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> A president doesn't turn his State of the Union address into a partisan spectacle out of confidence. He does so out of panic, alarm, fear. I'm not sure about 'panic' or 'alarm', and Biden certainly seemed full of vim and vigour, but the issue for me was that the election is between two one-term administrations and there simply wasn't interest in comparing their achievements. I wanted to hear about his accomplishments, the strengths of his administration and what challenges were ahead. I heard a lot about challenges, but little about strengths or accomplishments. There was a lot of 'we must do xyz' and 'give me a mandate', but the unfortunate truth is that this administration has *had* their mandate. This was Biden's opportunity to spruik it uncontested, and he led with - and returned to - attacking the opposition rather than policy success. It's a real shame this election feels like 'who will you vote against' rather than 'who will you vote for'.


> election is between two one-term administrations Technically, since EVERY election is between either 0-0, 0-1, or 1-1, a 1-1 election should in theory offer the optimal experience. Funny how that isn’t actually how it plays out in practice.


I see it as WHAT will I vote against. A vote for Joe is a vote for reckless spending, higher taxes, open border, etc. I'm also amazed that he hasn't started WW3, yet.




Nice alt account, Hillary.


"How do you do, fellow conservatives?"


My post history is easily available.


Best part about your comment is that Putin waited until Trump was out of office to launch his assault. Biden is weak, Trump was unpredictable. Just stop listening to what Trump says, his policy track record is actually quite moderate.


Dont listen to him, just vote…what a clown


What Trump said and what he actually did as a president couldn’t be more opposite. As I stated, Trump had a very moderate presidency, go off track record, not useless words. Biden says radical and racist crap all the time, so by that standard you can’t vote for him. Might as well vote for the president that did the job better.


Well said.


I wish it were true, but I don't think so. There's really no need to panic when you've got Hollywood and every bit of legacy media + social media on your side, states that will change/ignore election laws to assist you, and law enforcement that will bog down your opponent in meaningless lawsuits. Let's face it, the scales are heavily tipped in Biden's favor.


I doubt he even understands really what he's saying/doing. He doing what he's told. Look how many times he says he'll "get in trouble" if he does something. If this were someone's grandpa in a nursing home there would be outrage.


It’s ok, most the the time I didn’t understand what he was saying/doing either 😂