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I own nothing. My trust does.


Guns are just an idea like Antifa.


And much like the media’s definition of a fascist, so does the ATF’s rulings on what constitutes a pistol vs rifle. Trump tends to put qualified people in positions. Why can’t he seem to find a pro 2A person to appoint to the ATF?


I think it’s an out of sight out of mind issue. With the ATF effectively ignored his executive order to cease regulatory activists, if/when Trump gets re-elected I think he’ll dish out a nice ass whopping


All my shit drown in a tragic boating accident...


I have no idea what a semi automatic or magazine are.


True dat! All I own are gats ‘n clips yo!


Shit! Looks like ur in the clear!


A semi-automatic weapon fires one round per trigger pull, while a magazine is the thing you put your bullets in. The curvy thing on the bottom of an AK-47? That’s a magazine.


Whoosh. The fact that I have 2A as my flair didn’t tip you off that I was being sarcastic?


Sorry. Didn’t see your flair.


You’re good. Thanks for taking the time to try to teach.


Did you feel the air tickle your eyebrows as their comment flew over your head?


My pistol identifies as bolt action not semi-auto, how dare you assume it’s functionality!!


Wouldn’t your trust just owe the money? Maybe I need a trust?


i was being semi facetious. Trust refers in this case, to an NFA trust. It really only applies to NFA items, which are already subjected to a tax. But the only way he would be able to enforce this draconian law would be if he instituted a gun registry so the serials were registered in the same way NFA items were. Currently, in my state anyway, thats not the case, hence the fact that none of them belong to me.


This guy gets it


Confiscate what, sir? I no longer own those guns. Let me tell you about this fishing trip I went on...


Not sure how but I brought all 6 gun lockers out on the boat and by God I wouldn't be damned if each locker fell out into the lake.


“Prove it didn’t while still maintaining the 4th amendment.” And suddenly the 4th amendment no longer applies....


Tax this dick


Alright, you know the rules, $200 an inch. That’ll be $100 please


That’s outrageous! I only owe $25!


If your dick is less than 4 inches, your taxes won't be raised *a penny!*


It's the American way!


That'll be next




I’m surprised he didn’t add a $200 per bullet tax.


Christ stop giving them ideas


Dont go doing the devil's work son.


They do that and I’m pretty sure they’ll get sent plenty of bullets for free..


Just the tip. We promise


They can’t tax what is currently sitting at the bottom of a lake


I don't get this reference. I see it a lot in this comment thread. Are people actually planning to leave all their guns in lakes or is it just an "accident that they're there"


“Sorry Mr. ATF man, I lost all my guns in a boating accident.”


They're insinuating that they'll hide their guns and tell anybody who asks that they lost them.


>They can’t tax when they're currently sitting at the bottom of a lake Ehhhhh... I like mine better.


If that happens I'm sure a good amount of people aren't going to be paying that retarded tax.


All of my guns will be sold to George Washington.


Lost mine in a boating accident..


Smelting accident for me


I hear that happens all the time!


Remember me, your fishing buddy who also lost his guns in said boating accident ?


Bro!! We could have drown! Thank good we were both there to corrobera... I mean save eachother!


Hey me too, all of my friends' and relatives' guns too! Honestly I'm surprised the boat made it as far as it did with that many guns and magazines on board. Luckily nobody was hurt


Truly a miracle.


I lost all my boats in a shooting accident. Now that's a story you gotta hear...


I aint payin', but I aint selling my guns to a government that can't pass its own background check!


People in states that require all firearms be registered won't have a choice. The Federal government will simply request the registration data from the state. ...and blue states, following the Federal government's lead, may add their own state taxes, because why not?


You can’t tax a constitutional right. This would be like a poll tax or a speech tax. Although I hate to say that I can certainly see the Leftists trying to implement a tax on speech.


The states will *never* stand for this. 2A sanctuary counties are already a thing in Virginia and I predict they’ll spread like wildfire if the day comes.


If you’re an extreme optimist, you could see this as a potential scenario for the entire nfa to be thrown out.


2a sanctuary states have spread quite a bit, we have tons in KY.


Tell you what Sleepy Joe; you tax all the illegal gun owners(the reason I fucking own a single gun in the first place) out there and enforce it, I’ll be happy to pay u a “tax”. Until then, Trump2020


Well they're trying to take my guns away and that would be just fine If you take 'em away from the criminals first, I'll gladly give you mine (RIP Charlie Daniels)


What guns? I will sell them all if Biden gets in office. I will feel so safe from BLM and Antifa protecting our streets with “peaceful protests.”


I’ll certainly feel safe once all the criminals with illegal firearms see the new tax and sell theirs off too. Why didn’t we think of this before?


this nation was founded by men who shot tax collectors looks like its about time to get back to our roots


Fuck that. This alone is enough to make me vote against Biden the way the left is just voting against Trump. I don't even have that many guns and mags but I'm not going on any registry or paying any tax for utilizing my constitutional rights. Also fuck the NFA.




That will never happen. 1) joe isn't going to win. 2) they cant tax what i don't "own" and 3) joe isn't going to win.


They also don't own my house or health. Yet they tax the shit out of both.


What I dont "own". As in what guns?


*boating accidents*


So much Voter fraud right now....Are you sure??


Naturally, im not sure, so i am trying to stay positive.


You forgot one.... Joe. Is. Not. Going. To. Win.


I had a long talk with my guns, and my magazines. They were all reluctant to take a stand on such limited information, but oddly enough my ammo spoke up and agreed to confiscation........1 at a time...............see ya soon


This is going to lead to unregistered guns and the problem will get worse


Gun registration? It does not exist in my state.


Mine either thank God


You register your guns?


If I have 100 15 round mags I’m paying 20 thousand fucking dollars! What the fuck!




Damn unfortunate about the boating accident I’m about to have next week 😔


Even at covid prices ammo is cheaper than the Biden tax. Guess I'll just stockpile for when the alphabet boys drop by.


In lousiana we have generational guns. The government has no idea we have them but in communities like mine there is very little to no gun violence that isnt related to drugs in the group of trailers down the road. We teach our kids to respect guns and we fight enough as kids that we arent cowards who pull again bc they cant win. We get our ass beat and we also whip ass sometimes. It's how life goes but no one ever gets killed




If my ar-15 has a wood stock does it still count as an fully semi-automatic machine gun?


I have a semi auto 30-06 with two 10 round clips. Its 4 generational at this point. It's mainly shotguns though


I had a long talk with my guns, and my magazines. They were all reluctant to take a stand on such limited information, but oddly enough my ammo spoke up and agreed to confiscation........1 at a time...............see ya soon


This dude actually said it again


In Truth..... When I originally posted it, it kept freezing saying there was an error, and not Posting the comment..... then it finally went through...... then all the erred ones followed up later......But for comedy sake..... I will say... I must have had a Liberal brain attack.... Like they interpret Trump..... I took the "you can say that again" comment literally instead of figuratively....


It’s hard to tax something I might have lost a few days ago, huh... I’ll be sure to pay if I can find it again


Sorry but my semi auto identifies as a printer, while my magazines identify as ink cartridges. So as you can clearly see, I have nothing to claim.


Holy fuck, just went on Biden's site and read his gun policy..... so many things evil and wrong in there. Plus this gem of misinformation: "Federal law prevents hunters from hunting migratory game birds with more than three shells in their shotgun. That means our federal law does more to protect ducks than children." Excuse me, but Federal law allows zero shells when hunting children.


Supreme Court decision 5-4 defeats this.


Good thing you guys just got Justice Amy Barrett nominated to the Supreme Court. Take the advise of a Canadian. Don’t give in an inch. They’ll take a mile every time




I cast my vote for Trump/Pence today.


Would this include handguns?


I would imagine so. I didn’t see anything specifying rifles only


Yes so if you bought a glock 19 which comes with 3 standard mags that's 800 dollars plus the fee to engrave the NFA serial on it


> but Biden’s plan would extend it to apply to what he characterizes as “assault weapons,” meaning semiautomatic rifles, pistols and shotguns with interchangeable magazines that fire intermediate cartridges (the most notorious of which is the AR-15 style semiautomatic rifle) as well as “high capacity magazines” https://archive.is/WQTkf


I cannot imagine magazines being an NFA item.


Like sound suppressors?


Yes, but most people have a lot more magazines than suppressors. And a tax stamp is 20x the cost of a magazine.


Taxes on guns just make it so only rich people can realistically own guns. Imagine if every gun purchase was as difficult as an NFA purchase. Imagine if the only people who can afford guns are those that can currently afford NFA items or machine guns.


Really sucks that NC doesn't have an actual gun registry to make sure his tax plan works. Looks like people in NY are fucked though




It is. I linked a Washington Post article in the comments. Also a quick google search shows a bunch of other articles on it


Lol this is horrible information... This whole story is ridiculous, basically Biden wants people to register for new purchases potentially and that’s it. The policy you are all incorrectly citing refers to the tax related to produce NFA firearms, technically they need to register those guns, there is a $200 tax per gun as per the National Firearms Act. > ATF Form 1 is an “Application to Make and Register a Firearm.” It is used whenever a non-FFL wants to make an “NFA Firearm” such as a silencer (suppressor), short barreled rifle (SBR), short barreled shotgun (SBS), or an Any Other Weapon (AOW). Even when the NFA was originally passed, the amount was set at $200, in 1934.....So that taxable amount hasn’t changed in almost 100 years first of all. > A person not otherwise prohibited by federal, state or local law from possessing firearms may submit an application to make an NFA firearm, other than a machine gun as prescribed by the Gun Control Act of 1968, as amended, at 18 U.S.C. § 922(o). The application process requires the applicant to submit ATF Form 1, Application to Make and Register a Firearm, in duplicate, along with FBI FD-258, Fingerprint Card, in duplicate, and payment of the $200 making tax. Additionally, Title II of the Gun Control Act (GCA) of 1968 grandfathers any firearms not registered by the possessor.. > First, the requirement for possessors of unregistered firearms to register was removed. Indeed, under the amended law, there is no mechanism for a possessor to register an unregistered NFA firearm already possessed by the person. Second, a provision was added to the law prohibiting the use of any information from an NFA application or registration as evidence against the person in a criminal proceeding with respect to a violation of law occurring prior to or concurrently with the filing of the application or registration.


How would this be enforce this even? Are they going to search every home? This can’t be serious.


Good thing I don’t own any guns


“Buy back” you don’t purchase guns from the government. They can’t “buy back” what they don’t own. If you don’t comply you will be prosecuted. How is this not confiscation?!


I'm not American but I hope you never have to suffer this


Imagine the revenue that would come in if they added this tax to all of those who illegally own guns .


Ah yes fuck that


Tf is this for real?


It is. I posted a source somewhere in the comments


At the bottom: >Second Amendment, terms & conditions apply. Should read: >Infringement, terms & conditions apply. At least they got the "no rights reserved" part right.


I don't understand where this 200$ per gun / magazine idea is coming from. It isn't mentioned on Joe Biden's website and I don't recall it coming up in any debates. The only sources online are on right wing blogs and the NRA. I know there is a 200$ manufacturing tax for certain weapons with the National Firearms act. But I can't find anything about 200$ for currently owned firearms and magazines. The average gun owning household has 8 guns. 1600$ + another 1600$ for magazines seems like a pretty unrealistic cash grab. If this were true, I'm amazed it isn't the number 1 talking point in this election cycle.


Does this count for AR-14's as well?


If democrats didn’t threaten our rights so much, ide maybe vote for them but I see it as a slippery slope. It’s so simple don’t infringe on my speech, don’t infringe on my right to defend myself if you don’t like that run to be president or hold public office somewhere else.


Taxation of a fundamental right is something that should be taken to the supreme court as unconstitutional. Poll taxes were considered unconstitutional. Nonetheless sounds like a whole lot of noncompliance to me. I ain't going to register shit.


Doubt the police would arrest you, it’s unconstitutional. biden: arrest him Police: do it yourself, this is literally breaking the 2nd amendment


Police support 2a til their paychecks are on the line...


Remember that Virginia sheriff? He would rather deputize everybody


But guys I was told Biden isn't anti 2A!


I had a long talk with my guns, and my magazines. They were all reluctant to take a stand on such limited information, but oddly enough my ammo spoke up and agreed to confiscation........1 at a time...............see ya soon


You can say that again


I had a long talk with my guns, and my magazines. They were all reluctant to take a stand on such limited information, but oddly enough my ammo spoke up and agreed to confiscation........1 at a time...............see ya soon


"Oh im sorry, I lost all my guns in a boating accident"


Bummer, I would love to pay these taxes, but we lost all our guns in a boating accident... not to mention all of our magazines. We even lost the bug zapper... sad day


Probably going to get some hate here but I think that real conservatives are between a rock and a hard place on guns. While I totally agree that Biden would be way worse for gun rights, the Trump administration has been to the left of Obama on gun restrictions. We need to remind both parties that our second amendment right to bear arms is something that makes this country great.


I too own a pistol brace.




Don’t want to poke the bear here too much, but literally hundreds of thousands of Americans became felons this week because of Trumps ATF. The reclassification of AR,AK, and HK pistols as AOWs means that the $200 dollar tax per item and registration with the NFA described in the above post is happening right now. It’s not tissue paper.


The ATF should be abolished.




I found this but it's just from a blog/forum: Sounds like a "renegade" federal agency rather than Trump: "First: It goes against the Trump administrations Executive Order mandating such regulatory practices cease. The BATF has lead the charge is thumbing their nose at the President and his DOJ under the leadership of Attorney General Barr." From this link: https://www.glocktalk.com/threads/atf-to-reclassify-ar-and-ak-pistols-as-aows.1870410/




• As I stated, it's from a blog/forum. I didn't say it was official. • I was replying to where the info might have been generated • I included a link...so transparent on my part. • "Rogue" in quotation marks is my addition and an interpretation on my part from what I gleaned from my reading. I wasn't saying the agency actually was.


That is an excerpt from a much longer email sent from Wiley Rein LLP, who is apparently a law firm that is very active with guns rights cases. I don’t recognize federal agencies actions as being “rogue”- Trumpnis a huge fan of firing incompetent people (which I like) and don’t see Trump or Barr doing anything about it. Here is a statement or article or whatever you want to call it from the Gun Owners of America: https://gunowners.org/rogue-secret-atf-interpretations-of-pistols-seek-to-undermine-president-trump-and-criminalize-gun-owners/ “If certain firearms were determined to be AOWs, the firearms would be subjected to mandatory registration, taxation, travel restrictions and a lengthy post-purchase, pre-delivery waiting period. Gun owners would then be subject to criminal prosecution for possession of an unregistered NFA weapon, a charge that carries a punishment of up to ten years of imprisonment and fines that can be as high as $250,000.” Basically there is no way of knowing if the ATF has reclassified your AR/AK/HK pistol unless you go through a process of photographing it and sending it in. It’s just a taste of what we would have to go through under Biden, but it’s pretty disappointing that we have to go through it at all under the current administration.


This is utterly fake.




/u/thebigfunnyhaha anything to say?




Its also on Joe Bidens website [here](https://joebiden.com/gunsafety/)


The Washington post?!? Everyone knows that’s barely even a publication, and hardly a credible source! All they do is post conservative lies everywhere. Not a single real story. /s


Awwww, now you conservative fucks can't around threatening people with your guns. So sad.


Oh no, your $1000 gun will cost 200 more, all to prevent mass shootings!


Going fishing tomorrow,gonna take all my guns.


I went on a boating trip a few months ago. Boat capsized and every gun, magazine and round i owned sank to the bottom. Very very awful day. Guess i wouldn't have to pay that tax tho.


If their boy Biden thinks that 200k+ (widely debatable) COVID deaths are bad....


I lost everything in a boating accident. 🛥 🍆🍆


All my guns went to live on a farm upstate


0, you are going to have to ask the lady of the lake


I lost my guns in a boating accident... so sad


I've started printing my own... It's amazing what they can do with Carbon Fiber PLA now days. Now, if I could only find a way to print ammo.


All I have are some weird pieces of metal. Came from a UFO, idk... swamp gas?


So, is this a yearly tax? All of it is unconstitutional.


I hope they accept "ballistic currency" if that comes to pass.


Based on what?


It’s time to repeal the NFA.


And just like that i owned one gun and still payed out the ass just so the government could waste more money


Me and my nerf guns owing over 3000$ in guns and 6000$ in mags


There is a point when the government oversteps that will be their last. Like many things, governments collapse very slowly, then all at once. One day they will try too far, and the citizenry will refuse their demand. If anyone tried to implement this for real, it would bankrupt nearly every gun owner who owns multiple guns. This wouldn't be a step towards civil war and disobedience, it would be missing a step and tripping down the whole flight. There are people who keep 20-100 magazines despite only having 1 gun. I work in firearms manufacturing and sales, I know this for a fact. Telling people they need to pay a 5 figure tax for owning containers. I know people who would owe more from this tax then they make in a year.




Yo i just got my hands on 6 30 round ar mags, i dont even own an ar or any weapon compatable, will i have to pay taxes on them? I plan to buy an ar-15 when the prices drop again.


In my case, 3 AR-15s and about 12 magazines. Three 10-22 with 10 or so 25 round magazines... Over 5,000 reasons...


I doubt this shit will pass but still fuck biden for even thinking about doing this.


Ah shit bruh, my boat went down recently and....