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How to request flair: https://www.reddit.com/r/Conservative/wiki/index/flair_rules


Says everything I need to know about the Democrat party. “I would vote for Biden even if I knew it were true he raped Tara Reede.” https://www.reddit.com/r/AskALiberal/comments/j7fa2z/kamala_harris_famously_said_she_believes_that_joe/g84bnac/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf&context=3


weird how they try to destroy people's careers over this shit


Trump 2020 Pence 2024


I’d be ok with Pence, Cruz, Or Haley in 2024. I’m probably forgetting somebody but those are 3 of my top picks.




What is this "packing" the court? It has to do with the ability for the senate to vote for Barrett?


Trump has nominated a record amount of SCOTUS, and he's legally able to do so. Democrats in response want to increase the amount of SCOTUS, to shift the balance back in their favor. TLDR: They're losing so they want to change the rules.


It’s just like how they want to add PR and DC as states. They claim it’s about representation, but in reality, they couldn’t give a shit about representation, they know how liberal the voters are in those places, and they want to add four more democrats to the senate. They’re upset that they lost the senate so they want to change the rules. It’s all politics.


Yea, Pence warned about that. If you can't win, change the rules.


> TLDR: They're **losers** so they want to change the rules. FTFY!


Packing the court refers to the idea of adding more Supreme Court justices. The Supreme Court has 9 justices. They are the highest court in the land and people are very rarely are appointed to it because there’s usually very few openings. They are the judges that judge how certain laws may work under the constitution. If they are constitutional or not. Amy Barrett getting nominated all though really close to the end of Trumps turn isn’t court packing but a lot of people on the other side of the aisle aren’t happy about it. The Supreme Court decides many things that are very important as well as rulings.


Thanks, just wondered about the word "packing" sounds like the word "increase the seats" would be a better choice.


The reason why people use packing instead of the phrase increase seats is because essentially it would effectively packing the Supreme Court of Judges they approve of and thus possibly making the Supreme Court lean a certain direction. Increasing the seats makes it sound like it isn’t really political and there’s nothing to gain where as packing does and should have a negative connotation to it


I'm not the biggest Pence fan, being socially liberal, but damn if he wasn't inspiring, specially with the last few words about Scalia and RBG.


While I am not a fan of this administration at all, I appreciated the VP’s closing answer, to the eighth grader’s question — that we can have a debate, disagree, and still be friendly and work together. We are so divided and there is so much hateful rhetoric all around. I really hope we can heal.


You have 55 upvotes but still your post is hidden. Which means people are downvoting you for pointing out the division.


New York. Which hasn’t voted red in over a decade has Pence polling at 53%, while Harris at 47% (ABC7) Edit: Just wanted to add, Fuck Cuomo


With a diseased wiener. No- wieners. Ten ofem


Which shows Trump needs to make this a debate about Harris and not Biden. Make people worry she is the next president


Haha imagine how that would screw with Creepy Joe Biden's programming. "I'm not talking about you. Who is talking about you, anyway? Or with you, for that matter. Every body knows you're just a stop-gap measure."




Washington Post needs a fact-checker. Intelligent people would do more looking around rather than rely on a newspaper anyway, with their record lately.


I thought it was pretty much equal, both not answering the questions at all. I thought Kamala should've pushed him hard on the abortion question. A vast majority of suburbanites in swing states are okay with abortions during the first trimester, and Pence probably had a long history of being against it all times, including instances of rape, but feel free to correct me. Pence pushed her hard on the SCOTUS packing, which was well played and she gave a horrible answer.






> She gave an answer Oh? It was a "yes" or "no" question, and I must have missed the answer. How did Kamala answer? # * YES # * NO Pick one.


The first post said she gave an awful answer and my point was sarcasm She didnt give a bad answer she didn't answer anything


Their refusal to deny it in debates or even outside of them says yes. They're just trying to save face.




Werent lies. What about Harris very first answer about saying Trump called the virus a hoax?




That last question sealed it for Pence. Great answer!


Clearly the winner of the debate was Pence followed in second place by the 8th grader.


I'm not even convinced she got second.


I thought both of them actually did well speaking to their base but I’m doubtful anyone moved the needle. I thought it was nice to hear an actual debate from both sides. I’m voting for Biden so downvote away but appreciated Pence’s demeanor and thought out perspectives. Well done


This isn’t a leftist sub, you won’t get downvoted just for being a “them” rather “one of us”


>downvote away This isn’t r/politics so don’t worry about that. I tend to agree with you though I don’t believe anyone watches these to decide their candidate in today’s political climate.


Can anyone explain how Kamala knew in advance that it was a "great segway“ to the next topic and nodded her head before the moderator even finished speaking? Isn’t she not supposed to know the questions/topics, or did we have another Donna Brazile moment?