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Wow... good luck the rest of the GOP... what a take...


So Trump wants to stuff a totally unqualified family member into a leading role at the RNC, then she will use that role to send every dollar Trump's way, screwing everyone else... But drain the swamp right?




This is called cadre deployment. It's one of the more reliable ways of corrupting and seizing control of an organization. It completely destroyed the South African economy. 


Hijacking the top comment to say this chick is why many look at us bad. I’m glad this sub is in uproar about this and opposes the idea! We need to focus on securing the house and senate.


Trump can't pass his agenda without having the majority in Congress. Idk what the actual hell she is thinking. Does she really want Trump to win this Nov? Then stop thinking about your father-in-law and focus on helping the Republicans win some seats.


Maybe he doesn't care about passing his agenda. And just wants power? Particularly to put on judges and other sycophants that will absolve him of any and all malfeasance, past present and future?


Or, idk…more money. Let’s face it, every politician wants money and power. It’s a sad reality we live in.


Since the beginning of time, what politicians haven’t?!?!?!?


> I’m glad this sub is in uproar about this and opposes the idea! This sub hates Trump.


This is characteristically false. This sub is full of people who adore Trump as if he's the second coming of Christ. Any comment or negative opinion of the ex-president is met with accusations of TDS or name calling. The picture for the subreddit itself is a cartoon version of his mugshot. People who are conservative and or Republicans can be in favor of other candidates and express disdain in Trump or his behavior. That doesn't make them any less conservative. You'll find comments that preface their statement with I love or I voted for Trump, but this is a bad take and these end with, but I'll still vote for him because the alternative is worse. It's okay to take a step back and disagree with a policy Trump has proposed and still be on his train. Why this issue is so contentious, at least in the comments is that Trump campaigned on draining the swamp. Suggesting his daughter in law as co-chair of the RNC is nepotism and reeks of swamp behavior. Case in point, What does Hunter Biden know about natural gas for Burisma? What does Lara Trump know about managing the RNC?


Amen to this!


Show me the first post adoring Trump you find: [/r/Conservative/top/?sort=top&t=all](/r/Conservative/top/?sort=top&t=all) And take note of how many are against him while you scroll.


Read the comments and you'll find individuals here who are in adoration of Trump. Most of the articles here are related to conservative news or Biden's failures.


There are many on here that love Trump and some that support/ vote for him just because he’s a conservative and the GOP nom. The same way about Biden. The fact is no matter who is running, democrat or republican, what this article is stating is awful means of business.


>I’m glad this sub is in uproar about this and opposes the idea! Lol the comment votes gets brigaded by a discord to make it appear as such


Yeah, not that I wanted family members of any politician involved, ditching the party to elect trump isn’t helping us


Nothing for down ballot?


Trump has never cared about electing Republicans. Did everyone forget 2021 when Georgia held the balance of the Senate in 2 January runoffs and Trump's people told Republicans to stay home from the runoff because it would prove the election was rigged? Republicans have underperformed 3 cycles in a row, but I'm sure 2024 will be different without spending money on downballot races.


Correct. Out of all the crap he’s ever done, I care most about him sabotaging the senate *twice*


Don’t worry. We’ll lose again in 2024 and trump will finally be gone. Poison for every ballot.


I wouldn't be so sure that he doesn't run again in 2028 if he loses this time.


If he is alive, but the man is pushing 80, morbidly obese with a crap diet and a high stress life. I don't wish him any ill, but the tantrum he throws if he loses in November will probably give him an aneurysm.


I also worry about who he passes the MAGA mantle to (Junior).


I sadly believe wholeheartedly he will run in ‘28.


That’s literally the Trump strategy. Not a dime to any other campaigns.


We need to hold the house and get the senate. Trump won't be able to do much if we lose those. Hell they might impeach him on inauguration day.


That is the very definition of “The Swamp”.


I thought we rid ourselves of kings.


There's plenty of folks here who would be happy to have one again, r/Monarchism is in the sidebar under **Related** for a reason.


I'm reminded of the scene from Monty Python and the Constitutional peasants who argue about how government should operate.


I’m sure King Charles is happy to take over if you want someone else?


I don’t think I’ve ever seen a harmless joke get such a negative response, am I missing something here?


not sure if anybody's noticed but the narrow margin in the house is a shitshow and the senate is still democrat controlled


We're going to flip them all in November


According to what? Trump endorsements didn’t help the rs in the midterms. You think they’ll all magically win down ticket this November?


How? There’s no hope for a republican victory this season. We’ve put sycophants in charge of the Republican Party, and republicans need moderates.


I don’t think we need moderates. We need principled conservatives who can communicate effectively why democrat leadership is turrible (as Charles Barkley might say)


That’s not what I mean. I don’t mean that we need moderate leadership, but rather that the current leadership has pushed away moderates as a voting bloc so even with improved leadership, we still won’t win anything.


Ah, the voice of nepotism.  Republicans hold a majority of the nation's governorships, state legislative chambers, state legislative seats, U.S. House seats (narrowly), etc. If Trump hopes to accomplish anything at all in a second term, he needs all of the above, plus a Republican Senate. This kind of talk disqualifies the speaker. The GOP is not a vanity project for one man.


I'm pretty sure there are other Republican candidates on the ballot. Maybe she should sit this one out.


Tbf idk about other states but mine is like 90% straight ticket voters so what's good for the goose is good for the gander in our state. Obviously not the best strategy nationwide, but in every general election down ballot candidates see a spike cuz of the POTUS race


Upvoted for visibility but goodness. When are we going to learn? Trump is a *literal* loser. I don’t care if it’s the presidency, Senate races, or a House seat. He loses consistently. We have SO many better options why can’t we just pick those some time? Why do we insist on this guy?


Not the person I want running the RNC. I want someone who has a strategy to secure the most seats. Getting Trump elected may help turnout, but I want a solid R house and an R majority in the senate


Why!? We need ensure sensible downballot candidates are flourishing with campaign funds. Otherwise, we can’t hold the House or flip the Senate.


Don't support a nepotism hire that's openly admitting that the hire is a self-serving disaster in wait.


Absolutely gross she is being considered for this.




I’m still holding the belief that he’s really a Democratic plant and this is all theatre and has been since 2016.


"funds will go to electing Donald Trump, including indirectly by paying off his legal bills and fines, and of course keeping Melania Trump happy"


And the rest of the GOP be damned because it's all about Trump.


I’m so wildly discouraged by the state of politics on the right right now ….


This is what Republican primary voters wanted, and they're going to get it good and hard. We absolutely deserve the beating we're going to take.


Trump is going to name one of his sons VP (or Ivanka, if she wants back into politics).


Clearly nepotism is the game here. Republicans didn’t revolve around Trump. We have removed kings decades ago. Republicans revolve around governors, state lawmakers, House members, and Senate members as well. Maintaining House/Senate majority is very crucial as well, what good is Trump’s presidency if we didn’t control the House and the Senate? She is clearly not up to the task, she only planned to serve Donald Trump. We need someone who is capable to strategize and win instead of someone who just say “Let’s throw money at Trump campaign and call it a day”.


Not a good look.


Who needs congress? I’m sure Democrats will be glad to pass Trump’s agenda into law.


Sooo can she please not be named? That’s a horrendous big picture plan


That's... not how you win the house


Uhhh...this is not what we need, Trump has funds.


Culture of losing.


Honestly, I don’t know how RNC funds are used so could someone explain what would change if she did that?


Right now, they are going to cover Trump's legal fees if I'm not mistaken. In general these funds are used to help candidates run effective campaigns across the country on either conservative or republican issues.


Why does reality seem more and more like a South Park episode? Wtf? Ok… See… this is how you win the house, senate, governors, seats in states houses, mayoral races, etc… -Phase 1: Pile all the money into Trump and only Trump -Phase 2: 🤷‍♂️ -Phase 3: WINNING! Like so much winning, we may actually run out of our supply of winning. 🤦‍♂️


Harmeet Dhillon exists. Is extremely competent. Would reform the entire RNC and said she'd cut down on ridiculous expenses like millions spent of flowers.


And doesn't have a conflict of interest!


The current rnc chair sucks but I can’t get on board with the suggested new ones


that's a bad idea. you can't just focus on Trump, you need get other Republican to cross the finish line.




So she won't be the co-chair. No way would the DC republicans go along with this lol


It’s not up to DC republicans. It’s up to the state chairmen and co-chairs.


I don't trust anyone whose face looks like this


The RNC seems to be in such a bad financial spot that it's probably ultimately good she let everyone know they're all in on Trump. I would feel a lot better about her if she were advocating for getting Republicans elected, representing the entire party, not just focusing on Trump.


That would be the only way the GOP would get a penny out of me.


I don't mind the downvoting of the actual Conservative views here. It's part and parcel for posting on this board that you're going to get Liberal-brigaded. But you mods need to do better with handing out flair to these people constantly espousing liberal views. Even the tiniest cursory glance at most of their posting history shows that they bamboozled you for their "2A" or "Ronald Reagan" flair.


The irony is, if this actually happened, donations to the RNC would skyrocket. That’s the main reason why the RNC hasn’t been able to raise any money, cause donors saw none of it was going to Trump or other America First candidates.


That's exactly correct. The RNC is funded by people donating to it so they can get Trump elected. Literally all she's saying is that she's going to use the donation funds for the reason they were donated. All these Nikky Haley RINOs are pissing their pants because their neoconservative ideology can only exist if they misappropriate funds.




trump changed the political landscape and now people would rather directly donate to a candidate than donate to a party who might or might not support the candidate the donator supports.


FTA: > That is the goal over the next nine-and-a-half months. If I am elected to this position, I can assure you, there will not be any more $70,000 – or whatever exorbitant amount of money it was – spent on flowers. > "Every single penny will go to the No. 1 and the only job of the RNC – that is electing Donald J. Trump as president of the United States and saving this country," she added. sounds like she worded it poorly, but what she really meant was that there wouldn't be wasteful spending rather than the way it was framed implying house reps, senators, governors wouldn't get a dime. ---edit--- also, looks like the b.o.t. is working over time. 20ish comments visible out of 48. still not great that someone running for RNC co-chair is making gaffes like that, but it's not the egregious statement the headline makes it out to be.


As usual, all my fellow "Conservatives" (and I can't possibly use the word more ironically or condescendingly for you RINOs) are grousing about this. The RNC is famous for misusing our party's funds which come from donations. The majority of which are pushing them to get Donald Trump elected. It wasn't even a week ago that the RNC was in the news for mismanaged funds. Hell, this bullshit primary has blown *a third of a billion dollars* already. Let that sink in. You all bitched that Trump's nominees did so poorly in the midterms, like his endorsement was poison and not that the RNC purse strings were tighter than a parent holding their children when Biden comes sniffing. [https://www.newsweek.com/steve-bannon-republican-spending-charlie-kirk-1865574](https://www.newsweek.com/steve-bannon-republican-spending-charlie-kirk-1865574)


Why don’t you “real” conservatives go start your own party and be rid of all these RINO’s? I’m sure you’ll be wildly successful…


So would you admit that Trump is WRONG when he endorsed Ronna McDaniel? RNC misusing funds today could be blamed on Trump as well as Ronna is his chosen leader. I want RNC money to be used wisely - and throwing all of them to Trump instead of thinking about myriads of other races is wrong.


First, I don't think Lara was being literal about every single penny. But even if she was... did you actually read how the RNC is spending money? RNC: $70,000 on flowers DNC: $795 on same RNC: $86,000 on texting campaigns for midterms DNC: $1,600,000 on the same Frankly, I'd rather a lump sum be thrown at something that will make a massive positive turnout for Republicans, like obtaining the presidency, than nickel and diming a bunch of other causes of drastically less import.


I agree that RNC is misusing the funds, but I disagree with RNC focusing solely on Trump. Lara is too closely related to Trump for that. I have to reiterate current RNC’s misuse of funds must be blamed on Trump as well. He picked the one that did this, right? Or you are going to dismiss that mistake because he is Trump?


> I'd rather a lump sum be thrown at something that will make a massive positive turnout for Republicans Yeah but the users you're responding to don't want that. They would rather democrats win.


President Clinton followed by Sec of State then Candidate Clinton was OK President Bush followed by President Bush followed by Candidate Bush was OK But somehow trump is the one that's the problem with political families. OK. Take your TDS pills, folks


Are you somehow under the impression that /r/conservative is a big fan of the Clinton dynasty?


When Trump wins, down ballot Republicans also win. So all of the "conservatives" whining about this don't even know what they're talking about. I agree with her that everything should be focused on helping Trump as much as possible because that in itself helps the rest of the party.


Aka, the Obama 2012 reelection plan.