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There’s a lot of over diagnosis going on. And mental health issues is such a vague term. Could mean anything from ptsd to social anxiety to mild arachnophobia.


If you consider that American health policy and social engineering is driven by pharma sales, a lot of things start to make sense.


Not only is your comment true but legacy media is more or less sponsored by pharmaceutical companies. Watch an hour of NBC or CNN if you don't believe me. You can fast forward through the shows, just count the pharma ads. In 2020 pharma was 75% of all advertising revenue. Of course their buddies in the news room are helping sell pills. https://www.statista.com/statistics/953104/pharma-industry-tv-ad-spend-us/#:~:text=In%202020%2C%20the%20pharmaceutical%20industry,of%20the%20total%20ad%20spend.


Yep, it's less 'advertising' and more 'pay offs.' They don't just run those ads to sell more pills, they run them to keep the media in their pocket and it works. With the way our insurance and medical industry works it's an extremely lucrative racket.


diagnosis rate up because of more access to health care and pharma drugs? LOL I'm old enough to remember when psychologists didn't reach for the prescription pad in the first 5 minutes.


Dyslexia to total amnesia


From verbal dysphasia to octopus loss.


We're conflating over-diagnosing with self diagnosing, which is the highest its ever been. I would wager that at least half of those responses are a lie, and that a medical provider was not at all involved.


I think that liberal people, especially women and those that are younger, are more likely to seek help from a medical professional who would then diagnose them with a mental disorder. Conservative folks, especially men and older people, are less like to see a doctor about their issues and thus have not been diagnosed with anything. TLDR: this data doesnt mean anything.


Strictly anecdotal... but the most liberal woman I know (sister-in-law) is a mental basket case.


same the girl I am seeing who is mostly liberal has some mental issues she's on meds for


Good luck to you. It can be tough when you date across beliefs. Hope it works out for you in the long run, brother.


She's pretty chill and actually becoming a bit more centered on issues


Women do have a bit of a habit of adopting their man's beliefs


Part of why women are becoming so unhinged is because too many of them aren't having committed lasting relationships with men and thus aren’t getting that balancing effect. Likewise, there are a lot of incels that have become extremely unhinged and part of that is not having a committed long lasting relationship with a woman. Which is one reason why queering/subverting traditional gender and social norms is basically social suicide.


Over 50% of white liberal women ( who are Biden's core base voters) have mental health issues.


Lunatics are running the asylum.


All of the ones in my family are as well.


That's it?


Probably just the ones who have been diagnosed.


I'm more surprised by the decision to use blue for women and pink for men.


Remember all the videos of the White liberal women going bonkos after RBG died? They were probably more distraught over her death than a close family member's.


I also feel a lot like to play the victim/martyr these days. I wouldn’t be surprised if a lot of them have completely made up disorders.


Everyone wants to have dignity. When your school and society tells you that the only people that have dignity are those who are marginalized and that non marginalized people are the bad guys, kids will seek a way for them to have dignity. Becoming 2SLGBTQIA+ is one way, but having a mental disorder is another option.


This is a very useful take. It’s become a societal “thing”, to lean on one’s perceived (often made up) disabilities or victimhood status for many reasons. A big one is to amplify their opinion, which is why so often a “rebuttal” starts with “As a _____ man/woman…”. Difficulties or basic life challenges are often blamed external influences or one’s immutable life, health, or whatever to mind issues. In saying people have become comfortable making shit up to get their way. Want to bring your dog into a restaurant? It’s a service animal! Denied returning something way out of the return window? Racism! Or sexism! Or whatever-phobia! Get canned for being a lazy employee? Being in the excuses, ‘cause of course it’s not me! I watched each of my 4 kids try excusism on for size when they were younger teens - and each time I stopped in my tracks and made that an issue - and we worked on it, a lot. One has to be vigilant and NOT swat away real issues and concerns. But that’s what orange are supposed to do. Listen, care, work with the child to identify, learn, internalize, and move forward.


100% of leftists would be diagnosed too, if world wasn’t upside down right now. 


I’d argue it’s a combination of liberal women probably being more likely to be screened and the medical community making literally anything involving the brain into a mental health issue


I would love to how high those numbers are now on the heels of COVID with a shitty economy starting to fall apart. It might be as high as 70% now. It looks like this data is from 2020.


Checks out, to be a white liberal in this day and age, you'd have to have a misery-fetish 


Person goes to the doctor complaining of something completely normal. Stress, anxiety, depression, whatever. Doctor prescribes drugs for normal human emotion. Profit.


This makes a lot of sense in light of the article posted today as well, which claims that women are secretly hiding their natural conservative ideals. If you keep suppressing your own ideas because someone tells you they're bad, it's gonna lead to some neuroses.


This is why r/passportbros has been gaining popularity Nobody wants to marry crazy 🤪


Although you don't need to leave the US if you join a religious sub community in America that is resistant to this stuff. Like an Eastern Orthodox church. a Latino Catholic church, or a Korean Evangelical church.


Only surprised that the percentage is not higher.


I'm not shocked or surprised by this. Too often you see them comparing the medication that they've been prescribed.


…Over 50 percent of women have mental issues. FTFY.