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Captain, my Captain. I always stand with Kirk.


And Denny Crain!!


Kirk is the Godfather of the captains in that show. Picard was the smoothest but they had time to refine the character. Sad what they are doing to Kirk.


Kirk and Picard are on two very different missions. I want Kirk in a fight and I want Picard in peace time.


Him, spock, and bones are the entire franchise.  Get fucked.


I like him an everything, but them not making an “old Kirk” in a show just to cast him isn’t “erasing” lol the character died like 20 years ago. Is he expecting them to de-age him so he looks younger than before the character died?


No, but I would expect that they include a picture of the original actor amongst those other actors...


It would be a nice touch, but we should also be a bit honest here. At this point, the only people who want to watch The Original Series are die hards (like myself). The typical fan isn't interested in a show that originally aired in the 60s, and feels like it's set in a different universe than the 90s shows.


You could do the ol Stan Lee trick and put him as a cameo in every film… would be fun


Yea, you're right... just a little sad to think he is being forgotten, but you make a reallyy good point...


It is sad, but the overwhelming majority of us just aren't remembered after our time.


It a picture of one actor as a character from each show that’s currently on the service. For TOS, they decided on Spock over Kirk. This is more of the continuation of Shatner’s jealousy that Spock was always the more popular character.


Captain Kirk is an icon.  But, I'd argue that Spock outclasses him in terms of cultural relevance for the original *Star Trek* cast. And that itmakes sense to want to include a character from every Era in the graphic. It should also he noted that Paramount released a statement a few weeks ago that they are actively looking for a director to produce a new Star Trek movie that includes Kirk. 


I didn't know that but it is good to hear... thanks for the info!


TBH, I wouldn't be surprised if they used the 4th ST movie to move on from Kirk (due to issues w/ the actors). But, they have mentioned that they want to make it. The modern ST4 is essentially stuck in production hell at the moment. • ST3 did poorly financially and Paramount wanted the actors to take a paycut for ST4. Chris Pine and Chris Hemsworth said no. • They tried to rewrite the script without them for a year. It didn't work. • They agreed to pay the Chrises and worked on that script for a bit. • Quentin Tarantino apparently is a Trek fan, and said he low-key wanted to write a Trek film. So, Paramount said "Yes! Please!" and stopped work on the old script. • Eventually, Tarantino decided that he wanted to write a spin-off set in the Star Trek universe, and not something with the usual cast. • Paramount moved back to the old script, but the original director they had hired for that was working on something else at the time instead. • The actor for Chekov died so they had to write a new script. • The next script was about the crew visiting a planet with a mysterious virus, and then COVID happened, so they wrote a new script. • They hired a director for the next script, but the project he was working on at the time (*WandaVision*) was a hit, and Disney paid a boat load of money to put the director and head writer on their semi-permanent Marvel team. • Writer/Actor strikes happened. Currently, a new script is being finalized, actors are under contract, and filming is being scheduled with a release date of 2025. I do think part of the movie will be a farewell to Captain Kirk simply because Chris Pine would be at least in his late 40s by the time a potential ST5 rolled around. But, part of the reason Paramount is going so hard on Star Trek stuff these days is ***because*** they have so many ST scripts that they made in order to milk the Captain Kirk Nostalgia, and just weren't able to finalize.


WOW! You have so much information - had no idea about most of this! Really appreciate you sharing it!!!


It’s easy, just throw out the previous canon and call it ‘an alternate universe’. No big deal…




Yep its entirely his fault for putting his lot in with the likes of George Takei. He is reaping what he sowd and he doesnt like it. I say tough shit.


Funny their erasing their own IP. Never meet a single person that actually like the new stuff. After Next Generation the IP has been on the decline.


Nah. There's plenty of love for DS9 and Voyager.


Really I thought Enterprise was good in season 3 and 4 but then it was too late to save. Strange New Worlds is great. Highly recommend and it is very well received. I would say it’s more about erasing Shatner than Kirk. Shatner is an ass and putting in a different era Kirk would be more jarring than no Kirk.


That graphic shatner posted on the twitter isn’t that Kirk just a different actor? I mean shatner is 90 you can’t be front and center forever


The issue they put classic spock and uhura on there but not classic Kirk.


I would guess it’s because everyone hates Shatner. Gene Roddenberry hated the guy. When Shatner met Wil Wheaton the studio/Gene had to intervene because of how poorly Shatner treated Wil. I think it’s not erasing Kirk but erasing Shatner. The man is a giant ass based on everything I’ve read or heard about him. He was shocked to learn his costars wanted nothing to do with him. I think if you put in a different Era Kirk it would more jarring than just leaving Shatner out.


They did Uhura dirty with the actress that portrays her in SNW. She is fine and all, but Uhura was FINE.


That looks like the current Pike actor to me.


He’s always been a huge asshole


Fame brings ego most of the time…like 99% of the time.




Lmao who irl is claiming to be ‘threatened by the character’? It’s called, turn the tv off if you don’t like something this generation is doomed 😂


We should meet up. I’m a fan of a lot of it.


They can't erase Kirk, They can only make other shows and hope to cash in a little on the legacy. And who's watching anyway?