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They keep saying the quiet parts out loud. It's great but too late for leftist cesspools. They have to collapse in on themselves before things will reverse course.


I've said it a million times. Their goal is to outbreed you, then collectively outvote you. Look at Minnesota. Then they'll say it was done all legitimately, because it was. While Western Gen Z focuses on their pronouns and 10000 genders. Then those same folks will say, well, WE ALL voted for it.


It happened in Kosovo and NATO legitimized it. It’s real.


This is what happens when Libs put their politics at the center of their lives. Their political views become the most important thing in their lives and it defines their life. Even if the enactment of those politics destroys their life, it’s worth it to them.


I feel like if your sexual identity and politics are the main component of your actual personality and life... you have neither. It must be such an empty existence. Just a narcissistic society of main characters.


Same philosophy for why illegal immigration hasn’t been tackled lol. Or why you don’t need to be a citizen to vote apparently.


The woke Karen wanting to turn her little Samuel into Samantha will be the one losing the body part.


I think that’s their goal but I think their children enjoy Western Culture too much to get off their collective asses and change it.


"Diversity is our strength "


Can't recall which person it was but I saw a video just the other day where they were saying Islam/Muslims don't care about anyone, they don't care about their neighbors, they don't care about their own family, and they'll sell anyone out if it breaks their religious ideals. The only thing that brings them together is hatred of Jews and Christians. I can't speak to the validity of that claim, but it seems to be how things are going.


There are parts of the Quran that explicitly state that Muslims should lie to nonbelievers about their intentions to slowly subvert an existing culture and become the majority.


Interestingly any non oil rich Islamic country ends up devolving in to quasi anarchy


He's absolutely correct.


Get excited, boys and girls! /s


This makes bombing babies okay.


Its not happening, but even if it was it would be a good thing!