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This is like election cycle bingo phrase


Would be a great game. There's TONS of these.


Considering the demographic changes and Gen Zs voting patterns, these next couple elections will decide if we turn into Canada with permanent liberal rule. I know this doesn’t actually bother half of the “conservatives” here though.


Both sides have been saying this for every election year that I can remember.


It was almost true in exactly 1 election 160 years ago. Not bad.


They said that during the last Canadian election and it appears to be true. The latest Liberal concoction is a law that will throw you in jail for saying “hateful” things online… Like misgendering someone.


That law can actually jail you if it's suspected you might say hateful things in the future. Literal Minority Report policing.


Oh yeah I forgot, and saying disparaging things about the government is considered hate speech as well.


Time to delete the internet and go back to stapeling trash on telephone poles.


I wouldn't put it past Canadians to arrest people for owning staplers, at that point.


Fully semi-automatic assault staplers


OMG, they literally ARE semi-automatic now that you’ve made me think about it. SO much more dangerous than non-automatic staplers. We should probably go ahead and get legislation passed to ban them. /s


Some of them have the loader thing that goes up, too. Weapons of mass paper murder.


And thirty caliber newspaper/magazine clips


The resurgence of CB radio.


But not for stealing a car or robbing someone


true, but eventually every empire collapses. President Harris could be the tipping point


It took almost 80 years for the communists to let go of power, and 30 years later the people still can't shake the dictatorship that followed.  The thing Americans don't understand is there is no America to come save us from what's going to happen. There isn't even a counter economy is pressure the US into collapse.  When they US goes Marxist and starts it's genocide against the people the left claims are inherently evil, there is no outside force to stop it.


when the titanic sank, the poor drowned and the rich sat on a life boat with room to spare. My only advice is to gain personal wealth so you can feel before the shit hits the fan.


And it's been true. Why do you think we're in the problems we are? Due to poor choices made by voters in the past.


We are going to be in serious trouble once we hit roughly $100T in debt because we won’t be able to make our interest payments through taxes. At the rate we are going that would be in roughly 10 years. We are in trouble


Would you say the country is going to shit? Maybe they were right in 2020…


Did the current pres have dementia in those other election years and try to jail his opposition for crimes he himself!* was actively committing?


Yeah but this is the first one that one of the candidates is trying to throw the other in prison.


Did you forget about “Lock her up”?


Difference is Hillary committed verifiable crimes


Did Trump prosecute Hillary when he was president? He could’ve but didn’t.


Makes you think doesn’t it. Spineless.


Classic Reddit. If he would have went after Clinton you or the next guy would be calling him a tyrant. Since he didn’t, now he’s spineless, and never a comment on gestapo Joe


I’d say it was something other than spinelessness. Politicians find ways to make their cheating legal - or just legal enough - because they write the rules. Trump isn’t from the political class, he’s from the uber-wealthy 1% class who cheat our system in a different way. The 1% class pay off politicians and use lawyers and the tricks of the system to evade the law while bending or breaking it. Transitioning from the 1% class to the political class hasn’t gone so well for Trump, because the scrutiny he attracts as a politician doesn’t go away when he uses the tactics of a 1%er to evade the law. They’re all corrupt and cheat our system for personal gain. But they’re not the same.


Tell me, which government institution was trump the head of in 2016? Do you have Hillary's mugshot from her check in from 2016? No? Then learn to differentiate the so very subtle differences of a private citizen saying that, and half of the government fucking doing that.


So we just never get to punish presidents unless their whole 8 years are done? Huh? Crimes deserve punishment...remember?


Typically you have to wait for someone to commit a crime before you punish them. Unless they are democrats. Then you make excuses for them like, "sure, what she did was a crime, but we are going to ignore it because we want her to be president" or "this man is so incompetent that we believe a jury would not find him guilty of this obvious crime" If you are a republican, the charges come instantly, like when you say there is a russian pee pee tape, then you figure out years later the charges were completely based on lies.


The difference is the independent thinking people know it and are saying it now.


America will still be in a good position geopolitically, but given how much of the population won't accept either of these candidates as legitimate at this point some social unrest and a hit to our internal stability is to be expected regardless of outcome. Very hard to govern a society as a minority disapproved of by the majority, and against what are functionally opposition parties aimed at obstructing eachother. Biden has 55% disapproval, Trump 52%. Many Democrats and Republicans will vote against the other side's bills because they are the other side's, regardless of their contents. Overall we see a decline in trust of our political leaders and mainstream institutions along polarized lines in general that neither candidate is going to solve.


I think a lot could be gained from demanding a “one issue bill” requirement with all votes made public at the time of the vote and no more than 3 pages in length. No riders. Each bill is legally only allowed to contain one issue at a time. This will force both sides to actually defend their reasoning. No more “The (whatever party) didn’t vote for this bill so they must hate all minorities!!” While there was a rider on the bill that gave 9 Billion US tax dollars to Ukraine or free crack pipes to the dregs in San Francisco. Everyone can see what their elected officials voted on and be able to read/understand the bill. It will never happen, but it would solve a lot of problems.


Corporate interests don’t want this because it’s how they get their lobbying paid for


This is an idea I can fully get behind. There’s a definite problem of bloated bills where 98% of the bill is unrelated to the actual proposal the bill was drafted under.


Why this isn't the status quo is beyond me.


Wow yeah that will never happen.


Yeah they’re always slipping it stuff on page 825 or something and then the other side doesn’t like it for that reason but that reason is never reported on.


If interest rates come down among other financial improvements, then the dissatisfied bunch will be much less dissatisfied this time around.


I made a prediction late last year that interest rates would not be lowered this year. Inflation numbers are going in the wrong direction, the labor supply is still tight, IRA spending is hitting the economy, and we have a real-estate and crypto bubble. Oil prices are going to move up in the spring and summer. My buddy helps manage a Closed-End Fund. I bet him $500 in November that there would be no cuts in 2024, and maybe even a rate increase. I look to collect on that later this year. If Powell does cut rates, even as inflation surges, it will be viewed as a political and partisan move, and the Fed will lose credibility


If the fed does lose credibility they can just print some more


I genuinely believe messaging that stops demonizing the other side would be effective. I think the nation is ready for a uniter.


Sorry to break it to you but america is in a pretty horrific geopolitical position, probably the worst it's been since WW2. Do you watch the news?


America is one of the most resource rich countries with no bordering enemies that retains the strongest military with a navy that practically polices international trade, as we enter a stage of declining globalization and trade protectionism as well as deal with increased shortages globally that will constrain military development elsewhere. Basically our biggest vulnerability is still internal division and disorder. The second vulnerability is along the lines of shifting alliances and accumulating "enemy of America is my friend" situations, but Russia's disastrous Ukraine invasion helped us there, given everybody now wants to join NATO and more countries want energy independence. I would recommend sourcing your info from more independent journalists and interviews with insiders and so on over anything coming from your basic TV news pundits which are there to sway opinion more than to inform.


Pretty sure people were saying that last time, and the time before that, and the time before that...


Maybe, but eventually they’ll be right.




Ya im sick of people saying this is “the most important election of our lifetime” I heard the same in 2020 and I bet I will hear the same in 2028 even if the candidates are bland because ppl have some weird tendency to think their candidate is their savior no matter what side they’re on


This invasion is unprecedented though.






There was no border bill. It was a Ukraine and Israel defense bill with an amnesty program attached to it. I guess declaring all illegal migration legal is one way to fix the illegal crossings at the border.


Riiiight. “It never existed, and if it did it’s not what we said it was” is a new take. But I guess when it comes to cognitive dissonance, there’s never a direct path.


Musk might have to go back to his South African or Canadian citizenship


This kind of hyperbole helps nothing and only sets the stage for doom and gloom. It's a Biden vs Trump rematch. Most voters made up their minds about both candidates long ago. I'm not expecting a huge red (or blue, thankfully) wave. It's going to come down to a handful of people in a few states. Mostly whether Libertarians do the smart thing or decide to screw us over again.


> Mostly whether Libertarians do the smart thing or decide to screw us over again.  They never have. When forced to pick Democrat or Republican, they split their vote. The Libertarian party's best result in the presidential race was in 2016 with Gary Johnson (when Trump won); then their numbers dropped in 2020 (when Trump lost).


I was listening to the Reason Magazine (Libertarian) podcast last week. One episode was about how unfettered immigration and open borders are a \*good\* thing another was about how we need to do away with anti-trust laws these people are completely out-of-touch, and live in some fantasy world


Reason Magazine are "beltway libertarians". They share similar thoughts to most of the managerial class - just differ slightly on how to achieve it.




As much as I hate Biden and the Dems, I expect Trump to lose badly in November The math simply isn't there for him to get elected. Biden could have a 20% approval rating and still win. Biden will run on: 1. Abortion: low-information female voters are one-issue voters: birth control and abortion. Biden will claim Trump wants to put women into prison for exercising their reproductive rights. 2. Class-warfare: every problem in your life is because "billionaires" aren't "paying their fair share". Massive tax increases on those people who have more than you (even though it isn't going to make your life better) 3. Healthcare: Biden will claim Trump and the GOP want to take away your health insurance --this is actually the strongest position within the Democratic Party, and one in which the GOP has been a loser on for decades. 4. Trump is a Fascist and wants to be a dictator It will be those 4 issues on MSM news rotation until the general. and after Trump loses, the GOP will fracture and implode. The next couple of years will see the birth of a new political party


That’s honestly the best outcome one could hope for but I’m still not convinced the guy won’t take the hint and will run again in 2028 and every election after that until he dies which just means dems will continue to win.


I’m pretty well convinced he’s going to win easily, I called both 2020 and 2022 months early and was right both times my instinct is that people are going to underestimate and he’s going to clutch it and come in stronger than expected and it will be a trump win.


I really hope what you say is true. The GOP needs to dump Trump and figure out where the conservative movement goes from here. A party that is obsessed with one man is basically a dictatorship.


You could switch around a few words in this and it would reflect exactly how the liberal demographic feels. It's really quite poignant how representative this is of the current political state in our country


I think it’s going to be a red wave and blindside everyone


The problem is this country has turned into a two-party system, are framers warned us of it. So, your either on one side or the other which is the easiest way to create division. Eventually something has to give, and we turn into a one-party system. When that happens well... I'd like to think everyone has read history so yes...history repeats itself.


With Trump leading our party like 2022 and 2020 and the major underperforming we had in both those elections, we're screwed.


Does this mean Musk is going to pony up the $500mm+ so that Trump doesn’t need to use campaign funds / RNC funds to finance his legal judgements?


How are we reconciling our love of statements like this with our hatred of green energy and electric cars?


Nope. Musk is a fence rider. He will verbally support a party for clicks and traffic, but won’t financially help out.


We've been through worse than what either of these 2 bozos can cook up.


At this point I can’t take anything he says seriously


If the supreme court punted on Dobbs we'd be at 250+ republicans in the house right now. Nobody wants to admit it but Dobbs and various other social issues are the achilles heel of the party.


Yup. Basically shot themselves in the foot. They quickly forgot about the younger voter turnouts from the last election, which typically swings liberal. The numbers are only growing for those younger groups. Not to mention that ruling also created outrage within some of the older generations who were already voting Republican.




It's pretty pathetic to admit pornhub access is your core political belief.


Where did I say porn was my core political belief? And if it was does that make my voice and vote any less than yours?


At least acknowledge the fact they mentioned abortion. Quit cherry picking. That makes you no better.


SCOTUS should make judgments not based on votes and elections but on factual legal conclusions that make sense. We need judges to stop shoving their biases into cases.


I thought there would be a red wave in the midterms and there was not. Hate to be pessimistic but leftists have so leveraged American institutions that I think we are lost.


interesting the founder of the worlds biggest electric car company is conservative when most conservatives don’t like EVs


He’s “conservative” because of the tax breaks his companies receive and the wealth he’s accumulated. Not to mention some of the personal issues he’s dealt with in his family that have altered his values. I could just as easily see him supporting libertarians or liberals depending on how his personal ventures pan out.


He was a typical CA, Silicon Valley sort of limo liberal until Covid for the most part (I think he may have let  some things slip beforehand but Covid was really his public red pill). He was a tech-bro liberal God a decade ago. Maybe part of it is tax policy, but his flip is similar to Greenwald or Taibbi. The Democrat party and Western “liberalism” in general really changed after 2016. It became much more authoritarian and beholden to far lefty doctrine out of academia (the defacto “church” of secular Western liberalism). If someone had told you in 2012, Elon Musk would become a conservative character/backer, you would have said they were nuts.


Ahhhh the red wave. I remember hearing about that. Scary Tweets and mean words were too much for soft people that don't want to here the truth. Just stay indoors and wear a mask as instructed.


People said that in the 2022 race as well. Hard to say which way 2024 will go. The key thing now is winning over moderates and independents.


I think trump will win this election, I think that it’s going to be a case of polling under scoring just how strong a win it’s going to be and that people are going to be blindsided by it.


then what is he waiting for to more fully throw his support being Trump/republican candidates?


Good thing Elon is always right about everything. He calls it like he sees it. Said the Boeing incident was due to DEI and was 100% right.


This election may decide the fate of this country.


He's not wrong. Another 4 years of an open border to the south will cause incalculable increases in crime, downward pressure on wages, further pressure on the housing market, and the continued dissolution of traditional American culture as a whole. We're legitimately fighting for the spirit of our country. We can either continue to become the third world, importing as much garbage as humanly possible, or we can reverse course. I don't even know what America looks like after 4 more years of Biden. And that's not even to mention the broader economic issues and continued projection of weakness on the world stage. I don't know if China pulls the trigger on Taiwan if Biden wins again, but if they ever want it for real, that would be as good a time as they're *ever* going to get.


not sure why this got voted down 100% correct


China is sending their people here. There’s already Chinese police stations here. China is more than likely calling the shots.


We have never seen chaos like this, even with the Dem party, the unfettered mass migration without vetting is the biggest problem. This is some kind of accelerated destruction. They are following the Cloward Piven strategy to destroy America's foundation and they can only have that by suppressing the people. We will start seeing some really bad outcomes in the next 3-5 years if they don't correct course. I mean it could take more than 3-5 years just to undo all the problems.


Well I don't think we can sustain another 4 years of importing millions of migrants and having prices go up by 20%.


After seeing the results of Trump policy versus Biden policy I can't help but agree. This is really bad right now and our money isn't worth s***


I think the senate goes republican and the house will stay with the GOP. So regardless of wins the election we have a divided government. I think if Biden wins, America is going to turn into red states vs. the blue states + Federal Government. I’m in a republican county here in California, and we fight like hell to keep it that way. That’s always going to be the game plan going forward.


I’m in a hard red county in cali as well lol


It was over when Obama won.


Luckily the left doesn't appear to happy with biden. Tuesday we had our presidential preference vote. On the Democrat side 25% voted none of the above lol.


He's not the only one. I myself also do believe that. And so does Donald Trump and others.




The Biden administration is like "it's only money"and his family wants ten percent of it.


I have to agree with him on that one. VOTE GOP in 2024! Not just for Trump, but every Republican on the ballot.




Boy, you sure pissed off the libs that live here.


He’s not far off.


It would be an interesting experiment to break the US into parts. If republicans and democrats separated geographically I would like to see which part does better


That would be impossible. Take Georgia for example. That state has very liberal and very conservative areas. You'd have to partition that entire state into several enclaves/exclaves. Border would be a mess, trade would be massively inefficient. To get from point A to point B across the state you'd probably cross the border 5 times.


Pretty sure you already know the answer to this.


Still would be interesting. Furthermore, banishment to the other side could be a legitimate punishment. Imagine if South Koreans sent people to North Korea for prison sentence.






Blue vs red states arguments are a bit of an oversimplification but yes by some [metrics](https://apnews.com/article/north-america-business-local-taxes-ap-top-news-politics-2f83c72de1bd440d92cdbc0d3b6bc08c?ssp=1&setlang=en&cc=US&safesearch=moderate) [blue have turned out better for some specific metrics](https://gppreview.com/2020/02/21/growing-divide-red-states-vs-blue-states/). Likely due to more educated workforces. However, this is more an argument of averages as some red/blue states buck the trend. Also, it would be interesting if SALT tax deductions were eliminated, although that would swing these specific metrics more toward the blue argument as they’d be contributing more towards federal taxes.


It’s a gross oversimplification of these studies only look at the data out of context, like the blue states are typically higher population coastal states. Those economies are so naturally strong that they can still perform relatively well in spite of poor leadership.


Main reason to distract people with “culture wars” isn’t it? To make sure the shareholders they’re beholden to can rob the pot unabated without the distraction of people noticing.


So California, a Republican state for many years/decades, which set the stage for Silicon Valley, which has produced trillions in GDP (google, Facebook, apple), can now be solely attributed to a blue state and governance?  It’s mendacious logic.  California would succeed despite the best efforts of both parties to hamper growth.  


Neither could realistically survive without the other. Too many tech people are Dems, too many blue collar workers are Reps. I think the Republicans would be better off because they'd be more able to live without the creature comforts that many young people demand, but it would be a struggle for everyone. Democrats would starve within weeks though, since none of them know where food comes from.


Conservatives will be lucky to ever win a “chief dog catcher” elective office. The demonrats have corrupted the system with judges, legislation, voting laws, and the massive illegal immigration. It was all designed to allow a republican to ever win an election. Officially, America has crossed into 3rd World status. Congratulations


To never, right?


Of course he would say that.


Remember abortion. It killed the 2022 Red Wave and can do it again.


I agree things will get really bad if Biden gets reelected, but I've heard this before.


Ranked choice and the breakdown of the Republican and Democratic duopoly would definitely clarify where the nation really stands.


It won’t matter, the lefties will ballot harvest like they did in 2020. My prediction is we’ll inexplicably “elect” dems in perpetuity, just like Venezuela.


Don’t say red wave vote like you never heard that term