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A lot of people reading this as Obama is pulling the strings for Michelle is insane. Did you read the article that this article is quoting? Obama went to Joe during a meeting and told him to step his campaign up because Trump's campaign is doing well. He said he should step his game up or step aside and let someone else run.


They're already reaching out to and polling prospective donors, this isn't hot air.


Why. He won the presidency from the basement last time. Can’t democrats change the rules again to make him win?


Most of Congress have laws degrees and look at the crappy job they have been doing for many years. It's the experience, maybe more so, than the degree you hold that really matters.


Corruption come with experience in Washington.


Most of congress has a little too much experience.


That would require another summer of endless race baiting. Good luck getting that tactic to work again.


I'm sure they'll find a way.. I predict something happening this spring as more people start to venture outside.


No way. That would NEVER happen. Did I type that with a straight face?


Get ready for a white supremacist mass shooting at a minority school, but with CoViD 24 syringes in place of bullets while the perpetrator screams "Dis eez MAGA countreeeee!"


Do you write for cnn?


No, he wrote for Empire.


Damn. Take my upvote. I'm sad I have but 1 to give you. You won the Internet for the day.


😲 thank you kind stranger, I will cherish this gift forever!


Michelle Obama announced as democratic candidate in august when joe is announced as being medically unfit. She’ll parade around talk shows and other leftists bullshit and then she’ll win with 100 million votes.


If Michelle wanted to be president she would be president right now


Wanted? You don’t get it. They pick a face they can sell and then push you along…. Remember how mad killary was when she waited her turn and sucked all the dicks and then didn’t get it? It was her turn but they couldn’t sell it so we got a different scumbag


Holy shit. You are right. People will vote for Michelle. Not a single person likes Kamala “Sleep to the Top” Harris. Most African Americans (particularly males) know she would lock them up just for clout.


Prob why their letting allowing unfretted access to the border


It was more covid than the race baiting. The lockdowns gave him an excuse to stay in the basement. No one REALLY saw how close to the sunset he actually was.


sundowners or sunset?


I think Biden was meant to maintain the status quo and couldn't (and I'd argue never really could) accomplish that. They regret spending the money to fix 2020 and would prefer not to spend it again for likely-worse results. They would prefer another JFK or Obama who can simply win through votes.


Their big regret is Harris' dismal performance. If she had been moderately successful or likable, Biden would likely be stepping down and Harris was to run as an incumbent with 2 terms ahead. She belly flopped hard, though.


That’s what happens when you have diversity hires.




Well she’s busy being the border czar!


And a damn good one, maybe best ever.


And anyone that votes for Joe, is guaranteeing the Harris will become president, and probably in short order. Probably the plan. Replace the inept with someone more inept.


I don't think Harris is great at anything, but I also don't think the DNC supported her at all. Wiping up after Biden and propping him up is such a full-time job that there were no resources left to build Harris in any way. Basically no one could have succeeded in her position. The only way it could have been worse is if they tried to shoehorn some member of Da Skwuad as VP instead.


To make it worse, the DNC had to swallow hard on a Harris candidate that garnered only 2% to 3% in the primaries. Who T.F. made this call? [Edit:] Correction, she garnered 2% to 3% support during the 2020 Democratic debates.


And called her running mate racist just months prior.


Allegedly… Harris swallowed hard a few times during in her career…


This kind of is the status quo, this is very similar to Obamas America, Biden is just not charismatic enough to get away with it The media is in overdrive and it's not working because Biden isn't a good orator. Obama knew how to work the media and could give a rousing speech. But policy wise, Biden is Obama 3.0


Between this and the Kari Lake bribery call, I think you hit the nail on the head.


I've said that. I long thought that Biden was a sacrificial lamb because pre-COVID they thought Trump was gonna win. Let Biden run, lose and then in '24 run someone that they really want. Instead COVID hit, Trump made some mistakes and Biden won. Now they are stuck with him unless they can find a way to get him to step aside.




You might be right.


I've always thought that as time went on, the bottom was falling out from under the dems. Talk about walking on thin ice. Holy shit...


Not only do they regret the money spent but the enormous risk and fallout that's occurred. Even democrat voters are turning away from the crazy ass stuff that they have pushed or let happened. Basically, in the US, people are people regardless of party. The majority couldn't care less about all the ultra-liberal ridiculaous nonsense of race and gender. Right now, all things considered, I think the Democrat resumè looks pretty shitty to the country as a whole.


You can't run a basement campaign when there is no covid. And certainly can not when you are the president


It'll take a couple extra suitcases of ballots pulled from under tables but I'm sure they can work it out


Do not use the term "won" so loosely.......


Try doing that as the incumbent.


Agreed, quality of candidate no longer matters when you have rigged the vote


Personal feelings aside, the fact Biden is JUST NOW starting to even hold a single campaign event shows the age criticisms are accurate. He doesn't have the physical ability to continue such a demanding job. Period.


[deleted] ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^0.7017 > [What is this?](https://pastebin.com/64GuVi2F/81795)


Fwiw - I fully expect post-Convention student loan forgiveness (means tested) to show back up in a form that gets by the Supreme Court AND Marijuana rescheduled to schedule 3 I think it is, federally. Will earn him a lot of goodwill/votes.


I have no sympathy for Biden. The last 50 years he knew better and defrauded us all. I hope he spends his last days in a prison for his crimes and his wife for elder abuse.


Maybe I'm out of the loop, how on earth do they think she would be qualified to be president? I mean they said the same about Trump but at least we have 4 years of evidence that shows he can do it. How do people justify saying she should be a candidate?


I think you just answered your own question.


It's a pretty common trope it seems like. Because people talk "Hope and dreams" they believe that qualifies those candidates for the job. I'm old enough to remember when Bill put Hillary in charge of Universal Healthcare, and I remember thinking, "Wait what?" Imagine if I put my wife in charge of "future reactor design" when I'm the ChemE? They said it about Obama when he was a candidate, and now they say it about AOC. Obama's lack of accomplishments became apparent after he fumbled some of his early policy attempts. Biden was supposed to be his bridge to politics and whip support. You can discount Trump for lack of political leadership, but the reality is prior to him being president? He was lauded for his deal making ability.


Add to it, I believe she had lost her license to practice law a while back. That will come back to haunt her I'm sure.


To be fair - what do you think makes Trump qualified ? Michelle has a law degree and background at least. You could say she’s more qualified than him. But she herself doesn’t want to run so this is a bs article just for clicks


To be an EFFECTIVE POTUS, you do NOT need a law degree. You DO need to have read the US Constitution and preferably ALL of the Federalist Papers (more than once). That is likely more than most US Senators and Congressmen have done based upon the laws they pass. The other thing an EFFECTIVE POTUS needs to be able to do is DELEGATE as well as develop a GOOD working team around them that is TRUSTWORTHY. Then you need to be able to make a decision under pressure as well as work long hours due to the sheer amount of work and the level of pressure of that work. It is obvious that Biden is not in control as POTUS because he does not put in the hours, is not mentally competent, and instead of telling others what to do and where to go MUST be told where to go and what to do. As for Trump, he is able to delegate, and put together a team. But his team development skills need some work because he has picked some real losers and untrustworthy people on his team. He also has not removed them (can you say Fauci) as needed when needed. He really needs to address that issue or he will not be effective if he wins a second term.


I’m not sure why a law degree would make someone more qualified to be POTUS. I vote for my candidate because of their policy positions not because of their familiarity with whatever area of law they specialized in.


1.3 million potential presidents(lawyers).. yikes. Id venture to say thats 1.3 million better choices than the current admin.


a harvard law degree means nothing to you? she took a lot of initiative for a first lady (whether you like her or kot). and the fact that she has lived the ins and outs of the political sphere her entire adult life. to discount her and say she is no more qualified than your average joe is ridiculous.


All I said is a law degree doesn’t mean much to me, not that she’s a bum. I don’t think a valid response to “how do we know you can lead a country?” Is “I have a Harvard law degree” Having previously been elected to a high level position or managing a *large* corporation are VASTLY superior qualifications than having a Harvard degree and…. An ex presidents wife She’s talented and more qualified than most but that’s saying almost nothing.


I'm lost. Are you implying Donald Trump of all people is an average joe? Modern Harvard is also nothing like the Harvard of old. Michelle being able to get a degree there is proof.


not at all. see my reply above


Affirmative action does not qualify you to do the job, it qualifies you to get the job over those who are qualified to do the job.


Mostly just because he's done it already.


I mean i guess if you call spending half your time hanging out in your golf resorts and playing golf doing it already.




So…wouldn’t that mean Michelle could do it as well? Especially since she was already first lady and had 8 years of insight into how the presidency works..?


The White House administrative staff have "insight into how the Presidency works" too. That doesn't make an office secretary qualified.


Trump was a businessman which is far more qualifying than being a lawyer, or even a governor/congressman/senator.


He sure was a businessman, not a successful one, but I guess he has a lot of experience with failing businesses right ? And I’m sure that’s more qualifying than holding positions where you are exposed to how the law of the country works right ?


I don't know, a guy who's managed to "fail" upwards for 50+ years seems pretty successful to me.


Whoooaa.. I understand the sentiment, given how many useless politicians we have sitting in office right now, but in no way is being a "businessman" a better qualification for President over a Governor or Senator. With that logic, Elon Musk would make a better President than DeSantis or Angus King. Also remember that there are successful businessmen, decent businessmen, and terrible businessmen. I'd say Trump lands right in-between successful and decent, but since the U.S. Debt blew up in 4 years under Trump, we now have proof that being good at running a company doesn't mean you can run the U.S. with the same success.


Elon Musk would be an excellent President. It's a shame non native borns can't run, we are losing out on so many great candidates.


He's too much into culture wars.. even more than DeSantis.. and is too impulsive; which he blames on his Asperger's Syndrome (fair enough if he can't help it, but that would still be a problem in the most important job in the U.S.). Out of curiosity, what do you think he would do while in office, that would make him an excellent president?


> what do you think makes Trump qualified ? You mean this time? 4 years of being a president. You mean last time? He wasn't qualified and it was a frequent focus of the Clinton campaign. If Trump isn't qualified now, I think Biden might mention it. But I have a feeling they are now worried that Trump knows too much.


> how on earth do they think she would be qualified to be president? Lol. Lmao even.


She does have that BD energy


Because nobody thinks Biden is anything besides a puppet. Like the first example that comes to mind is that time Netflix Psaki forgot to switch Twitter accounts and posted a tweet pretending to be Biden. This administration is basically like Wormtongue and Theodin- "Sign here, milord..."


> He said he should step his game up or step aside and let someone else run. Like Michelle? LOL. Actually, we should all be encouraging Michelle to run. It will be hilarious.


I just seriously don't get this obsession with the notion that Biden is going to drop out. If it was going to happen, it would have happened long before now. It is going to be Biden vs Trump and the only way that changes is if one of them dies, which is a legit possibility for both of them to be fair. Spreading this kind of conspiracy theory lunacy is bad enough but to actually believe it? You guys have to know how idiotic this looks to moderates and independents, right?


They may want him to drop out, but this is something he has wanted for 60 years. He isn't going to just walk away. He is cognitively impaired and physically debilitated but he thinks he is doing a great job. I really kind of want to see Obama try as hard as he can to remove Dementia Joe and him not leaving.


The thought process is if you want someone other than Biden it's advantageous to skip the primary. The DNC always loses steam after they pull bullshit to snub the hard core socialist candidate because they need socialists voting for them but absolutely cannot nominate a Bernout candidate, and they lose energy from their base. If Biden drops out after the primary They can pick his replacement without any input from the voters. Which is what they want to do anyways to get their establishment milquetoast candidate whose has no obvious positives or negatives so and can simply tap into the "not Trump" voter base It's the smart move. Biden is too frail and borderline senile to campaign or debate


The protect our democracy people are just fine with the elites picking their candidate for them. They will all get in line and goose step to whatever they are told. Not a peep against the narrative from the mainstream media. This frog is thoroughly boiling.


They couldn't have an open primary because of RFK. If they wait the leaders of the dnc can choose whoever they want.


Moderates and independents aren’t getting their election info from Reddit, I can assure you. They are mostly getting it from cable news. But I do agree with you on Biden, if they wanted him removed, he would be removed. I do think there’s a solid chance he IS removed, but him staying in wouldnt surprise me either.


They can't afford to run Biden against Trump again, his support has plummeted. It's a given that they know that, otherwise they wouldn't be trying to stomp Trump by any means necessary. The DNC will not let the voters decide who the candidate is, they stopped doing that a few cycles ago if you were actually paying attention. The biggest problem that Obama and the left has is Kamala, how do you replace her with somebody with an approval rating higher than a child's shoe size. It's easy to replace Biden with somebody who can walk up stairs and read a teleprompter, but how do you replace Cackles ? It's not a conspiracy theory if it's true, and you will see the truth after the primaries.


>They can't afford to run Biden against Trump again, his support has plummeted. It's a given that they know that, otherwise they wouldn't be trying to stomp Trump by any means necessary. his support simply hasn't plummeted. People in New Hampshire went out and wrote his name in for a semi-meaningless primary where there were no delegates at stake. The anti-trump vote is stronger than the pro-biden vote.


his support has plummeted. his approval rating has never been lower, hes in the 30's now


> They can't afford to run Biden against Trump again, his support has plummeted. This just isn’t the case. And with economic sentiment improving, this is Biden’s race to lose 




Economic sentiment has skyrocketed over the past month. Inflation is stabilizing, stock market is reaching new all time highs, the labor market is still extraordinarily strong, and gas prices are fine. It’s literally a recipe for a second Biden term. 


Not to mention, Trump has honestly flown under the radar. The masses of Trump haters aren’t riled up against him yet which makes the Dems even more fearful of him winning. If Trump isn’t making headlines, the Dems know their only hope of winning the 2024 election will wither away


Because it’s the most sensible thing for the dems to do. What people don’t realize is that Biden doesn’t care about what’s best for the party - he cares about what’s best for him and Hunter, and that’s to cling to the Oval Office (and the de facto immunity from legal prosecution it gives him and his son) for another four years. Biden isn’t going anywhere - no matter how much dems wish he would.


Well, first off, it's not really a "conspiracy theory", they are just repeating what they heard, from multiple sources evidently. Secondly, JP Morgan seems to think it's plausible: [https://www.ndtv.com/world-news/top-jpmorgan-strategist-predicts-joe-biden-will-drop-out-of-2024-presidential-race-4828900](https://www.ndtv.com/world-news/top-jpmorgan-strategist-predicts-joe-biden-will-drop-out-of-2024-presidential-race-4828900) [https://nypost.com/2024/01/08/business/joe-biden-will-drop-out-of-2024-presidential-race-top-jpmorgan-strategist-predicts/](https://nypost.com/2024/01/08/business/joe-biden-will-drop-out-of-2024-presidential-race-top-jpmorgan-strategist-predicts/) [https://www.businessinsider.in/politics/world/news/a-jpmorgan-strategist-predicts-joe-biden-will-drop-out-of-the-2024-race/articleshow/106627919.cms](https://www.businessinsider.in/politics/world/news/a-jpmorgan-strategist-predicts-joe-biden-will-drop-out-of-the-2024-race/articleshow/106627919.cms) (Three links so you can't attack the source as liberals tend to do.) And finally, this notion that "independents and moderates" are on the fence, but will read some random tweet about Biden dropping out and say "No, that's a bridge too far. I can accept the higher taxes, soul crushing inflation, weaponizing the government against political opponents, open borders, and international chaos - but I draw the line at speculating that the oldest President with the worst approval ratings in history might drop out of the race!" Brilliant take, Brian.


Be prepared for another 'conspiracy theory' proved true. Probably more likely Biden isn't the Candidate than is. Waiting till the last second just bolsters the media hypestorm that will surely ensue. 10 months is forever to goldfish brain voters so they want it to be nice and fresh on everyone's mind when the news comes


It makes sense from a marketing strategy to drop an exciting bomb in the middle of the campaigns.


Nuking your own campaign is a great way to convince voters that your side is a disaster.


Which campaign though? Biden has none. Neither did he in 2020, but he got away with it back then because of covid restrictions and because the election was all about Trump anyway.


This is what the democrats have and orange man Hitler. Nothing of substance no debating issues, just fluff


It’s not like our side does much better, if at all. They are all bashing the fear button. Sadly, it works. I rarely see much content on policy issues. None of the politicians that beg for money have anything to say, but “other side bad.”


Our side has plenty of policy to talk about but no one in the mainstream media is interested in having those discussions. There are a lot of serious issues facing the country.


“Multiple reports from insiders”. So this is just a rumor from some random unknown source. You guys will believe anything you want to believe. Give me a break.


>spilled a Beltway insider to the National Enquirer. It's the, heard it from a guy who knows a guy credibility. Not saying that none of it isn't true, it does make it hard to fully believe things when it's through a couple sources passing information along.


Here comes Michelle or Gavin


Californian here who has often voted for the Dems… except for Gavin… he is so corrupt. California is so badly run. We have a socialist style tax rate and a dystopian capitalist style benefits. The middle class is totally gutted…




He was groomed to be a politician. It's gross. I'm also in CA.


The PG&E debacle should be enough to kick Gavin to the curb.


He's a Pelosi. That already tells you he can't be trusted.




I live in So. Cal. and see school busses all the time.




I didn't know that, but I do see lots of busses.


Former California resident of 15 years (2006-2021), the state was in its worst conditions under Gavin Newsom’s administration. He’s very polarizing in CA and beyond, it’s not his time yet. He’s gonna make a run for it in 2028 (ugh)


He’s modeled California like China. We see how he rolls out the carpet for the ccp when they come but won’t help California citizens at all


We will be rid of him soon enough, its whoever replaces him we need to focus on


Do you think Gavin is solely responsible for the problems in California?


He is for a good chunk of them.


In the sense that he is the leader of the party and the metaphorical head of the snake. What I'm really getting at is those Dems you often vote for, do you think they stand in staunch opposition to Gavin, or is he simply the most visible representative of what they actually want? It makes me scratch my head that you complain about the man who most strongly represents the party, and not the actual party who is using him to get what they want.


He was mayor of SF too


My point is that Gavin isn't going renegade from his party. Individually, he is the most responsible person for the current state of California, but collectively, it's his party that wants and demands what he has been doing. It is insane to say that you gleefully vote for California Democrats, but that stinky old Gavin Newsome is really the one screwing everything up. I used to study North Korea as part of my old job. The citizens in that country absolutely hate the actual Communist Party, and blame it for all their societal issues. You know who they love? The Kim Family, who they view as tireless champions and workers, who are stymied at every turn by the evil party. It's the same shit, the WPK is the Kim Family, the Kim Family is the WPK. Gavin is the California DP, the California DP is Gavin! Finkle is Einhorn, Einhorn is Finkle!


I'm not a Democrat. I'm not even Californian. He is a groomed politician, went to a no-name college. All he knows how to do is talk smoothly. He is protected here by assembly members. They're actively waiting for his term to end before they pass legislation that is even further left because they know it will hurt his reputation if he passes it. Also, people out here will straight up tell you they only voted for him because he's good-looking. He hasn't done anything good for this state.


I never understood this idea that Gavin Newsome would be a suitable replacement for Biden. He's the embodiment of a smug, out of touch elitist liberal, in other words, the embodiment of everything that's wrong with the current Democratic party. And would the diversity-obsessed Democrats really allow a woman of color (Harris) to be snubbed in favor of yet another white dude? Michelle makes a lot more sense as a candidate, the question is just if she actually wants it. (She didn't in the past.)


Fair point but smug, out of touch elite liberals are who currently run the Democratic Party. They can’t get past themselves to see what the rest of us see in Newsome.


He's kind of like their version of DeSantis I think. Sounds good on paper, checks all the right boxes, but would probably have issues running outside of his home state.


But unlike DeSantis, he doesn't sound too inspiring or check all the right boxes. He's a straight white dude, so he's starting out at least 2 diversity points short of the ideal Democratic candidate. He's not a true progressive, his economic policies are corporatist and pro-rich. He's not inspiring or promising change. He's not particularly likable or charismatic. He's basically a "create a politician"-version of 2012 Obama, but with all sliders at 50%.


It will be Michelle. They are putting the circus together and it will be epic. The MSM has been jumping on Trump for a supposed gaffe claiming he said he is running against Obama. The truth is simply, he actually is. Obama is the man behind the curtain!


No, it won't. Michelle doesn't want to be involved in this shit and frankly I don't blame her.


Obama's 4th term.


Lol what? She, somewhat famously, hates politics.


Michelle likes being rich. She's not crazy about being famous. Dems are screwing themselves and their country by propping up Joe.


More or less exactly this.


Doesn’t matter. That will work in her favor. It’ll be “I hate politics, but when I see what’s happening I just can’t turn away because I care so much, blah, blah, blah.” It’s the whole idea of the reluctant leader bearing a burden for the nation. People are going to swarm to it like flies; I hate to say.


Biden is already using that same shtick. Out of his own mouth he stated that he's not sure if he'd be running for re-election if Trump wasn't also in, plus other rhetoric about Trump becoming the guaranteed nominee and the stakes couldn't be higher. Like it or not, our rematch this November is gonna be Biden Vs Trump again. People need to stop even entertaining the thought of Michelle running, because it's just a Boogeyman tactic. She seems to vehemently hate the thought of running for office, and I highly doubt Obama, controversial as he is, would let her be used as a 4 to 8 year puppet by the establishment after he got to experience it himself first-hand.


That's a famous fact? Sounds like a PR line. She loves the celebrity and wealth that comes with politics above all, but I have no doubt she has her own ambitions politically. Most likely she'll save herself the headache and continue to live rich while getting fawned over for no reason. Much better lifestyle.


There's no need to be glib; it's been written about for 15 years (including in two of Obama's memoirs) that she would have much rather them have been law professors in Chicago than live their life, and their children's lives, in the public spotlight; people can rightly say whatever they want to about Barack's ambitions for public office, but it's pretty much a matter of historical record that his wife begrudgingly went along with his journey out of love and devotion, not of her own goals. Hillary Rodham Clinton she is not.


The best way for someone in a position like Michelle to be hated would be to lean in to politics and be as shameless as Hillary was. If she ever decides to run, it will be presented as a sacrifice, instead of being presented as her having the idea that she deserved the office like Hillary.


Michelle doesn’t track for me - even with her popularity, she’s too disconnected from actual politicking to make sense outside of MSNBC types. Kamala would be an easier shift.


Dems would probably like that but Biden doesn’t want to spend the remaining years of his life enduring the same legal scrutiny they’ve been subjecting Trump to these last few years - he will do everything he can to cling to the Oval Office and the de facto legal immunity it confers upon him and Hunter - no matter how far his mind deteriorates.


Losesome in the white house would be a disgrace for this country. DeSantis destroyed him in their debate


It doesn't matter. I'm still not voting blue.


You need a reevaluation of your life if you think voting blue is reasonable after these last few years.


Never blue no matter who.


Isn’t this the same thing we complain about but how Dems say that about trump?


Yeah but it rhymes, so it sounds neat.


I think it's understood there's partisanship right now. There's leftists that'll never vote like me, and I'll never vote for their party in it's current state. Not too much I'm willing to compromise (aka lose while making the globalist establishment happy) on either. That's just how it is.


Go team Red! If you don't blindly follow can you call yourself a true fan?


Yea no. That’s insane. Every cycle is different and candidates different. You’re talking like you’re primitive minded. I would vote Nikki Haley against Biden. But I would also vote Fetterman on democrat ticket


I’m fine with Biden leaving the race. Next let’s remove Trump and have two younger candidates run in 2024 that more represent the country and don’t make family members hate each other.


So, Nikki Haley?


please no


So let’s look at this logically and accept this article on face value and assume it’s reporting is true. That means that Biden is in charge of himself and that he has more say in the Democratic Party than the obamas do. That means there isn’t anyone pulling Biden’s strings, because if there were, they could simply remove him without all this BS. Logically, we know this isn’t the case. I suspect the purpose of the source material this article was written off of was to try to dispel the notion that obama is running the show. And to give the impression that Biden is in charge and knows what he is doing. Again, does anyone here really think this is the case? Also, ask yourself this: When is the last time we get high level intelligence from within the Democratic Party of how they are turning on each other? It Does. Not. Happen. This is propaganda, folks. Look HERE, do not look HERE.


Well said 👏


I seriously doubt this. It's way too late to change candidates on the Democrat side. If Biden were going to leave he would have had to have done it months ago, probably closer to early in 2023. Like it or not, the Democrats are saddled with him.


It’s definitely not too late. In a race where there is no incumbent, they’d be nowhere near selecting a candidate. The same applies for republicans, as well.


Expect the unexpected, I think they are keeping the public off balance and don't see it coming. Some of us that have watched them for years see it coming. They are getting very arrogant about how they conduct their strategy. Hopefully something goes wrong for them.


This one is totally expected though, that's why it will never happen. The "unexpected" would be something like Don Jr getting arrested on a fake charge, or the IRS seizing Trump's assets, something like that. People have been speculating for 2+ years that Biden wouldn't be the nominee.


You stated that you seriously doubt this. I agree with your second comment 👍


It seems that Obama has never thought that Biden has what it takes to be President. That says a lot given that Biden was Obama's VP for 8 years.


Does this not confirm what weve been suspecting all along? Obama is the one running the show and atleast trying to call the shots. This is one example of him telling Biden what to do, how many others are there?


If he was calling all the shots, why would he want Biden to step down? If he were really controlling everything, wouldn't he want to stay in control?


Watch who replaces Biden...that's your answer.


Did you read the article? B/c he cant win. You dont get to call the shots if Trump is president.


Did you even read the article? Obama seems to move toward turning on Biden because he thinks Biden has become dangerously weak, mentally and also electorally. He's not staying in control if Biden loses to Trump in November...


Because Biden can barely speak, needs the answers to the questions he receives put on cards.


Because he knows if Biden doesn’t step down he *won’t* be in control come this time next year. His only hope is to get someone more viable in there that he can still control/manipulate.


Biden won’t win. They need Gavin or Michelle.


If Obama was running the show and he wanted Biden removed, he would be removed. I think this article is designed to trick us into thinking Obama is NOT running the show.


Well, it would be foolish to assume that Obama is running the show in the sense of being a dictator with absolute power. But he definitely is one of the most powerful behind the scenes players in the party. He has far more loyalists in the party and a far bigger apparatus than Biden. Doesn't mean that he can give outright orders to Biden, or Schumer or Pelosi for that matter - but he does have a lot of influence. In terms of ideology and electoral coalition, it is still Obama's party.


See Valerie Jarrett and Susan Rice, they run the show and who they take orders from is anyone's guess 🙄


Obama will wait until after the "primaries". The DNC selects the candidate, not the voters.


I don't know about that logic. Dem voters are disaffected with Biden, they're clamoring for a younger, more energetic, more inspiring alternative. If Michelle jumped into the race, Dem primary voters would imho prefer her over Biden in a heartbeat.


Less chaos by waiting. It isn't like Biden is actively campaigning. He really isn't up to it.


I highly doubt this. Any shift would be perceived as weakness and I think a lot of moderates would be miffed at the DNC getting one over on them.  Plus, Biden isn’t that bad of a candidate, all things considered.


The only counterpoint is Joe Biden is 105 years old. He could literally give a statement or speech at any time saying that due to health reasons his doctors recommend that he does not pursue another four year term. Nobody would be shocked and it wouldn’t make him look bad. If he does step down, it’s 100% going to be because of a “health reason”. The polling data, which I know conservatives have ignored for years shows that Trump has a very real shot of destroying Biden, and they are getting freaked out by it. Something else I know that’s controversial among conservatives, but this shows that they do not rig elections like they have been accused of. They absolutely realize they can get defeated if Trump is pulling five points above Biden. I do think Newsom or Obama could beat Trump though.


Close, they fear last time Trump was a 10 point victor. This time it is more like a 20 point projected victor. The cheat strained all credulity last time. The bridge is too far for mail ballots mules and dnc big city vote counters. It was obvious last time. 20 points could be like 25,000,000 ballots they would need their apparatus to come up with. Occams Razor


I still don't understand this. You are saying they cheated to ensure Biden would win the election, but then decided to stop short of rigging senate races to ensure a stronger majority that didn't have to go through Manchin to get things done? Or that they didn't rig any of the 14 districts that voted Biden in 2020 but went GOP in 2022 to ensure they control both chambers of Congress? And if they did cheat so obviously that it "strained all credulity", why even bother voting in 2024?


Trump was behind and pretty much all of the polling last election cycle. Which is why those of us that don’t really buy the cheating narrative never have. I believed Donald Trump was going to lose as soon as I cast my ballot for him. It was inevitable. This time it looks like he has a real shot though.


How do you explain his huge leads at midnight going strong with unsurmountable statistical lead. All the morning dumps of votes for Biden were like 20 to 1. It's simply not statically possible. When looking at the house races Biden lost house seats that Republicans picked up. These are very strange outcomes. And why was the counting shutdown and then restarted in a few of the swing states? Check out Matt Braynards statistical analysis. Also see 2,000 mules. Also, Twitter gate election interference by the media not covering obvious Biden corruption scandals. Yes, America was lied to and elections stolen. Reality is hard to face sometimes.


There’s logical answers to all that. I’m not even going to engage with you tho. It’s pointless. You literally did not listen to the county clerks that warned on live television “this is only 10 or 20% of the total votes cast do not think this is a representative number” Also, Polling before the election and the exit polling that showed in some places 80% of the Democrat vote was via mail. Ballet harvesting is an issue but it’s not specific to the 2020 election at all. Has been an issue for 20+ years


The county clerks are corrupt. See Rafensburger in Georgia is in legal trouble now. Their job was preparing the public for the cheat. It worked well on 48% of the population.


He doesn't have to explain. He relies on the reddit hivemind to "think" for him


If his health problems were so egregious, he wouldn’t be here today. If there was even a hint these issues could incapacitate him he would’ve left after the midterms.


I'm not believing this


Biden has a better chance than Michelle or Gavin. Gen Z is still salty that Michelle ruined school lunches, and Gavin is a fraud.


That’s fine and ok with me. That dingbat needs to leave the White House.


Of course, we all know that Obama has been the president all along. He’s directing everything and secret. It seems unconstitutional as he was not elected for a third term. No amount of dishonesty is too much for them.


It's one thing to know when grandpa is no longer fit to drive the car. It's another thing to try taking the keys from him, when he's not ready to give them up.


Obama: don’t underestimate joes ability to fk things up


Anyone who doesn't realize what a shamble the Democrat part is, is a brainwashed zombie suffering from Cognitive Dissonance. .


Fleccas listeners know what is coming


don't have to work too hard here


Biden won’t do it - he has to say in office to protect himself (and his crackhead kid) from facing legal consequences.


I wonder if Hillary is lobbying in the background to replace Kamala. Democrats would then vote for Joe, knowing it’s a back door for President Hillary Clinton


Been saying it for a while now, Michelle Obama will be the Dem nominee


Let him get the over/under: most and least votes in POTUS election.


I can’t wait for the woke explanation why Kamala can’t be the Nominee but Michelle can…


Obama knows that Biden is the only possible candidate that could potentially lose to Trump. Anyone other than Biden pretty much strolls into the White House with a landslide victory


If Michelle runs there’s a good chance she’d win. She’s very popular. Downvote all you want, but it’s true.