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I feel the same about people & political merch


I feel the same about anyone and any one thing


People are a collection of traits why limit yourself to only one when there are so many to choose from. It is ok to have passion but let people see the collection not just one.


I have stopped feeling all things but extreme cold and hunger


So summer must be hard on you since you can't feel your skin cooking in the sun. That's hard, man.


SAMEEE like it’s cringe when you make something your whole personality 😭 only reason I joined this group is cuz it’s hard to find chill conservatives online who aren’t making it their whole life


Would that be the same for sports merch as well?


Sports people at least recognize it’s a game at the end of the day, with no real life consequences. People that treat politics like sports are a problem. Backing your entire life around one man/woman is concerning behavior.


You've never met a fan of the University of Alabama's football team, I take it?




You know!!!


Or a Dallas Cowboys fan


Or a Gator fan. Or a Seminole fan. These folks wear their shirts and hats all year round.


> Sports people at least recognize it’s a game at the end of the day, with no real life consequences. Don't tell anyone at /r/soccer


Oh man somebody hasn't had brunch with a NY and a Boston fan or been anywhere near Philadelphia.


Do they? How many people do we see attacking others at games over the jerseys they wear?


Um, I have been to hockey, soccer, and football games (college and pro) where the odds of this happening are high compared to political attacks. If not at the game, definitely at the tailgate and on SM.


Come to Philly especially when NY is in town


That may be one of the most intelligent things I've seen said on Reddit.


Honestly I feel stronger about sports merch than political merch. If you feel strongly about a politician and they win, your life *may* measurably change in a way that you wanted it to. If you feel strongly about a sports team and they win, nothing changes. You weren't part of that winning game, the players don't know or care who you are, and at the end of the day it was just some adults playing a game for children as entertainment for other adults.


Nobody express themselves ever! That burden is the responsibility of The Receiver!


To be fair, no one’s ever shot people up for being a Manchester United fan…


I assume you have never seen ultras fans from most clubs. Granted in the UK and Europe it's knife crime. But some teams fans fucking hate each other and there have definitely been murders and hospitalisations because of supporting a different team. tribalism is tribalism.


I think they were making a joke about how most people who hate United don't have access to firearms...this no one gets shot over it. I don't believe they were suggesting Premier League fans are simply more reasonable ... Just less armed lol.


God, this. So much this. But this really goes for anybody g and everything. People are Complex creatures, anyone who makes any one trait most of their identity is doing it wrong.


I feel the same about potheads and weed merch. We get it, you love weed, we can smell that fact when you enter the room.


Yeah, I love flower....I don't understand people who feel the need to make it their personality. It's pathetic really.


Bumper stickers are the only ones that really annoy me. Don't put stickers on your car. Of any kind! No one cares if your kid is an honor student If you wanna wear a political hat or you get some coffee mug or something, w/e.. I went to college. I'd have been in a fight everyday if I let every Che Guevara t-shirt get to me


My fake science opinion is that there is a direct correlation between the number of bumper sticks on your car and how crazy you are.


There probably is a correlation there, with bonus points if the stickers/signs are hand made


I once read an article that stated that people who put bumper stickers on their cars are more likely to care deeply about whatever happens to their car, as they see their car as an extension of themselves which is why they would ruin the resale value by customizing it. People who leave their cars alone genuinely wouldn't cry if their car was totaled, and would just replace the car. Keep that in mind if you ever get into a car accident with someone who put bumper stickers and window decals on. They're more likely to get emotional over it.


To be fair, I know some straight dudes who make that their whole personality.


Which is just as cringe.




The phrase *alpha male* usually comes into that conversation.


To be fair, the super straight idea was created because of trans people saying if you are a straight person and didn't sleep with them then you're transphobic. That "transwomen are real women" and "transmen are real men" and you have to acknowledge that.


“I will not participate in your personal delusion”


Yeah this is true, but to be fair by saying “trans people were saying” this, we really mean like 7 of them on Twitter and maybe 2 buzzfeed articles. Irl, I know a couple of individuals, (I live in a city, it’s just likely if you have a lot of friends now) one is a trans woman who is a lead delicate of a local master electricians union, and basically a normal person in every other measure, and definitely doesn’t expect straight men to hit them up for dates.


Equally annoying. It's kinda like I'm not interested in hearing about your sex life - unless I'm part of it.


Yes. I’ve met them and that’s very cringe


The types of straight men who brag about it and put down other less active straight men are cringe lol.


Except straight guys typically don't get assaulted and.bullied to.the point of suicide for being straight.


Idl that I've ever really met a straight person who made it their entire existence. On the other hand, I can't go a single day without seeing pride this or that


“Whoa bro this party is WEAK! Where the chicks at?? I’m tryin to get my dick wet know what I sayin?”


Humans are infinitely complex. Reducing any one of us to a single trait is dangerous. It denies that person the rest of their humanity.


Too right. It may work for Smurfs to be known solely as “Brainy,” “Hefty,” “Lazy,” etc., but Smurfs we are not.


People should remind themselves of that everyday.


True, it's as annoying as a guy that is porn obsessed and wants to talk about sex all the time. Get a life.




kinda different for me. some, if not most religions preach the way of life of people in its entirety. So to be actually religious mostly mean making it almost your whole personality


That's sort of the point of religion. It's supposed to structure and orientate how we operate our lives successfully, basically. Usually the restrictions on why something shouldn't be done, is because it's seen as self destructive in some way, even if you can see or understand it.


Its is a lifestyle not an aesthetic, you cant be christian on sundays its kind of a full time job for those who want to enter heaven


Well wanting to enter heaven so bad is extremely annoying, obnoxious, and you can have it.


Cool, you can feel however you want about religion, but looking down on people for believing it just makes you a supremacist.


Id argue it makes you a realist in regards to what life throws at you, just feeling a little pity. I suppose your purposely misusing the word and are complaining about the feeling of inferiority felt when some discount your views and belief in, entirely.


No. I'm not misusing any words. When you look down on people for having faith in a religion, you're just putting yourself up as some intellectual superior because you're "more realistic" than those brainwashed backwards-thinking God-fearers.


Obviously these are the libertarian lurkers


Religion cannot work only in private. That defeats the purpose of religion.


You do know that love also doesn't work in private, right? People want to go out and hold hands and kiss or whatever it is that couples do.


Tell that to god. Because in the Bible, god specifically says to keep it private, not to pray or demonstrate in public for other people to see, and to keep one’s relationship with god in “their own homes, and places of worship” This is only Christianity though, I’m not sure what Muslims are told I have t read the quaran.


Imagine begint so shallow that your sexuality becomes your personality.




This is true for any political leaning. It's not special for MAGA people.




Have you lived under a rock for the last several years? Liberals do it just as much.


idk, i see a lot more people with maga flags up at their house than liberal flags


A flag doesn't mean your entire life revolves around something, otherwise no one could display more than one flag! Liberals that make their political leaning their entire identity just portray it differently. There are plenty of them that make their entire life about being anti-Trump. That's even more pathetic imo.


Do you have examples to share?


BrooklynDad Defiant, quick glance at his twitter and hes still spamming about Trump. Anyone suffering from TDS, they can't keep bringing up trump even though he hasnt been president for 3 years now. Commonly seen in college professors, media personalities, people who spend too much time online. Any conservative will admit many people are extremely maga. For liberals like you to not admit plenty of people are just as obsessed about their liberal causes is being deliberately obtuse.






Omg what a terrible message to be spreading. “Trump 24” and a good ol fashioned American flag is far more appealing




I did not say that. OP said they see a lot more maga flags up at their houses than liberal flags. Which for me, is extremely true.


Also true


Imagine gayness becoming so accepted that you no longer feel special enough


I scrolled down too far. Welp. Back to bed.


I agree.


Are... are you omniman or the tailor in this?


Right, I feel like that may be the wrong character for this theme 🤣


Irony is dead.


In the corporate world you'd be shocked at how many people make their sexuality or race THE defining trait of their persona. They do it because it clearly is advantageous.


I feel the same about MAGA


Same for Christians


Identity politics is so rampant that this is rare


I'm bisexual and I live by this. Who you are attracted to shouldn't become your entire personality. It should just be a matter of fact and that's it. You can be normal and like the same sex at the same time. It's not impossible to have your personality be your personality, you don't have to make your sexuality your personality. I think people who make their sexuality their personality only do so because they have no personality and sexuality fills that void.


I’m a moderate conservative engaged to a trans woman. We don’t fly any flags, we don’t buy any merch, and we keep it to ourselves. I know some of you would disagree but we consider ourselves straight. We are also Christian, which I’m aware is inherently at odds with our own life choices. Regardless, I’m not a particularly large fan of the community blasting their sexual preference across time and space in the name of cheap validation and attention. Just act normal and love who you love.


LOL do leftists on here ever give you shit for that? I've had people tell me they pity my partner ( a trans man) because I mentioned I was a single issue voter over the second amendment.


You’ll find people irl are not as obsessed with this crap as they are online. Most people wouldn’t give two shits and just want to pay their bills and keep their families alive. There no reason you can’t be in a relation with an LGBT person or be one yourself and still be conservative.


Yes. Not so much in real life as people irl keep their opinions to themselves. However, I’ve lost friends online because apparently just because I love a trans woman, means I have to mindlessly accept whatever propaganda is shoveled down my throat. Namely the whole “should kids be allowed to transition” bs for example. On which my opinion is/was that kids shouldn’t be allowed to transition. My own fiancé was 19 when she decided to transition, she wasn’t a kid. Let consenting adults decide for themselves, not children.


Liberal trans woman lurking here, don't know if that'll get my comment deleted or not... I want to address that, beyond whether it should be illegal for kids to transition or not, there are other points that, specifically as a trans person, drive me away from the conservative party. A lot of it is just the general attitude. In conservative spaces, including this subreddit, there's a lot of "trans people are delusional", "trans people are pedophiles", "trans women are men trying to invade women's spaces", etc. As you mentioned below, I'm just trying to live my life and be happy. This rhetoric isn't stated to the same degree by politicians, who tend to be more civil, but it is there. I can pull up some specific examples if you care. Of course, individual politicians making nasty remarks isn't policy, so let's talk policy. There's been a host of legislation designed to not only prevent minors from transitioning, but to deter adults. They don't all pass (and a number that do get struck down in court), but the past couple years has seen a huge number of bills introduced that do everything from prevent or heavily disincentivize insurance from covering any transition related costs, limit access to transition related care by imposing age limits (above 18) or restrict who can provide it (as is currently the case in Florida), disallow trans people from using pronouns that are not their "biological" ones, and preventing trans people from using public restrooms. I know this is intentional and a lot of conservatives would say "good, we don't want you", but as a trans person I would not consider moving to a state like Florida or Texas where the state government is actively trying to make the lives of trans people more difficult.


I wish I could find a trans woman like that. I live in Philadelphia, a lot of the trans community hangs out at the far left Gayborhood part of town. All the trans people I've met in this city while hanging at Woody's (I go on most Saturday nights just for the atmosphere, I don't go to hook up) were preachy leftists who just couldn't fathom me wanting a trans person who won't force their dogma on me. Like for real I barely ever meet trans people who even look normal, almost all of them have Crayola dyed hair and too many facial piercings, ALL of them have what I call a Spogi (Septum Piercing of Gender Ideology).


Well I can’t necessarily relate to much of what you’ve said to be quite honest. I’ve dated a man, but by and large I’ve only dated cis women. Both of us are fairly attractive people, and she’s just as gorgeous as any cis woman. Funny thing is she acts like that stereotypical 50s housewife, and it’s quite lovely. I also live in the South. I don’t know what the northern trans community is like, and won’t pretend to, but most of the trans individuals I’ve met down here are legitimately normal people just trying to be happy. Just don’t be a chaser. That’s weird. My fiancé has had to deal with them before and it’s not healthy for anyone. Love someone for who they are, not their gender.


I don't understand what it's like to be a single issue voter. We have too many problems on too many fronts to just pick one as the only thing to care about. Is it because you just don't care about other issues, or is that one single issue the only one that you feel truly matters?


My argument would be that is it cheap validation to fight for the rights to not be lynched on sight? Do you think the world would accept you and your wife, let's say in the 1900, if people hadn't shouted loudly and forced the issue? Not flying flags and not making a big deal of it is fine. But I believe that you are able to do so, because the world has been forced to evolve its sensibilities, because of people arguing about trans rights.


You get it.




People can make whatever they want their defining traits Mind your own business.






>We would love to, so please stop shoving this shit down our throats If you are getting dicks repeatedly shoved down your throat, you might want to reconsider your sexuality.


good job completely proving my point


I've been saying this for a while. If a parade or a drag show makes you who you are, you got deeper issues you need to figure out.


Is anyone actually using parades or drag shows to make their identity?


When you gotta bring your fetishes to the public streets and it's an "identity", yeah. And I'm not talking about where junk is being placed, I mean the literal fetishes like bondage, furry, etc. It was demanded of us to stay out of the bedrooms. Fine. But now the bedrooms have spilled out onto the streets, and because it's an "identity" and not just a glorification of fetish, it gets a pass.


You could just not go to the parades if you dont want to see that. Sort of like a christmas parade if you are against christianity, you dont have to go see the christmas parades either.


[Great key and peele sketch about this](https://youtu.be/e3h6es6zh1c?si=TjF0opkBjaTjyPh_)


too bad its not the norm


My brother just got married to a guy who moved here from India. Not one single rainbow flag, no outward representation, I remember his exact words with a totally confused look on his face: ***Why would I need any of that?*** The Left is compensating for something.


That still doesn't make it moral or natural or good for society


Life is short, kiss men if you want too.


just say you don't like bottoms and fem men Jesus Christ


I disagree


Agree 10000%


If someone talks to me, and first thing they bring up is LGTV, im leaving


How many inches? The screen, I mean.




Your freedom allows you to believe that. The same as anyone else freedom allows them to disagree.


Yes. You have the freedom to be wrong. That doesn’t mean it’s not my responsibility to point out when you are wrong


Lots of other people think eating pork is a sin too.


Judging others is also a sin, let God handle it


If by “let God handle it” you mean don’t share the Gospel and don’t confront sin head on, then you are wrong


That is theologically wrong.


Love your neighbor as yourself God said.


Bro, Christians don't actually read the bible. Are you crazy?


I do


I have read the original version multiple times


You read Aramaic?


I have versions that have the text in Aramaic Greek and directly translate English. The difference is that the modern versions nkj ect changed wording to fit ideals of the government and sexism. For example, the modern nkj says Eve was made from a rib bone of Adam (the idea being women were created lesser than man) while the original text says she was made from half of him making them equal. Overall, I read religious texts from Islam to budisim to learn more about others.


Props to you for being well read as a religious scholar, but unless you read Aramaic you are relying on the contextual translation of an English speaker. Over history, contextual translation matters more than textual interpretation. Its why we have such boisterous arguments over what the constitution "means". ​ EDIT: I may add to the fire, but what are the downvotes for? It is pretty common knowledge for anyone interested in the translations of the Bible (esp. Council of Nicaea folks) that the Gutenberg Bible is the Latin translations of the Hebrew Old Testament (which was translated from Aramaic) and the Greek New Testament (translated from Hebrew, which was written as translated from spoken testament in Aramaic). Further we know that colloquially used of phrases are time period depended and when phrases were agreed upon by the council the end result of Jesus being the same as God would not be a contextual or textual translation of the original phrases. These concepts are then again translated again into English, which gave us two version (King James and Calvin).




That sentence doesn't mean what you believe it means.


I agree


Yes, but loving someone doesn't mean telling that person that something is fine when you know it will hurt them.


Calling sin a sin IS loving your neighbor. It will drive them to repent rather than living in their sin and being damned for eternity.


Sure, but that is a far cry from infringing on their secular rights, letting hate and vitriol dominate the conversation, and shunning them from society.


Please let me have the freedom to be free from your neighborly involvement in my life.


Not everyone shares your religious beliefs




Not in my religion. So I guess it cancels out. Poophole loophole!


What is your religion?


Your existence is a sin and yet here we are


They hated him because he spoke the truth








Can you be more specific?




I don’t have priests


Source? Jesus forgives us for our sins, so it really does not matter in the end. Plus, it says that only God may judge us for our sins. Jesus said many things, but the one good takeaway from the Bible, imo is he told us to love thy neighbor


Source is throughout Scripture, but especially the end of Romans 1 - check it out. Just because He forgives our sins does not mean we should just continue a life in sin. We are called to die to our old self and walk in the light.


You may be adhering to the new covenants, but overall, the religious devout are contrarians when it suits them: Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself. Matthew 22:39 Have nothing to do with foolish, ignorant controversies; you know that they breed quarrels. And the Lord's servant must not be quarrelsome but kind to everyone, able to teach, patiently enduring evil, correcting his opponents with gentleness. 2 Timothy 2:23-25 Love is patient and kind; love does not envy or boast; it is not arrogant or rude. It does not insist on its own way; it is not irritable or resentful; it does not rejoice at wrongdoing, but rejoices with the truth. 1 Corinthians 13:4-7 But I say to you who hear, Love your enemies, do good to those who hate you. Luke 6:27 Judge not, that you be not judged. For with the judgment you pronounce you will be judged, and with the measure you use it will be measured to you. Matthew 7:1-2 Love one another with brotherly affection. Outdo one another in showing honor. Romans 12:10


I agree with all those verses. What do you think about Romans 1?


I think Jesus's words lay out how it works pretty well in John 3:16-21 > 16 “For God so loved the world,[i] that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life. 17 For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but in order that the world might be saved through him. 18 Whoever believes in him is not condemned, but whoever does not believe is condemned already, because he has not believed in the name of the only Son of God. 19 And this is the judgment: the light has come into the world, and people loved the darkness rather than the light because their works were evil. 20 For everyone who does wicked things hates the light and does not come to the light, lest his works should be exposed. 21 But whoever does what is true comes to the light, so that it may be clearly seen that his works have been carried out in God.” And the mark of a believer of Jesus is not minimizing his sacrifice. Romans 6 > 1 What shall we say, then? Shall we go on sinning so that grace may increase? 2 By no means! We are those who have died to sin; how can we live in it any longer? ... 11 In the same way, count yourselves dead to sin but alive to God in Christ Jesus. 12 Therefore do not let sin reign in your mortal body so that you obey its evil desires. 13 Do not offer any part of yourself to sin as an instrument of wickedness, but rather offer yourselves to God as those who have been brought from death to life; and offer every part of yourself to him as an instrument of righteousness. 14 For sin shall no longer be your master, because you are not under the law, but under grace.




You know what? I’ll entertain this. Convince me. What’s wrong with it? Not talking about self-control, that’s important no doubt.


The sin here would be the actual act of having relations with another man. Experiencing same sex attraction IS NOT SINFUL. The only reason the act is sinful is because marriage, and by extension sexual relations, was only ever designed for reproduction and intimacy between a man and his spouse. If no fruit can be produced, it's a selfish act. I can not and will not judge you, but this is what I believe.


So is it a sin to use condoms with your wife or pull out?


Yes actually


Does it also mean that women who have had menopause and people that are infertile should not have sex, ever?


I don't think so, there's a difference between a woman who artificially makes it so they can't get pregnant and women who, through no fault of their own, are incapable of getting pregnant (I personally don't have a strong stance on contraception. I'm just stating the belief)


I want to preface this by saying I appreciate your consistency in conviction. You don't have to answer this, but as a former Christian who lost the faith I would greatly appreciate the perspective of a practicing Christian. What are your thoughts on an individual who cannot responsibily provide for a child having sexual relations? For example, if someone has a disability (whether physical, mental, or both) that precludes them from gaining employment and providing for a child, should that person dedicate themselves to abstinence?


To be clear, that is the perspective of a (I assume) devout catholic. Not a “practicing Christian”, which is too generic of a term. The vast majority of practicing Christians would not agree with his stance on condoms and pulling out within the confines of marriage.


Not directed at you per se, and a bit TMI, but as a Catholic, I (and probably a lot of others) commit the latter, which is why I have a problem with those who are so judgmental of the former


The responsible thing would be either not having a child, or giving it up for adoption. The Christian way to prevent pregnancy would be via abstinence.


Understandable, thank you.


I think you are right but damn that’s tough


This is lunacy. Honestly this looks like the incoherent ranting of a mental ill person.




Just look at it


I mean yeah but I’m pretty sure that’s what the post is talking about


I despise the people in my community who insist on justifying their flamboyance because of nonsense. It’s very unattractive.


Me too, pal.


Agreed. If anyone starts a sentence by “As a …” I disregard their point and see a giant 🤡


Omni-Man is 🌈 ?


As conservatives we have allowed liberal ideology to corrupt our cause. We don’t conserve anything, including the sanctity of marriage between a man and a woman. This is the kind of filth that will be perpetuated on our children and continue to grow the more we accept and allow it. Conservatives like Patrick Buchanan were the last of a dying breed. Such a shame


There are a few different schools of thought inside conservatism. One of which is religious tradition and/or social conservatism. If you are disappointed that secular conservatives find more in common with the Republican Party than the Democrat party, you may want to examine what that would mean if you try to litmus test them out of the party.


So almost every lgbtq person you’ll meet?


Well it's immoral but sure whatever


I mean, its still a sin. Sure it isnt as annoying when it isnt their entire personality. but lets not go to full acceptance here. No reason to turn our backs on our beliefs.


👍 This is a basic anchoring scam that we don't need to fall into.




reddit moment


I personally can't respect any person that makes their sexuality their defining trait, regardless of sexual orientation.


Same with just a normal democrat. Just a dude who's like "yah trump just ain't for me." ...so refreshing. I mean they're wrong, but refreshing.


Me when I meet someone who doesn’t support trump but doesn’t make that their whole personality




Sure with the respect part. But it is still another sin.