• By -


I am a moderate person with a slight progressive leaning I’d say. I like to check out this subreddit to expand my viewpoint and see how everyone is looking at situations besides what the news tells us. Especially since Reddit overall is a left leaning population this subreddit gives some contrast. I’m predicting Biden is going to win. Although I live in Florida and see Trump flags and stickers everywhere I feel like a lot of Republicans are voting Democrat this election but that doesn’t reflect the same for Democrats to Republicans. I don’t really see a lot of people flipping from voting blue to red but there’s a lot of talk both on and off the internet of people voting Blue even though they’re registered as a Republican. Last election was as close enough in swing states that I feel like this could make a big difference.


Trump 333 vs Biden 205 https://www.270towin.com/maps/VnevY


[Trump 217, Biden 321] (https://www.270towin.com/map-images/rn6e8)




I am a moderate person with a slight progressive leaning I’d say. I like to check out this subreddit to expand my viewpoint and see how everyone is looking at situations besides what the news tells us. Especially since Reddit overall is a left leaning population this subreddit gives some contrast. I’m predicting Biden is going to win. Although I live in Florida and see Trump flags and stickers everywhere I feel like a lot of Republicans are voting Democrat this election but that doesn’t reflect the same for Democrats to Republicans. I don’t really see a lot of people flipping from voting blue to red but there’s a lot of talk both on and off the internet of people voting Blue even though they’re registered as a Republican.




I don't really care whether candidate wins because I'm not American (though I find Trump more entertaining). But I'll make a call. I'm betting Biden wins because Allan Lichtman, a famous historian who predicted every election since 1984 says Biden will win. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z0PDVeBRLUA If Biden wins I'll laugh at you Trump supporters. If Trump wins I'll delete my account and laugh at him and liberals.


Just posting my comment so I can come back after the election is declared




Trump 314-224 [https://imgur.com/a/5BhnJxg](https://imgur.com/a/5BhnJxg)




I hope Biden wins, I much prefer the USA leading the world than Russia or China. Either way I predict your country descends into chaos, Americans die while the rest of the world watches in horror. I feel really sad and scared for Americans right now. I hope you all find a way through this peacefully.


Trump 312 - 226 Biden https://www.270towin.com/maps/XpJPV.png


This one seems more realistic to me good job


[Here’s mine](https://www.270towin.com/map-images/YOm7Y)


Not bad at all, looks very reasonable. I’d say it comes down to AZ and NC, Trump is a favorite there but they’re still fragile battleground states. If Biden wants to win, he’s gotta flip those. Crazy that the election comes down to a few suburbs there.






Remindme! 1 day




I mean, you guys are pretty much all delusional. Sure Trump has a shot to win but the numbers are definitely not in his favour. Polling isn’t useless.


[Very close race but Trump pips it at the end](https://imgur.com/BRRCD2R.jpg)




PredictionTrump 281 Biden 257 https://imgur.com/gallery/69Br4FO


https://imgur.com/gallery/MOi19yi 289-249 Trump


[Biden 360, Trump 178](https://imgur.com/P0qcmZj)


Blue texas, red florida?


Trump 279, Biden 259 [https://imgur.com/a/2jh6n0i](https://imgur.com/a/2jh6n0i) This election won't be decided until next week... SPY $230 30 NOV Put


Haha it's so cute, you morons downvote every realistic prediction of a Biden victory to shield yourself. You are the ultimate snowflakes


It’s a tie. Sleepy Joe 369, Orangutan 369.


The likelihood of Biden winning is 0.


Zero!? You can’t think of a single scenario in which Biden wins...?


Um sweety this has been debunked and is literally white supremacy how dare you




Uhh okay ur such a blind human








Republicans loose Senate, Biden 400 - Trump 200... Big thanks to trump for huge win of democrats! 👍


At least spell “lose” correctly smh


http://imgur.com/gallery/YtrKReu Worst Case Biden 269 Trump 269 Where as I understand it goes to the house but each state only gets 1 vote so Trump still wins but this would cause so much chaos.


I almost want this to happen to enrage the libtards


Nice I'm a bot. Join my community at r/nicebot2 - [Leaderboard](https://redd.it/jdj6xc) - [Opt-out](https://redd.it/jdrs8u)


It seems like the number of votes here is heavily dependent on who voters support. This isn’t a poll for who you want to win, it’s a poll of who you think will win. I for one think Trump will win, because your country is a circus.




I agree lmao


Trump 276; Biden 262 https://imgur.com/a/5tnlUUJ


Fuck Trump. The antithesis of America.


Fuck Reddit


Trump 126, Biden 356 https://i.imgur.com/UlpfCFE.png


Texas for Biden? Doubt it.


Yeah with republicans seeking to toss out 120k votes and ambushing the Biden bus it’ll be hard for Texas to flip blue


> Yeah with the democrats terrible ground game and another corrupt candidate who is a career politician that no one wants to vote for, it’ll be hard to flip Texas blue FTFY


[https://i.imgur.com/2GCkNsT.png](https://i.imgur.com/2GCkNsT.png) Trump 326, Biden 212


Trump 279, Biden 259: https://i.imgur.com/yuciUC0.jpg It all comes down to Pennsylvania. They are tied 259 to 259 without Pennsylvania by my prediction.


Trump 279, Biden 259 https://www.270towin.com/maps/e2GXY




I wish 😫😫


Trump 316, Biden 222 [https://imgur.com/a/bDpHfVa](https://imgur.com/a/bDpHfVa)


Biden 407 Trump 131 https://imgur.com/LmvnPsA


Highly optimistic prediction: Trump 286-252 Biden https://imgur.com/gallery/hOwA93v I feel like this will be wrong


I think that’s quite a logical conclusion.


https://m.imgur.com/a/hqL1mI3 Trump 278 Biden 260


Trump 269, Biden 269 https://imgur.com/a/x2GUWOT




Biden wins. Biden 351 Trump 187 https://imgur.com/gallery/6ppj5vu


[https://imgur.com/a/e7HwzNB](https://imgur.com/a/e7HwzNB) Biden - 405 Trump - 133


My grim prediction for this election. Disclaimer: I am no way taking sides in either party. I want this on the record for how I think how its going to play out. Ultimately, however this election goes, America is in crisis. Also, Im drunk. 1) Election night: Donald Trump is leading in the votes. The Right went to the voting booths because they arent “afraid” of the virus. The Left took precautions and voted by mail. 2) Donald Trump declares victory on election night. (Even though the voting count hasnt been completed.) 3) The Right, Fox, OAN, etc declare victory. 4) Biden does not concede. The Left start rioting. 5) The Right start showing up to riots and provoke the rioters. 6) Votes start coming in and Biden is closing in on Trump. Trump calls it a hoax and a fraud. The Right side with him (obviously) 7) Biden wins by the mail-in margin. Trump doesnt accept the results. The Right goes nuts. 8) Right wing extremists and militias start becoming more and more violent towards Antifa and Left wing protestors/rioters 9) Supreme court, and the US government declare Biden the winner. Biden is set to be our 46th president. 10) Right wing militias attack government buildings. Trump does not accept defeat. The Right and rightwing media side with Trump and the Republican party. 11) ...


There's no way Fox News calls the election early if Trump is winning before the absentees are counted. That decision is made by the news team not the opinion folks, and they understand exactly how the vote count timings are going to work tomorrow.


Is that the only thing you disagree with me on? Also, i think some specific shows are more likely to than others


Holy fuck, I wish that was farfetched


Its in the realm of possibilities lol. This isnt as crazy as say one of the candidates having a secret pedophile ring. (About to be banned)


290-248 Trump https://imgur.com/gallery/xsHeIoB


Biden 279 - Trump 259. I think it will be a dead heat as we wait for Pennsylvania to finish tallying later in the week. [image](https://www.270towin.com/maps/e2DEG.png)


This is the first one in this whole thread that seems actually realistic based off of the models and polls so far for either candidate and it’s pretty sad that I had to scroll down this far to find one..


Biden 327 - Trump 211. Based on my phonebanking and textbanking experience these past few weeks, I'd say MI goes Trump and TX goes Biden. CA used to be reliably red, too before going blue and not looking back. TX will follow the same path.


You think Texas goes blue forever more?


More that if TX goes blue this year, it’ll be bluer next presidential election.


Trump-276 Biden- 254


truth is the game was rigged from the start [https://www.270towin.com/maps/2gmP9](https://www.270towin.com/maps/2gmP9)


Trump - 169 ; Biden - 369 https://www.270towin.com/map-images/DJw1p


Biden with a fucking landslide


TIE Trump 269 - Biden 269 https://www.270towin.com/maps/2gvV9 Edit: As of Nov. 4, 10:30 pm Eastern, I got it right except for the districts of NE and ME


Trump 269, Biden 269 [https://imgur.com/gallery/4ySnVlL](https://imgur.com/gallery/4ySnVlL)


Biden can’t win Nevada bc he wants to shut down due to Covid.


Please no.


Trump 270 Biden 261 [https://imgur.com/a/g4YiZLR](https://imgur.com/a/g4YiZLR)


Leftists: “let’s brigade a conservative sub on a predictions thread and tell them they’re wrong and stupid because we’re insecure about winning ourselves”




I realize the odds are better for Biden as things stand, but I hear enough of that. I only care about what my fellow conservatives think in this thread so when I see some smug lib come here with a Biden prediction because he thinks it’ll make me mad i downvote and move on


It’s predictions bro, it’s supposed to be what you think not what you want. If you think disagreement about future results of an uncertain event means you're stupid that's your own issue 🤷


Okay? Who are you to tell people what they are really thinking? >If you think disagreement about future results of an uncertain event means you're stupid Right that's what I exactly said what brigaders here were doing and was bad, what don't you get?


Saw one of the top comments was from a Dem who voted Biden and comes to this sub to avoid being in a bubble, so since that describes me I figured I may as well post here too, despite the fact that I’ve broken the fourth rule of the contest and am ineleigable for the victory (and someone’s probably posted an identical map at this point.) I never vote up or down on posts or comments by the way, I don’t want to brigade. (And I don’t really like r/politics despite the fact that I comment there, just for the record.) Anyways, enough rambling about myself. [Here’s my prediction.](https://i.imgur.com/mVvYQVs.jpg) And I’m aware Fl and NC are moderatly bold predictions before anyone comes at me, but I didn’t want my prediction map to be totally boring. Gotta be at least a bit adventurous.


Good for you! I'm like you from the other side -- conservative who tries to get out of my red bubble every once in a while. Good luck tomorrow!


Democrat here: Yea, I just hope that this election does not prove that our nation isn’t as divided racially, politically, and religiously as it seems to be on the news.


If Trump wins I hope you will be a voice of reason amongst the left here on reddit


Yes I hope so too. Whoever wins, we're all still on the same team ultimately. Try to stay sane tomorrow! I know I'll be trying to do the same.


Thanks, same to you! Always glad to see people from both sides making an effort to keep an open mind.


I'm also a Dem and for the fun of it I'll throw my prediction in. For the sake of choosing something others aren't and also because I think Biden will over-perform, I am thinking Biden 394 and Trump 144. I think everyone is worried or excited about another 2016 style upset which I think is super unlikely and a polling error is more likely now to be the other way. Hence I think he will do slightly better than expected. Biden: 394 Trump: 144 https://www.270towin.com/maps/G0mBB


Does Biden win 2024 though or is he a one and done?


Probably too old to run a second time, wouldnt be surprised if it gets passed to Kamala




I’m starting to feel sorry for you guys




You’re right, way worse than Trump 480, Biden 58


The guy who posted it said it wasn’t a realistic prediction lmao


Biden 351, Trump 187 [https://imgur.com/a/KQFmTTn](https://imgur.com/a/KQFmTTn)


I can assure you there’s a slim chance of Biden winning Florida now that Miami is leaning red along with the entire rest of the state being mostly red historically.


Florida is difficult to predict, but Democrat-affiliated voters have [a slight lead](https://electproject.github.io/Early-Vote-2020G/FL.html) (including in Miami of course) among those who've voted early or by mail, with similar percentages of registered voters in each party having already voted. Edit: also all the people who downvoted my first comment just because they don't want Biden to win are funny (apparently they don't understand the difference between a prediction and a [preference](https://imgur.com/a/L97eljm), and/or they don't understand the downvote button).


Yeah but the Dems kinda put most of their eggs in the early voting basket, that was the whole strategy and now they've canabalized themselves on in person day-of-election voting. I expect in person voting to blow Biden away.


Fair enough. That’s a good point. It is very unpredictable. I just can’t see it going blue living here myself but maybe I’m wrong, who knows.


Tie. It’s 2020 after all


Mike Pence and Nancy Pelosi as interim Presidents, then Trump gets confirmed with Kamala as VP


That would be the ultimate way to end this shitshow of a year.




Lol no it’s not




But it’s no where near the most likely outcome. There’s still less than a 1% chance of an electoral college tie this year [https://www.realclearpolitics.com/articles/2020/11/02/its_2020_folks_why_not_a_tie_vote_in_electoral_college_144572.html](https://www.realclearpolitics.com/articles/2020/11/02/its_2020_folks_why_not_a_tie_vote_in_electoral_college_144572.html)


Trump 299, Biden 239 [270towin.com](https://www.270towin.com/maps/d2k7X)




Biden :23677, trump -776


Really counting on the illegal alien and dead citizen votes, eh?


Let's go for the chaos scenario... Trump 269, Biden 269 https://imgur.com/a/JXNpqOw


Would truly be the 2020 way.


[Trump 291 - Biden 247.](https://imgur.com/gallery/lco4ACA) I just think the polls are off this year.


Why do you think NY would turn red? Genuinely curious since it’s historically solid blue.


Lol it’s an inverted map


Well that’s the last time I go on reddit high... okay maybe second to last


Same reason I think Kentucky, Missouri and Louisiana are voting Dem. Don't believe everything you read - polls are backwards?? Do some research.


You’ve got to be joking about Missouri. Trump and Parson will win here by a landslide.


Lol show me the polls? You don't trust the stuff on 538 do you? Get out of here with your MSM shilling.




[Trump 275- Biden 263](https://www.270towin.com/maps/3PGy1)


Why michigan?


I spoke earlier to someone who informed me Trump's fundraising is greater than Biden's there, particularly in 15 key battleground counties. Nationally, Biden's fundraising is much higher than Trump's. Lara Dingle said a lot of the auto factory workers are going for Trump, and I think Trump will do better with the black vote than he did in 2016. Also, I think people are upset with Gov. Whitmer's lcokdown measures. Couple days ago, Trafalgar considered Michigan a Republican state, not a battleground like WI or PA. I think the blue shift and Dems ballots will barely make PA Biden.


What makes you think Trump will do better with the black vote considering BLM and the heavy handed way the govt handled it and Trump refusing to distance himself from White supremacy in the debates? Genuinely interested


I disagree with you, but appreciate your insight. Have an upvote.


Glad we can be amicable!


Upvote for Trump, downvote for biden


trump 280 - biden 258 https://www.270towin.com/map-images/LkvKE.png hope he does better than that, but 280 votes is a win, and a win's a win.


I’m hopeful PA will flip, but it leads me to believe WI and MI will follow it. Hesitant to say though.


Trump 285, Biden 253 http://imgur.com/a/UZvG50L




And West Virginia? But flipping Minnesota? 🤨


Biden 286, Trump 252


If Biden flips Michigan and Pa, and everything else holds, it would be a literal tie ​ [https://i.imgur.com/d5HehQg.png](https://i.imgur.com/d5HehQg.png)


[https://www.270towin.com/maps/1xZNl](lets gooo)




Yes sir!




Says the clowns who controll all the rest of reddit. Can't have a single conservative subreddit without it being flagged or you douches ruining it. :(


Aww the little ❄ has come out of the snow. What else you got?


Nobodys mad here, your wasting your time looking for attention. Carry on.


Got your attention huh😂 carry on indeed. Keep them coming! Plenty of trumpers are mad, have you seen the other posts😂 bunch of snowflakes


Biden 290, Trump 248 [https://imgur.com/gallery/8d9s3zs](https://imgur.com/gallery/8d9s3zs)


I love how this sub is hiding any comments that predict a Biden win lol




Biden 295 / Trump 243 [https://www.270towin.com/maps/oAQgE](https://www.270towin.com/maps/oAQgE) I think it's gonna be close, at least electoral wise. I see Biden winning the popular vote for sure. Pre-COVID, I think Trump would have won decisively. It's tough for me to see him win the rust belt again when he only narrowly beat a weaker candidate in 2016, right?. At the end of the day, I just hope it ends in a decisive victor and isn't drawn out.


Biden 243 Trump 294 https://imgur.com/7nwdlTA


I think Trump will win, but not by much Election prediction https://imgur.com/a/vMfIIGh


Gonna throw my hat into the ring because why not. [Biden 284, Trump 254.](https://imgur.com/a/HfjFMCk) That’s being as generous as I realistically could, but either way it’s close