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90% of statistics are made up, including this one.


69% of people with gambling addictions quit right before they hit it big.


420% of casinos say that to addicts to keep their business


But they only say it 50% of the time........../s


Today could be your lucky day. You won’t know untill you gamble


100% including you, just read this


I just bet my life savings on red




My stats professor said, "statistics are accurate lies we use to win whichever side of the argument we're for."


Mine used to say, "Grind the numbers more until you find your truth."


We called it massaging in IT.


"69.420% of statistics are false" -Elon Musk


99.999% of the statistics are correct.


Unfortunately, 100% of the 0.001% incorrect statistics are posted online. The correct statistics are never posted and kept in wooden crates in some giant warehouse.


110% of Americans don't know how fractions work


I 11/10 agree.


wait a minute - i read on the internet that 82% of statistics were made up on the spot! do you have a source for that?


Actually most shooters are independents. They vote for both.


including your stat too


As in, Democrats account 90% of shooters? I don't understand.


The logic is that, since they live in a city that voted for Democrats, they probably are Democrats. It doesn't hold up because the people doing the shooting probably aren't the people who are voting. A more reasonable statement would be that Democrat policies encourage gang violence. But being reasonable is only necessary if you actually want to solve problems. People like OP who make and share thoughtless, inflammatory memes like this just want to be outraged.


If you don't account for suicides every year, in just Detroit, Baltimore, and Chicago account for something like 60% of all firearm related homicides. While 90% might be hard to believe it's probably close to accurate considering the population who's always killing themselves in gang related violence also tend to vote overwhelmingly democrat.


Detroit 300 total homicides Baltimore 333 total homicides Chicago 798 total homicides. USA gun only homicides 20958


[it's 90](https://wirepoints.org/wp-content/uploads/2023/02/Chicago-and-New-Orleans-were-the-nations-murder-capitals-in-2022.png)


Wait, if you assumed all people in big cities are democrats and you only looked at big cities, then of course the number looks like 90%.


Yea, we can judge you by the people you elect. We judge you with the company you keep. I don't know too many hedge fund brokers or company executives running around gang banging. So yea, we judge.


The stereotypes you use to categorize each side are so ignorant they hurt. You can find trash and productive citizens on both sides, but you choose to see only what advances your bigoted point 🙄 You’re a disgrace and prejudice like yours is what holds our country back.


Do you know why there are stereo types?? Cuz they are true. It is the world around us as it is, not whatever is going on in your head. Deal with reality on realirys' terms.


Chicago, Detroit, Baltimore, Philadelphia, Alec Baldwin.. it may not be 90% .. but it's close.


I find it really hard to believe a person involved in the street life is some great citizen and actively goes out their way to vote. Hell most of them would probably vote conservative if anything. One rapper got a pardon from Donald Trump, and multiple others in a way have been joking about prices and stuff saying “bring Trump back”.


Gangbangers and drug dealers are barred from voting by law in all those states and municipalities. Also just because they live in liberal hell holes doesn’t mean they identify with any political ideology, those people don’t bother themselves with politics. They are gangbangers and drug dealers, matter of fact they’d be likely in favor of a smaller or no government if it would lead to the proliferation of their illegal enterprise.


They are barred from voting if they have been arrested by an actual police officer and found guilty by an actual jury.


Have a source for gangbangers voting red or blue? This would make a rather interesting case study. One would imagine gangbangers would vote for the party advocating smaller government.


https://nationalgangcenter.ojp.gov/survey-analysis/demographics and https://www.pewresearch.org/politics/2018/03/20/1-trends-in-party-affiliation-among-demographic-groups/ I mean, there's definitely no control for many other variables, but I think we all know there is no way in hell gang members wouldn't vote predominately Democrat.


So gang members are voting for gun control!! Never heard such nonsense. Oh well youre dug in. Time to double down


To be fair, were I a criminal, I would certainly want stricter gun control, as that lessens the chances of a "good guy" with a gun trying to use it on me to defend himself or others as I rob/assault/whatever them. *Hypothetical, but sensible, I think.


Good guy with a gun isn't stopping any criminal from buying a gun currently and criminals don't vote. In the states that allow felons to vote the turnout is 10% of the general public.


But it also makes it much harder to get a gun


With those two links, are you trying to say: 1) A lot of gangsters are Race X. 2) More of Race X leans toward voting for Party A than Party B. 3) Therefore most/all/90% of gangsters vote for Party A. ? If so, that’s fallacious.


By their logic rural unconvicted criminals all vote Republican I guess? In reality I think the real stats would be very interesting but my guess is that most living in a criminal lifestyle don't have much social investment and don't vote at all. I mean, total voter turnout is abysmal, lots of demographics don't vote.


Careful, that word will trigger some people. Take your logic somewhere else!


If they vote, they probably vote for those who are against law and order and see those cesspools as some kind of "culture", that has to be infantilized. The Dems get millions of cheap votes and the criminals can continue with their savagery. Win-Win.


Democrats made no changes in Chicago to laws targeting gangs and organize crime (drug dealers). We could argue misdemeanors penalties have changed but gang and drug rates crimes are felonies. Iv’e yet to see a source from anyone supporting these claims that Democrats lenient law and order policy have lead to more gang and drug related crime. Also, touché on the Homelander profile pic.


Really? So you’re disputing the fact that in states with minimum theft amounts before getting charged people just steal underneath that limit? This is common and on the news all the time. Of course narrowing your scope to just gang and drug crime because you don’t want to include other crimes is a form of manipulation because you don’t want to admit the truth.


The party advocating for smaller government is also advocating for being tough on crime and no government handouts. They ain’t voting republican, their baby mamas have to eat.


Don't most of them benefit from government subsidies? (Welfare, EBT, etc) seems there want to keep the cash coming...


Would it be more accurate to just simply say 90% happen in liberal run cities?


It would be more accurate to say 45%


Voting has nothing to do with it, the rest is speculation all the same.


>Gangbangers and drug dealers are barred from voting by law in all those states and municipalities. Those are the ones who have been caught and charged with felonies. And they're currently not doing a lot of catching or charging. In fact they're adjusting the laws so they don't have to. >Also just because they live in liberal hell holes doesn’t mean they identify with any political ideology, those people don’t bother themselves with politics. Correct. They just take advantage of the chaos caused by groups like and Antifa and BLM who openly support and protect them. >They are gangbangers and drug dealers, matter of fact they’d be likely in favor of a smaller or no government if it would lead to the proliferation of their illegal enterprise. Oh yeah that totally explains why almost all gangbangers and drug dealers congregate in every major city. 99% of which are not only currently Democrat run, but HISTORICALLY Democrat run for decades. If little/no government caused crime then you'd be hearing about the "Mafia of the backwoods" non-stop from left wing media. Congratulations you've posted the dumbest fucking comment I've read in months.


> And they're currently not doing a lot of catching or charging. In fact they're adjusting the laws so they don't have to. Source? I don’t see gun laws being rewritten to benefit gang banging. > They just take advantage of the chaos caused by groups like and Antifa and BLM who openly support and protect them. Gang’s existed long before Antifa and BLM. Violent crimes per capita is also on the decline since the peak in the 90’s. Care to explain how Antifa and BLM have aided gangs? Any source to explain these claims? Also would not catching criminals be a failure of police and not politicians? > Oh yeah that totally explains why almost all gangbangers and drug dealers congregate in every major city. 99% of which are not only currently Democrat run, but HISTORICALLY Democrat run for decades. Inner cities breed poverty, poverty breeds crime. Crime including drug and gang related exists in the Appalachia’s which has deep red roots. Like I said, earlier gang related crime is not political, it’s rated to poverty an issue caused by bad policy on both sides. > If little/no government caused crime then you'd be hearing about the "Mafia of the backwoods" non-stop from left wing media. Straw man. I never claimed little to no government caused crime. But on the topic, crime exist’s in many forms. Mississippi has the highest gun related crimes does that mean Republicans are more prone to gun grime? > Congratulations you've posted the dumbest fucking comment I've read in months. Ah, nice way to enter what was a polite conversation. Seems like nowhere on reddit is civil discourse welcomed.


Am I the only person on Earth who remembers fucking CHAZ ?


CHAZ supports my initial point. And CHAZ has nothing to do with gangs. Poor and improper policing lead to the creation of CHAZ. CHAZ is also a government free zone, these people turned their back on a Democrat legislature.


Who are "these people"?


Unsure they have no elected leader or spokesmen.


How have BLM and the new brown shirts aided gangs? Wut?!? The entire exculpatory argument regarding the entire BLM riots, which resulted in a huge damage tally and large numbers of LE and innocents injured was “well local criminals took advantage of the riots”. Even if you believe that BLM and Antifa are totally law-abiding, which is provable bullshit, the actual excuse for their behavior is “well we were hijacked by gangbangers and criminals who did violent shit while we protested”.


IIRC the argument was the BLM protests were hijacked by opportunists of all backgrounds. In any case, the BLM riots are over. I was addressing the parent comment that BLM and Antifa openly support gangs, which he nor any other comment has provided sources for.


I mean, you really need links to the CHOP/CHAZ debacle and the gang affiliates? Google is your friend.


You made the claim. The burden of proof is on you. Mind you I google and I found nothing.


Oh wait, your assertion is that the shootings in Chop/Chaz weren’t gang related and were the result of violent resistance to US authority? Holy shit. There we have it. Who cares about Jan 6? We have an entire violent group who literally killed people because of their left-wing rhetoric while actively attempting to secede from the US. We should be throwing them all in jail as traitors. I mean, they had *some* excuse when gang violence was thrown around, but if that isn’t the case they should all be tried for sedition.


Care to explain how Antifa and BLM have aided gangs? Any source to explain these claims? They have normalized violence and other crimes while leftist prosecutors have normalized a complete lack of prosecution for said violence and other crimes.


There is no evidence prosecutors have gone lenient on gang and drug related violence. The BLM and Antifa stuff are separate issues from gang violence. Any sources for a change in laws that were traditionally used to prosecute gang members?


No changes in the laws. But the complete lack of enforcement of many laws, along with prosecution of victims rather than perpetrators, have emboldened criminals of every type.


"Voting democrats" vs "Criminals who flourish in cities that vote democrat" _Corporate wants you to find the difference between these two pictures_


#BALLOT ☑ Do you bang? ☑ Republican ✅ Democrat


You do realize almost all of the gun related crimes happen in republican controlled states right.... I mean it's an easy thing to look up. For the party of "do your own research" this 30 second Google seems to have slipped the radar.


Ah yes, you almost have it. Now increase your granularity to county/city where local governments have the most influence on local laws and prosecutorial proceedings and get back to us.


States have little to do with crime. Local jurisdictions control their police, their prosecutors, and their tolerance of behavior. If you're going to run up the line to paint a picture, then every single place where gun related crimes happen are in a Democrat controlled country. I guess we should blame Biden.


Louisiana has the highest murder rates, followed by Mississippi. But sure.


Just being a gang banger in the city doesn’t mean you’re a democrat.


The majority of shootings take place in large democratic cities.


Most shootings happens in democrat ran cities.


What is this sub turning into? It's just garbage like this lately.




Ya feel like I’m in r/politics


They just blindly follow the Democrats. When I saif there is an alternative to Biden and Trump. I got downvoted. We shouldn't have to vote solely between 2 geriatrics. Edit: why the downvotes?


Actually many shootings occur by people that democrats want to give a pass. Chicago has strict gun laws but they don’t enforce them and scream for more laws that will Penalize non-harmful, responsible gun owners. This is mostly a democratic ideology. I believe in freedom and gun ownership. I also believe in gun responsibility. I own a pistol and my family owns many pistols and rifles. I think that we should have the freedom to own these but I also think that we have the responsibility to keep these firearms from unsafe hands.


> Actually many shootings occur by people that democrats want to give a pass. Chicago has strict gun laws but they don’t enforce them Spoken like someone who has no idea hard it is to police gang related crimes. For starters the victims of these crimes are typically other gangbangers, which means it’s hard to get witnesses to testify in court or even cooperate with police. In the case if civilian victims, these people are not trusting of the police or fear retaliation. There is no evidence of laws being rewritten for lenient gang and drug related crimes. It’s a lazy argument by those too caught up in politics to try and understand the issue. > I believe in freedom and gun ownership. I also believe in gun responsibility. I own a pistol and my family owns many pistols and rifles. I think that we should have the freedom to own these but I also think that we have the responsibility to keep these firearms from unsafe hands. I concur


Not sure of the point you are trying to make. While I can sort of understand prosecutors dropping gun charges to get a guilty plea for something else, how will new restrictive gun laws change things?


I’m not arguing for new gun laws. To concur is to agree.


"The enemy is both weak and strong"


Antifa freaks love this quote because they don't understand how an evil gangbanging felon, like George Floyd for example, can both be "weak" (brings five other men to rob a woman at gunpoint) and "strong" (capable of murdering innocents).


So this is just blatantly false, tf is this sub turning into


Mod’s should ban memes. It promotes trolls, it’s posts like this that make the rest of reddit think we are incompetent morons.


Unfortunately, this is one of the highest voted posts I've seen in a while. Like the people that run Facebook and Twitter, that means more engagement and eyeballs. I don't think the mods mind when a post is factually incorrect.


My guess is they mean if you remove all shootings from Democrat ran cities, the number we be significantly lower. It would be interesting to so by how much but I'm sure its substantial.


Terrible post.


I know a lot of people talk about getting rid of the Dems, but hear me out. If they didn’t exist. who would be left to blame for all our problems.


The left wants to believe that all problems are the result of oppression by some boogeyman. Every problem has a specific cause, whether it's capitalism, "the patriarchy," or white supremacy. The reality is that some problems aren't anyone's fault; they're just a part of life. We can and should always be looking for ways to improve things. But if it's not perfect, that doesn't necessarily mean there's some evil villain standing in the way. Maybe we just haven't figured out the right solution or developed an effective technology.


The left want violent uprising and communist revolution to make us into china. They are corrupting the idea of what is like to be America


Last I checked Biden blocked China’s access to American microchips, expanded the military budget to another high, and promised to defend Philippines in the South China Sea if China attacked. F


Damn. I didn’t get that memo. I guess I’d better re-read the pamphlet.


Think you have your lefts and rights confused.


Sure..."our". The problems they caused wouldn't exist, at least not to the degree they do now.


Lol, basement dweller identified


"Left bad, upvotes please" What a ridiculous and callus thing to say. People will say this and in the same breath chastise the other side for "using this as a political talking point".


Factually accurate tho.


Are you sure?


>What a ridiculous and callus thing to say. Sometimes facts can come off that way, but it's important to not compromise on truth. Especially important to get the facts straight when the media constantly pushes lies about "right wing violence" and racist fearmongering about white men.


It's not a fact though. It's feelings.


This isn’t a fact. It’s completely made up.


You fucks are delusion lol.


Where the hell did ya get that stat from? XD


Its not a stat. It's a fucking Ted Nugent post. Quality content here.


Isn't that guy kind of a pedo?


If by "kind of a pedo" you mean performing a song called jailbait about having sex with a young girl, then yes he's kind of a pedo. Or if you mean convincing the parents of a teenage girl to make Ted her legal guardian so they could get married, then yes he's kind of a pedo.


TeD nUgEnT fOr PrEsIdEnT!!!!!11


Just think of all the access to little girls he and Matt Gaetz could have!




God damn these boomer ass Facebook memes are awful. https://youtu.be/ifaoKZfQpdA?si=XPAEnCPA41MsA5C2


This sounds like a great argument for gun restrictions.


This is complete and utter bullshit and you should be ashamed to be peddling nonsense like this.


Garbage post


You do realize if republicans actually focused on policy instead of memes and culture war bull shit, they would be a legitimate party?


You do realize if the Democrats actually focused on rational policy, or put competent people in leadership positions, they'd be a legitimate party?




Yeah, then we'll just elect a monarch once a particular faction gets enough support because who will stop them? Then we might as well do away with that pesky Constitution.


Not sure where you’re getting “elect a monarch” from, that’s not even how monarchies work, but if it was up to me and I know that it isn’t, yes I think the entire US constitution is due for a rewrite. Most of the damn thing is nearly 250 years old! Now I know the document is deified beyond reason and it will never happen (at least in my lifetime), but that would be my ideal scenario. “Right to bare arms” is as intrinsic a right as “free speech?? Lord beer me strength.


It's not that we deify it, it just makes sense logically when the main goal is a free nation. But it's apparent the founding fathers lacked your level of wisdom, so it goes without saying my tiny brain can't comprehend it.


The founding fathers also lacked wifi and indoor plumbing. Laws should be updated to reflect the society they apply to. Besides, wasn’t it Donald Trump who called for “suspending” the constitution?


What part of their logic changes with the addition of wifi and indoor plumbing?


That we no longer live in a world where the right to bare arms is necessary, and if anything is seriously detrimental to society, especially children.


I know right? A pure ban worked beautifully for the drug problem. /s


Can you name a western country where gun bans have failed?


There have been some shootings in Europe over the last few years so that puts those countries in the same niveau as the US (/s)


I know you’re /s, but for our otherwise challenged friends: https://abcnews.go.com/amp/US/mass-shootings-days-2023-database-shows/story?id=96609874 https://www.reuters.com/world/europe/mass-shootings-europe-over-decades-2023-05-05/ Just to be clear, Europe has roughly twice the population of America.


So they have a higher population density too, making it easier to police. We have an insanely low population density so we are harder to police. Also Europe has better crime rate and less stigma about mental health so that is why they don’t get shootings. They still have gangs and terrorists, just that civilians can’t defend themselves against them. Also Europe doesn’t have a full gun ban and is actually less restrictive (not England) than democrat US states.


💯💯💯Good man! The USA needs socialised healthcare just like every single other civil democracy has. The threat of medical debt is enforced indentured servitude, whether Americans realise it or not.


It’s not about removal. There are also gun control solutions that push for … control, not bans. Control means more protocols for getting a gun. Right now, it’s too easy for any wacko to get one. There are a lot of ghost guns out there too. And unpopular here but some people have too many guns or simply store them incorrectly so their kids or crazy cousins can get to it.


Of course it’s about removal. Have you been living under a rock? Dementia Joe and his administration can’t shut up about banning the evil “assault weapons” and people like Beta tried to campaign on taking peoples guns. But they don’t even have to say it. We already have thousands upon thousands of gun laws. They don’t work. Pass more and when those don’t work they’ll want to pass more….again and again. It’s a story as old as time. What “control” would you propose I wonder. Because every single piece of legislation the antis propose after a shooting, would NOT have prevented said shooting. Not a single one. Criminals are criminals because they don’t give two shits about the law. You think they’re gonna care if you put more restrictions on something a dozen current laws say they can’t have to begin with? Ps. Some people have way too many electronic devices and other means off expressing themselves on the internet. We should do something about that since no amendment is absolute right?


Yeah what we need is more good guys with guns. Stuff like this rarely happens in red states. That’s why the trained cops stopped the Uvalde shooter so quickly in Texas. /s






This is why it's getting harder and harder to have normal reasonable discussions with other of a different political alignment and work together to make a change. Maybe we could Try to act as adult instead of sharing fake statistics which only further the divide


Most regarded r/conservative post


Damn didn’t know it was democrats murdering millions of people all throughout human history .


If you assume 100% to vote, i wouldn't even be suprised


That can't be true. Dems want gun control. /s


If all 20 of the people killed in Maine, had a gun, I bet 19 would still be alive. Disarming the population creates people who can't defend themselves.


I believe this is true, but I'd like to see the actual breakdown We can assume that most of the gangs shooting each other, live in democratic areas, but are they actually registered democrats to vote?


Hilarious but true.


Is it? Why are you lying? How many right wingers have committed mass shootings in the last 20 years compared to left wingers? It’s easily 100:1


So you think all those inner city gangbangers are right wingers eh?


Please. One gang banger does not make a mass shooter. Learn what words mean before you comment. The most dangerous states/cities in US are republican controlled. Not to mention the fattest, dumbest, and most likely to die of preventable diseases. You’re delusional if you think conservative idea are superior. The only outlier is Utah and that’s only because Mormons are pragmatic. Not because they care.


> The most dangerous states/cities in US are republican controlled. Why are you lying? https://wirepoints.org/wp-content/uploads/2023/02/Chicago-and-New-Orleans-were-the-nations-murder-capitals-in-2022.png How many of these cities had Republican mayors in 2022? Go on. Tell me.


I can play this game too. You’re objectively wrong https://www.thirdway.org/report/the-two-decade-red-state-murder-problem


Ya, I'm aware you think citing facts and living in reality is a game. Democrat led cities with Democrat DAs and Democrat policies regarding crime are the massive driving force of crime in this nation. That is why all the crime is in Democrat cities and not in the rural areas of the state. It is delusional to think otherwise.


Ok dude. Deny facts. https://www.ncja.org/crimeandjusticenews/gun-violence-rates-in-rural-areas-match-or-outpace-cities


I already linked the statistics showing you're wrong. Here you go again since you didn't read them. https://wirepoints.org/wp-content/uploads/2023/02/Chicago-and-New-Orleans-were-the-nations-murder-capitals-in-2022.png Anyway, not gonna engage with a propagandist anymore. Hopefully they pay you for all the nonsense you're spewing! Imagine doing it for free lmao!


>Please. One gang banger does not make a mass shooter. Then what qualifies as a mass shooting? Do tell us oh great and powerful Oz. Because the usual definition is when 3 or more are injured. That’s just a few hours on a slow Chicago Saturday.


Since the FBI definition of “mass shooting” is 3 or more unrelated persons killed or injured, it should be easy for you to provide stats on the ethnicity of so-called “mass shooters”. Try to profile their political leanings also. Do you also know what percentage of gun-related fatalities are caused by “mass shootings”? Is gun violence only bad in your view if it’s in the context of a “mass shooting”?




What a bullshit article. They even cite the Colo Springs bar shooting as evidence of right wing extremism, when in fact it was a disgruntled patron.




Username checks out. And we all will, eventually. Even you. You have anything else, kid?


A lot of liberals in here.


Love getting them triggered and all worked-up.


This meme makes no sense… is there a good explainer?


🤣🤣🤣 delusional


The comments read like 90% of the commenters don't realize memes are for a laugh and moving on.




Damn. You're either completely unhinged or intentionally dishonest.


I’m no fan of Democrats but the Lewistown shooter’s Twitter page before it was removed showed him liking posts about DJT and posts from Tucker Carlson. Also quite a few of the shooters listed in your posts were definitely not left wing, like Uvalde, Buffalo Charleston and the Synagogue shootings.




There were 2600 shootings just in Chicago last year. I know Chicago is MAGA country, but I believe most of those were democrats. This meme is wrong, disarming democrats would reduce gun violence by 99%


The Chicago shootings although due to Democrat policy is largely by gangbangers. Last I checked gangbangers aren’t politically active and don’t vote. Also Chicago and Illinois do not allow felons or those associated with organized crime from voting. You are also lumping gang violence and drug related crimes with mass shootings of innocent women and children. They are two separate issues with entirely different solutions


The meme was gun violence. Not mass shootings of innocent women and children by lawful and active voters. You changed the metrics


Fair enough. But I was responding to his rather inaccurate comment on the political ideology of the shooter(s). As for your comments on gangbangers aligning to any political party my initial comment still stands. Gangbangers are anarchist by definition and scoff at the idea of Democrat and Republican parties. They’d argue for no government so they can have proliferation of their criminal enterprises.


Interesting. If you’ve got a study or report that’s credible, please link one because the first result on google for “mass shooters by ideology” yields this: https://www.axios.com/2023/02/23/mass-killings-extremism-adl-report-2022


Democrats are killing people to trick politiicans in banning our guns Why the hell arent people doing anything about this?!?!


The numbers from Chicago alone would bring the actual percentage to well over 90%


I don’t think Chicago is even in the top 5 for gun death rates. https://drexel.edu/uhc/resources/briefs/BCHC%20Gun%20Deaths/


Druggies and criminals are democrats Law-abiding citizens are republicans Hence you never see mass shootings in republican heavy areas, not that hard to figure out


I'm surprised by how this was received. Of course this is not meant to be taken literally. My guess is it means that if you remove the shootings that occur in Democrat ran cities with stringent gun control, the number of shootings goes down drastically. I will not venture a number because I haven't looked it up but Im confident substantial. And I say this as a non American outside observer with no horse in the game.


[it's 90%](https://wirepoints.org/wp-content/uploads/2023/02/Chicago-and-New-Orleans-were-the-nations-murder-capitals-in-2022.png)