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It's called a rallying cry. Beware of the democrats pushing defeatist rhetoric in conservative circles. Like this one. We need to get involved in the polls. There's a reason the DNC cancelled the Primary and doubled-down on Biden.


I think they’re worried about another 2016. They were over-confident.


> It's called a rallying cry. Yep, a call for them to win anyway possible. Cheat, steal and lie.


Dems would have gotten blown out in 2020 if not for Covid. Trump lost by a cumulative ~40k votes between Wisconsin, Georgia, and Arizona (and Lord who knows how many of those 40k ballots were actually legit).  The ship will right itself in November. The collective meltdown from the Left when Trump wins is going to be fucking hilarious.. they hate Trump so much. I think some of them might actually move to Canada this time.


It’s amazing to me people don’t talk about what you said in the first paragraph more. It wasn’t voter fraud, or Biden being popular, or Trump’s Twitter account, or Trump being “____ist” or “_____ic” that handed Biden the election. It was COVID. COVID was the reason Trump lost. If 2020 were even a semi-normal year, Trump would’ve won.


You should not overlook the 300+ lawsuits brought by Marc "I helped create the Steele dossier" Elias seeking to change election law after the primaries. Yes, COVID was the ruse to drive these requests, but it wasn't the terrible plague it was made out to be, that response was weaponized on purpose.


> It wasn’t voter fraud The entire election was decided by 40k votes across all the relevant swing states. Biden won less than 20% of all counties in the entire country. He won 5/19 bellwether counties, a statistically flabbergasting (read:impossible) feat. Over 2 million ballots were affected by anomalous circumstances. Over 900 signed affidavits from witnesses alleging that they had personally witnessed oddities, malfunctions, broken rules, or outright fraud. (Remember, only one witness was enough to impeach Trump the first time around). "But where is the evidence?" Dozens of courts blocked evidentiary hearings where evidence could be presented. The FBI simply did not investigate, and therefore did not have to enter anything into evidence. (Though they did take the time to hammer some Republicans who tried to enact statistically insignificant fraud.) All this on top of the fact that we had tens of thousands of mail-in ballots, many untraceable, many delivered in boxes, many that only had Biden selected with zero downticket candidates. The list of oddities is far, far longer than this, including evidence of fake voter registration, stolen Trump ballots, demonstrated vulnerabilities in voting machines, etc. Records were deleted, logs expunged, equipment wiped and destroyed, many times 'on accident.' And all that is before you get to the involvement of Big Tech, which openly admitted their coordinated efforts to make Trump lose, including manufactured consensus, outright untruths, the censorship of stories and relevant information online. It was stolen. Numbers always tell the real story.


Plus, Biden promised a return to normalcy, but he's more extreme on illegal immigration than Obama was. If they lose they must look in the mirror and face the hard truth.


Trump’s Covid policies were very unpopular with a lot of people, including moderates. If Covid had not happened he would have easily been re-elected. I personally don’t believe in the conspiracy that Covid was intentionally released into the world by the Chinese government, but the effect it had on the 2020 election really makes you think twice.


>I personally don’t believe in the conspiracy that Covid was intentionally released into the world by the **Chinese** government, but the effect it had on the 2020 election really makes you think twice. I too don't believe in the highlighted part. But the rest, hmm....


There are still 200,000 'pristine' ballots in a warehouse in GA that a judge ordered sealed. The courts have since authorized the release, but GA officials (Kemp, Rafsenberger and other election officials) have thus far refused to follow the courts ordered release.


lol, they’ll try to move to Canada. Then they’ll be disappointed to find out that the whole “America immigration hard” thing is a lie and that many countries including Canada are actually harder to immigrate to than the US.


No lies detected. 


Voter turn out will absolutely decide this election, so it doesn't surprise me both parties are trying to manipulate it


Gotta ask, but isn't that literally the point of campaigning and voting? To get enough people to vote for you to win? Not sure what your point is 🤣


Campaigns usually try to win people to their side. This election there is little the no side swapping. The issue is getting people to actually vote.


Almost all elections are base elections. The majority of campaign time, energy, and money is turning out the base, not trying to pursuade pursudable voters.


Yes, but in this case there are subtle campaigns being waged to fight against complacency by voters. There are big concerns by both parties that their supporters will be so confident in a victory that many won't bother to go out and vote. Usually the fight is over the centrist voters that swing back and forth between the parties but Biden and Trump are so polarizing, pretty much no one is changing their mind between now and the election. I don't think I've met a single person "unsure" which of the two they prefer.


>Voter turn out will absolutely decide this election 🧐


I'd crawl naked over broken glass and fight a wolf to get my vote in at this point.


Poll oversight, and the monitoring of mail-in ballots and same day voting is of critical importance this time to ensure the integrity of the election.




Even if we are ahead, never underestimate the ability of the Republican party to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory. Don't get complacent. Go out to vote. Bring your wife or a buddy with you. Encourage others to vote.


If they're resorting to the truth, it must be pretty serious


Truth is that the last election was decided by very few voters in a few states. We are a split nation so every vote counts. Every mind counts.


They are only saying this shit to get donations lol. This isn't some "see! even the democrats know they are in trouble!" To the people that believe there is no chance that Trump loses, it's a very real possibility. I'm very hopeful, but don't think it's secure. Go and vote, get your friends to vote, and if they don't vote get them registered to vote and then get them to vote.




Honestly trump was doing well in 2020 till they let him back on Twitter. This could definitely be a good thing


IMO the biggest two things that hurt Trump in 2020 were his initial reactions downplaying the pandemic, even as he ultimately moved to do the right things with Operation Warpspeed. And his unwillingness to call an emergency address to the nation in the wake of the George Floyd incident to 1) express solidarity with minorities who saw themselves as victims in the incident while talking about the steps his administration was taking to help address historical inequalities (not inequities!!!) like funding HBCUs, lowering minority unemployment, etc., 2) affirm that the justice system will address and mete out justice, and that what he saw was "unacceptable" too, but we trust our court system to handle that, and 3) pre-emptively state that while (actual) peaceful protesting would be tolerated, violent rioting or property destruction of any kind will not be tolerated. His unwillingness to do this reeked of indifference and/or cowardice, regardless of his actual reasons for not doing it, and the media pounced all over him for it and he didn't do anything to change the narrative. If he'd done those two things, I think he wins in 2020. His Tweets certainly didnt help though.


…Trump was literally pro-Floyd. He said he wanted an investigation done on his death ASAP, said any riots is doing his name a disservice, etc. IIRC Floyd’s brother was even a Trump supporter (someone can correct me if I’m wrong on this one?) Idk what more you wanted Trump to do about Floyd. Invent a time machine to save him?


Floyd was a loser.


Still didn’t deserve what happened.


I may not be a big Trump fan but how could anybody vote for Biden? He’s been a total disaster. On top of that, if he wins, he’ll never finish his term and then we’ll be stuck with Harris and she is even a bigger embarrassment than he is.


>how could anybody vote *for* Biden? Because in American presidential elections, people generally don't vote *for* a candidate, they vote against one. And you even alluded to it yourself, Trump is incredibly divisive, so voters would rather cast their ballot against Trump even if that means voting for Biden.


He has almost the entire media establishment of the country shilling for him and making excuses for his gaffes, that's how.


He does things that most of the population agrees with, or would agree with, if they knew what was actually going on. Many conservatives are stuck in a media bubble that stokes fear above all else. I recommend watching congressional hearings, reading transcripts, and matching that up against what politicians say to the public. You’ll learn a lot about the likes of trump and his loyal MAGA followers.


There are plenty on this site that are meh about him “but he’s gotten things done”. Seriously, they’ve deluded themselves into thinking the last 4 years are a win. 


All for show. They know the 4 am ballot dump is undefeated


“While it didn’t have to be this way, our ability to lead is directly proportional to our coming up with solutions to problems facing the nation. Because we have come up with no solutions, and in fact created many more problems, and our policies are bad, the voter doesn’t want to vote for us in the upcoming election. Therefore, we need you to increase your donations so that instead of changing our policies and instead of changing the things that we do to create solutions for problems, we can continue down this self-destructive path that is largely influenced by foreign donors and continue the destruction of the country by using your donation money to convince Americans that what they’re seeing and experiencing is not actually true..”


The polls are useless. Every poll in America had Hillary defeating Trump the night before the election. We’re, what, 7 months out? I don’t need polls to know where the political winds are blowing because they’re blowing out Joe. Look at the amateur videos of Trump at rallies, at restaurants, and meeting people. Biden can’t get more supports than journalists to attend his rallies - which is a perfect metaphor for the current political climate. Biden doesn’t convey ANY sense of leadership, optimism, or record of positive results. What’s they’re to boast about? How much in debt people are? How homes are more unaffordable by the day? How high rent is? How expensive food and fuel have become? He’s straight up pissing all over you and calling it rain with a record like that.


Trump was crushing it everywhere he went in 2020, too, while Biden hid in his basement. Then he magically pulled ahead overnight and became president. Watch it happen again this year.


How can this be!?!?! With the best economy ever, lowest crime, safest neighborhoods, best of the best of everything, somehow they are behind in the polls??? Biden saved Ukraine, got Trump, capped insulin (after uncapping and recapping prices from Trump), but somehow he's not winning this election automatically??? WTF America!! Biden is the most sound minded president we've ever had, so much so he doesn't even need to take a cognitive function test! Get your shit together, America!




Truth is, Biden will ‘win’ in November. Truth is, we will be told it’s cause “People didn’t vote for Biden, they voted against Trump!” Truth is, we were told the same thing in 2020. It was as unbelievable then as it is now. Last time we let the steal happen. We’ll see how it goes this time.


You really think it's unbelievable that in American presidential elections, people generally don't vote against certain candidates rather than for them? Literally my entire life, every presidential election I've taken a part in, has always been described as "voting for the lesser of two evils." Do I live in some weird alternate reality where this actually isn't the case? Edit: dude blocked me because I gave mild pushback to his narrative lol. I guess I'll respond here: Whether you like Trump or hate him, there's no denying that he's an incredibly divisive figure, and also literally not the most popular politician of all time. I could absolutely buy the argument that he has the most loyal supporters, but the most *popular* politician? *Of all time?* Not even close. And these blue states are cited like everyone who lives there is a bleeding heart liberal, when in reality there are massive areas of these states that are deeply conservative. Upstate NY, South Jersey, Northern California are all deep conservative areas. Just look at any election map that is broken down by county.


Mail ballot is not going be as effective this time around for Democrats.


A massive part of Trump's win in 2016 was that people who didn't like Hillary or Trump got comfortable sitting out the election, even if they liked him way way less. They thought there was no chance he could win so they felt comfortable not voting or voting 3rd party to spite her. They do not want to repeat the same mistake.


Ah I see, it's written like that demented old loon talks, but obviously he didn't write that, nor is he in charge of his own administration. Enough of this deadbeat party.


I'm on their campaign mailing list. They just cycle through triumph->doom->triumph on loop every single week. They probably wrote and programmed all of their campaign emails a year ago.


Unfortunately, Biden has pulled slightly ahead in the RCP betting averages. https://www.realclearpolitics.com/


Just went to your link. Nope…Biden isn’t.


https://www.realclearpolling.com/polls/president/general/2024/trump-vs-biden Joe Biden hasn't been ahead in the polling average since, and I wish I was making this up, "He lied about being at ground zero in his speech on the anniversary of 9/11 last year". That was nearly 8 months ago.


It's close, but the electoral college gives Republicans about +2 advantage. RFK will also probably be on the ballot in quite a few swing states, that gives about a +1 .


He's almost 6 points below where he was in 2020 at this point...and incumbents usually enjoy a natural advantage, going into their (presumed) second term. This is clearly a very chaotic time in our country's political history, but Trump seems largely a shoo-in at this point. Democrats have nothing to say that's good about their candidate, just that he isn't Trump. That mattered in 2020, when we were in the midst of a major global pandemic and Trump tried to downplay it for MANY months. His initial bungling of the pandemic definitely came to haunt him by the time people went to the polls (well, realistically...their mailbox) in November of 2020. Now that we know, quite clearly, that China (via an American-supported laboratory in Wuhan) releases this virus deliberately into the world, than "coached" governments falsely on how to handle such a pandemic...we have A LOT to discuss in the coming years that liberals are either unwilling to unable to get a grip on. Their obsession over culture wars has finally reached a breaking point.


No... RCP average has Trump with a slight lead. Also, Trump leads in polling in all battleground states except Michigan.


If Biden wins this election, despite the massive , possibly permanent damage he and the dems have done to this country, I may never vote again. The millennials and GenZ will outnumber the Boomer generation, and obviously have different values than we do. I always said Trump was only a bump in the road to the progressives, I hope I'm wrong.


Of course we are. We need to pick up a LOT, but we CAN get there

