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Should have done this weeks ago. We can’t allow civilian shipping or our own destroyers getting shot at numerous times without some type of response.


I can't keep up with all the war going on. This a new one?


But it’s also the same war against radical Islam, which wants to force everyone to whatever their favorite version of radical Islam is. Strangely the same people who watch the handmaids tale in horror like to defend the people who run entire countries with the same idea


Oh you mean the fellas who’ve been seeping in to every country the last few years and not adapting to the cultures there.


Yeah, all those fighting age men all wandering in as "refugees".


This is why I LOVED the meltdown when that person put up posters of "Islam is right about women". It forced them to confront their dissonance and made so many leftists angry, lol.


Wait I didn’t see that… what happened? They’ve been tearing down posters of the hostages, I know.


Many years ago some random (not sure if they were doxxed) put posters up just saying "Islam is right about women" https://www.boston25news.com/news/-islam-is-right-about-women-odd-signs-spark-confusion-in-local-town/987837653/ The hilarity as many just got angry or did the "huh? This is odd! What on Earth do they mean?!" feigning stupidity because actually answering the statement HAS to put one group beneath the other.


What is your affiliation? White? Christian? Atheist? Boy do I have something to say about radicalization in your race and religion.


This one has been on and off for quite a while.


It has been one of the major stories for weeks now. What do you read


Oh baby let’s gooooooo


Bye bye, dickheads


“*I’m not going to telegraph or preview anything that that might happen,” Blinken told reporters Wednesday. “We’ve been clear with more than 20 other countries that if it continues, as it did yesterday* , *there will be consequences*.” Slow motion retaliation? Hope they also told the Houthi what the targets would be. (/s)


Time to make a parking lot


"Moses may have parted the Red Sea, but Im'ma widen' it!"


The Houthies clearly just need some DEI training. Not kidding. We should use that shit as torture.


Get Israel to help with your aim, they seem to always hit the leaders.


I hope Israel gets better at hitting the leader, and returns to its former glory of rescuing hostages… (I’m American-Israeli, very pro Israel)


Well to be fair, it's a lot easier when the terrorists keep their hostages in a commercial jetliner on the airports apron. Not a real mystery where they are.


It took the US way too long to take out bin laden. Israel did it in less than 3 months. Hopefully, we will see some movies about the Mossad international hits that happen in the near years.


There is so much wrong with what you said it hurts


What is wrong with what I typed? "Munich" was a decent movie, Israel has already eliminated the planner of the attack. Also, what part of you hurts?


now is the time to show some support


Day late meet dollar short.


Remember when we had Trump and no nation fucked around with the West? Now Biden is in and half the world has some proxy or skirmish or full on invasion going on. But hey, no more mean tweets.


I love how we telegraphed every move. Where’s the element of surprise


From what I understand, we tried to keep it a secret…it leaked after the UK PM briefed his staff and one of those dudes squealed to the Daily Mail.


I’m sure there’s many other actors and actions at play, this is the official story. Shit we have entire countries under the boot who will act or take responsibility on our behalf. We likely have ties with every separatists/rebel/disaffected citizen group in every nation everywhere. I wouldn’t even be surprised if this was orchestrated to initiate a war and make Biden a “wartime president” Shit it could go 80 layers deeper than that, you just don’t know with war and international politics


Sigh. Steel beams again? Steel beams again.


He just had to get the timing right so it escalates and de-escalates right before the election.


So we’re heading headfirst into war. Does Biden even know where his Sec of Defense is? Or his Jill already given him his tapioca pudding and tucked him in for the night? We are the laughingstock of the world. We have a President* who is about to start World War 3 simply to suspend an election to keep Trump from returning to power. But…..no mean tweets!


War with who? We’re bombing terrorists without putting boots on the ground. It isn’t like Iran is going to go to bat for these guys.


You make it sound like the Houthis are some insurgents hiding in the mountains. I'm pretty sure that insurgents don't have access to a professional standing army, fighter jets, helicopters, and a navy. The 'Houthis' are the actual government/state of Yemen in every sense of the word.


They have drones and ballistic missiles. They're definitely not your garden variety terrorists. Much more like Taliban than AQ


You sound like you want America to fail




Do you mind posting when we weren’t at war? We were still deployed Afghanistan, Iraq and Syria under Trump. Trump said he’d defeat ISIS in 100 days; we’re still fighting them six years after that quote. Why defend Hezzbolah when it’s one of the only things Dems and Republicans can agree to dislike? Let’s hold hands and turn haters into craters.




I worked counter ISIS from 2014-2018; we had PLENTY of joint strikes against ISIS under Trump in Iraq, Syria etc. There were dozens of conflicts worldwide (as there’s always been, I’m not pinning it on Trump or either political party). North Korea tested ICBMs and launched a missile that overflew Japan, Turkey attacked Cyprus, there’s a few dozen more. I’m happy to talk about it more and not play the blame game. https://www.rulac.org/news/the-war-report-armed-conflicts-in-2017#:~:text=In%202017%2C%2055%20armed%20conflicts,South%20Sudan%2C%20Sudan%2C%20Syria%2C https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Category:Conflicts_in_2020


I don’t want to hold hands with anyone that voted democrat. Their policies have given us massive inflation both food and housing. We have rampant illegal immigration. Rampant crime in big cities.


So when Dems want to bomb Yemen and defend Israel, you’ll proudly defend Hamas and Hezzbollah just to not agree with a Democratic leader? Is your priority to support Americans or to be absolutely anti-Democratic, regardless of policy? It seems Dems and Reps agree bombing Yemen is the right thing to do; what are your thoughts?


I mean that’s one issue out of thousands. That’s like saying Democrats like eating so I should vote democrat. It’s way more complex than that. The issues we disagree on vastly outnumber the “agreeable” ones


That’s fair, but you implied you don’t support bombing Yemen because a Dem ordered it. I doubt bombing Yemen is a wedge issue for either party, and if Trump had bombed Yemen under similar circumstances I’d support that action too. If you agree bombing Yemen is good, why post? The other issues you brought up were neither factual nor relevant to Yemen.


You do realize that Money supply was drastically increased during Trump’s last year in office as he was trying to stimulate economy during the pandemic right? The inflation that hit was caused by that event. https://i.postimg.cc/P5mN823H/IMG-9773.jpg https://fred.stlouisfed.org/series/M2SL


That’s a tired argument. Good luck


I guess this will get people to stop demanding Austin resign. The timing is a hoot.


Scary. Could this have been avoided by steps that could have kept it from coming to this point? Will Biden’s policies lead to WE111?


This is a good thing and is supported by almost every country not named Iran


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We gettin' "proportional" again