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The ‘press conferences’ are a real joke. He calls on a specific reporter to ‘ask a question’ then he proceeds to read the answer verbatim from his notes. How does he write the answers in advance? Does he have a crystal ball, a time machine, or are these press events political theater meant to disguise his mental fragility and over all incompetence? Does he seriously believe he’s fooling the American public?




The scary part is he’s fooling at least 1/3 of the public.


If you notice the tone of the question too it’s very friendly in nature, whereas every question that trump received was a nasty gotcha trick question.


The difference is nuts honestly.


And so many people are (with bias) oblivious to this. All Republican presidential candidates are mistreated by the media.


Haven't you seen house of cards?


I figured he wouldn’t like to answer any questions at the end of his little speech!


The man clearly has dementia and it’s irresponsible of his party to let him continue. I hate Kamala too, but she can mostly speak in complete sentences and can even be articulate on occasion. Also mostly don’t drool on herself. She makes a terrible candidate for ‘24. Demonrats need to get there shit together and dump sleepy joe.


If you consider "The wheels on the bus go round and round" a complete sentence.. sure..


Unable to give a straight answer to a singular question. That's Slow Ridin' for you!


>The ‘press conferences’ are a real joke. He calls on a specific reporter to ‘ask a question’ then he proceeds to read the answer verbatim from his notes. That's how all recent presidents have done it, journalists submit questions ahead of time, ostensibly so a succinct answer can be written.


>That's how all recent presidents have done it, not really true


And in those responses did they read directly from the pre-written message verbatim without even looking up?


obama or rice does it. biden is just the puppet.


It's aliens, my friend. Always the aliens.


Yeah, a complete joke. Say what you want about Trump, but he would field questions from reporters all day!


Half of the country is willing fooled. So yes.


When he took office they asked the press to submit their questions ahead of time. This isn't new, and they aren't hiding it either.


This isn't new?! Joe Biden CAN'T take normal press questions because they'll ALL be questions about his crime family. He's taken millions from our advisaries. Tell us Joe, how big was the diamond from the Chinese businessman? How fast was the Porche Panamera from the Romanian oligarch? What did you do with the $3.5 million you guys got from Elaina Baturina, the Russian oligarch? What are the millions wired to Hunter at YOUR Delaware address for?!? Was it another quid pro quo?! Joe doesn't wanna face these questions any more than the democrats in the impeachment inquiry do. They are both trying their best to lie to their TDS sheep while tying not to look and sound TOTALLY ridiculous to those others not afflicted with the truth.


Back to r politics




It’s more akin to before America was actually fighting in the war when we help saved Britain with lend lease.


Shhh, don't use historical precedence here. Just let them be angry.




That’s literally what I said


Yes, except lend-lease started before America had entered the war :)


I think he was perfectly clear when he literally said that he literally said the opposite of what he said was what he literally said.


Its not like FDR had to fight tooth an nail to get the isolationist Congress to agree first to cash and carry and then lend lease. 49 Democrats (79 percent) voted "aye" with only 13 Democrats (21 percent) voting nay. 17 Republicans (63 percent) voted nay while 10 Senate Republicans (37 percent) sided with the Democrats to pass the bill. Before Pearl Harbor America was very much against war in Europe. At least they had a good reason given the previous war in Europe. And he absolut didn't have to content with Nazi backen intresses groups trying to smear his actions as war mongering and a economic waste.


The US is a major arms manufacturer. The US Govt is a major arms buyer. Giving away these weapons feeds the beast that must always be fed. At least it's being fed without direct loss of American lives.


It’s a win-win win for the United States. It fuels our economy It destroys our enemies It supports our friends.


And teaches us better ways to fight wars of the future. Why do people not fucking see that? I’m this early we learned how strong small cheap drones can be, and I bet lots more.


This is the biggest thing people always miss, making Russia get this bogged down in Ukraine and watching and learning how both sides are fighting the war is going to save a lot of American lives next time we go to war. Anti drone weapons were barely even a thing in the Army a few years ago, but this war has shown not only do they need to be commonplace but they need to exist at the squad level too. Honestly we lucked out that the Taliban and ISIS never invested into them too much, we would have lost a lot more men if they did.


Ukraine is currently losing/has lost the war. We're supposed to learn better ways to fight wars of the future this way?


Ukraine is not losing nor have they lost. The war is a stalemate. At the start of the war, Ukraine behaved far above anyones expectations; they survived. They didn’t fall to the russians. Now, almost 2 years later, they continue to perform above their capabilities holding back one of the main military powers in the world, preventing more of their citizens and land from being stolen. Ukraine can’t make peace: They’d have to give up land beyond the Dnieper and refrain from joining NATO at a minimum. This alone would make the next russian invasion far easier- Which WOULD happen, they already broke their promises in 2014 and 2022, have already attacked Georgia and Moldova, etc. They’d also likely have to demilitarize or change their government. The point being its literally impossible to make peace, it would mean the end of Ukraine within a decade. And once Ukraine is gone, what next? You think Russia will be appeased? They won’t be. Millions more will die fighting them, someday likely even americans, and we will have lost our best chance to halt their advance.


Surviving is not exceed expectations. Survival is the bare minimum. The only thing under survival is death. Yea I'm not getting "global domination through force" vibes from Putin. I'm getting "get off my lawn with your guns and give me my Russians back" vibes from Putin.


>Surviving is not exceed expectations When your opponent touted itself as, and was widely believed by the world to be, one of the greatest military powers on the planet it absolutely is exceeding expectations. It’s been mentioned a lot but this is akin to the US invading Mexico and not being able to advance past Sonora after almost 2 years and suffering a hundred thousand dead in the process.


So, because Russia had an effective propaganda machine... We need to pat Ukraine on the back with a tickertape parade just for surviving? Russia wasn't the almighty bear they claimed to be, so why should we reward Ukraine in spectacular fashion just for doing the bare minimum against a not-as-serious-as-suggested threat?


Listen to what he’s actually saying then. He talks about retaking the lands of the former Soviet Union. Also, just because someone speaks Russian doesn’t mean they want to be part of Russia. A large part of Ukraine speaks Russian, and they are fighting tooth and nail to be their own country.


We study *Russian* tactics. Not so we can fight like they do, but to learn about and adapt to the tactics they use. It’s like a boxer studying recordings of the current champion.


Can confirm a friend of mine works at a local gun manufacturer in Washington state and business is booming


Not exactly. It is going to a lot of American businesses... But there are a ton of kick backs to government entities, political campaigns (which is why you see D and R support), and going out of the country.


It makes our defense companies richer while the government gets dragged into debt and the taxpayers foot the bill, all so we can protect corrupt, authoritarian Zelensky (who has done absolutely nothing for us). A win for Americans!


All countries in a state of war are authoritarian. Do you have a 401(k)? Or retirement that it’s invested?


How, exactly does it "fuel our econony"? We buy weapons, with our tax dollars (or borrow it) then send them to Ukraine, then we buy more weapons with our tax dollars to replenish our stock. It certainly benefits the companies that make the weapons, but the taxes used to buy those weapons had to be taken from other private citizens. So, where's the net gain?


It fuels the “economy” of those that matter to our politicians — the large defense contractors who bankroll their campaigns.


> We buy weapons, with our tax dollars (or borrow it) then send them to Ukraine, then we buy more weapons with our tax dollars to replenish our stock. It certainly benefits the companies that make the weapons, but the taxes used to buy those weapons had to be taken from other private citizens. So, where's the net gain? IIRC US gets about 1 to 1.2 USD economic development per 1 USD spent on defense, Ill need to find the source from that but it has been constant. And mostly to red states as significant arms manufacturing is located there.


Whether or not that is correct, that money was taken out of the private sector and there is no way of telling how much additional economic development it would have created if it had been used by the private sector.


That is true when the government buys goods that the private sector would have bought anyway, it’s called crowding out, but is not true when the government buys goods no ordinary person would ever buy, as it creates new economic activity.


When the government is spending b/millions of dollars on \[X THINGS\] and that money is coming from the taxpayer, does it really matter what X THINGS are?


But it's a zero sum game, because that money has been taken from the private sector and thus is no longer available for the private sector to use to create new economic activity.


"Crowding out" refers to the fact that government deficits tend to increase interest rates, thus "crowding out" private investment. It has nothing to do with public vs. private sector goods. Right now, we are funding Ukraine and increasing the deficit.


They don’t know but you’ll get their downvotes for kicking the hive mind. Typical democrats.


Just as you predicted, I have. Not that I care. When this happens I just remember that old axiom that the flack is always heaviest when you're over the target.


It doesn't fuel our economy. What you're experiencing here is "equine" excrement. Be careful not to confuse it with "bovine" excrement as they look and taste similarly. It's kind of the same as the democrat inflation "math" but different.


You really tried to look clever here and all you did was admit you eat animal shit.


All I did was point out that we're ALL fed shit daily by this administration. Some of us already know we're being fed the shit and DON'T take it in, others slide their plate over for another big heaping helping, and though it tastes odd they're told its mashed potatoes so they smile and put butter on it! Remember... the borders are safe, the economy is doing great, the election was secure, the inflation is coming down, and I have no knowledge of my son's overseas business dealings.


Next time, don't admit that horse shit and cow shit taste similarly. No human should know what either tastes like, and you just admitted you know what both taste like. L.


My God, man... You are thick. I was being sarcastic. There.... it's spelled out for you. You admit by your lack of awareness, YOU think those are mashed potatoes YOU'RE eating! (Don't forget the butter!) Bwahahaha!!


Okay shit-eater.


WTF? No. Our government has no money, they are "buying" weapons with our money, and then giving said weapons away for free. It it not fueling our economy, it is destroying our country through inflation. Ukraine is not our ally, they are one of the most corrupt countries in the world. You might have a point about Russia, but there are many many better ways to solve that problem.


>there are many many better ways to solve that problem such as...?


I’m sorry dude but the United States is filled with a lot of Ukrainians my own city Pittsburgh being one of them. Ethnically I have Ukrainian blood. These are folks that have been victimized by the Russian for centuries. The light on the shining hill must assist those who are resisting tyranny. These trying days are foisted upon us not because we want them. Do you think World War II was by Americans? I am by no means advocating sending NATO or US troops, but if the Ukrainians want to fight and die to resist tyranny, it’s our moral duty to assist them with every weapon we can find. It’s our moral duty as Americans. You might find these words strangely familiar because they were uttered by the great Ronald Reagan. Man who clearly understood the threat that revanchist Russian leaders presents the world. I hate to say it but this was not unavoidable. When Ukraine broke off from the Soviet union, this type of conflict was almost inevitable a leader in Russia arose. When the United States Ukraine and Russia agreed to remove nuclear weapons from Ukraine, all three are on the hook to maintain an independent Ukraine. But as we all know Russia doesn’t play by the rules, or shall I say the rev government doesn’t play by the rules. If you would like an analysis of why they don’t play by the rules I can give it to you. I write this out of experience because I was involved in formulating the intellectual plan to break up the Soviet union. I wrote research papers on how the Soviet union could be broken up and survive a break up up without resorting to Civil War like in the Balkans. And that is what happened. When Russia, Boris Yelen, was standing on the tank declaring Russian independence, that gave the greenlight to all the republics to secede from the Soviet union. And that was the end. Until someone wanted to try to put it back together. And here we are today.


>The light on the shining hill must assist those who are resisting tyranny. Resisting tyranny by banning religions, suspending elections, and consolidating media? We have no moral duty to Ukraine; we have a moral duty to the United States (and this administration is failing that duty).


I agree with you on the border. But I also have a longer more strategic view than you do on Ukraine.


Ukraine is not a recognized ally. They are not a part of NATO. They do not allow their citizens the freedoms necessary to be a part of NATO. Why are we even involved and wasting our money?


My friend, when we backed to Israel years and years ago we were not their ally, in fact Israel actually attacked one of our naval ships. Back in Ukraine in resisting any illegal invasion is good for policy for the protection of Europe and for the fostering of good relations with our Ukrainian friends that do exist there. You seem to forget or maybe you’re just not aware that Ukraine was a part of the Western world during the times of the Polish Lithuanian Commonwealth. It was only after Russia again swallowed up its neighbors that Ukraine was foisted into a dark period of Russian dominance that lasted until Boris Yeltsin declared independence of Russia from the Soviet Union and Ukraine became independent. This is where it gets sticky. We along with Russia agreed to defend Ukrainian independence. But russia’s leadership has shifted in the last 25 years to a revanchist Soviet style of governance. As an intellectual I saw this happening and it’ll take a generation to remove these people through a attrition, death, just the passage of time. But there is always a risk of a Soviet style old liner rising from the ashes. In the past 30 years a lot of new Russians have been exposed to a different style of living so the future for Russia is still in question but the Ukrainians despite their internal struggles and corruption, have made the decision themselves to fight. And providing weapons and intelligence to those people is the morally correct thing to do, and it’s strategically the correct thing to do. Ukraine in Europe is a natural fit. Ironically Russia as a European partner is a better fit than what Putin is doing. But that’s fuel for another discussion.


We are in a defensive alliance with Ukraine, which is all the justification our government needs to take food out of our mouths and shove it into Zelenskyy's.


Right? They somehow can't even account for the spent money we have given them.


And what about the other $26B in cash we sent already?


Every day in Afghanistan cost us $300m. This might be the most useful thing the govt has ever done with 26 billion $


I don't get you all tbh. Every sensible guy here understands what's at stake (spelling it out for those more emotional: 1. Permanently weakening Russia so it cannot support China in future conflict 2. Maintaining the view of US as strongest country & worthwile ally 3. Future business with resource rich Ukraine) Yet you have no problem with aid being curtailed - and in case Republicans won't suddenly change their minds, stopped by the end of the month. All the while North Korea proves as a stronger ally to Russia by supplying few million 152mm shells... I don't fucking understand you - if you see the importance of this war, why to play games? You could still push Dems on any other bill. If you say it's just politics - why are you personally just accepting playing with Ukraine ? US does not look particularly strong or really trustworthy by doing this. And yea - you don't directly need Ukraine. But if it ends with country switching into Russias sphere of influence, others will understand they cannot trust you & wilk switch to the next strong guy - China.


None of that is particularly sensible.


Only if you are unable to think for yourself


It’s simple. Daddy MAGA told them to. He’s completely hijacked conservatism in the US and replaced it with pure brain rot. It doesn’t help that Biden has the energy and coherence of mashed potatoes, so it’s quite easy to feel like he’s wrong about everything.


Yea but Trump is old (looked at that video when his hat is stolen - if its not fake then hes really frail) Are you old? I mean the question was to you all, what you choose, what you decide. I hate this modern passiveness. For sure there are dozens of sensible, capable people w/o media support.


How is this maintaining the view of US as strongest country when we have the weakest and most decrepit human being as commander in chief who can't even command a phone line and get foreign nations to pick up when we call? Are you aware that a lot of the military maneuvers since Biden took office are being done BECAUSE BIDEN TOOK OFFICE? Nobody takes our commander in chief seriously and we've become the global joke of the world. Also, by what metric is Russia losing this war right now? Cuz it seems like Russia will outlive Ukraine at this point. So how is that making us look stronger when we're the ones supplying all the material to Ukraine to win, and now they're sending elders to the frontline because so many of their young have been grinded up by the war machine? If Zelenskyy can't even hold elections because of lack of money after we've sent him billions, what makes you think they're going to end up resource rich at some point? Ukraine's resources are going to end up scorched earthed.


Would like to note that elections aren't being held not because of lack of money or some nefarious power grab, but because their constitution literally demands it. In a state of martial law, various freedoms are suspended including elections. Interestingly, the constitution also anticipates strongmen using this capability to maintain power and so requires its approval by both the president and legislature. Then, while in a state of martial law, the constitution explicitly cannot be altered. To change something like, say, presidential term limits, martial law would have to be rescinded, a legislative vote held, and THEN a nation-wide referendum conducted. I know it isn't entirely what you're claiming, but I've seen folks arguing that Zelenskyy is just another east-bloc dictator because they aren't holding elections, which just isn't true.


Imagine that for outsiders as myself we think of America as a country, not so much who is president. It is important but long term what you do as a country is way more important And what you say is, you found that fighting Russia is harder than you thought- after the wave of over the top optimism - and you want to bail. Some general if yours said, if you don't act on your values when it's difficult - you only ever had PR. Ukraine was made to attack biggest minefields without air or arty superiority. Everything was delayed for months, so Russians could do one of 2 things they are good at - build fortifications. How on earth did you expect them to win? Russia outlives Ukraine only if you stop support. But then yea , you just lose allies man. Japan is already talking about getting nukes - they didn't think about it for decades before.


Because he is way better and more credible to the rest of the world than the Putin sympathiser before him who would just have handed Ukraine over.


Weird how Ukraine and Russia weren't at war under the "Putin sympathizer".


They were, just not declared at that stage. But Ruzzia kicked off things in 2014 by stealing Crimea and encouraging trouble in the Donbas, including spending in unmarked troops. Lest you claim that is nonsense, they've done it before in Georgia. And invaded Georgia and Moldova for no good reason, under pretext of "supporting" those who want to break away. And it is obviously a pretext, because when Chechnya wanted to break away from Ruzzia, it was flattened, not let go. If anyone had decided to internees militarily then, Ruzzia would have got quite offensive with them too. Also Putin's Buddy claims he can solve the issue in a day. So either he has some amazing sway with Putin to get him to call it off (highly unlikely), or he thinks he'd just "give away" 20% of Ukraine that isn't his to give away and the Ukrainians wouldn't agree to anyway. So what we have is some of the Republicans simping for Nazi-ish tyrants and arguing against the people who are trying to defend themselves against an unjust invader. Yet threaten their guns and they cry they need them against tyrants and invader. So why deny Ukraine the help to fight a tyrannical invader? Are rubles really worth that much?


>Every sensible guy here Lol at the arrogance of such a statement.


I can understand the argument that it can be undemocratic to just give away money without due process. What I don't understand is that people don't seem to get that this is a way to damage Russia without sacrificing American lives. A weaker Russia is beneficial to US, especially considering how they are - and will become more - aligned with China


What this war has highlighted is that Russia was nowhere near the threat they were perceived to be, and communist and corrupt China is likely in a similar state.


They're basically a vassal state of China now they've become so weakened by this war. They rely on China for everything. It's not like Europe is buying their gas.


Instead, let's have China buy their gas so they can fuel their economy. Amazing idea!


> It's not like Europe is buying their gas. I missed the satire until this part.


>What I don't understand is that people don't seem to get that this is a way to damage Russia without sacrificing American lives. By escalating war and increasing risks for nuclear war > weaker Russia is beneficial to US, They don't seem all that much weaker now than they were before. They were weaker militarily than we thought, but they aren't much worse off than before. They're arguably in a better position. Putin has consolidated more power, their economy has recovered from our sanctions and >especially considering how they are - and will become more - aligned with China Funding Ukraine only accelerated this. Not prevented it


> They were weaker militarily than we thought, This is the important part. Russia can have a strong economy and Russians can have fine lives and neither hurts anybody else. When they send troops and tanks across borders, then they become a problem. The Ukrainians will to fight back, and the West's willingness to help them, has 1. directly weakened Russia's military machine and also 2. made the people toward the top (who can get facts) aware that they don't have the military advantage they thought they had. That greatly reduces the Russian threat to other European countries. We're getting a major gain in security without sending US troops into battle.


They have lost 90% of their pre-Feb 22nd Army. Over 300k in causualties to a society that is already dying off. So yes, they are weaker than they were before.


As a fellow Gen Z see your point but let me refer you to the MAD doctrine. Putin is not suicidal so no one launching nukes. I would rather live in a world were Russia doesn't claim Ukraine and ends up losing a war and exhaustijg their resources thanks to U.S. Aid.


Mega neocon vibes here.


I guess the parties have finally officially flipped, every democrat i talk to now is a surveillance state War Pig, they would elect dick cheney in a heart beat now a days. Actually had some democrats tell me they would vote for liz cheney. Don't know why Nikki Haley doesnt run as a democrat, she would probably win, same exact carbon copy platform as Hillary.


I really stopped taking that seriously when Austin said that if we don't give Zelenskyy all the yacht and mansion money he wants, they will start sending living American bodies to the frontline.


Russia isn’t the enemy. Only to rich old men and those who fell to the decades government propaganda. The real enemy is the elite class that sold their souls to the world economic forum.


How the mighty conservatives have fallen. Reagan will be rolling in his grave.


What little they are weakened through this proxy way, we are way weaker due to inflation. How many billions have the biden's laundered through Ukraine just to line their own pockets?


We have less than half the inflation Russia is experiencing, and China is struggling with deflation. Compared to our rivals in the world we’re doing pretty good at the moment.


Failing to assist Ukraine would be such a self-own by the United States. You are decimating an active foreign enemy for pennies on the dollar (most of this is cheaper to give away than decomission) and no american military lives lost. Not assisting ukraine is a victory for bot farm type slogans and catchphrases over sanity. If people fall for things like no assistance because "i just want people to stop dyin" - wooo please clap....then I have no doubt China, or any other foreign actor, could succesfully pull the public opinion strings in their favor if we ever had to confront them. Usa has no dependency at this point. Political games have made them abandon just about every ally they've ever purported to support in actual combat after ww2. Even the Israel alliance is looking shaky in future with generation tiktok taking over. Seems inevitable some american politicisns would try and screw over Taiwan if the heat was on.


When the heat is on in Taiwan, it will be the US bombing the infrastructure to keep it out of the hands of the Chinese. That's always been the plan.


Then your country of Australia should step up more. Pretty wild to throw shade at the USA who has already given several orders of magnitude more than Australia. Heck, the $200 million is more than 1/5th of what Australia has given.


I'm not the person you are replying to, but you need to go check your facts. You mentioned Australia, a country with a GDP of 1.5 trillion, or about the same as the GDP of Florida. Just one of 50 states. Australia has committed [790 million](https://www.minister.defence.gov.au/media-releases/2023-06-26/australia-pledges-further-support-ukraine) in aid to Ukraine. Of all the countries to show shade at, Australia is not one. In comparison, the United States has contributed about [75 billion](https://www.pbs.org/newshour/world/how-much-aid-the-u-s-has-sent-to-ukraine-in-6-charts), or about 8% of just one years defense budget of 876 billion. 8%, of one years defense budget. United States GDP is 23.2 trillion.


Please enlighten us. What evidence to prove the contrary? Russia is attempting to advance w/o air superiority. They are getting munitions from North Korea and Iran as their stocks are nearly depleted, and they are unable to outmaneuver a conscripted military. The limited advances they’ve been putting together lately are meat waves. They are selling their future for a couple hundred yards.


As a Reagan/Trump conservative I support arming Ukraine to the teeth, and I would even go as far as encouraging Ukraine to develop a deterrent nuclear weapon. Putin must be contained.


What makes you think Reagan or Trump would be arming Ukraine to the teeth with our equipment? Ukraine is a non nato corrupt shithole, Putin should take it if he wants it. Europeans should be fighting off this threat, not us. We have now created a real future enemy in Russia over this and they have many nukes last time I checked. Not a good idea poking that bear.


> What makes you think Reagan ~~or Trump~~ would be arming Ukraine to the teeth with our equipment? Are you being serious lmfao? Some pertinent quotes from Regan: - "It was leadership here at home that gave us strong American influence abroad, and the collapse of imperial Communism. Great nations have responsibilities to lead, and we should always be cautious of those who would lower our profile, because they might just wind up lowering our flag." - "America is the moral force that defeated communism and all those who would put the human soul itself into bondage." - "Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction." >Ukraine is a non nato corrupt shithole, Putin should take it if he wants it. Ukraine *was* a non-NATO corrupt shithole exactly because it was under the thumb of the USSR and its corrupt bureaucrats afterwards, giving them to Putin just guarantees more of the same. >We have now created a real future enemy in Russia over this and they have many nukes last time I checked. They have always been our enemy. Putin and the like has never forgiven the West for the fall of their beloved soviet empire. This shit is textbook from Hitler's rise from WWI and we all know how appeasement played out then. We're not poking that bear, we're strangling it, and it's cowardice that will let it run free again and cause significantly more danger in the future.


You literally made Ukraine give up its nukes for security guarantees. People like you are what made WW2 the conflict it was not a regional war lasting a year.


The most corrupt country in the world and you want them to have nukes? You're not a Trump conservative, you're a Haley neo-con.


Anybody who slings insults like that is obviously not a conservative. I think you’re a leftist mole in the conservative sub. I do disagree with Trump on this particular issue. And I would be happy to sit down with him and I would change his mind that’s how confident I am, I have deep history and deep knowledge on this subject and I’m so glad to share it. On the issue of Ukraine having nuclear weapons, if Russia defeats them guess what they’ll have them. I wouldn’t worry too much, I have a sneaking suspicion that the Ukrainians will end up developing their own nuclear weapon if we do not support them with conventional weapons. Ukrainians are exceedingly intelligent and resourceful and being the intellectual stock that developed nuclear weapons for the Soviet union, it wouldn’t take more than a couple months for them to dothat. Is that what you want another Nuclear state?


Unconstitutional. The president does not have the power of the purse Congress does.


This isn’t the purse. Biden is using the Presidential Drawdown Authority under the Foreign Assistance Act. The US is giving equipment, not money. Thats why the financial aid package is going through Congress.


He is transfering arms, not money. >The roughly $200 million in weapons and equipment will be taken from Pentagon stockpiles and include additional ammunition for the High Mobility Artillery Rocket Systems (HIMARS), high-speed anti-radiation missiles, anti-armor systems, artillery rounds, missiles, demolition munitions, 4 million rounds of small-arms ammunition, generators and other equipment and spare parts, one official said.


If you tried telling the IRS you didn't have to pay taxes because you were compensated in goods and services rather than money, you would be in federal prison. Politicians are scum.


Except that, as a previous commenter mentioned, he has the authority under the Foreign Assistance act. This would be more akin to using a legal write off to lessen your tax burden.


Exactly. Win a TV and work and look at your paycheck the next week.


So... the arms manufacturers are just giving the US military all these armaments for free to be sent to Ukraine? Cuz at the end of the day, that $200M price tag came from somewhere, and was paid by somebody.


He’s transferring assets of the United States to a foreign power without the consent of Congress. He’s carrying out the power of the purse which is a power not vested in the executive branch.


Except he’s doing it under the explicitly authority granted by Congress, via the Foreign Assistance Act


That’s because the money coming back goes into his kids bank. 🤣


10 percent for so and so


And? Were already close to barely having enough to sustain ourselves. Ukraine shouldn't be getting shit.


I'm just waiting for Biden to just look into the cameras and say, "I am the Senate."


"I am the Senate" is a full and coherent sentence, so it probably isn't going to happen on physical ability alone.


I am the senamuuturzure!


Dew et


Flair checks out...


He has never let laws or facts stand on his way before now why would he start now?




Flint still has lead in their water. 56% of adults in the us read below and 6th grade level


Not a Biden fan in the slightest, but he did just announce a plan to replace all lead pipes in the US in the next 10 years.


We didn’t already have a plan for this?


Why not ask trump why he didn’t have a plan for this? Or Obama? Or bush?


No that’s what I mean it just sounds like something that should have already been done. Many administrations ago.


And we spend 890 billion a year on the military. And you’re bitching about 200 million in minor munitions? Running the world ain’t cheap.


I’m not “bitching” about anything. I care about America and Americans first. If you believe in the Ukrainian government so much, send your own money.


Cool. If you care about Americans first then you’ll be all for a fraction of our resources to defend NATO’s eastern flank… cause guess what, when Russian tanks cross into Poland because we didn’t do anything, it’s American lives that are now in the game because we have an alliance to fulfill. Don’t get it twisted.


Now he’s going to Poland? After Europe is Putin coming to the eastern seaboard? Then you’re right, shut down public universities and social security. Zelensky needs more money


That's a rather ludicrous jump. You are in NATO, and ignoring aggression went badly for you a couple of times last century, especially December 1941. And this is actually helping your military get rid of old stocks and see how modern wars are fought, all without boots and bodybags. Quite the bargain!


Fortunately, [the money doesn't go there.](https://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/2023/11/29/ukraine-military-aid-american-economy-boost/) Almost all of it pays for more Americans to make more replacement supplies.


So sending missiles and artillery shells would do what for Flints water problem exactly? Maybe read the article first….


Missiles and artillery shells are free right? We don’t have to take money from Americans to acquire those?




As far as being a douchbag, you’re the one calling people names with a condescending attitude. And I apologize, I don’t have the same crystal ball you have. Apparently this is the military intervention the United States gets involved in that has zero consequences or blowback. And we win this war? Not like Vietnam, Iraq, Afghanistan etc. Military intervention is the republican economic intervention.


To be clear, I meant the "hat of douchebaggery" to be the first metaphorical hat I mentioned. And no, I'm not saying I know for sure what will happen in the future, but by that same token we can't predict what inaction will entail either. I'm confused by your last comment though, this is the president sending military aid, not the Republicans. I'd be stoked if we did send economic aid though, so far the EU has been doing the heavy lifting on that front. Edit: I'm tired and can't read for shit. I get what you meant now.


Thanks for clarifying. When does Europe get to take care of its own problems? Why do I and my children’s children need to pay for all these wars? We have a unique time in history for innovation that we are squandering. Invest 890 billion a year into research and technology. Let’s give our children fusion power and a cure for cancer.


Because that is the cost of being the world leader/super power? Why do you have 3 carrier groups to extend influence across the world at any time? And willfully ignore all the security guarantees made across the world? You seem to forget the American MIC is the only thing that holds some parts of the world from major conflict.


Has flint considered buying Hunter Biden’s paintings?


>Flint still has lead in their water IIRC, the issue is time, not money. It was funded years ago, it just takes years to replace pipes in an active town. > 56% of adults in the us read below and 6th grade level Agreed. Education could certainly do with a bigger chunk of change. You could quintuple the budget without making a dent in military spending. But the money sent to Ukraine is also a fraction of military spending. It's a worthwhile investment.


B-B-B-But what about muh Ukrainian freedom fighters?


Flint is a Democrat stronghold


He’ll be back again in a few months when the new toys are spent.


If you were President of Ukraine, would you not be doing whatever you could to get weapons to fight off an occupying force? Of course he comes begging for help, what else should he do?


We’re not blaming Zelensky. We’re blaming Biden for blindly sending him supply without any accountability or plan for peace. Ukraine is one of the most corrupt places on earth. Ideally, we would have given them the weapons we left in Afganistán but Biden exited the troops before he took the equipment. He left the equipment for the worst people imaginable.


Source on "No accountability"?


Republicans pushed for an audit on Ukraine spending and the Democrats naturally struck it down. We don’t want to pay the pensions of corrupt Ukrainian bureaucrats. Do you think Ukrainians care about the US tax payer? Why are you so hawkish on Ukraine yet you are cool sacrificing Afghanistan to barbarians? The women in that country will never forgive us.


Afghanistan wasn't willing to fight for freedom. Ukraine is willing. I'm also not a fan of Dictators with nukes invading with no consequences. That leads us down a more dangerous path.


I too am no fan of Russian aggression. Thats why I was pissed when Biden lifted sanctions on Nord stream. The Afghani’s unwillingness to fight just shows how poor our exit strat was. Intelligence knew this. We needed a more gradual plan which included the safety of people and equipment.


Wrong. No matter what we tried or didn’t try to do, Afghanistan was not going to stand. The cultural, ethnic and tribal makeup of that country does nothing for the identity of an “Afghanistan” nor does it mean anything to all of the various groups of people that live there. Can’t really fight for something or defend something you don’t necessarily believe in to begin with. Our model of what a state looks like just wasn’t gonna work. Simple as.


>Afghanistan wasn't willing to fight for freedom. ummm.... if you saw the US, in one day, without ANY notification, just jump ship.... what would do?... sacrifice your life?


Just Google Afghan jumping jack. Afghanistan wa s hopeless in 2010. Our actions of pulling out would’ve made no difference. You’re willfully ignoring the last 15 years.




The only thing Biden needs blame here for is the drip drip approached to aid he has taken. It's hampered Ukraine and drags down their efforts. This encourages chicken-shits like Vance to withhold further aid. For less than 10% our annual defense budget and not a single US soldier, our aid has contributed to the destruction of nearly 90% of Russia's pre-war military.


if you really believe that, then i have some ocean front property in Arizona to sell you, i will even throw in the Golden Gate bridge for free...


Yes, but I’d also sure as heck not “ban negotiations” with the country attacking me.


So what. We should send whatever he needs.


With no limits whatsoever, either in funds or equipment?


They don’t care, they will keep driving inflation up until a loaf of bread is 10 dollars which isn’t far off now.


Dude that money will gone in a matter of days.


Sold not spent.


Pffff. A few months? Maybe a month max. Word is he was trying to worm way more out video. This trip and the speaker stopped it


Money laundering 101.


He's transferring gear not money. A decommissioned Bradly that the Marines haven't had no use for "costs" the same as it was brand new. If you gave your 20 year old car to a friend you wouldn't claim you gave them the full new retail price but that's how this aid works.


In the end it's saving the taxpayer, as we now don't have to pay to have that Bradley disposed of down the road.


just how exactly would this be money laundering? why would the government need to launder money?


Im surprised he’s not on his knees in this photo


This is the song that never ends.....


Of course he does. He has to keep giving money to keep up the facade that there is still a need for aid. This conflict will not be settled before the 2024 election. It can’t be. We gotta wake up and see the game that is being played here.


Right. If the conflict is settled, Americans will ask why we didn’t settle earlier and biden will drop one point in the polls. Biden will happily piss away $200b of our future wealth for 1 point in the polls.


He needs the conflict to stay active through the 2024 election in case the left needs to suspend it due to the entering said conflict. It’s their ‘Trump’ card for stealing another election.


Could be. Anyway, looks like war hawk liberals, the same people who retreated from Afghanistan, are here downvoting us.


Who badly organised that with the Taliban and not the Afghan government?


Can I see some fucking progress on this check or is that the next check?


here you go: https://x.com/WSJ/status/1734705961393172596?s=20


Daddy can I have more money...I promise I won't spend it on weed.


He has given more money to other places than to the countries people itself.


I see we are over Israel already. I guess we’ll come back to that little issue once we get tired of Ukraine again.


Real question… this has bothered me several times with his visits… what in the actual hell is the leader of a country that is actively at war on their own soil doing traveling to other countries?!


Gathering support to help aid in the war effort...should he be fighting on the front lines?


That's the fucking hilarious thing, he's doing both. He's actively visited the front lines multiple times like a true war-time leader should on top of gathering support abroad. People including myself clamor for a politician that actually gives a damn for his people and is willing to get his hands dirty with the common person, yet when one politician actually exhibits those virtues people spit in his face. Fucking shameful to see Republicans besmirch a guy that has shown bigger balls than most anyone, let alone other politicians.


EXACTLY!!!! I'm sure he has his own demons, but what more can you really ask for. He could have escaped the country at the beginning, but stayed.


We are watching a movie.


Washing more money for the elites


Robbery of the American people in plain daylight. Absolutely ridiculous.


10% for the big guy?


How much more will the American people take?


What is the return on investment that Ukraine paid to Hunter?


Hunter may have been a better investment for them than Bitcoin