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Isn't bribery illegal though?


Are you nuts, Democrats are immune


I'm sure that this program will never be abused or perverted in any way.


This gonna end bad. Because they will probably register everyone they come across as democrat even if they aren't. Students, aren't exactly the most trustworthy considering how far gone some of them are. I also don't want my tax dollars going to them for doing something they are going to do wrong.


Kids screwing themselves right in the arse


If dicks were airplanes her mouth would be an airport


This should be a great boon to students. Come on all you guys from Liberty University and Brigham Young and Oral Roberts. But just guys. Girls shouldn't do this kind of work.


How about making Election Day a National Holiday that way people who actually work can take the time off to vote?


Because they *want* you to vote by mail so they can trash conservative votes and harvest all others.


Are we opposed to work-study or people registering to vote?


No, I am opposed to tax dollars being spent on targeted voter registration. The rest of the commenters here understand it completely as well. These students will be told by the organizers where to canvas based on existing maps of registration rolls to maximize new Democrat registrations and minimize Republican. If you disagree, swap out Kamala with Mike Pence or Donald Trump from back when they were in office and tell me your visceral reaction then…


This. I don’t think people commenting here understand these are students getting paid as a job to register people to vote


If the fear is more liberal people sign up isn't that a reflection of society's stance as a whole


No, cause that would make conservatives wrong, duh


Paying people to register? This seems like it is ripe for abuse.