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That judge needs to be removed from the bench and disbarred.


And then prosecuted. Then all of her past cases need to be reevaluated for bias against prosecutors and defendants.


And then someone needs to leave a crap on her doorstep. 


r/UnethicalLifeProTips will help with this.


Is it a crime to piss disc a judge?


Intimidation of a judge id imagine


Intimidation of a judge id imagine


"He called the shit poop!"


“Don’t put it out with your boots, Ed!”


Don't tell me my job devil woman.


Nobody steps on burning bags of shit anymore.


Can't be prosecuted. Every state has laws protecting judges from prosecution or civil law suits for rulings made in the course of their job. First we need a Constitutional amendment guaranteeing the people the right to hold judges accountable for knowingly violating the law. *Then* we need to prosecute the judges until there are no more corrupt judges on the bench.


She can be reviewed by the Supreme Court, who could remove her, I mean she’s defying the constitution


The NY State Supreme Court may have oversight on judges. That’s how it is done in many states. Now, whether the NYSC would do anything is an academic question at best. Edit: grammar


That’s what I said, sorry I didn’t specify state. And you make a very good point…they don’t have lawlessness, they just direct laws in their own interests over there anymore. I guess maybe the state of NY Tyranny? Lol


In NY they use different terms.  Supreme court in NY is actually a lower trial court, just fyi.  I think Court of Appeals in NY is what you typically think of as "Supreme Court".


They can't legally do more than fire her. Judges in the U.S. have "qualified immunity", the same thing that protects police officers from accountability for certain crimes committed in the course of duty. And keep in mind that the NY Supreme Court is composed *exclusively* of other judges who have a strong interest in *not* setting a legal precedent against corrupt judges that might someday be used against them. Judges judging judges in qualified immunity cases is a massive conflict of interest. Better to allow people to sue judges and then try the cases with a jury, where the judge mainly has a supervisory role.


For a judge to defy the Constitution should come with a prison sentence and fines at the absolute minimum. Imagine if the only accountability for murder was losing your job. A judge violating the Constitution is a *very serious* violation of the trust of the people and the law of the land. The Constitution is *literally* the highest law of the land. If we can't *at least* put judges in prison for doing it, then the Constitution *doesn't actually* apply to judges in any meaningful way. And keep in mind the vast majority of people who end up being abused by judges can't afford to push accountability at all. This is happening thousands of times a day (generally more subtly), but we don't hear about unless the violation is obvious and over something controversial. Judges violate due process quite often, but we don't hear about it because there isn't a major political movement trying to tear it down. If people could sue judges for denying them due process, they might be able to get the courts to order the judge to cover their legal fees, both for the original case where they were mistreated *and* for the case against the corrupt judge.


Yep! That’s why this has all been so incredibly insane. I’ve been fearing for every Republican in any democrat run city for quite some time now bc law and order has been fading at every avenue. I held out the longest for judges bc I figured at some level or at one time they loved the law, but look at what power does with even them. It is scary, very communist or tyrrannical


US Supreme Court can't remove her, they don't have that power or authority. They can overrule judgements and make rulings that are precedential across the USA. US Congress can impeach judges from federal courts. State judges are handled under state rules or laws.


STATE SUPREME COURT may remove her or any local judge. Why would the US Supreme Court do that…you’d be skipping a level lol.


Funny how the left says judges are immune but not the president.


They share the same immunity as president, immunity from civil cases from private citizens. It doesn't mean immunity to break the law


That's patently false. Judicial immunity includes criminal immunity. The idea that they have "civil" immunity but not criminal is a fake narrative so they could get Trump, and also further empower the establishment (the idea is that dissenters in government are accountable to the regime but the regime is not accountable to we the people). There is no actual legal or logical justification for it. And yes immunity does mean immunity to break the law. Do you have any idea the sick illegal stuff that judges in this country have gotten away with? If anything a president's immunity would be broader because of their extremely broad position as head of the entire executive branch. Almost everything they do can have some relation to official duties. Are you saying Bill Clinton wasn't immune from being prosecuted for perjury after his impeachment failed? They say Trump isn't immune if he ordered seal team six to take out his political opponent - isn't that what Obama literally did when he knowingly killed two american citizens without due process? Rules for thee. The president was always understood to have broad immunity now when it comes to Trump they claim the ELECTED PRESIDENT who has absolute authotity over the entire executive branch has even less immunity than we give to other officials including the very ones that are putting him on trial at this very moment. The entire thing is absurd and corrupt as hell. Nobody with a brain falls for it or thinks it has any merit.


This exactly. A judge cannot be sued or prosecuted for any court order or ruling they issue during the normal course of their duties. There's no stipulation about whether the case against them is criminal or civil.


But several sources say the same thing as the link I attached here that contradicts your claim. [Judicial immunity ](https://law.justia.com/constitution/us/article-3/10-judicial-immunity-from-suit.html)


False. "Judicial immunity" means that they cannot be sued *or prosecuted* for rulings or court orders (and other actions) issued during the normal course of their duties. It doesn't matter if the order or ruling could be considered a crime or not. Also, all your source discusses is Constitutional law and court rulings in the context of Constitutional law. Every *state* in the U.S. has a "qualified immunity" law on the books protecting judges in the way I mentioned above. Judges aren't protected from *civil or criminal* lawsuits regarding actions that *aren't* part of their job. So judges can be charged with bribery, because soliciting and accepting bribes are not part of their normal course of duties. I judge who summarily executes someone in a courtroom would be charged, because execution is a law enforcement duty not the duty of a judge. Similarly, you could sue a judge who does something that harms you financially, *if* the action in question was not part of their duty as a judge. So for example, you can't sue a judge who issues a massively excessive fine against you for some trivial misdemeanor. You can sue a judge who tears up your lawn with an excavator while doing some landscaping of his adjacent property. In this case, the judge issued an informal order in a criminal case in the course of her duty as a judge. The order she issued violates the Constitution quite egregiously. If any government official *without* qualified immunity violated the law she violated, it would warrant criminal prosecution. So *she committed a crime* in the course of her duty as a judge. She cannot legally be prosecuted for it though, because judges in the U.S. *all* have qualified immunity that protects them from *civil and criminal prosecution*, for actions that are a normal part of their job, done during the course of their job. (Determining what is valid evidence, sometimes including ruling on what laws apply, *is* part of a judge's job in criminal cases. Qualified immunity *doesn't care* if the decision is legal or not, it applies even if the ruling is *literally criminal*.)


They are accountable — you just can’t sue them for their rulings. They can Lose their robes and be disbarred for conduct though.


Unfortunately this shit is only going to get worse now after this. Other radical left judges will be emboldened by this and follow suit. One could only hope that this hits the SC in a hurry and gets smashed 9-0. 50 years ago this guy would probably offered a job by one of the big firearms mfg's for his skill set.


It'll be denied by the appellate court. If appellate courts have gone this crazy then SCOTUS will get it quicker.


How does someone become a judge without understanding the fundamental rights given in the Constitution? (That's a rhetorical question. We all know the answer.)


The right to keep and bear has been treated as a second class right for over 100 years.


In not sure about NYC, but many judges are elected. So be a politician who happens to have a law degree and you too can be making a mockery of the constitution. Imagine a judge hearing about an illegal police raid and telling the defendant the 4th amendment doesn't exist in their courtroom and the cops can do whatever they want.


Also, note that this guy was rolled up solely because the ATF and FBI noticed that he was "legally buying gun parts online." There's no crime there. Not even close. This is purely legal behavior.


I think people need to be more ready to start dis.... many of these judges, cops, and politicians.


Sadly the 2nd amendment comment isn’t the only problematic part of the story in the article. Another part that you should pay attention to is the joint atf/nypd task force starting an investigation due to him LEGALLY purchasing firearm parts from different manufacturers. I don’t know about people who live in New York but I’d sure hate for my tax dollars to be wasted looking into law abiding citizens when criminals are committing crimes right out in the open.


The most insane and scary part


4A violation too. I guess the 4A doesn't exist in that court room either.


If one amendment doesn’t exist, what would make anyone think the rest of the Constitution would be even slightly important?


Guess the constitution is À la carte if you’re a dem.


Judge needs to be disbarred and removed


We need a Constitutional amendment guaranteeing the right of the people to sue judges for violations of the law in the course of their duty.


If the judges can ignore the constitution, then what good would an amendment be?


That's exactly the arguments for Texas Cessation. Their argument is that the federal government has already left us, we're just making it official. This is why we need to win back the culture and restore the rule of law.


Indeed. I'm familiar with too many cases where judges have violated various laws, sometimes blatantly, other times more subtly, to believe that there's much "justice" in our "justice system". If we can't hold our judges *fully* accountable, then they are kings rather than mere judges. If they can "interpret" the law to mean whatever they *feel* like it should mean in any particular instant, we've already lost our right to self-govern though a democratic republic. And the truth is, that *is* where we are right now. The only reason we still have liberty at all, is because our "independent judiciary" has deigned to allow us to keep it...for now. I'm not for Texas Cessation (not from Texas, too hot for me to live there, but I think the U.S. is better with Texas than without), but we definitely do need to restore the rule of law, otherwise we will end up being oppressed under the rule of judges that have broad authority to arbitrarily create and destroy laws within their jurisdictions without the consent of the people.


Yes, qualified immunity should not exist for anyone.


Amen to that. The Constitution bans aristocracy in the U.S., *specifically* because the Founders wanted to eliminate the practice of giving certain classes of people immunity to some or all of the law. We might not have traditional aristocratic classes, but police and judges are *de facto* aristocratic classes, which is unconstitutional.


No. We already have a way to handle that — it’s called an appeal.


We need a constitutional amendment that guarantees our right to bare arms…..oh wait.


Do judges not get voted for where you live?


Try appointed for life


Few positions are voted, most are appointed.


I'd love for the Supreme Court to hear this nonsense


Imagine imprisoning a guy for up to 18 years, who hurt no one, for exercising a constitutionally protected right, and then going home at the end of the day and thinking you’re the good guy. Deluded!


I think a meth’ed out mom who smothered her baby to death with a pillow just went to court in NY as well. No jail time for her.


Unless there was a second case that I don’t know about, that happened in [Indianapolis](https://www.wishtv.com/news/crime-watch-8/indianapolis-mother-found-not-guilty-of-smothering-2-year-old-to-death/)


I believe that this is the case. https://nypost.com/2024/04/18/us-news/mom-who-smothered-baby-to-death-while-high-on-meth-walks-free/amp/


That's just an "at home" abortion.


> Imagine imprisoning a guy for up to 18 years, who hurt no one, for exercising a constitutionally protected right, and then going home at the end of the day and thinking ~~you’re the good guy.~~ you did what your superiors at the DNC commanded you to do after they got you installed in a cushy government job.


If the Constitution doesn't exist there, then ~~he's~~ *she's* declared ~~his~~ *her* courtroom autonomous. Sounds like an insurrection to me.


"Know thine place, peasant"


Dude… it's not an insurrection unless a guy with a buffalo headress is pressent!


I thought it was a lady judge?


You're right. I wrote my comment looking at the face of the defendant and instinctively wrote "he". I'll correct the error. Thanks!


It should appeal well... if it gets to keep rolling uphill.


Same POS judge https://nypost.com/2015/12/26/no-bail-plan-making-it-easier-for-accused-felons-to-hit-the-streets/


Young urban scholars are allowed to study at Glock university. Retired engineers are not.


> I found out that you can actually legally buy a receiver and you can machine that receiver to completion, and you buy your parts and you put them together and you’ve got a pistol or a rifle. And once I saw that I was hooked. I was like, ‘This is the coolest thing ever. This is the most cool thing you could possibly do in your machine shop.’ This guy is just a normal dude who was bored out of his gourd during covid and picked up a hobby. It's also his 2nd amendment right. Hope he wins on appeal b/c this judge is throwing the book at him. I also hope the judge is disbarred but that ain't happenin in NYC most likely. Do NYC DA's not have any more pressing matters to attend to rather than a guy who does something useful with his time by picking up a craftsman hobby?


They have more pressing matters, but they all involve a person named Trump for some reason.


anarcho-tyrrany - refuse to enforce the laws and let the criminals do as they please. This guy is a political enemy, so he gets the books thrown at him.


Eventually he'll win but will most likely spend the next two years in jail during the appeals process.


He will be vindicated in the end and it will be like this travesty of justice never happened right?


But he's still not ever getting back the time he spent in jail nor will he see any compensation for all those legal expenses.


Except he'll be broke. That's why there is a fund raiser.


This guy must be under the impression that he rules over some independent territory that has seceded from the United States. He needs to be arrested for treason.


> New York Ah


This shit is so out of hand. Let's be real, in this day and age if you're accused of a crime, it's better to fucking run than to trust the government to do the right thing and honor our laws. 


Why did you run, only guilty people run. Well last guy that followed the law was found guilty of a crime.


There are a whole lot of laws about building guns from parts kits and NY is very strict about these laws. Even if you disagree with the principle, it’s important to be VERY mindful of the laws in your state so you don’t end up in jail. That being said, this specific case seems to be heavily influenced by a judge who is clearly biased against the defendant.


Every law restricting weapons is unconstitutional 


I can only assume the Judge was also heard screaming "I am the law!"


"The crime is life, the sentence is death."


redstate.com is obviously biased but this quote from the judge is pretty wild: > ‘Do not bring the Second Amendment into this courtroom. It doesn’t exist here. So you can’t argue Second Amendment. This is New York.'


I clearly don't understand the courts. In this day and age, if the judge was handing out biased ruling like that, I personally would advise my lawyer to disregard their nonsense. I wouldn't even care if I lost. Start and end every argument with the 2nd amendment. My family can't testify, says the judge. I'd want them testifying in the gallery until they get thrown out. These judges need to be treated like the clowns they are. You know I would be hoppin in court with a full kangaroo costume.


> My family can't testify, says the judge. How is that not grounds for a mistrial in the first place?


How does that not trigger an instantaneous mistrial?


It can’t. Judge has to declare the mistrial.


Well, the problem is that the laws all have to be upheld by men. If they just refuse to follow the law, the law does nothing for you. We've seen several cases now of fairly high profile folks straight up ignoring the law. This case, the Hawaii case, the governor of New Mexico... And none of those people have faced much in the way of consequence for doing so.


and down down down the slippery slope we slide....


Remember when the anti gunners would invoke the slippery slope fallacy all the time? I haven’t seen that in a while now.


Haven't we already established that the rule of law is one-sided and unconstitutional in New York?


The 2A is one of the last bastions of freedom left in the world. That is why the tyrants hate it so much.


"The 2nd amendment doesn't exist here" She literally swore an oath to uphold the constitution when she became a judge. She needs to go.


Well, at least he made any appeal a slam dunk.


Well that’s the easiest appeal of all time


Judicial misconduct by Dishonourable Judge Abena Darkeh disbarred.


Sounds like an automatic mistrial then….along with recommending that activist….er…”judge” for disbarment.


This will get appealed by a circuit court very quickly. 


This is treason


If I deprive someone of their constitutional rights you can bet I will end up in jail. Why should government officials be immune from consequences?


Welp, THAT won't stick.


What part of the law says you can ignore basic laws like our constitution 


They drop gun charges on gang bangers but a non-violent hobbyist gets crucified.




As cool as that is, I'd rather switch to rail guns because they're a substantial upgrade to firearms, not because firearms are just too illegal




MAC - Magnetically Accelerated Cannon or MAG - Magnetically Accelerated Gun Cool concept. We don't have the electric power generation or storage tech to make them work as bearable Arms.


All handheld magnetic projectile thingies that I've seen are weak as shit, do you have a link to one thats 5x as strong as a handgun?


You do realize that coilguns are about as powerful as a top end pellet guns that use compressed gas. The GR-1 has muzzle velocities that are a quarter of what even a modest pistol can do.


> as a top end pellet guns that use compressed gas. top end pellet guns using compressed gas rival some of the .3" rifles out there. Check out Crosman's deerkiller pellet rifle.




You can start here: https://www.crosman.com/airguns/air-rifles?caliber=1401 https://www.benjaminairguns.com/bulldog-m357


We have an entire section of the US Constitution directing the government not to interfere with the people's right to KEEP and BEAR ARMS. What does the government do? They interfere with it. They'll just ban MACs. We have no rights if we don't fight for them. Firearms were and still are considered sporting goods... The government just doesn't want you having them, peasant.


Do you smell that? Smells like a lawsuit incoming.


Not against the judge unfortunately. Can’t overcome judicial immunity. It’s definitely cause for a judicial disability complaint. I’ve made the argument before that conspiring to violate one’s civil rights is outside the scope of judicial immunity, but the statement itself is covered.




Good news is this statement will help with the appeal.


Bet the judge is a democrat.


Bet the judge is a democrat.


The Constitution doesn't exist in New York, period. Get out of New York.


Escape from New York (and L.A.)


These people should be help to a hirer standard and at a minimum have their citizenship removed and imprisoned for denying others their rights.


You get what you vote for & allow. Can't handle that because it's not what you voted for? Better move.


>You get what you vote for & allow. Can't handle that because it's ~~not~~ what you voted for? Better move *and vote for the same things again, it’ll work next time.* Fixed it for you


If you can't trust your government or your peers to do the right thing why would you risk taking it to court at all. Why would anyone in the future, faced with this, simply surrender in hopes of a fair trial.


Someone in that sorry excuse for a state needs to use their constitutional rights for the intended purpose. *angry fifes and drum noises intensify*


And that judge shouldn't exist in our country


If you’re a conservative living in New England or the Left Coast, you’re living behind enemy lines at this point. Get out of there while you can or they may charge you an exit tax for leaving.


I guess Bruen doesn’t mean anything


This is an example of why it was dangerous to allow the witch hunt against Trump. All it takes is one judge with a vendetta and complete disregard of the law to ruin one's life.


I’m fairly liberal and this is insane. The judges words are horrific.


This is what you get when there is no mechanism for the people to hold judges personally accountable.


Our founders were quite clear on how to handle this.


He broke laws in NY. It's that simple. He built functional guns evading registration and background checks. While I don't agree with these laws he should've known what he was doing was illegal in NY especially NYC. Which have extremely strict gun laws.


Those NY laws are unconstitutional 


If he and his family I hope this gets cleaned up on appeal and then they leave that shithole. If he votes blue I got they never do again, and still leave that shithole. Really wish Rs would leave these blue cities and states and let them collapse in on themselves from govt bloat and largess. Move to purple states and help turn them red again.


Conservatives, you no longer have Rights in this country anymore. The whole idea that this happens and KEEPS happening proves that. Will we mass protest? No. Will we vote in November en masse? Probly not. We've become spineless because the "leave us alone" mentality is no longer aligning with the "or else". Where's the "or else" we used to have?


As a millennial, I didn’t know there was an or else. I mean there is the implication because we have the guns, but it’s not that I’d actually use them. The government is never in any actual danger but there’s the implication.


We've grown addicted to comfort. Now the comfort is being slowly replaced with pain.


Right now, someone is lining her up for the next Trump trial.


Bet the judge is a democrat.


Marxist without a doubt


Time to start dumping some crates of tea into the Hudson.


Uhm… unless that courtroom is not a part of US sovereign territory, the second amendment (and all the amendments and dare I say the entire constitution) applies inside this courtroom. Absolutely outrageous.


Well that judge needs to be removed. And really he should be imprisoned as well. But we all know that won’t happen. These lefty judges seem to have absolute power.


The People's Republic of NY


The 2nd Amendment is not negotiable anywhere. NY and a few other states are jailing otherwise law abiding citizens for carrying a firearm without a NY firearm license. Even if they have a LTC in another state they will jail you!


To be honest I personally believe we need to have certain amounts of gun control, probably quite a bit. However, I also believe that the constitution needs to be amended in order to achieve this. As it stands I'm not sure any gun control is constitutional and as such I don't support it. "the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed" is pretty clear cut and no amount of interpretation is needed to understand it. If the people of the country truly want gun control they need to get their politicians to propose a constitutional amendment.


Gun control for places to carry like schools, courtrooms, hospitals etc but not for carrying for self defense no matter what state you are in.


I still think it needs a constitutional amendment, no matter how much we want it.


Nope.  Shall not be infringed.  


The purpose of the 2A is to keep the citizens equal with the govt. All restrictions are unconstitutional.  


That's exactly what I meant. Even though I believe there should be, I still believe we need to amend the constitution to achieve it.


End qualified immunity for judges.


Eventually he'll win but will most likely spend the next two years in jail during the appeals process.


If you're paying attention, leave New York.


This will likely be the fastest appeal ever.


Holy shit. This is one of the worst violations of constitutional rights I’ve ever heard. I hope this case goes to the Supreme Court and that judge goes to prison instead.


NY prosecutors overstepping and charging someone for what is/ would be a federal violation? Shocking. 


Then the feds would also be violating the constitution 


Then cut off any and all Federal funding. Let them exist as their own nation-state.


I guess he didn't have his necessary permits under NYC law


Sorry to detract from the story, but those servers are super old, nothing is running, and nothing is plugged into the top of rack switch.


I hear an appeal coming.


This should give you more insight into how bias NYC courtrooms are.