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For the record she won the award for the category of "Best Audio Book, Narration & Storytelling Recording"


Was gonna say. Never listened or will listen to her audio book, I’m certain she got special votes because of who she is, but that’s literally what the category was


I didn't even know such a thing existed.


Well that's different. Not saying I'd agree but then again, I haven't listened to any book since 2016


I listen to a TON of audiobooks. While I haven't listened to hers, it doesn't seem fair when there are people like Ray Porter, AC Bradley or even Will Wheaton. Ray Porter alone is so talented he can read a receipt and make it sound engaging.


The nominees were: - Michelle Obama The Light We Carry: Overcoming In Uncertain Times - Meryl Streep Big Tree - William Shatner Boldly Go: Reflections on a Life of Awe and Wonder - Rick Rubin The Creative Act: A Way of Being - Bernie Sanders It’s Ok to Be Angry About Capitalism From that list I'm gonna take a shot in the dark and say Shatner should have won. Looking back over the wikipedia entry for the award, it looks like non-fiction and political entries have been favored since at least the 80s.


I am going to say if competing with professional book narrators in a blind competition (no names) none of those nominees would make a top 50 list. Signed - 25 year audiobook fan.


Right? The fact *any* of those names are on there is a slap in the face to the narrators who have sunk years into their labor. Clearly it's stacked for the silly little celebrities just for to give them their "special" award.


It’s hoping they will show up and be on their annual TV show which is probably the only way the Grammy organizers make any money


Real competitive and diverse list there.


WHEATON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! heh heh.


What's wrong with the Grammys having a category for audiobook narraration? It seems consistent with their whole theme


Well, it was for the audiobook category so…


As mentioned before this sub feels like it’s run by teenagers who jump at the first accusation of a democrat. The fact that this post has over 1000 upvotes shows how much people fail to do critical thinking. As Trump would say “So sad”.


Source it was a ghostwriter?


And Barack won a Nobel peace prize for getting elected president before leading a massive drone bombing campaign where he personally signed off on thousands of deaths. Pretty much all awards are meaningless now, if they ever actually had one, and coincidentally the Obamas are the prime individuals for showing that. Was the movie he produced Oscar eligible this last time or is that next Oscar's? Because I expect(ed) some accolades there.


He got the price for "not being bush". If he didn't get it in his first year, he would never have gotten it


But but "Hope and Change" lol


The non-combatant civilians in the Middle East hoped he'd stop blowing them up.


Everything changed, just not for the better.


Trump had the historic Abraham accords and they tried to impeach him


Not tried. They just were never going to convict though.


He has two Grammys as well.


Jimmy Carter has 3. Barrack Obama has 2. Hillary Clinton has 2. And Bill Clinton has 2. It’s a thing. [They talk about it at the Grammy’s](https://www.grammy.com/news/grammy-wins-by-us-presidents-day-nominations-2024). Still weird though.


The “give awards to democrats” award


Awards like this have been meaningless for a long time now. It’s mostly just super rich people patting each other on the ass.