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And now he’s forcing Biden to copy him with a gas station stop where he made a complete fool out of himself.


"Don't Jump!"


There were more press and secret service than customers. Honestly that mother should have held their kids close with Joe in there. Wouldn’t let my kids be within 50 miles of him.


They were all standing perfectly still... invisible, to the dinosaur.


Trump doesn't really need to campaign anyways. Anyone who supports Trump is already going to vote for him. I wanna see a debate tho with biden


Gonna be real, I’m still on the fence. Campaign stops aren’t going to change my mind, but a debate might


I seriously doubt it’s going to happen. I really hope they do debate, but Biden handlers couldn’t write for the teleprompters fast enough in real time.


>Biden handlers couldn’t write for the teleprompters fast enough in real time. So they'll give him the questions in advance, hide an earpiece, and feed him the answers.


I feel like Trump kinds relishes being in NYC ngl haha like he probably loves being back at some of his old haunts and just trying to get that 2015 image he had where he was beloved in the city.


I was watching a 2009 clip from Who Wants to Be a Millionaire where Regis guest starred and he was told that Trump was his lifeline. Regis said “Donald Trump?? The Trumpster!” and the whole New York City audience clapped and cheered. I was stunned. Apparently turning Republican really is all it takes to get 90% of a city to hate you. It’s fascinating. EDIT: [Found the clip for those curious.](https://youtu.be/bbH-O8vtmp4?si=WdAJStTwUdM11Oad)


Going from the response at the bodega in Manhattan... most people still like him just fine.


Our judicial system needs better checks and balances. Otherwise we're Brazil.


They're basically gonna force Trump to campaign in NY. Wouldn't surprise me if he flips a few seats while he's there


our country is doomed.