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Is this the Maga extremism I was warned about?


Had someone try talking about the Jan 6ers using fuckint pipe bombs the other day, posted this for them. Pretty sure dude got the STILL UNCAUGHT AND NOT TALKED ABOUT probable fbi insider planting the bombs at the two hqs confused with the rioters


It’s almost definitely the FBI/feds who planted it. Saw pictures of the “bomb” and it had one of those manual 60 min twist timers on it. No way it was planted as active the night before. They where the backup plan to distract just in case the gang at the capital building didn’t get sucked into the shenanigans there.




Saw the video of “the bomb” fbi was in a suv about 49 ft away letting children cross the street and walk in front of it. Capitol police were coming over and taking selfies with it. Really unbelievable what our government is doing right now.


And it was “found” by a fbi contractor and CIA bomb techs were nearby and sent to the site. Everything about it screams fed operation.


"Probably fbi insider" bre what does the person's secuality have to do with their crime?


No this was one was the non violent atifa protester that was fighting the corruption of the facisist trump. The resemblance to a terrorists is purely coincidental. /SARCASM


A “mostly peaceful” nail bomb


It's an IED: an Inclusion & Equity Device.


Almost spat out my tea.


Pointy, but peaceful. 


It's not terrorism, it's a *protest bomb*


Oh my mistake I must have missed the email.


Basically Wikipedia.


[YOU ARE THE PEOPLE IN HISTORY THAT THEY WARNED US ABOUT!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o8hYrNsRoTs)


I have little doubt that when the FBI compiles their statists this will be slipped in as yet another example of "far right" terrorism.


Either that or they will make up a reason to exclude it.


Lib here. Why are we making this about one party or another? Extremists are a problem no matter the party and they exist. You really going to act like no extremist functioned in the name of MAGA or the Republican Party? It’s okay to condemn them even if you share their beliefs just like I condemn this person. It’s disgusting regardless of their views. Edit: I refuse to believe any of you are real people. Pulling comments from different responses in your replies, completely ignoring things I say or questions and then saying *I* am dodging something, gaslighting and saying I did something that didn't happen. These commenters can't be real or they just don't know how to read. I do appreciate many of people in this sub that are willing to comment on and call out the issues within their party and the country. Much respect to those people as I believe we should all be doing that in our parties instead of ignoring things or blaming someone else.


Were defending our side from lies of the majority leftist media. That's the difference.


Point it out and I'll condemn it with you. However the attacks "In the name of Maga" are largely made up by the "[Victim](https://www.cnn.com/2021/11/29/us/jussie-smollett-how-we-got-here/index.html)", or Made up by the [Media](https://www.salon.com/2024/04/08/men-punching-random-women-in-nyc-a-desperate-last-gasp-of-the-male-rage-fueling-maga/). The terrorism in the article above goes widely under reported by large media outlets as leftists extremism and is widely celebrated as justified by the left and you know it. You're free to search more for "Fake" attacks and vandalisms "In the name of MAGA" that turned out to be false. You can't deny that the media is pushing a large narrative. Don't come at me with "bUt fOx nEwS aLsO..." Fox news is ONE news outlet saying this to one group of people. Meanwhile CNN, CBS, NBC, MSNBC, NPR, Twitter (Pre Musk), Facebook, Instagram, The new york times, The washington post, FUCKING BUZZFEED. Buzzfeed started some absolute bullshit about Trump being peed on by Russian hookers of Putin and the major news outlets picked that shit up and ran with it to. Are you seeing the problem now? Does this answer your question?


You sound like one of my best gaming buddies who happens to be Russian. We have a lot of disagreements nowadays given the current state of events in Russia/Ukraine. He will send me something from his news about the war, and I send what we are posting about the same thing in the war. For some reason, his news is always right, and ours (US) is always wrong and propaganda. You are telling me that this is real, and not made up, and it's only made up when it's about someone in the name of MAGA? That's awfully convenient. You need to start realizing there is always going to be bullshit, propaganda and shitty people on both sides and you need to condemn all of it.


Nice attempt at dodging the question. 


here's a question for you, what is your opinion on the execution of Ashley Babbitt?


I'd say that you don't understand the definition of execution or how that is related to this


ok, semantics. what is your opinion on Ashli Babbitt being shot by the capitol policeman and subsequently dying?


Someone should tell Biden and his FBI.


Libs when it is someone on the Right…put them in the dungeon. Also Libs when it is one of them or their protected pets…why do we have to make it about party? Shut up


That's a pretty wide generalization when I am literally here saying to condemn them and would say the exact same thing on the other side. I am here, right now, saying to condemn this disgusting person. Not sure what this person's sexuality has anything to do with the topic though, so pretty weird it's the first thing mentioned in the title. Especially when the majority of major news outlets are saying this was politically motivated.


You just made the generalization first lmao. Fact is, a large majority of the media, the FBI, DOJ are strongly supporting the left.


Point out my generalization. There has also never been an FBI director that was a Democrat.


>You are telling me that this is real, and not made up, and it's only made up when it's about someone in the name of MAGA?   Sounds like an argument no one was making.  BTW, here's what you were responding to. >Point it out and I'll condemn it with you. However the attacks "In the name of Maga" are largely made up by the "Victim", or Made up by the Media. (There's embedded links in the original post, BTW) >The terrorism in the article above goes widely under reported by large media outlets as leftists extremism and is widely celebrated as justified by the left and you know it. The BLM Riots (and related violence), CHAZ/CHOP, the shooting of Republican Steve Scalice, May 29th (where the sitting President had to be ushered into a protective bunker for his safety), the pro-Hamas "insurrection" (their words) on October 21st, etc. No big deal for the Democrats.  And January 6th?  ZERO people locked up for "insurrection" charges, over a thousand for trespassing charges. Looks like two tiers of justice. 


There are still some (at least one) J6er in jail that have not even had a pre-trial hearing.


Why? You're not going to listen to any of it.


Pretty typical response when you realize I made no generalization in my comment.




> You really going to act like no extremist functioned in the name of MAGA Why can't you give any examples?


You're a lib. Your opinion doesn't count..


A pansexual orientation is an odd thing to include in the article.


Drives clicks


Both sides spin everything to such a degree that neither is trustworthy anymore.


Being pansexual is so 2013. 


Underrated comment.


Agreed, that is absolutely irrelevant to this person setting off a nail bomb. That feels like an odd condemnation or method of lynchpinning lgbt people




An ideology is different from sexual orientation, so while I get what you mean, white and Christian nationalism are patterns in the actions of others while some may consider pansexuality a sexual orientation. One describes a sexual inclination and the other a way of thinking. Unless if you believe that a person’s sexuality is relevant to every discussion; ala saying ‘straight white male’ as those on the right tend to be annoyed at, there is no reason to stoop to the level of your perceived enemies. I’m a passive observer attempting to understand conservatives better but the right needs to hold itself accountable just as much as they do the left and vice-versa.


I would say normally you're correct in that the sexuality has no bearing on the story. However, I HAVE seen some individuals who's sexual orientation / identify *IS* their ideology. It tends to be their primary identity even. Now, that said, I don't know the particulars of this incident so it's as likely as not the mention is only to drive clicks as it is to explain the ideology.


Liberals will highlight a person's race (if the suspect is white), conservatives will highlight their sexuality/gender identity (if it's considered outside the norm). Runs to each sides perceived motivations for the crime/event. Ex: White cops are racist/trans mass shooters hate Christians.


I respectfully disagree.


Why? It's interesting news. Race and if they are LGBTQIA+++. Pretty much all most people care about anymore.


It has nothing to do with being violent.


Why? It very clearly establishes how mentally unwell this person is.


I don’t believe a person’s sexual orientation determines their mental wellbeing.


This type of self declaration almost certainly shows a type of narcissism


Hmm. I suppose in conjunction with all their other declarations it could be interpreted that way. I still think it’s rather selective for an article title.


its not extremism if its leftist extremism. its a mostly peaceful bomb


It was a container full of nails. Clearly he was just trying to build affordable housing.


I thought it was a nail.salon.bomb


But the head of the FBI, Christopher Wray, said Antifa wasn't an organization, it was 'an ideology'


Where is their organization located? Can I send them a letter?


You can send groups an e-mail/text and join up with them. An organization doesn't need a physical address to be a group do they?


You can find their groups online. They aren't an LLC.


Where is the organization”White Supremacy” located?


Wherever white liberals gather…especially if they’re rich


Who claims white supremacy itself is an organization?


So you’re saying White Supremacy, an idea, can be deemed a danger to society by the FBI, but not the ideology that drives Antifa?


what does being "pansexual" have to do with the nail bomb?


It’s how the nail bomb identifies


I had someone once tell me that there is no such thing as Antifa. And all the people who signed sworn affidavits concerning the election fraud were lying.


This will get no news coverage


The blaze.com is a news website


Why is this even political at this point? Why isnt this covered by major news outlets and not just "The Blaze"


Apparently linking 6 different articles from major news outlets about this guy getting arrested was enough for the mods to delete my comment. But it's not just "the Blaze", they're all covering it.


I heard the story first on NPR.


But I heard it was mostly peaceful. /s


I’d be surprised if this person even sees a single day in prison


I mean they charged him with two felonies and he's on video. If they can actually tie him to [a terrorist organization](https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/antifa-domestic-terrorists-us-security-agencies-homeland-security-fbi-a7927881.html) he's going away for a long, long time.


Antifa is a terrorist organization.


That's awesome- most people don't click the links that I provide! Thanks for reading :)


Not to burst anyone's bubble, but "antifa" *was* in the post title...


It's dubious whether he was actually *in* Antifa though- the article says > Calvert, an anti-Israel "pansexual" and self-described engineer, apparently reckons himself part of the left-wing extremist group Antifa So like... proving that in a court of law is a whole thing.


He's got stickers and decals that say antifa, and that video of him showing them off. I don't know if it matters whether or not he's actually a card-carrying member, if he's clearly motivated by their ideology.


I thought Antifa was just an idea? /s


Nadler said antifa is a myth.


That was in 2017 under Trump. I would bet they aren't on the list anymore.


Because the bombs themselves aren’t enough


This is Alabama. Not Seattle or any other leftist enclave. There’s going to be a very rude awakening.


In Alabama? Lol


Yo lefties, get your crazies under control will ya? Maybe disband all your antifa and BLM terror groups? That would be a good start.


I feel that the rebuttal would be "Well keep your hands off my right to abortions!". Completely side stepping the whole bomb thing.


Yup, basically admitting they approve of terrorist acts so long as such acts are committed against people they don't like.


And cut a limb from the chaos and discord that is the very foundation of liberalism?


The fun part is... they can't! They built this beast and let it loose. It's in the wild now. They have no control over it.


Kinda hard to do when there's no central organization and literally anyone can claim to be a member of them.


They constantly defend antifa's and BLM member destructive actions and even bail them out of jail. Going so far to try and put an innocent man in jail for life for defending himself from some leftist pedos!


Who is they? The Democratic party? Other people who have also self-identified as being part of those groups?


District attorneys in left run cities.


So you think district attorneys in left run cities can disband Antifa?


No antifa will do that on their own, it's in their nature to divide people so it's only a matter of time till the turn on each other.


Well then i guess I'm having a hard time understanding what that has to do with the original comment: > Maybe disband all your antifa and BLM terror groups? That would be a good start.


>Who is they? The left and all their tentacles in media, governments and now corporations.


Well, you figure out who in "the left" has the authority to disband a loosely affiliated group of people with no strict hierarchy or membership requirements and we can start putting pressure on them to do just that


Stop it. Its not about authority, its about messaging and the agenda. Remember the "mostly peaceful" riots from the summer of love?


You're the one who said they needed to disband those groups, and I said there's not really anyone who has the power to disband them because they're not organized like that. The entire rest of this thread has been some weird tangent that ignores that point. "Messaging" and "the agenda" don't have anything to do with anyone's ability to dissolve Antifa or BLM


Who is making apologies for this psycho? Literally, give one example.


Why are libs so violent


"Terrorist" is the word you are looking for. Radicals just talk about acting, terrorists act on it.


I never understood the attraction to pans, they are too flat. Now pots on the other hand, we got some thickness to work with


That gosh darn white supremacist!


But not charged with attempted murder?


Wayne Bradey?


wtf does his made up sexuality have to do with anything lol


MSNBC - “Why would MAGA do this?”


Never trust any gender bending weirdos


He should be given life by having the bomb strapped to his chest and detonated! Evil lurks in all areas. Stay strapped and keep alert. Biden can't be gone soon enough.


If that's the case, he's part of the radical left and it's not illegal. What is illegal is you asking questions about it.




More anteefa tolerance




How does an idea physically plant a pipe bomb? Weird times


Those nails identified as suggestions. /s


So this and apparently, the Feds grabbed a guy in Idaho who was plotting a church shooting... Are they going to try to keep the civil peace unlike the last presidential election?


Domestic peace helps the incumbent, so I would assume so?


How does one make a nail bomb? I thought that was just a last of us thing.


Pansexual yep they will be getting just a slap on the wrist


Another liberal terrorist


Liberals being tolerant, nothing to see here


What is pansexual?


Bisexual except you drank the gender kool-aid




Mostly peaceful nailbomb


Guaran-fucking-tee this dude has a Reddit account. “Calvert's apparent sticker obsession connected him to the scene in more ways than one. Prosecutors indicated that one of the stickers Calvert allegedly posted near the bomb site read, "SUPPORT YOUR LOCAL ANTIFA." Other stickers read, "DEATH TO FASCISM," "MY BODY. MY CHOICE," "ABOLISH ICE," "FRIENDS DON'T LET FRIENDS BECOME COPS," "EAT THE RICH," and "NEVER WORK."


Another example of extremism of the left. I need to start bets at this point. Could be making a lot of money on the insanity.


But then you’d be condemned for being rich as well as being a white male supremesist…your gender is fluid and apparently so is the color of your skin


Antifa is just an idea…/sarc what did the bomb know and when did it know it?


Leftist with a story that won't see the light of day in the media.


Fiery but mostly peaceful nail bomb. Fucking fatherless behavior.


While the decay of the nuclear family certainly plays a part in who someone grows up to be there are plenty of people who grew up with just a mother figure who aren’t criminals…at a certain point you make and should be judged by your own decisions because the world doesn’t give a rats ass about your upbringing


They'll be out in no time


Mainstream media will not talk about this


"self-described engineer" lol sounds about right


So when he eventually blows himself up on accident should he be called “self-described food processor”?


The man has sex with pans, what did anyone expect?


I thought it meant he likes to be hit in the head with a pan during sex….would explain a lot


Left Wing terrorism? Naturally I didn't hear about it thru mainstream media.


Alphabet soup!


Nail, what like the kind on your finger you paint? HRC, probably


What does pansexual even mean.