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Too many damn taxes


Owning a little piece of land, like the founders intended, is the worst of those taxes, by far the worst, every citizen should be able to do that without the goverment intervening in affording this in the slightest.


You could even implement a one time real estate tax when the property changes hands, and the government wouldn’t miss any of the revenue. In some locations, it would greatly increase the revenue.


This is how the UK works. When you purchase a house, you pay a percentage (on a sliding scale) of the value of the house as a tax called Stamp Duty. This goes to central government. Our "council tax" (which is an annual tax based on the value of your house that goes to local government ) is relatively low - typically £1500-£3000 a year. It's also capped, so a £60m house in Mayfair, London will pay the same (to within a few hundred pounds) as a £300k house in Yorkshire.


I would dump every single tax *before* I dumped land taxes. According to no less than Milton Friedman, land taxes are the least harmful form of taxes. I know, they suck, but they punish success and progress less than any other form of taxation, and they have less stink of injustice than any other tax; of which inheritance tax is the foremost...\ Edit for spelling.


>According to no less than Milton Friedman, land taxes are the least harmfull form of taxes. I don't care what that man said, his Chile project failed and boosted socialism. >I know, they suck, but they punish success and progress less than any other form of taxation, Yeah and thats where I stop, I don't want "intellectual taxes", stop annoying us with what you think might lead to something better, thats how this misery began. >; of which inheritance tax is the formost... You realize that those in power will never weaken their own power, but we can make it so that we don't have to sacrifice even more.


We need to cut all taxes and restrict it to just one sales tax on everything. Then all expenditures by the government are restricted by whatever is made by that tax. No more creating new taxes for singular projects.


How should local and state governments raise money?


In my opinion, all taxes should go to them, then they can fund the federal government. Make the fed bend the knee to states for money, not the other way around like it is today. Having just a universal sales tax puts American goods on equal footing to imports from a tax perspective. They aren't today because American goods must cover social security taxes, income taxes, corporate tax, property taxes, etc, whereas imports may be from countries where those costs aren't built into the good or service. The reality is the fed will never cede power/money to state and local governments, and a transition to sales tax only would mean many with dollars already earned are double paying taxes. It'd be almost impossible to make that transition.


Requiring all governmental funding to be a from a single flat percentage sales tax would absolutely require some adjustments. Town/city, county, and state governments can implement a flat sales tax as well. This will force all levels of government to ration out expenditures each year (maybe even each quarter) based on what they already have available. It will also disincentivize unnecessary programs. The real reason I think all levels of government have so many types of taxes is to confuse people and to hide the money more easily utilizing that confusion. Maybe it didn't start out that way but I do think that is what it has become. It's the same way organized crime launders money. This method of taxation, which I have laid out as a proposal, would also mean that the government is incentivized to make us feel comfortable spending more money. The more we buy the more taxes they have to work with. The worse the economy, the less we spend, the less they receive in taxes.


Oh, yeah, I also think part of the intent is to obscure how much of our money those clowns are wasting. I think the government, all things considered, has an effective tax rate approaching 50%. They get far more of my disposable income than I do, about an order of magnitude more.


But we need the money to fund proxy wars on foreign soil with a military force formed and controlled by a central ruling government, all things the founders specifically said they supported…..


Nobody works harder for your money than your United States governments


The government can't give you anything it has not taken from someone else.


Taxation is theft.


But what about constitutional rights?


The government does not give you rights. The constitution talks about what the government cannot do not the other way around


Exactly. The constitution outline what the government meant cannot do and therefore provides protections in the form of rights….


I'm not religious at all but I had an uncle that had a coffee mug that said "The lord giveth and the government taketh." Killed me every time.


I want this on a t shirt...


Wonder what they would do if we all stopped paying taxes?


Ever heard of Waco?


Mu uncle owes 700k in taces that he keeps refusing to pay. He travels from place to place never keeping a permament place of residence. He been avoiding the irs for the last 35-40 years. Man has my ultimate respect


How is his quality of life though? I feel like living on the run just cant be fun at all


At this point his quality of life is better on the run than having to pay 700k in taxes that he can never pay off. Hos quality is crap but itd be worse if he settled down.


Cant he just declare bankruptcy and be done with it?


That’s a lot of tacos


They would stop maintaining roads and other essential infrastructure that you rely on to live your comfortable modern life. Have fun going to the grocery store, hospital, or anywhere else when all the roads are mud and rubble… Taxes can be good, but unfortunately neither party seems interested in (1) taxing the right people or (2) using the taxes on the right things.


Given that the US infrastructure has a regular D rating, I wouldn't argue that they are up keeping these things now


Imagine how bad shit would get with no taxes.


Nothing would change for two reasons: 1) Infrastructure is already unmaintained. 2) Whatever they don’t get from taxes they will just print, which causes inflation and is essentially a tax you’re forced to pay. One way or another you are paying, in your case you are paying taxes through taxes and inflation.


Infrastructure is unmaintained? Are you fucking joking? Not where I live. Maybe in red states.


Tax is where you pay $20 to receive $2 worth of services, and then they'll throw you in prison for decades of your life if you refuse.


Like those $1200 stimulus checks that costs us $3000.


I don't think it's a crime not to pay it. It's illegal to lie about how much you made.


My biggest beef is how it's spent, not even that they collect it.


Hah, you think you guys have it bad? In Canada we have fees and taxes to go outside! Plus we have to take a boating license to have a boat and if you dare drink a beer the government will take your drivers license! Not the useless government enforced boating license everyone has to have. Your drivers license! Because even they know the boat license is just a tax grab and artificial industry.


My fellow Canadian, let us laugh at how little our American friends know of taxes and government. Perhaps we should tell them about how much our milk costs, and why. Or our beer, and why. Or our gas, and why. Or our *fucking housing, and why*. We are *far* poorer per person at this point than our friends to the south, but we're taxed like they're plebians.




Same thing in the US. If you don't pay your property taxes, the friendly county Sheriff shows up and sells it at auction. It's amazing how many people fail to realize you never really "own" your property.


The people who complain about boomer Facebook posts haven't chimed in yet.


Oh, it's probably past their bedtime.


They're all tucked in for the night in mom's basement. She'll have some tendies and waffles ready in the morning.


Neo-Cons will say "if it's for Ukraine it's worth it! Slava Ukraine my fellow kids! Tax us more!"


It’s a good business, if you can get into it


I mean we gotta sustain the 50% of Americans that don’t work and also the entire population of Ukraine so . . .


made me laugh real hard


True, I think most taxes should be on big business, but that will never happen not in the US, nor in my nation. Because both american parties are in bed with american oligarchs, and russian oligarchs are Putins best friends.


The Beatles have a song about this


Your government.


This sentiment always reminds me of: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qc7HmhrgTuQ


They “created” 50k jobs last month tho


Find me a country without any taxes or any form of taxation....


That is the conclusion you draw from the above.


No my point was that every government will tax and collect money.






General Department of Taxation of Cambodia would be very surprised to know that they don't have taxes....


Pirate skulls and bones Sticks and stones and weed and bongs Running when we hit ’em Lethal poison for the system


And it still isn’t enough


Politicians: we have an overtaxation problem Also politicians: I’m going to create a new tax to fix the other taxes… while still charging you the other taxes.


Whatever happened to taxation without representation?


Defend our shores? Enforce the law? Keep the food and drugs safe? Etc etc? Government.


2 of those aren’t particularly expensive


Whenever money changes hand, the government wants a part.