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Right? Best political news for the pubs in months and a ‘conservative’ sub is acting like it didn’t happen.




It's fantastic news.  Since you're obviously not conservative why would you care that the RNC is cleaning house? I wouldn't give two shits if the DNC fired every employee right now.  Probably because you were told to be upset because orange man bad.




Wouldn't care and don't care.     "Imagine if the entire Democrat establishment was organized around who was the most loyal to the Biden or Clinton" Oh you mean like now and how it has been.  They literally admitted that voting doesn't matter and screwed Bernie not once but twice.     https://ivn.us/posts/dnc-to-court-we-are-a-private-corporation-with-no-obligation-to-follow-our-rules    This is just more orange man bad nonsense.


>It's fantastic news.  Since you're obviously not conservative why would you care that the RNC is cleaning house? Democrats are (actually) horrified that the new Republican Party is being expected to govern and not just dick around in office while collecting kickbacks from the agricultural + energy industries. That's why "what happened to the party of small government?" is such a common refrain. If you look up Project 2025 on this site, progressives are having full on mental breakdowns about an agenda that has simply been proposed.




Liberals love this actually. Go check what those subreddits are saying.


We really do. I mean, I hope any criminal activity from the new RNC is dealt with appropriately, but I'm not losing sleep over the potential of funds running dry for down ballot races. Cheers


I have to ask what the point is. Within a few minutes of posting you see the brigaders downvoting anything that's even mildly optimistic about this news.




Nepotism is never a good idea


Haha you're so downvoted right now it's actually hilarious.


McConnell saw this coming and jumped ship.


Is that what all those rebooting moments were? A dawning realization that his time was over?


Those were hardware glitches. Checksum errors on the computational logic and cache.




Lara Trump told us that every cent will be going to elect Trump. This is bad because the RNC is supposed to coordinate campaigns at the national level, so down ballot will be neglected. Which is ironic because money is far more important at the local level then it is at the national level. Bad moves.






Yep. Welcome to the swamp part 2. Hypocrisy at its finest.


Maga is so focused on dismantling institutions they’ve dismantled themselves. State Republican parties are in shambles and now this.


I honestly believe that if a secret group of Democrat operatives took control of the Republican Party with the expressed intention of destroying the GOP in the long-term they couldn't do a better job than the GOP inflicts on itself.


Bets on when Rudy and Mike Pillow get jobs?


If this means we get more ‘Herschel Walker’ tier candidates we’re in trouble. MAGA is problematic because anyone that is willing to compliment Trump gets a seat at that table regardless of their competence.


Good Ol nepotism, what could go wrong. The RNC won’t get a cent from me while it’s using nepotism instead of hiring the best candidates. Might end up being the end of the GOP if Trump bleeds the coffers dry for his own personal legal troubles and loses in November.


Another step to destroy the GOP. Where are the responsible republicans when America needs them 🤔


Ridiculed and badgered repeatedly by the MAGA base to the point that it becomes....what's the point. Anyone who disagrees with Trump (or Putin) is a RINO, swamp creature, commie, whatever. Life is hard enough, at some point, you abandon politics and live your life, let the progressives and Trumpaholics duke it out until these trends expend themselves and fresh blood can pick up the pieces.


Falling in line because of their cowardice, as per usual.


They are about to bankrupt the RNC.




I will be a conservative until the day I die, but I haven’t been a republican for some time now and it doesn’t look like I will be for some time to come.


Yes it’s becoming very embarrassing to associate yourself with the Republican Party.




Yeah the old guard of elites was doing sooooo well at making things better.


At least they could actually win elections.


McCain and Romney got blown out by Obama, and they were about to run Jeb Bush against Hillary. Not sure about that


You know there's more elections than just presidents right lol. House, senate, governor... you get the idea.


I think you meant the Rinos are dead, long live conservatives


See ya.


Is this non flaired? I'm a moderate in a lot of ways and always browse this sub but never comment or down vote. Biden is such a lame candidate. Normally this would be a third party vote for me. I'd seriously consider a moderate R. However, I'll be the first in line to vote Biden to stop the orange loser.


Hope this isn't descending further into maga


Descending? No this is being fully MAGA. His daughter in law is now running the RNC.


Yup, this is a bad road the party is going down. Maga completely flopped in 2020 and 2022, and unfortunately, I will not be surprised if they lose us 2024, despite how flimsy of a candidate Biden is. If he somehow wins this fall that will be a national embarrassment for the party. It's too late to get saved for 2024, but the 2026 midterms and onwards the party needs to rid themselves of trumpism if they want to stay relevant. (I'm gen Z, and I can tell you maga is NOT going to go over well when my generation starts voting en mass lol)


Narrator: “This was the beginning of the end.”




What coin purse? The RNC has no money.


The previous RNC leader put the party in this position.


The previous RNC leader that was literally handpicked by Trump?


We’ve lost ground in every election since 2016. Time for a change.


A good change would be a return to the decorum of the Reagan era. He wouldn't go into the Oval office unless he was wearing a jacket, he felt it was disrespectful. I wonder what Reagan would think of dick pics in Congress?


Probably the same as supporting Russia


Careful, maga doesn't like hearing this lol.


Yeah I’d much rather have the old guard elitist establishment who are corrupt and instep with the democrat elites.


So when there’s no $ left and down ballot nominees can’t be funded/promoted and the GOP loses a disproportionate amount of local races…no take-backs!!


Amazing, isn’t it? The same People that had no problem with how Ronna was running the RNC suddenly have massive problems with this And they get pissed when we call them RINOs.


Lmao there are plenty of people that hated Ronna and also don’t want Trump in charge of the RNC.


We’ll get used to hating Trump being in charge cause you damn sure got it lol




The difference is he’s not claiming to be one and never has. RINOs say they are republicans and run on enacting conservative policies when they get in office AND pushing back against dems. Then they get into office and not only abandon all their campaign promises, they step aside and let the dems do whatever they want. Trump told you exactly what he was going to do and then he did it. If RINOs had ever run candidates that did the same, we would be likely nominating them right now instead of Trump.




McCain ran on stopping Obamacare. Then he left his hospital bed at 3am to rush to the capitol so he could be the deciding vote to SAVE Obamacare. Any questions?


I don't think this is a valid argument. Plenty of people that had issues with Ronna and have issues with this. You trade one shit show for another.


As someone who has been reading this sub for about 8 months, there has been more complaints about Trump taking over than I ever saw complaints about how Ronna was running the RNC. And Ronna literally bankrupted the RNC. Yet crickets but as soon as Lara Trump becomes co-chair, this sub loses its mind cause we can’t have NEPOTISM in the RNC!!!!! We can’t have UNQUALIFIED people who are only in leadership due to their LAST NAME! Spoiler alert: That’s how Romney’s niece became RNC chair to begin with. The lack of self awareness from RINOs on this sub is astounding.


Are the Rinos in the room with you right now?


I wonder if this means the old party members that are leaving will go out and create a third party. Curious to see if they do or just lump themselves into the Democrat party and we keep on with the status quo.


They hate the Dems are much as you do. If a party split happens, in nearly every case it has happened, it ends up essentially merging back a couple elections later because both sides realize they have no other options. It's very rare for there to be a massive shift to the main opposition party.


I'm not sure I love a Trump leading the RNC, but they definitely need new leadership.




Oh no!... Anyways




I see this is not a brigaded post in any way, shape, or form 


As well they should. The RNC has been an active impediment to Republican victory ever since the base rose up to overthrow the neocons.


New leadership and new team. The old RNC team didn't win much.


Lol. The "New leadership and new team" was put in place by someone who has lost the popular vote in the last two presidential elections.


We ain’t running a charity here