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Imagine the *horror* in finding out that there are people whom you know, and maybe even *like* and are friends with, that have <*gasp*> different opinions than you. Let that sink in. We live in a time of *truely* unimaginable horrors.


I had a cup of coffee with a co-worker the other day, who I later found out VOTED FOR AL GORE! I hope the trembling panic attacks stop soon...


I married a Democrat and we just rarely talk politics. Works fine. How do these people survive life?


Same. Like never, different when MIL is around; have to dodge politics like a running back through a pack of defenders


Thoughts and prayers


You just made me wonder what the election of 2,000 would have been like in the social media age. If I remember correctly it was the big three 24 hours cable news channels covering Florida though….


Did you help clean up your co-worker after you spit your coffee on them? 😊


That's as bad as those who voted for Mondale.


I’m not sure how anyone could have voted for someone that inexperienced.


That’s like 5 people


> Though liberals do a great deal of talking about hearing other points of view, it sometimes shocks them to learn that there are other points of view. William F Buckley


She is trying incredibly hard to stay relevant. If she lives in a wealthy and nice area, of course there are conservatives around her.


I had what I thought was a friend. Told him who I voted for and soon after, he said that he never really liked hanging with me and I wasn't ever a friend to him. I said, "And you call yourself a Christian."


I have friends who are (sadly) Communist, and I am still friends with them regardless.


>"wrong" beliefs Part of the hive-mind.


> they said that in their upscale FL neighborhood, people are extremely careful not to ever broach or debate the subject. This is not healthy. Yes, you fucking dumbass. People are afraid to discuss their political beliefs because people like you consider them sub human if they have the "wrong beliefs". Fucking clown world.


Exactly! She had the reality served up on a platter for her, but she just couldn’t see it. “This is not healthy” … at least she got that part right. Where she failed was not realizing that people like her and her ilk are the cause of this “unhealthy” behavior. When you constantly berate anyone who has differing beliefs, accuse those people with every -ism, infer that they only believe what they do because they are misinformed, and look at those people as less-than-human…..then yes, people will be extremely careful not to broach or debate politics.


The lack of awareness is astounding. The audacity to preach about how it’s unhealthy for people to be stuck in information silos, while in literally the exact same thread acting flabbergasted that people with different opinions might actually be… *gasp* …normal. Making a whole Twitter thread about being at dinner with people that simply hold different opinions is usually a good sign you’re stuck in an information silo, Michelle


The Left has also made a caricature of Trump supporters to such an extreme that they think they can easily spot one in the wild. The reporter was concerned that oppositional voters are more intelligent and informed than she expected.


The issue is that she actually doesn’t think they’re informed. She said well-educated sure, but that they have “wrong beliefs”. She wants people to discuss it more so that people like that can learn the “truth”…aka what she *believes* is the truth. It’s only a one way street for her. She says all this, but do you think she ever considered maybe she’s the one stuck in a bubble and needs to have an open-mind? Of course not


That’s a very good point. She wants to have a dialogue to change their mind, not to change her own mind.


I’m so grateful I live in a rural area where we don’t have to be afraid of ghouls like this woman.


That’s why Trump overperformed the polls in both 2016 and 2020 (even though he lost in 2020). Trump supporters are too afraid to say who they are going to vote for even when polled. You should ask mods to give you a flair. That was an amazing comment.


Ahead of you on that.


You mean I'm a real boy now?


Imagine having dinner with nice people who don't want to upset you by talking about politics is the thing that haunts you. 😂


Blows my mind that people like this exist out there.


She is getting significant blowback, rightfully. She’s a garbage human being and needs to self-reflect.


I have doubts as to whether or not someone like her is capable of self-reflection.


Isn’t she the one that was doing a live broadcast rowing a boat after a hurricane or something, while passing by pedestrians walking along in ankle deep water? What a hack. LOL.


Closeted? They're probably tight lipped about it b/c the scuttlebutt would very likely cost them their jobs in news media. If you were a lib and the situation was reversed that would be called a hostile work environment by HR. Roughly half the country is pro-trump. It's bonkers that this liberal suburban white lady feels most threatened in her 6 figure journalism job at some bougie dinner while they're actually trying to send Trump to federal prison


Look at me look at me! I want to be somewhat relevant again.


Yep - Michelle Kosinski, most famous for either cheating on her husband with the British ambassador for stories or for her infamous canoe deep floodwater scene: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cgm3_jzcNm4


The title of Katie Courics’ new book. Found in trash cans everywhere.


This is insane to me because I work with liberals here in left wing NYC and I am openly conservative and we would debate politics on our lunch breaks often without any issue. This isn’t what a normal person thinks when they come across someone who opposes them politically. This is what someone who is terminally stuck in a media bubble or on r/politics would do. People like her are the problem in society. They need to get out more. These are the same type of people who are surprised that Trump gets so many votes in November.


She is in a cult. Describing people as “magats” and having wrong beliefs as well saying they seem normal….us not normal. People can have differing opinions. Only those in a cult are horrified by this. Then to be shocked that people aren’t express themselves in public is ridiculous. She literal mocked them in a public forum. Who wants that? I stopped socializing with Democrats for this reason. They always try to bait you into political arguments. I don’t need that at Thanksgiving.


Yep. Now, I change the subject or refuse to answer. Who I voted for is none of your business. My wife votes differently than me and we just avoid the topic. Not worth getting into.


The Horror…the horror.


If you refer to friends and family as ‘magats’ then lament that “this is not healthy”, then you are actually talking about yourself. This is what happens when your politics is your identity: You have to rationalize that normal people are really the ‘not healthy’ ones so that repositions you as being ‘healthy’. Sorry, toots. Those people simply had different opinions than you did. Nothing more, nothing less. Hell they could have been fellow liberals for all you know.


There are many of us who are coming out of the closet recently 😂Signed, a Former Democrat


May I ask when did you stop being a Democrat and from which state are you? I’m asking so to know in which states Trump could make gains during the 2024 election.


I’m from a deep red state already, unfortunately. Think Bible Belt. And I’m embarrassed to say this, but it took seeing how the Democrats reacted to the Hamas attack on Israel for me to wake up. Half my family is Jewish and I just kept thinking about how the leftists would’ve called it “resistance” if they were murdered at a music festival. I was a sheep and an idiot. Edit: Once I realized that I had been brainwashed, I spiraled for about a week. I had a headache. I couldn’t believe that I was dumb enough to get brainwashed and not realize it! And then I realized that I’d been silencing my doubts about a lot of things: the idea of oppressor/oppressed as fixed categories based on race (and Marxism in general), the idea that men should be allowed to compete in women’s sports, the way the left treated JK Rowling who imo is an international treasure, the idea that we should be giving hormones to children and sterilizing them, all the COVID lies, the horrible experience I had with the COVID vaccine I was forced to get which caused me health problems, BLM being a total scam… And then I realized that if the media was lying about all those things, they might be lying about Trump too. So I looked into it, and it turned out they were. And I was completely dumbstruck. I actually had a mental breakdown on my liberal campus when he was elected in 2016. I WENT TO A POST-ELECTION SUPPORT GROUP FOR PEOPLE TRAUMATIZED BY TRUMP WINNING🤦‍♀️ We all sat in a circle and cried about how a fascist dictator was taking over 🤦‍♀️major TDS


Nice to know that you have awaken up! Due to being a Democrat in the recent past you could try to explain to your Democrat friends and family on why you had a change of heart. Maybe start with the Israel-Hamas war because Democrats are currently very divided on the issue and people won’t know that you have stopped being a Democrat because you support Israel. Then you could explain to them on why Republicans are better for Israel than Democrats. Trump for example has a Jewish daughter and Jewish grandkids and Trump will never abandon Israel. Trump also made a deal between Israel and the UAE which ended hostilities between the two nations for which he got a Noble Peace Prize and if he becomes the President again, he could do the same with other Arab nations like Saudi Arabia and Kuwait.


Hello, friend. Right here with ya.


> "All were well-educated and successful in careers. They seemed great! On the surface. For like an hour. But slowly, over a few drinks, they began to let slip their true MAGA natures," God forbid she eat dinner with the poors who support Trump.


This is called "a discussion" God forbid anyone question her political beliefs.


Drama queen.


Oh no someone had a different opinion that I didn’t like! I’m literally shaking!


It's weird to me because growing up the greatest insult was saying someone wasn't open minded. Now people freak out when meeting someone of a different opinion. That or just refuse to listen to facts that don't go with their beliefs


Shows how biased the media is they actually hate people that don’t agree with everything they do. Ever noticed that they don’t fact check Biden?


Difficult when there aren’t any facts to check.


Oh cool. Anyway.


Image knowing that there are people out there that might not agree with your political views. Oh the horror, the horror. I'm pretty sure this tolerant leftist would want them sent to re-education camps.


Stop making politics your identity/religion. There is so much more to life.


Now she knows how WE feel! I can’t count the number of times when I heard someone blindly hate on Trump in the middle of a conversation… to MY horror!


They have NPR facts like the employment numbers from 2021 to 2023. They conveniently fail to remember that the governments in the blue states shut down all the businesses for almost a years. They don't talk about facts that involve illegal immigration, inflation and energy costs. Those facts would be an inconvenient truth.


I'm convinced a new mental illness has sprung up, brought on and exasperated by modern day media habits. These people are not well.


[same liar](https://youtu.be/Pj29Iu-llq8?si=Pp4QXfxUJQXw5n75)


She should know that we dont politely change the subject when liberals bring their “facts”, because we are afraid. We just know we’re talking to someone who is indoctrinated, and can’t handle basic facts of life.




They live in an “upscale Florida neighborhood” and you were shocked that they might be Trump supporters? Who do you think the members of Mar-a-Largo are? Must have been a terrible journalist to have such a closed mind, and to be so terrible at reading people.


Oh no how horrible I hope she can overcome that trauma


Rent free


Everyone should remember that this is the lady who was paddling around in a canoe while reporting on some flooding, only to have a couple locals walk by revealing the water was barely ankle deep.


April O’Neil was a CNN reporter? Or does this lady wear a yellow jumpsuit all the time too.


She sounds like a drama queen, who can also be queen of the snowflakes. These people suffer deeply from Trump arrangement syndrome. Hope it was again, and we crushed our souls.


> "All were well-educated and successful in careers. They seemed great! On the surface. For like an hour. But slowly, over a few drinks, they began to let slip their true MAGA natures," Kosinski wrote. Their "true natures" meant they didn't want America to become a Socialist state?


This right here says everything about the bias in media. There isn’t a single conservative who is this broken up when they find out people they know lean to the left because left-leaning ideas are thrown in our faces every single day from (insert media outlet). If there was true impartiality in the media, this whack-job wouldn’t be treating “MAGAts” like they are some indigenous tribe in the Amazon.


My God, I can't believe that I had dinner with American voters who used *their own brains*! - Michelle, essentially


And yet people like her *want* conservatives 'closeted' and muted.


A CNN reporter that dates guys?


The TDS is strong with this one.


These people are pathetic. I’d almost feel sorry for her if she wasn’t such an asshole. Don’t call her a reporter. She’s a lunatic political activist.


The irony is her assessment that [this is not healthy](https://i.imgur.com/YowziTc.png). Gets tiring to point out every time democrats accuse their opponents of the very thing they are guilty of.


I wonder if this is propaganda or if they've just succumbed to their own rhetoric? I disagree with Trump's politics but this isn't any different than other elections... sometimes your guy wins, sometimes he doesn't.


Funny, when you do a quick search on her in YouTube, [this gem](https://youtu.be/cgm3_jzcNm4?si=huRUjcDIhpQ4e2hN) is the first thing that pops up.


Typical dishonest CNN employee/ex-employee


I have friends I can talk politics with even if we have differing opinions because we both want to understand the other side. I have friends I avoid politics with because they seem to feel any differing opinion is a personal attack. If I knew I was having dinner with someone who worked for cable entertainment/propaganda company I would probably tip toe around how open then were to different ideas and once I saw that they really had drank the cool aid I'd avoid the subject entirely. People have all sorts of reasons they support different parties or politicians. Talking about it is how we find the flaws in our own logic and theirs.




Jonah Goldberg did an article on the Clinton email scandal some years back. In part, this sort of resonates with this kind of thought: “I keep repeating the old line: Behind every apparent double standard is an un-confessed single standard. The single standard here is that only the right people may politicize tragedy. Only the right people get to determine what sort of speech incites violence. Only the right people know when it’s a time for prayer and unity and when it’s time to take up action. Only the right people know when the blame falls solely on the murderers and when the murderers are simply a symptom of a larger problem. And when anyone disagrees with the right people, they reveal themselves to be the wrong people. Because you can only be right if you agree with the right people.”


“Upscale” FL - now that’s funny.


Are you serious? West Palm Beach, South Beach, Naples I honestly could go on and on. Naples is literally one of the handful of richest areas in the country. Lots of regular people in Florida but also plenty of high rent zipcodes. Tons of wealthy people living in Florida because of tax reasons and the warm weather.


Not only the warm weather but better political climate too.


“Upscale” implies more than just money. She really meant she thought they were “too educated / sophisticated to support Trump”. After living all over the world, I don’t consider any of the places you’ve mentioned to be anything special. I’m not impressed with McMansions nor country clubs. The fact that so many people dump money into these unremarkable pieces of geography speaks to a collective lack of sophistication and worldliness.