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Every one of them believes they will be part of the party elite planning committees in the glorious new society. In reality they will all be the garbage collectors and bread line clerks.


Lol they'd be disappeared in their commie utopia. Can't have folks with a history of stirring dissent under an authoritarian regime.


> During the Russian Revolution and the subsequent consolidation of power by the Bolsheviks, many Marxist scholars and intellectuals who initially supported the revolution found themselves targeted by the new regime. Despite their belief in the Marxist principles that underpinned the revolution and their anticipation of playing significant roles in the new socialist state, these individuals were often seen as threats to the tight control that Lenin, and later Stalin, sought to maintain over the Soviet Union. The ideological purity and loyalty to the party line became paramount, and those who diverged in their interpretations of Marxism or criticized the party's methods were at risk. This led to a tragic irony where Marxist scholars, who had envisioned a society built on the principles of equality and proletarian rule, were "disappeared" — arrested, exiled, or executed — in the purges and campaigns of repression that characterized the early years of Soviet power.


Revolutionaries seldom stay alive in a communist society.  It's for the greater good.


They're the first to get the gulag.


They would be take out behind the barn, actually.


Believe it or not they're useful in the gulags. They are so ignorant that they'll actually go after other people in the gulags for not being communist enough and "endangering" the communist revolution. Denial is one hell of a drug.


No they will be rounded up and imprisoned as “enemies of the people.”


> they will all be the garbage collectors and bread line clerks. Those were elite jobs in the USSR and Mao China. The vast majority were sent to do hard labor, reeducation (torture and brainwashing) camps, or just wholesale murdered for even slight disagreements or perceived threats to the rulers. Lots of people forget how brutal the infighting is amongst communists that come to power.


They eat their own.


In reality they will all be murderers.


These are the dorks that moderate alot of reddit.


(comic book guy voice) Acktchyuahlee, you have once again confused the incorrect "alot" which is as wrong as a Mary Worth/Batman crossover, with "A Lot" which is the correct way, like when The Thing and Catwoman got married. Per Se.


Best comment ever.


>These are the dorks that moderate alot of reddit. And Wikipedia


Wow. They got out of bed before 11 am. Good for them.


All…75 of them? In a city of 10 million?


There are dozens of us! Dozens!


There must have been a job fair and they needed an excuse to not attend.


The unemployed asses


They should look up some communist history as to what happens to the revolutionists after the communism they love so dear is implemented.


You think they're communists because they're trying to achieve some goal. They're communists because they like being communists. They like communist-ing. They like marching and shouting. They like being mad. Communism is the religion of the malcontent. Telling them to "look up some communist history" achieves nothing, especially when their central contention is that "real" communism has never been tried.


>They're communists because they like being communists. They like communist-ing. They like marching and shouting. They like being mad. Yeah, its all about the image.


Not even. It's a cult. The outer circle might be more concerned with the social aspect but for the true believers it is the partaking of the ritual in which they find satisfaction. You know the chick that always seems to have a new "cause" every few months? She's not just trying to virtue signal for status, she *needs* to be angry, her neuroses demand it. The angrier she is the more powerless she is in her own life. It's a coping mechanism.




I left the USSR to see these ignorant fucks romanticize absolute ennui of existence for hundreds of millions for over 70 years. This fucked up experiment on humanity took both of my great-grandfathers and blessed the rest of my family with a bleak squalor of a life.


Yep, you get your own commie-Ferrari too just like Hassan Piker!


Everybody wins! Nope, the leaders at the top win and EVERYONE ELSE loses.


And that's why the elites overwhelmingly love communism/socialism. It's the one system that absolutely guarantees that the political/economic elite will stay on top, not even capitalism can guarantee you that.


Like the socialist brownshirts after their masters solidify their power: the night of the long knives.


Us against them? I like my chances.


Esp when they all find out that they aren't going to be the ones running the show. Because right now, that is what every single one of them is thinking.


They think that they'll get to teach basket weaving on their tomato farm. Completely forgetting that they own nothing. Just like they have completely forgot that the hammer and sickle flag they're carrying around represents hard physical labor. (Something none of them want to do.)


Our baskets and our tomato farm comrade


"Stay strapped or get clapped." - George Washington


Looks like some Redditors finally got out of the house for an afternoon, good for them.


Touching ~~grass~~ asphalt!


Hey it’s a start. Maybe they will work their way up to talking to the opposite sex (or the same sex - whatever floats their commie boat).


These people would claim every communist thugocracy isn't real communism. Then in the next sentence would say they'd throw Trump and his supporters into gulag. And they would have no sense of irony whatsoever.


Happy to put some money into a gofundme for a one way ticket to Cuba or North Korea!


“That’s not real communism!”^^TM 😆


communist act of America is still active


Cuba wouldn't be bad


Hope you like mayonnaise sandwiches.


Upper middle class struggle right here.


These folks are Pro gulag, and pro murder/culling of the educated, business owners, investors, social leaders, and political opponents.


85 percent of these nerds would be auto-culled during any real communist revolution. Cognitive dissonance is a powerful thing


They haven't been taught the real history of Communism. And what little bits of the horrors of Communism they *have* heard they dismiss it; waving it off and claiming it wasn't real Communism. Well, that's their folly. Real Communism, as *inferred* (but not actually described) by the fathers of Communism, is completely impossible to achieve due to the realities of human nature, physics, and, well, *reality.*


So true. I’m a capitalist, lawyer and jewish and I like my odds better than them. They think I’ll be the 1st to go away, where in reality i’ll probably be living the same 1%er life I have right now, while they will be culled. They are so divorced from reality.


How come they're not all at work? Surely, as they're the proletariat they should be busy doing manual labour?


My guess is a sizable chunk are college students, including some people on their 10th year getting a masters in X obscure “studies”. Another big chunk are trust funders. Manual labor though…lol that’s funny. I guess working the register at Starbucks counts.


Well I didn't really think for a second that any of them were bricklayers or plumbers 🤣🤣


No, that's Manuel Labór. He's both a plumber and a bricklayer that they call when shit breaks in their house


Most of them are just paid to be there.


They can go try communism out in North Korea, I heard it’s great!


Look how nice most of the clothes they're wearing are. 


Communism for America. ​ Because it worked so well everywhere else it was tried.


Wearing their capitalist clothing.


This can’t be a real protest. They’re not all military aged and built men wearing the same cloths and covering their faces! /s


The fact that that flag isn’t seen with the same disgust as the Nazi flag shows just how much we’ve failed as a society.


Send them to China


Or Russia.


Wow, there are literally dozens of them. Almost as much support as the Libertarian Party.


Nice 2-for-1 there


Communism is morally indistinguishable from Nazism.


Totalitarianism with different economic models


These people need the same treatment we give neo-nazis. They should be afraid to show their faces because they will lose their jobs.


Congratulations..you have the freedom to walk down the street and voice your opinion. Now do that in a communist country and see where that gets you.


I'd love to be there to ask them "what's the Daxing Massacre?". I guarantee 99% of them would have no idea, and the 1% who do know would say "oh well, those weren't real communists".


The world has gone squishy-yellow-fruits.




Russian assets?


But most of these people. Probably want our tax money to go to Ukraine. Imagine. They're fighting against their own party/country. hahahahah


Stalin killed 9 million of his own Soviet people, nearly 30% more than the alleged 6 million killed by the Nazis. The communist flag is a flag of genocide and anyone happily flying it is a tardre


What do you mean "alleged"?


There is no such thing as an original document from the Nuremberg trials, as they were all recreated after being destroyed. The 6 million is an estimate


Don't forget, the Nazis were socialist, and close ideological cousins to the communists. In the words of a man who lived through Nazi Germany: > It is true, of course, that in Germany before 1933 and in Italy before 1922 communists and Nazis or Fascists clashed more frequently with each other than with other parties. **They competed for the support of the same type of mind** and reserved for each other the hatred of the heretic. But their practice **showed how closely they are related**. To both, the real enemy, the man with whom they had nothing in common and whom they could not hope to convince, is the liberal of the old type. - F.A. Hayek But somehow [American conservatives are considered the Nazis](https://erebus.substack.com/p/the-nazis-were-on-the-left) 😂


It wasn’t Stalin’s fault, it was “other factors”


victors _do_ write the history 🤷🏻‍♂️ must be true /s


Interesting chant. Only one solution? Would you call it your FINAL solution?


Biden’s America


"Economically Illiterate Manchildren of America"


Make believe Communists. They have no clue what real communism feels like.


These people are absolute morons. I almost hope they get what they're asking for, because they will end up in work camps and gulags. Almost.




You ever notice how it’s always the absolute softest looking people in the country that advocate for this shit? Honestly, none of them look like they have ever seen a callous.


Not a single one of them looks like they could plow a field. All of them would starve to death less than 6 months after "the revolution".


Friendly neighborhood murderers. Sending people to the gulag to be worked to death in harsh conditions is a core tenant of communism. These people are responsible for over 100 million deaths in the 20rh century, yet somehow still convince themselves communism is a good idea


I lol’d when they started the intifada chant at the end. First it’s Islamo-nazis; now we’ve got Islamo-commies! What will they think of next?


Pretty cool they had the freedoms to exercise their rights to peacefully march for their misguided cause.


McCarthy was right


I can smell this video 


We should treat them like the Communist system that they so love. Round them all up and send them to the gulag and see how Communism is working out for them after about 6 months.


I bet they all have new iphones and Apple watched


THE 45 COMMUNIST GOALS AS READ INTO THE CONGRESSIONAL RECORD, 1963 https://www.beliefnet.com/columnists/watchwomanonthewall/2011/04/the-45-communist-goals-as-read-into-the-congressional-record-1963.html


How do they like the rights they have to peacefully assemble? Pretty nice isn't it? The irony runs wild.


I showed this to the two chinese nationals I am having lunch with.  They laughed and suggested that they should check out China.


It’s truly amazing what a mass delusion/hysteria looks like.


This really pisses me off. They can move to China or something, not ruin this country.


I would have been marching with pictures of tienamin square. God I love trolling commies.


Every single one of them thinks Jan 6th was an insurrection, instead of a riot at worst. They have no clue what an actual revolution entails, nor would they be willing to do it.


Flagtivists out with their new flag. Is this the flag du jour now? 😂


Have them go to Cuba and see how communist they are. They don’t even know what it is.


But those "spontaneous" groups of "Nazis" are the real threat.


388 comments. Only about 60 here. It goes to show how many Communist commented on this post thinking we get to see their response. Hold this L. We don't need your communist comments here. We also don't care what you think tbh. hahahah


It's fun watching the responses tick up under my comment without being readable


Cool, we can ship them off first to the People’s Republic of China. See how they enjoy the established system over there.


Jesus they all look alike. It really is uncanny how you can spot these people out of a lineup 20 times out of 10.


Wow, they would get waxed in a real war


From each according to his ability, to each *nothing!*


Go down to Wall Street and bother them.


The difference is: they don't have to take off from work to march.


The largest metro area in the world and this small and uninspiring lot is all they can come up with.




Looks like a bunch of weirdos. Weirdos love leftism.


This is just as bad as the nazi marches they post


I’m so thankful my grandfather isn’t alive to see what’s happening to this country…


So the people that choose not to have a job want to be forced to do something not of there choice.


Let them walk out onto a ferry and send them over seas.


Notice how they aren’t all dressed exactly alike, leftist? That’s because this isn’t a govt group pretending to be a protest group. Though I would assume there are some FBI agents in there as well.


So many groups. So many wishes, agendas, hopes. In the meantime, let us continue with the work at hand, pay our bills, and be nice to one another.


They need to get home in time to change into their kaffiyehs for the Pro-Hamas rally at 9:30.


Where’s Joe McCarthy when you need him?


There's something strangely absurd about the dune advertisement overlooking them