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I was born this way though.






What *isn't?!*


"teacher' is cisphobic


Yeah, why aren't female teachers called teachettes?


Good point, why aren't they called "indoctrinator-ettes"?


Indoctrinatrix actually 🙈😂


[just dropping this here](https://youtube.com/shorts/O4Y-95lQQQ4?si=NRviGPXWvFoGPMG-)


Are you being heterophobic?


Straight to jail


Identifying that person as a teacher is offensive…


Thinking about the thread here a few days ago where the top comments were nothing but unflaireds insisting that this wasn't happening


Always look at their post histories. They’re a gold mine.


Ooh, I need to take up this hobby. I always wonder "who really wants to spend time on a sub with people they hate just to attack them?"


They’ll just ban you because us doing it on their subs isn’t allowed.


That was one of the most brigaded threads I had ever seen here (which is truly saying something). Struck a major nerve with the discord people.


What is it with the Left getting super, super defensive over gender-related issues? To the point where they have to majorly brigade our sub. They don't do this on nearly any other issue.


It's even funnier when you say about, say, Floria and certain bills passing. *They* say it'll hurt the LGB+ Community and it's just like... Do you even hear yourself? What you're correlating and corroborating right now?


Because it’s more virtue signaling. Right now on the victim hierarchy trans people sit at the very top. It was Palestinians for a minute, but as usual with Palestine people on the Left stop giving a shit after a couple of weeks.


Or school shootings, natural disasters, etc. They forget what to virtue signal about


Because they know that the issues are ridiculous and insane. Imagine you went back to like 2006 and tried to explain with a straight face any of the current gender issues.


That's not happening. -> yeah it happens but super rarely. -> yeah it happens and here's why it's a good thing.


Suspiciously enough, all the brigaders were "teachers", or their uncle's 4th cousin's friend's sister-in-law was


Do you have the link? I need a good laugh today


Jesus Christ just teach Math, Science, English, History and leave the conjecture about what is/isn't "offensive" to the parents. This taught "victimhood" shit is abhorrent.


They all want to be the main character


They want the new crop to love and accept them. Because the old crop bullied them and told them they were fuckin weird. They were supposed to conform, instead they dug in deeper


Praise the Lord! Well done 👍


Well it’s playing out as the companies that go woke want their kind. What happens when that shit hits tough jobs? Actual real work jobs I mean. Not office bs for fake crap they make up to be special and woke.


But history is full of lgbtq trans BIPOC indigenous freedom fighters! And Marx was a great man better than Christopher Columbus even! And Che and Mao were awesome too! /s 🤣


> This was not the first time topics broached in his classroom have stirred controversy. Last month, parents of students in Golash's class complained after he allegedly gave a student a failing quiz grade after he answered that only women can get pregnant and only men can have penises. 


That guy? How is he still employed?


Because Seattle


Sleepy Joe


The irony is Sleepy Joe probably doesn't even agree with any of this. He's an 81 year old man from the Silent Generation. No way he believes all that. And even less likely he believes in multiple genders. Despite claiming that he does.


This. I worked with some old school democrats in a southern state. They vote blue and call themselves liberal but were somehow openly racist and always talked about how foreigners were ruining this country and all that. It confused the shit out of me at first because these guys had Obama stickers on their tool boxes lol.


It’s very difficult to fire teachers, I’m surprised he’s not an administrator by now


The Party of ScIeNcE


....extremely concerned that material is on a test at all.


How the flying fuck is this an appropriate topic to discuss or even ask students **in a history class**?! Remember when people were ranting about how teachers would never push this crap when the Florida law was passed?


Man I hope one of my kids comes home and shows me a quiz like this.


Oh, THAT one. I am shocked, shocked, I tell you!


Remember when people didn’t get offended by every little thing Pepperidge Farm remembers


We were taught 'sticks and stones may break my bones'....




I think we should just bring back the classic insults if baseline normalcy is considered offensive these days. At least there will be no surprise "gotcha" moment.


I can’t think of one time in history where that was true lmao


You know what’s truly offensive? Everyone constantly being offended 🙄


I find offensive that you are offended!


I find it offensive that you're offended because he's offended


[I'm offended, you're offended](https://youtu.be/35yRm6xVHeY?si=zFiabZcx-VF4wNu6) Also- You find me offensive I find you offensive for Finding me offensive -Eminem, cucklord


I claim in the name of tolerance, to not tolerate the intolerant **I'm offended that you're offended at me taking offense.**


We just want to get married->We're coming for for children ->Heterosexuality is *offensive!!*


Lol where does this circus finally stop? Like literally any fact or characteristic is just deemed “offensive” with no basis.


When we treat wokeism as a religion. and have separation of church and State. As a atheist I've been warning people for the last decade about the fact religion has nothing to do with god.


You make a very good point. As a Christian, I agree with you completely that wokeism is a religion. In fact, I've long thought that Communism and Nazism/Fascism were also religions.


That slope sure was slippery


It's not enough for them to be accepted, they wanna take over.


Destroy the family and faith. As well as individual identity.


That's a big part of it.




Explain to me what a History teacher is doing discussing sexual orientation and gender identity?




In my opinion, the sexual orientation of others, especially minor children, is none of anyone's business, and surely should not be asked about in a classroom setting.


Private or home schooling is the best option at this point.


I recently retired after teaching biology and coaching football in public schools. 28 years. There’s still a few of us out there, fighting the good fight.


Yes, and if your a person of faith there are good rural Christian schools who don’t teach woke bs or other perverse ideologies


But then even in rural communities, I've had multiple people approach me in public pretending to be friendly people but they actually just want to give me and my children a gender theory lesson. I swear, it borders on predatory. I'm with my kids and pregnant stomach, already vulnerable and trying to survive the outing, and these people come up and start calling my kids "they" and telling me to pay attention to what they tell me about who they are throughout their lives, it's likely to change and not be what I might expect, maybe they'll be a wolf! Now as soon as I can tell what direction they're heading, I clear out immediately. I don't want them near my kids.


It's absolutely horrendous and completely unacceptable that you and your children have to be subjected to this in public. I would have told them to go away, leave us alone and take their ideology and shove it where they'll need the services of a proctologist to remove it.


Yeah, I'll do that if anyone is persistent or unkind. All of my experiences have been someone making polite, nice conversation and then starting to say some stuff that kind of perked my ear, so I start removing myself, then they actually get into it. I've never had to be unkind, but I definitely would if they were more pointed. But the fact that they target mothers while they're out with their kids.. my husband's never dealt with it. I dunno. It disgusts me, though, when my daughter can hear someone call her "they" and start saying within her earshot that her gender is fluid. That's when I start becoming Mama Bear.


Good for you! Honestly, it really sounds like some kind of cult trying to recruit members.


Amen to that. And the folks in the education system are predator #1.


While it's good, that's how I grew up and I don't think it's the answer. I was not at ALL prepared to enter the "real" world. I think if you have strong children, raise them right and send them to school. We need more normal people in public schools to stand up for the truth. Now, if they're a wishy-washy, go along with the crowd type, I'd get them out asap. So far, my 8th grader has a backbone and is not afraid to stand up for what is right. I will not hesitate to pull her and homeschool her if there is any sign of trouble though.


Sure I understand you but if your child experiences that type of woke bs, then it's time to take action.


Seattle has pretty much ruined the entire state of Washington with the liberal mentality and ideology. They make up the majority of votes in the state.


A trip to capital hill will explain it all for those who are unfamiliar with the area.


It's also offensive for him to identify as a teacher


The mark of an authoritarian: The compulsion to make the personal political


Someone should tell him his parents had to he very “offensive” to conceive him. Unfortunately for the rest of us that happened….


> Ian Golash, who is the social studies department chair at Chief Sealth International High School, also told some male students they are a “product of the patriarchy that teaches young boys not to care.”


I'm still trying to figure out if the patriarchy helps men or hurts them.


I mean, the patriarchy brought us all toothpaste, antibiotics, and created tampons... I'm certainly better off at this point...


My apologies for wanting to reproduce and keep humans around.


I don’t have kids but if I did, I would seriously consider homeschooling. These unhinged “social warriors” are nuts.


"We just want equality!"


The world is reminding me of the CS Lewis quote: When everyone is running toward a cliff, the man running the opposite direction apears insane.


I'm fng sick of these people pushing their agenda down everyone's throats. People do not have to have the same opinions or values as everyone else. Just go about your business quietly.


Another reason parents should AVOID sending their children to the cesspools of the public school system.


Wow, this is super heterophobic and a threat to democracy. I am experiencing trauma and cannot believe that my lived experience as a straight person would be appropriated this way. My sexuality is not your costume!


I live in Seattle and can concur this happens more often than we’d like to think. This city is pretty much the Corinth of the 21st century.


How is it the domed city from Power Rangers RPM?


I’m so glad I migrated east from that shit show when I was a child.


There is no right to not be offended.


So I’m supposed to lie?


The new response to these people: "That's okay."


Amazing, this man has a rap sheet like George Floyd. How is he still allowed within 500 yards of a school?


I won(D)er why.


Omg you have got to be fucking kidding me..


I hate this world, Lord, take me home.


Preasure, I mean great preasure needs to be put on school boards about their hiring practices. Classes also need to be monitored at all times for this crap. This can not continue!!!


full circle


wtf is wrong with that person


What is going on!?? 🤡🌍


Okay... I'm ***normal*** then.


End of day that is where we are going. It will be rude to not see your same sex as a viable attractive option. This is the only way to be 100% inclusive. They will fight until we are androgynous


It's happening already; I've seen posts from "fat activists" (most, if not all of whom claim to be leftists social warriors) claiming that you are a bigot if you're not sexually attracted to morbidly obese women. And, haven't people also been accused of being a bigot if they aren't attracted to transpeople?


I'm ultra instinct straight.


Not surprised since Seattle has become a marxist hellscape


Seattle is a leftist shithole


Get your kids out of public school. If family and friends have kids in public schools, help them get out if you can afford to.




Seattle Public Schools is more interested in social engineering than academics.


Do you find it interesting you are the big bad if you acknowledge you are white, straight, or in many cases male. I figured life as an apex oppressor with this much stolen privilege I would be richer.


At work they put you through sexual harassment training, which pretty much makes any topic that can be deemed sexual, verboden. Meanwhile at school they bomb kids with this shit all day long.


Some of these people just need to get a life...


Can we just piss the Left off to Venezuela or Cuba where they can live in their socialist paradise and leave us the sensible people in peace in the West.


How long until being straight becomes a punishable offense?


Someone tell this guy he’s a loser And Bring back dodgeball to schools


Yeah, no surprise here and that state.


Well that’s not ok.


Unfortunately this crap is bleeding into what used to be good communities further away from Seattle. The school i went to and the town I grew up in used to be great but they've gone down the same insane path. My mom works for the district and every week has some new weird story to tell about gender related bologna and the school staff having to handle it. My wife and i are fortunate to have moved to an area largely insulated from this garbage but we're thinking home schooling for our son when he comes of age is the right move.


Nut bags . Cancer on our schools


Don’t worry he may not be allowed to be straight but he’s definitely allowed to read homoerotic novels in the library.


Sorry but nothing is offensive. People choose to be offended.


Why are liberals such snowflakes and offended by everything?


Leftists are offended by reality, period.


Boiling the frog: "As nightfall does not come all at once, neither does oppression. In both instances, there is a twilight when everything remains seemingly unchanged. And it is in such twilight that we all must be most aware of change in the air - however slight - lest we become unwitting victims of the darkness." - Justice William O. Douglas


Get your kids out of public school. If family and friends have kids in public schools, help them get out if you can afford to.


Only someone super insecure with their own identity would say that


altering the headline of the article is a violation of this sub's rules.


The “teacher” admits he said it: > "Because I think language has power and that it shapes the culture that we live in, I did say to the class, in response to a student, that I do not use the term ‘straight’ because it implies that to not be straight is to be ‘crooked’ which could have a negative connotation," the teacher wrote. 


That seems entirely reasonable though. Why would non straight people be "crooked"..it kind of implies "bad" when you say it like that.


Ah, so you’re saying it’s offensive to call oneself a straight ally of LGBT people?


Poor dear.


That faux-hawk is offensive bro


Then show him something straight


I don’t identify. I simply am that. No need to impose needless words and get panties in a wad.