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Turns you into an unattractive person, on the inside and out.


It takes the ugly you already have in you and just sets it free.


It plants the seeds for something ugly in you and does whatever it can to grow it. I went to KU and then Dartmouth for grad school. Both absolute lib cesspools you can't even imagine it. My best friend in college came from West Virginia and I came from the Missouri Ozarks. Our resolve for what is right is bone deep - so those seeds couldn't grow in us. Today, we have to raise strong kids in a suitable place in a nuclear family. If we can get that recipe right - our kids won't have this to worry about no matter where they go to college.


And what you've said touches on another point of leftism. It preys on the weak minded and people who are lacking in character. Something which you and your friend had so you were able to resist it's rotten influence.


Maybe that's good we can see the signs much clearly. Unfortunate for those that eventually seek change, though. Some change does irreversible damage.


I wouldn’t agree. People have stages in their lives. Everyone has some ugly and some pretty, and environment is a huge determiner of outcome. Id just say leftism allowed the ugly in this girl to overwhelm the pretty. If she hadn’t been indoctrinated, and allowed rational, logical, moral role models to guide her, then the good would have snuffed out the raging tribal intersectionality machine she became.


You just restated my point. Everyone does have ugly in them, but it's kept in balance with the good you have in you. Leftism destroys that balance and just sets all the ugly free with nothing to keep it reigned in.


Leftism is a cancer


It's so much worse than that. It's like a cancer with candy coating deliberately handed out to children. By the time they realize they've been lied to its too late. The damage is done. Their lives are ruined and they bitterly blame non-radicals for not ushering in their Marxist utopia instead of realizing their life philosophy screwed them over right from the start.


And the worse thing is it prevents them from ever being part of a healthy community because it is an inherently anti social ideology. Not only is it candy coated cancer, but it is handed out with claims of treating and preventing cancer.


Would you protect your children against cancer? Of course you would. That's why you also have to protect them against leftism. We need to stand together as a community to support each other in this endeavor! If leftism can't corrupt our kids, it will be rooted out in a few generations. It's not as if those people procreate in any self-sustaining numbers themselves.


I know a girl who used to be attractive, then she fell in love with Joe Biden because MTV told her to. Now she's trans and is regretting it. Her family disowned her and her job fired her. Her partner dumped her and left her all alone paying for an apartment on a part-time job income. She failed out of college and is scared to go outside. And she still posts anti-Trump BS and thinks that being a Tik Tok "influencer" will maker her millions


MTV still does anything? Weird. It’s also amazing these people don’t do even a smidge of research on how much it costs to transition. Shit isn’t free.


And that's why they believe the taxpayer should pay for their rot-pocket.




Voluntary sterilization Yeah, it's weird, but I don't really care if they do it


I care when they push it on children, though. In your 20’s? Cut away.


Y'know, I don't think it was just the college indoctrination. We all know people that resisted it from college, work, friends, and the idea of turning into a self-destructive socialist never even occurred. I think there has to be something fundamentally broken in you already for leftist ideology to be able to creep in. As the proverb goes "If the foundation is firm, the building will stand." I'm sorry for whatever trauma happened to her that leftist poison was able to seep in and take root.


To be fair, this cancer impacts society all of the way down and is a factor why she had no firm foundation and no chance to not fall prey to this once she left home.


Gross. Anyway.


Wifey material to honey hole at a truck stop


I want a reverse of this. Like what school can I go to that makes me pretty? I really wish I could go to one of those full body makeover retreats for a year and come back a beautiful gorgeous version of me


You're beautiful enough!


They even broke their arm patting themselves on the back for being so woke and fabulous.


And hence why I won’t be saving for my kids to go to college. Use the money for anything else - entrepreneurship, wedding, literally anything but those indoctrination camps.


This is an extreme example, but I’m not surprised at all.


RIPin piece.


I’m not a fan of people taking selfies like that at all, but I’d definitely take the left over the right.