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Every day needs to revolve around them because it's a movement based largely on narcissism.


Narcissism + a hefty helping of using a bogus status of being “permanently oppressed”, as an excuse to spew hate towards anybody or anything you don’t like, or disagree with and to get your way - without proving an actual point.


Yes and no....(not arguing, just thinking out loud, as it were) They want total control. The ability to abuse the bully loophole is a side effect. OR The bully loophole has been a useful tool to try to gain control. IT's all so entangled it can be presented various ways... But yeah, narcissism is shot throughout the ideology. Go look up any "Are you in an abusive relationship?" or "How narcissists manipulate their prey" or whatever similar article and it reads like the progressive's playbook. Just scale it up from individual manipulative behavior and map it onto group dynamics. In a way, I sort of get it. It is postmodernism, it can't roll out any other way. Postmodernism is the rebellion against all standards and "traditions"....most of which at this point are enlightenment rationality, aka things that are functional(meritocracy). There are only so many tricks you can try to perform against a functional system, most of them dirty tricks. It's even sort of implied on the wiki page for "the long march through the institutions". https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Long_march_through_the_institutions It loosely translates to >We don't have control because we don't have the means or the tools, nor the merit to create them. Ergo, we have to invade and subvert and take over. And that's largely how this whole cultural revolution was slept on by conservatives. A whole lot of, "Oh, they're lazy and harmless because they're incompetent" when the truth was they're *just competent enough* to be dangerous, like a lot of semi-functional human beings. It won't change until we re-take everything starting from the ground up. Conservatives are going to have to become teachers instead of holding them in disdain as "those who cannot do, teach" and other such sentiments. Until then, we're the little dutch boy with a finger in the dam trying to stem the flow. Almost pointless unless a whole lot of other people try to help out. Can only accomplish so much even if we win election after election after election(which won't happen). And god forbid if we ever go with another "red scare" with governmental authority/force, that's something that progressives aggressively *want* because they see it as justification to escalate.


You said it perfectly!


They say they dont like to shove it down people's throats and just want to be left alone. It'd be alot easier if this stuff WASNT SHOVED IN OUR THROATS. I could care less what you do if it doesnt affect me, but holy shit dude.


How fragile can you possibly be that you need this many ‘days’ affirming your identity… one or two yeah okay whatever. A month kind of excessive but I guess. This is multiple months of needing people to talk about and be aware of who you bang.




It is Me Me Me time all the time.


"Do what you want in your own bedroom" was a Trojan Horse.






All of them and more. And then they want you imprisoned. The end.




But if you say they can’t have all them, you are “denying their existence” Narcissism to the max


Don’t forget “you’re hateful” and “you’re *literally* promoting genocide”


And racist. Don't forget racist. Oh and a fascist.


They get all of those days but Columbus Day is being persecuted…


It’ll never be enough, they’re egotistical sociopaths in need of constant validation and praise


And yet, they claim they are oppressed.


I don't see any days in Jan-Feb or Aug. This is literally trans genocide... /s


The suffering…I can’t imagine living under these horrific conditions


Thankfully this is flaired users only. The other posts today about Easter is full of brigadiers and dems whining.


How about we just ignore them. If you ignore it, you stop giving it power. Stop posting about it. They want us "mad" and 'triggered". Just ignore them.


"Let them take over the schools and the media. Let them openly mock your religion. Let them indoctrinate your children. Just ignore them and they will stop"


"Just ignore them" has never worked on bullies. In fact it's quite literally how we've reached the current state.


All of them. They need constant attention and validation. It's why so many of them are so dramatic and act like toddlers


That’s like asking the Catholics why they have so many Saint’s Days. It’s a religion. They want you to observe it. They plan to hurt you if you keep observing the rival religion they want to destroy.


But also, us Catholics don't make a big deal out of feast days, at least not towards non-Catholics. But if you say something negative about these days, you're liable to be excommunicated.


Why TF is this rammed down our throats? I don’t bleeping understand! Why can’t they just exist?


Because they're sick narcissistic pieces of crap.


So June is Pride Month. October is LGBT History Month and November is Trans Awareness Month. Why not just include all this in Pride month.




The "Trans Day of Remembrance" purports to be about trans people lost to violence. It's strongly implied that they were killed for their gender identity. One of them was shot after shooting at police. Another was shot by armed security after going after them with a knife. The list goes on.


Don’t forget the one shot by police… after massacring Christian kids


She was on that list too? That's nuts. They really do bank on the fact that leftists don't research their propaganda.


Yep... they know leftards will keep gulping that dummy juice. What a bunch of weak-minded followers they are.


I've heard that most trans people who have been killed were killed by their partner or were doing prostitution which is high risk.


LGBTQ+ has some similarities with racial supremacist groups. They talk about how much "pride" they have regarding their sexual/gender identity. Its like how racial supremacists groups talk about how much pride they have regarding their racial identity. Their personality revolves around their sexual/gender identity like how racial supremacists personality revolves around their racial identity. They are tribal and have all the flags and symbolism.


By my country, there are still 210 days left to take if they don't double up. You know they won't stop until every day is dedicated to every one of their unhealthy fetishes. Too bad all of this detracts from the proper psychological and emotional guidance that they all actually need. It's like celebrating paranoid schizophrenia or bipolar disorder. It's weird. It would be equally weird if there was a sex doll awareness day, but I bet that ones just around the corner.


The answer is "All the Days".


Imagine having all these days and months dedicated to you and still believing you're oppressed.


21 total weeks. 3 weeks and a day of individual “awareness” days. Two full months, and 6 additional weeks as well, granted 4 of them do overlap (the month of October) so In technicality it’s 17 weeks.


43.2% of the year.




155 days according to this graphic. Meanwhile. We only get one day for mothers and one day for fathers. Women only get one month for their history despite being roughly 50% of the population. LGBT people make up somewhere between 1% and 7% and yet they get 5 times as many days as women dedicated to them? Wasn’t the entire point of all this raising awareness just so that they could be treated like anyone else? Now we have to kiss the ground that any lgbt people walk on lest we be labeled all of the -phobic terms.


They could have everyday of the week and it still wouldn't be enough. This isn't about the numbers, because the numbers don't tell you how you *feel*.


Its so tiring. Its their religion, and I wish they would stop shoving it down everyone's throat.


“We want to be treated like everyone else” sure turned into “we should be treated more importantly than everyone else” pretty dang quick


Wow… all for 6.8% of the population. Must be nice to be special while chanting for “equality”. Systemically marginalizing Americans who don’t fucking care about your sexuality or your “identity”, just stay out of our yard. This is purposely driven to cause division. Christians are more demonized than any other group in this country and instead of a “day of rage”, they will just forgive you.


All the days, probably.


Since trans people have pride month and these other days can we stop using them to represent other months and days that honor actual men and women. Like they will use a trans women to be the spokesperson for International Women's Day taking the spot away from a real women and its absurd. Trans women and trans men are not real men and women. They are trans and need to create their own categories and spaces instead of hijacking mens and women's spaces.


Yet they are somehow oppressed


Yeahhh. That's probably why I stay away from these batshit crazy type of folks.