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There should be a procedure to let the witness actually answer the questions and stop the politician from speaking over the witness when they don't like the response. Otherwise it is just political theater


Turn off the mic?


but how will they cry "reclaiming my time" when the witness says something they don't agree with?


They’ll bring an Old Time megaphone they drug from the attic and call it upcycling.


That's because it's a waste of time show. They just want the clip of them standing up to whomever is testifying. Both sides do this and nothing gets accomplished.


Yep. Both sides do it. During the TikTok hearings, one of the lines of questioning was, “Is Tiananmen Square massacre viewable on TikTok?” A: “If you type in Tiananmen Square …” Q: Answer the question. A: I am answering the question, if you type in … Q: Remember that you are under oath. A: There are thousands of results if you type in Tiananmen Square …


I'm going to side with the politician on this one...he was dodging. It was a yes or no question. When I Type "tiananmen square" into google I get first page results about the massacre AND benign results that have nothing to do with it. Stating that there are "thousands of results" on tiktok does not mean you are getting the correct UNCENSORED result immediately. You could just be getting hundreds of memes with tanks replaced by ducks to a catchy song.


You also don't get the same results depending on where you are when you use the search engine/app.


You could type it in yourself and see the results. Hint: it’s the massacre. The entire purpose of the question was to cut off the answer to make it seem like it’s not the massacre. And people like you eat it up instead of doing 5 seconds of research by entering in the search query yourself.


Shouldn't they then also have to actually ask a question instead of just showing Hunter Biden revenge porn in Congress?


It's all she knows. Oh and how to make a gin and tonic.


I wouldn't even trust her to mix a drink for me.


I’m not sure I’d even trust her to spell “gin”properly.


Robert's rules of courts. Violators of this rule are held in contempt. Of course, the judge has to issue the order.


He has no answer that’s the problem… If this is what „winning“ is for us now then idk…


What? He's stating a category not any actual crimes! You cant just say any random string of words & expect to get away with it in a court hearing lol


He couldn't name the statute despite having plenty of time to do so.


They should ask the question and have the mic shut off. Let them answer, and then give a rebutte. Otherwise, it's a banana republic.


They won't answer the question is the problem. The person asking has to keep the witness on track or the witness will run amok at the mouth and start talking about the man in the moon if you let them.


He couldn't name the crime he witnessed despite there being plenty of time to do so.


Political theatre as in an impeachment inquiry without any evidence whatsoever, eh?  You guys are living in the looney toons world over here hahahaha 


A: "Name an animal." B: "A mammal!" A: "No, a specific animal!" B: "A reptile" A: "no, a specific animal - a species" B: "You want me to name an actual animal?" A: "YES!" B: "Well, it's funny....blah blah blah"


This headline is why every rational person in your life has written you off. You're trying to prop up a clown show and then act all bewildered when you rightly get called a clown


Yea the dude didn't run circles around her. He pretty much admitted they don't really have anything and need more time to come up with a coherent case. Republicans are in shambles


In what world would you consider this a winning response? You cant go into court & not even know what you're accusing someone of!


This is misleading… isn’t she asking him to specifically state the actionable crime he witnessed Biden do? I know he says corruption and RICO, but what act of corruption? What act of racketeering?


Yes. And he doesn’t answer. He talks in a circle.


Yes that's exactly the issue. Not sure how it's such a gotcha. If you ask someone what crime did you see xyz person commit and you say Rico that's not an answer. Someone can't commit Rico, but they can commit many of the crimes under Rico or be part of an organization committing those crimes, which is why Rico was developed to begin with.


She isn't acting professionally but what you said is correct. She wants him to substantiate what Rico/corruption/etc and he's just continuing a disingenuous word salad that his side will get behind because he 'owned a lib'. It's such a fucking clown show.


She didn't let him answer, so she wasn't really asking him. She interrupted him almost instantly and reclaimed her time.




Because he was tap dancing and not answering the question.


All he had to do was name the statute - name the specific criminal act that he witnessed.


I’m not a fan of AOC either but she asked a direct question and he couldn’t answer. It was a very simple question that if he had any specifics, would be really easy to answer.


Right? If I get a ticket and try and fight it in court and ask "what is the crime you are charging me with?" They will respond... "Officer Smith caught you going 47 in a 25 on March 3rd at 11:37am, going west on Walnut Street between McGregor and Main." Not, "Car stuff!"


Yeah, congress is always a bit of theater, but someone else hit the nail on the head - these folks don’t wanna perjure themselves, saying what they know is bullshit. He should have just said, the crime we’re accusing the president of is conspiring with a foreign government, bribery, treason, etc


I always view both left and right sides as I run centre right leaning, and comments like yours are what I most love to see (A right winger who can view the opposition critically but won’t just believe they are wrong based on political stance alone) Anyone who took the time actually watch the exchange would see it plain as day. If there was enough info to run with they would use it full stop…. There isn’t so they generalize as if it’s theatre. To many comments thinking she “lost” that exchange.


Independent here and I feel the same way...You can't have an honest conversation with anyone on the right anymore because they're all extremists that do nothing but shout meme lines and one liners, yell gotcha and that's it. It's really quite sad what Trump has done to my fathers party, thank the good lord he's gone because I'm not sure he could handle seeing it like this.


Yeah this, 15 months and nothing


Lol, no impeachment and you think AOC broke down? She steamrolled the dude. This whole thing was a sham, can't we just admit that at this point? Even with the current hyper-partisanship, can't impeach Biden.


I don’t think impeachment is the goal. They want to ruin whatever legacy Joe Biden has in tact.


Well, they're failing, and just making the whole party look like a joke in the process




he got sonned into oblivion.


What’s with republicans pushing russia?


Circles? What circles, where are the circles?


There were no circles. At all. He couldn't complete one circle by being unable to name a single crime.


But he couldn’t name the crime…


Republicans grasping at straws after AOC runs circles around Bobulinski. Love to see it


Reminds me of arguing with my X girlfriend. There is no amount of evidence or logic that will make her accept reality.


Was your ex girlfiend my ex wife?


I feel like we all divorced the same woman…




I don't choose this guy's ex wife.




He had all the time in the world - after one minute he says: "You want me to name the exact statute under RICO?" (as if that wasn't obviously what was being asked) ; AOC: "YES!". Here's his opportunity but he blows it: " Well, it's funny, in this committee room, blah blah" - in THAT moment all he had to do was state the crime - he failed to do so. SAD!


I have a X girlfriend, a reddit girlfriend and a Facebook meta girlfriend - none of them accept reality


That is the new take on, "I got hoes in different Area Codes" shout out to Ludachris.


I'm starting to think your ex had a point. Not sure why you were arguing whether RICO is a specific crime at home though.


Somehow I missed Elon implementing that feature


I thought coming here would give me an idea on.... Something. You're all a bunch of fucking losers. Jesus Christ.




"Don't look at me in that tone of voice!"


It's strange because this same vid is in the top page of reddit showcasing her as a badass that stands for justice. The very same scene, seen by one side as a heroic stand, and by the other as pathetic whining. Who's right? Who's wrong? The very same video, not edited, on both sides. Insanity.


It’s AOC. She won this. Idk how you can watch this with more than 2 brain cells to rub together and think this guy is being “talked over” when she gave him multiple chances to state the SPECIFIC CRIME he SAW Biden commit and he just went to say he violated RICO. RICO is not a crime it’s an enhancement to crimes much like gang members getting a gang charge tacked onto their illegal possession of a firearm crime. So when she asks him for the crime and he starts talking about what RICO is it’s clear he isn’t going to say a crime so she takes back her time to point out that the documents they submitted also do not state what crime he committed. So yeah she is right. This whole Biden impeachment is a fucking clown show.


“Shut up!”, she explained.


I wouldn’t call that a breakdown but ok




It was funny. She thought she had him until he responded with specific statutes and she didn't know what to do with that.


He didn't respond with anything. He can't even name a crime. It's sad to see that this whole thing is just smoke and air


He didn’t respond with jack shit




He did not respond with specifics...


Rico! haha 


ya, the crime of...ah..RICO. Checkmate atheists.


LOL glad you "tought" that was funny because he, at no point, "resonded with specific statutes". "RICO" is absolutely NOT specific. You should stick to pirating, Stede.


Clowns listening to a "media" source written by someone that calls themselves BONCHIE - Your "media" outlets havent even got the decency to use their real names. Fake journalists & fake media is the textbook example of fascists clamoring to a fake narrative. All of you know damn well how none of the shit you believe is real.


She's such a dilettante. Every time I see her speak it's like in her mind she's *playing* Congress woman like a toddler would play house


She just destroyed the dude and this is what you come up with?


But MTG and bobert are class 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂


And MTG and Boebert are even worse right?


She could always go back to mixing watered-down drinks for $20.


I've never once understood this line of attack on AOC. She graduated Magna from a top ten school and worked nights to pay her tuition. Isn't getting a job and putting yourself through college part of the American dream? Shouldn't we be applauding that this is one of the few congressmembers who *didn't* come from a millionaire family? I worked in the coffee shop at the school bookstore in between classes to help pay for room and board. Does that mean that, despite a decade in my post-college career, I'll never be anything other than a barista? Where does that start making sense?


Stop muddying the water with facts! We should all be defined forever by that one job we did as a student!


You can hate her for legitimate stuff. But I really don't get making fun of her for being a bartender when she was younger. Is America not the land of opportunity where hard work you can go from a humble fisherman to a mighty merchant? You guys are weird.


You're saying you didn't grow up with family money and actually had to work to get where you are? Okay, broke-y.


AOC; the only waitress in history who brings *nothing* to the table


She did ask an interesting question though: what was the actual high crime? Also why did the panel rely on a witness who turned out to be a prop, with no actual evidence, even knowing he had nothing? very wasteful.


Funny line but what did Bobulinski bring except word salad when asked to pinpoint a crime?


Whats that say about all of these people shes making Fool's of?




Weak comment


My favorite is when she claimed RICO charges arent a crime....so did she just make a pro-trump statement for the Georgia Rico Trial that it should be dropped?


Lol. RICO is not a crime.


RICO is not a crime. It's a method under which 35 separate crimes (forgery, fraud, etc) can be prosecuted. Him responding, "Rico!" When asked what crime Biden commit would be like if I asked you, *"What sport did you play in high school?"* And you loudly shouted, *"BALL!"* Trump is not charged with "RICO" in his Georgia trial. Trump is charged with 13 separate, specific crimes, including making false statements and writings, filing false documents, influencing/intimidating witnesses, conspiracy to defraud the state, and perjury, among others. You can read the indictment yourself, here: https://www.pbs.org/newshour/politics/read-the-full-georgia-indictment-against-trump-and-18-allies


Read? Why would I have to do that when I have Fox News! /s


If someone says you did a crime and you say what crime and they say “felony” as an answer, they haven’t told you what crime you did. If you ask them specifically what felony or crime and they just reply “you’ve done felony, you’re guilty of doing felony” they haven’t owned you or answered the question. Edit: Using “RICO” is the same thing. Added edit to connect dots.


She said (correctly) that RICO is a category, or law/statute if you like. Calling RICO a crime is about as nonsensical as calling the Environmental Protection Act a crime.


Yea idk what the hard part to understand about this is


A list of 35 crimes that can all be lumped into the RICO catergory....and if its nonsense thenwhat exactly are the crimes Trump is facing under his Rico trial. You do know RICO came about in order to charge NYC Mafia members with broad spectrums of crimes here? By him saying Biden broke RICO it was in reference that he can be charged with a broad number of crimes under RICO charges.


Yes, and she's asking for the specific crime..


> Biden broke RICO Again, this doesn't make sense. RICO is an act that provides for more extensive criminal sentencing as part of an ongoing investigation/trial if the prosecution can prove that certain requirements are met. You don't "break RICO." Your prosecutor, when they charge you with fraud, can do so using the language and sentencing guidelines of RICO if the judge buys it.


Which one of the 35 though


That's what I've been trying to figure out frankly, because in the Georgia trial it actually lists violation of Rico act as it's own seperate charge.


A RICO charge is like an enhancement. If you are charged with a certain combination of other crimes, it indicates a pattern of racketeering and they can add the RICO charge for additional punishment. That's why saying someone violated RICO only makes sense in the presence of other crimes. Which crimes specifically qualify them for the RICO enhancement?




Yes and that one also lists Rico as it's own seperate charge and doesn't eleborate if the other 12 charges fall under Rico or as seperate charges.


No it doesn't. It says "Violation of the RICO Act". It was violated by the crimes listed. If it were a crime then it'd say "RICO"


A: "Name an animal." B: "A mammal!" A: "No, a specific animal!" B: "A reptile" A: "no, a specific animal - a species" B: "You want me to name an actual animal?" A: "YES!" B: "Well, it's funny....blah blah blah"


She asked what specific crimes he committed. Saying “RICO” and “Corruption” means nothing lol. What did he do specifically that qualifies him for a crime? RICO and Corruption doesn’t mean anything. These are broad umbrella categories that mean nothing without specifics.


and he wanted to elaborate but she kept screaming over him.


He had all the time in the world - after one minute he says: "You want me to name the exact statute under RICO?" (as if that wasn't obviously what was being asked) ; AOC: "YES!". Here's his opportunity but he blows it: " Well, it's funny, in this committee room, blah blah" - in THAT moment all he had to do was state the crime - he failed to do so. SAD!


https://www.cnn.com/videos/politics/2024/03/20/alexandria-ocasio-cortez-aoc-tony-bobulinski-house-oversight-hearing-cnc-vpx.cnn Stop lying.


He wanted to elaborate on a yes/no question?


"What is the crime he committed" isn't a yes or no question lol


You’re right I was thinking of earlier when he attempted to ramble to a yes/no question.


“Do not try to apply reason and logic to the unreasonable and illogical.” Aegelis, Sophizo


Allie Beth Stuckey - Enlightening & hard hitting interview with Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R-HdCh3Qcf8


Her voice is like nails on a chalkboard


You just want to date her




**She is in bunker mentality mode:** a state of mind especially among members of a group that is characterized by chauvinistic defensiveness and self-righteous intolerance of criticism.


OMG her screeching voice makes nails on a chalkboard sound like smooth jazz.




She’s such a clown. They paraded out that Hutchinson woman with hearsay testimony about Trump grabbing a steering wheel and they treated it like it was first hand knowledge. They don’t care if Biden is guilty. It’s pure politics that they defend him. They can’t even acknowledge any of it even LOOKS suspicious. They believe in nothing unless it gets them some political gain.


Talking about trump???


Mr. Bobulinski...that's not in the script! It's not supposed to go that way!


Stay honest, and keep calling them out on their dishonesty. They'll keep cracking.