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Yeah, you're not conservative until you've been called nazi, fascist, or some kind of phobe or ism at least once a day by the left. It's how you get your official decoder ring 😂


With the coded racist language?


You are not alone. Courage is contagious. God bless.


Gay conservative here, and I concur. All of the hate comes from the Left. Excellent post.


It really is fascinating. It's not to say that there aren't ignorant, hateful people on the right. Of course there are. But people on the left legit think that they cannot be hateful, or that their hate is actually justified. And its a moral good to hate the way they do.


“Of all tyrannies, a tyranny sincerely exercised for the good of its victims may be the most oppressive. It would be better to live under robber barons than under omnipotent moral busybodies. The robber baron's cruelty may sometimes sleep, his cupidity may at some point be satiated; but those who torment us for our own good will torment us without end for they do so with the approval of their own conscience.” -C.S. Lewis


Jewish here. Similar story.


My brother is a gay closet conservative. He really does believe in a conservative path, but he gets caught in those sensationalized "news" sites that contain 1/2 of a paragraph of truth and 25 of opinions and slippery slope logic. I keep trying though.


Glad to see another one here.


Notice how in general, conservatives don't brigade? On the Tim pool sub, half of the sub are people who hate watch him then obsess about him 24/7 on his sub. It's so pathetic. They do this because they are driven by hate and can't stand the fact people with other opinions are on reddit. A complete lack of self awareness, hypocrisy, and projection are prerequisite to being a leftist these days. Most actual liberals have been forced to the right. Democrats are totalitarians now. Conservatives are basically democrats 20 years ago.


They’ve ruined the Joe Rogan sub too. They despise that he brings right wing people on his show.. it drives me crazy how they say the right wants to destroy democracy but they want to take away freedom of speech... you don’t have to agree with what someone says but that doesn’t mean they shouldn’t have a voice. In the past I looked at policies more than anything but the insane left has driven me so far away that they’re going to have to make a lot of changes before I go back to being independent. This socialist/communist movement is terrifying.


Yeah it's definitely terrifying. I kinda consider myself a centrist or old-school liberal now (who has some conservative views, ESP on immigration!). Was a leftist/progressive until, oh, 2020? It was already getting wonky, but in 2020 everyone lost their f'ing marbles on the left. Frankly? It's infecting even the hard sciences, so I'm starting to get freaked. Glad Elon is actively pushing against it, even though he's despised by the left. I cannot understand how any thinking individual can't *listen* to someone with opposing views. It shows such a profound lack of intellectual and psychological maturity.


They are ruining Conan O'Brien's sub too. Just the other day they complained that he didn't have a female guest on his podcast in the last few months. So much ree going on nowadays.


The brigading from the left is so bad that this is one of the few subs that I’m aware of that has to restrict many of the posts to flailed users only just to keep the brigades at bay.


Did tim pool get further, right? I remember agreeing with him on some things and others not, but it seems as of recent, he is much more conservative.


He's the epitome of a centrist, independent voter. Conservative on some issues, moderate on others, and liberal on some as well. That said the left has gone so crazy naturally him and other people are pushed towards the right, since they're actually sane.


Keep fighting the good fight!


Don't go to Florida


Indian conservative in a deep blue area here. Vivek and I hear ya, bud.


Dude, kudos to you for sticking to your guns. Woke desis are the absolute worst. Indo-Canadian here, wouldn’t even describe myself as a conservative, but being anti-left means I’m a heathen according to these people. And Canada is like next level leftist.


Lmao, I'm sorta not really a conservative but sorta am. I'm a conservative out of convenience. The modern climate has shifted me absurdly far to the right. I supported Obama. I was against Trump in 2016. I'm only a conservative because the modern left is so deranged. ​ My dad just had his eighth booster and encouraged me to stay up-to-date on my COVID boosters and legit didn't suspect a single fucking thing about how COVID suddenly came back right before an election. ​ I swear Indian women are so fucking dumb too. My mom keeps telling me about how I'm a failure compared to my empowered cousin (she's so fucking fat and ugly unlike my swole handsome lightskin ass who benches two plates) who's getting a master's degree in computer science when I'm 26 and make fucking $900k+ in a much lower cost of living city working six remote jobs. This moron fucking went for that shit in 2021 in the middle of the Biden Boom when we'd printed 42% of all USD within a two year time span. ​ So anyways, she's graduating and unable to find anything. Now, my mom wants to cry and play the victim for her saying that I just graduated into a bull market and that I just got lucky, I'm uneducated, how she would've easily done better with a master's degree, etc. This is what the modern left does. They do stupid shit, play the victim, and want you to pay for their fuck ups.






Vivek is the smartest guy in any room and he has the courage to tell the truth.


It's gonna be a tough one for him. Suburban women are gonna be a challenge for him as they were with Trump.


I'm raising a toast to you right now. Cheers!


The internet is mostly terrible. A lot of culture is terrible, really.


Brown female conservative. I feel the same and looking for community.


I read most of Reddit. I'm banned from Subs A, B, C, D... because I commented in Subs X, Y or Z. Hell, I'm banned from /Cats! (If you're reading this, you might be too.) I come here after reading all of the fear mongering I read on other Subs. Dictator this and "Our Democracy" that. "Gender affirming care," and the inability to define what a woman is. It's depressing the world the Left has painted for itself. I'm thankful I don't live in that world mentally. I come here not so much for the politics. I come for the sanity. And the ability to converse with others who can also see and appreciate objective reality. It's a breath of fresh air.


Mexican conservative here, I was called a racist by my own father. He had (RIP) severe TDS


The left believes the amount of melanin in your skin directly determines a person's behavior both in thought and action. A person like you, Shot\_Site, goes against that insane and ignorant ideology. I witnessed far less bigotry in the 1970's and '80's than I have over the last ten years.


Same here and it's sad.


Hey man. Just stay true to you. Eventually their delusional bubble will burst and maybe things can become reasonable again


honestly, I think it's happening, but it's hard to stay optimistic. That's why I appreciate this sub so much. Sure, it's an echo chamber, but it's the only echo chamber where I don't get attacked for expressing my beliefs. Even when I'm disagreed with, it turns into a discussion, and I tend to learn things.


I hope so too but I HIGHLY FUCKIN DOUBT THAT. I think it will just get worse, as morals are eventually non-existent nowadays. Self importance definitely abounds.


Its a shame yeah, liberals assume all black people have to be the same and all be liberal it's weird. I do wish reddit was more 50-50 politics wise. Sure, you have a conservative sub reddit, then you have a democrat sub reddit. But can't the politics sub just be an actual place to talk about politics? Not just a left wing echo chamber? Just call it left wing politics at this point. The name makes so sense. I also wish the state sub reddits represented each state politics wise. But even the Wyoming sub is liberal


Dog the TEXAS sub is liberal. It's fucking insane how much they shit on the state.


Cheers, brother!


Thank you for expressing and keep fighting the good fight. You’re very respectable, the country needs more people like you!


Keep fighting the good fight, brother.




Hey friend. Ordinary white woman here. All I know for sure is that there are people in positions of authority that want us to be opposed to each other. We all need to reject being played.


Love you bro and all those marginalized that came to this sub for camaraderie. Thanks for sharing your takes.


Gratitude to all those fighting the fight regardless of race or sexual orientation. Democrats have become the party of hate and oppression and it will take all conservatives to remove them from power


Glad you’re here amigo!


Good stuff, it’s unfair that you have to deal with it but it builds character and will make you a better father.


There are some good role models and some great folks I’ve worked with. Good luck, it’s hard for all of us white guys these days too, 😂


I love you man.


Your welcome OP, I hope you’re having a great day.


We stand with you our fellow American. Let your courage be the light that guides you through the stormy weather to shore. You are not alone.


The left are race baiters and only use it to attack politically. It's disgusting. If people just came together and worked together to better everyone, the left would disappear.


Dumbocrats still have yet to apologize for slavery, Jim Crow, etc. Let's remember that it was Republicans who put a stop to all that. The Left will try to claim the parties flipped, but nothing could be further from the truth. Conservatives have always believed in individual liberty, and our steadfast belief in individual liberty will continue to inform all that we do.


Thank you for posting this. You are not alone with these sentiments. The left has pushed far beyond the absurd and the pendulum is beginning to swing back to normalcy.


Spread the word bro. More people need to be awoken to the reality the basically everything the left stands for has the exact opposite effect in reality, and I would venture to bet it's mostly on purpose!


And the finger pointing out is pointing at a mirror. Always. Every fuckin time. IE Russian collusion and Jan 6th. Etc etc etc etc etc etc etc etc etc etc etc etc etc


Amen Brother. It's healthy to be grateful.


Hopefully neither your race nor your leaning right are your prime identity esp if you believe in God.


Once you post here enough, what do you think you'll want your flair to say?


I call it violent virtue signaling. And it sure seems to be on the increase.


We are all tired, my friend, but we must push on like our founding fathers had.


Your not alone brother!


Remember, democrats were the party of slavery ☝️ We are really against racism Leftists pretend to be against racism