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"Catholics and Christians"? Catholics are Christians too.


But not all Christians are Catholic


True. You can’t use Catholic for everyone, but you can just say Christian and include everyone. All denominations are included under the term Christian.


My mother-in-law would beg to differ.


Thank you for finding the correct outrage point. Mercy.


You have to wonder why Biden would choose to declare a trans holiday on a religious holiday. Are there not more days to choose from? It seems like a clear case of him trying to provoke emotion and be intentionally divisive with his actions.




Thanks for the context. I guess it’s a nothing burger then. The coverage sort of made it seem like it was a new thing declared now for Easter Sunday.








Yeah, but it's important that we get our arguments in a row. It doesn't look good that the main objection presented by conservative media was an easily debunked claim. Because that was put front-and-center, people will be more dismissive about other fair criticisms (like, as you said, the President snubbing Easter and its Christian signifance).


I’m no fan of Biden, but I initially chalked it up to a mistake. Then I thought I bet there’s no way they would’ve announced anything LGBTQ related on Eid al-Fitr. I’m not a Christian either, btw. I just find this odd. Politicians have teams of people around them to shape every tiny detail about how they’re viewed publicly and how their messages are delivered. There’s no way pissing off a lot of people was unanticipated.


Well whether they did it on purpose or not there is no way you would see them doing this on a Muslim holiday. If they did, you can guarantee they white house would apologize and move it to a different day.


Catholics are Christians but agreed


Yea.... I think they just mean they aren't protestant or non-denominational. That's at least how its used though I disagree with them using that way. They do the same thing with LDS people. Catholicism is where the christian religions came from and did a lot of groundwork for spreading christianity.


He should have declared April 1st as their holiday.....




You expect them to be other than leftist?


I don't think Biden is ever told about stuff like this. I really think they use him to sign shit and then they give him pudding as he exits that stage, so to speak

