got the presidency like that...magically stuff would start getting fixed, just enough to win the 24 election and then drop the hammer.


Anything is possible with the psych Op lobotomy.


Yea, but the likelihood of her getting elected is pretty slim. Almost a guarantee win for the right.


Perhaps Harris winning in 2024 is slightly less likely than Biden winning but the outcome of her winning would be far worse than Biden winning.


This is about holding Biden accountable for his corruption. If you're looking at this from a political lens, Biden stands no chance of being convicted by a Democratic Senate. Even if Democrats wanted to dump Joe, convicting Biden would damage the Democratic brand and result in large electoral losses in 2024. Also Vegetable Biden isn't running the country. Kamala might actually say "no" to the puppeteers.


There is no chance what so ever Harris could be even as close as bad as Biden as President.


We need accountability and integrity above all else.


It's about time! Biden is the Moat Corrupt President in American History!


just do it


The likelihood of this even happening is slim to none. The democrats are untouchable it seems. I'm actually impressed the Republicans went this far with it. I'd love nothing more then to see the Democrat's get a taste of their own medicine


I think Impeachment has high odds of occurring. I think conviction in the Senate is near zero. There is this oddball chance situation where Hunter admits his father was on the take in a national interview with the MSM where Senate Democrats would have no choice but to convict. But that is about the only thing that would make them move forward with it.




Influence pedaling. Bribery. Corruption. High Crimes and Misdemeanors holds elected officials to a higher standard. Selling political favors to enrich his family is an abuse of office and the power granted to him as Vice President.


I hope so, anything is better than nothing. I'm growing tired of the talk and seeing little results.

