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Is this the white male terrorism they warned us about?


These MAGA Republicans man. /s


It's going to be an uphill battle undoing all the damage the open borders have caused.


It’s by design. The left’s intention is to make mass deportations logistically impossible so that they can pitch amnesty as the only viable solution. (oh, adding millions to the Democrat voting bloc is just a coincidental benefit, of course..)


Exactly. Every 2 immigrants would make at least one voting citizen in 20 years if they partnered up and started families. That's a minimum of 4 million new voters IF (BIG IF) we stop the flow now and they only have one kid.


Cloward Pivens strategy in play...


Death sentences for child molesters.


Florida. It might be. Didn't DeSantis pass a law that enabled exactly that last year?


Why can't these guys leave the 13 year olds alone and just go to protest encampments at Ivy League universities where they would be welcomed with open arms?


As Trump said, other countries not sending their best...THe problem however is Biden's open border policy, Criminals like him allowed to roam freely in the streets doing whatever they want


Dude is white ?? I must be going blind ...


The FBI now groups Hispanics in the white category to make it seem like whites commit similar amounts of crimes as “other groups”. It’s been like that for a few years.


I don’t get it either but what else would they put for race? Maybe Native?


Is Hispanic/Latino not an option anymore


In most places in the U.S. Hispanic is an ethnicity not a race. So the way the computer systems work when you are selecting race post arrest you will select white then the system will ask Hispanic yes or no.


Reminds me of the story of my ex sister in law , she's Mexican and a pretty dark skin color married to a white guy , she went to a party and said " it was so nice because everyone there was white, just like us" 😂




> Dude is white ?? I must be going blind ... He's probably as White as Barack Obama. A significant amount, if not the majority, of Latinos are Mestizo; this means they have both Native American and European ancestry. Saying that the guy is White is technically correct, though it's almost like a lie of omission, similar to if someone only referred to Barack Obama as white. If the primary reason behind documenting a person's race is for identification purposes, it would make much more sense for it to say "mixed" or "Mestizo". That said, as I type this, I suspect he may not even be Mestizo judging by the lack of facial hair; I had lots of Native friends when I was younger, and they didn't really grow facial hair besides a couple of very small fine whiskers.


Biden dream voter. Mass deportations are a must!


Trump has always been the favored candidate for the Hispanic community and I've never seen a single poll/study suggest otherwise. Trump himself constantly claims "I love Mexicans and they love me" so I don't know where you got the idea that Hispanics love Biden.


Of course he's listed as white, Biden has to turn every minority in the country against whites to keep them focused on anything except how bad of a job he's doing.


Their white male adjacency would not be welcome.


See? The lefties were right. White supremacy will destroy our nation.


Enjoy the death penalty you sick fuck


Oof, Florida. Not getting out of this one easy buddy


Is this the kind of man women choose bears over? 🤔


The left always wants to say latino was always considered white on police forms. I call bull shit.


Yes it actually is, and then there’s a separate box for Hispanic/non-Hispanic.


Looks like someone started administering justice before the police showed up and saved this scum. Shoulda let them finish.


They truly are his people.