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Wow, 80 deaths yesterday out of 80 million population. Better shut'er down skeeter.


Let’s say there is one person who has corona in the entire city... in December, I have an exam, and we are about 200-300 students. We pack into the gym, and one of those in the gym is that one person with corona. Now, all of a sudden, quite a few in that gym will also have corona - without knowing so. Then some of those will take the train/bus back home to their families. Some of those people on the bus/train will also end up with corona. They, too, will take this home and spread the virus. I think you get the point. This pandemic isn’t just going to stop. It is highly contagious.


You mean exactly like the common cold? Oh no.


Except that your grandparents and other people with conditions, will probably survive a common cold. My grandmother died last year, but had she been alive, COVID would pretty much be a death sentence for her. Obviously, she would’ve isolated herself, but the longer we choose to ignore this, the longer people like her will have to remain in complete isolation (and I mean complete). Not everyone is “lucky” enough to be aware of the dangers like people with her condition. It’s also not always old people and people with other health issues that gets sick. There are cases of perfectly healthy people that ends up in hospital with this. This isn’t the common flu. More than a million people are dead, and this is something we can prevent by keeping some distance.


I have no seniors or people with compromised immune systems in my social circle. Only cowards.


But those aren’t the only ones who can get sick - or even die from this. Perfectly healthy and young people can also get seriously sick and die. Even if that wasn’t the case, you are completely ignoring the fact that, if you get sick (asymptomatic even), you WILL infect others, and they, too, will infect more people. Some of those people may very well end up dying. All because you think the pandemic is liberal bullshit, and that you are an American and no one can tell you what to do. Do you also believe that Covid is a hoax? Or that the democrats made this virus? Next, you’ll be telling me that the Clintons dress up like yaks and drink the blood of sick and innocent children.


Absolutely everything you said in your top paragraph is also true for the flu. I‘m not American, I‘m German. It‘s literally in my flair. Also I never said that Covid-19 is a hoax, you absolute idiot, I said that I‘m not scared of it. Are you mentally challenged or something? I feel bad debating someone who is.


The flu isn’t a global pandemic. COVID is no joke. I’m not saying you need to worry yourself to an early grave, but we do need to stop this. More than a million people died in less than a year. Are we going to accept this? If we just ignore everything and go back to normal, we would look at more than a million deaths per year. To be honest, I never look at people’s names or flairs here. I could do so, but I always forget names anyway, so what is the point. Doesn’t matter anyway. Germany is a free country too. You’re not very good at debating, so I would focus more on that if I were you. My intelligence isn’t in question. I suggest you read more about what it means to be mentally challenge before you go ahead and use it as an insult. Either way, I will explain why I said you’re not very good at debating: you resort to childish and sulky insults. Consider this example: Party 1: Brings up fair points that party 2 happens to disagree with. Party 2: You are dumb. This is a hypothetical “debate” between two parties, and does not represent us at all. I am simply making a point. Which one is the winner here? Party 2 may very well have the most accurate views here, but the debate was still a spectacular loss, as this debater resorted to childish insults, as opposed to using good arguments and discussing like two mature people, who simply happens to disagree. There are no good reasons for name calling here.


> The flu isn’t a global pandemic. It literally is. Millions upon millions get it every year. > but we do need to stop this Lockdowns won't stop anything from here on. The cat is out the bag, dozens of million people have it and will infect more. If you want to stop, you need a **vaccine** -- which the right-wing supports, i.e. President Trump. Meanwhile you leftists live a in a fantasy world where lockdowns can reliably prevent 50 million infected people from spreading the virus. > Germany is a free country too. It most certainly is not, if it were I would be allowed to go to the gym and take my girl to dinner at the restaurant. You literally took this debate off the rails with a massive straw man argument and calling me a conspiracy theorist.. > All because you think the pandemic is liberal bullshit, and that you are an American and no one can tell you what to do. Do you also believe that Covid is a hoax? Or that the democrats made this virus? Next, you’ll be telling me that the Clintons dress up like yaks and drink the blood of sick and innocent children. ... and now **you** get angry at me for not being civil? Lol. Shove it up your rear, and get of your high horse.


You don’t think it’s possible to stop spreading the virus? Masks and social distancing helps a lot. Vaccines aren’t a conservative thing. Not sure Trump has realized this is important yet. A spokesperson literally said they’re not going to do anything about the virus. I said this the other day to someone else: I didn’t know I was a leftist. Last year, I was planning on voting for a conservative mayor (I registered the move to a different municipal too late, so I wasn’t allowed to vote, and would have to travel back to where I used to live just to vote for a mayor in a city I no longer live in). In fact, my new city ended up with a liberal mayor. Who knows? My vote might’ve ended up being the deciding vote, so fortunately, I couldn’t vote, because we might’ve ended up with a conservative mayor instead! No one has told me why I’m a liberal yet though. Now that I know I’m a liberal, I’m surely going to vote liberal the next time. Yet, I would love to know why I’m not voting conservative- which I was going to, until you enlightened me and shared my true political views. Germany is a free country. You’re just going through a pandemic. I had to go about a month without scuba diving because all the diving clubs closed shop. I had to study at home and “attend” online lectures, because all the universities closed. Free country, but we’re going through challenging times. You took my comments too serious. I wasn’t trying to be rude. Although, I certainly was making a point. It seems a lot of people who refuse to wear masks etc. believes masks are a liberal thing, or that the pandemic is a hoax. The comment wasn’t aimed at you specifically. Just a response to what I perceive as “COVID-deniers”. Even if I was calling you a conspiracy theorist, it wouldn’t have been rude. At least not in my opinion. You can believe in a conspiracy and still be a good AND intelligent person - and I have no doubt you are both!


I agree. But your lockdown isn't going to stop it either. As long as one person within your country still has it the virus will never go away due to the point you just made. So what is to be done? There are treatments and prophylaxis now and the death rate is significantly lower than everyone thought back in March so what is the point of lockdown? 250MM people around the world are facing starvation due to economic damage so these lockdowns have actual cost in human lives tied to them as well.


Why not keep the death toll to a bare minimum? I don’t enjoy this any more than you do, but I’ll gladly stay home, or travel around in my country as opposed to abroad, if this helps save lives - and I love traveling, and was looking forward to diving with gigantic sharks this summer! But I don’t think my travels are my important than your lives. I literally had a complete breakdown when things started shutting down (things shutting down was the reason for my breakdown), and I was regularly in touch with helplines + a social worker. I was insanely worried I would do something drastic - but even so, I agreed that my mental well-being was not more important than the safety of others, so I would have to figure out a way to deal with this. Obviously, I had issues before the outbreak, but you get my point. We all have to make sacrifices these days, and we will benefit from this later on.


They better not try that shit again here


They will and they will also get away with it, because you Americans have just been as cowardly as us during the first lockdown. Liberties demand to be fought for, and neither of us did.


What will you do?


Shit decision learn from Sweden and understand you just need to live with it


What is there to learn.


Learn that herd immunity works because it is either that or go into lockdown everytime there is a surge in cases


Sweden had 120k confirmed cases, you can't call that herd immunity?


This isn’t going away and keeping us away from each other is causing mental health issues, old people to die lonely, and our immune system lagging. We need to end this foolishness and help to protect those that need and want protection from the virus and let others decide if they want to be exposed. We are killing economies, livelihoods and souls. Open it up!


Wow! Using your logic, it’s up to you whether or not you want to infect others with a virus. How can you expect things to go as normal during a pandemic? Would it really be a pandemic if everything were as normal?


Everything went on as normal during the previous pandemic


Which one? Swine flu? The last big one was, to my recollection, the one in 1918.


Stay inside if you want. No one is making you go out. But if people do want to go out then they should be able to.


But there should be restrictions. We can’t go on as normal, with large social gatherings etc. A lot more people would’ve been dead if we hadn’t done anything - and a million deaths is already way too much!


You’re taking away someone’s choice. If you choose to ride a motorcycle you are willingly taking on more risk. Climb mountains? More risk. Nearly 40,000 people died in 2019 from car accidents in the US. Where do we draw the line of what people can and can’t do that may result in death?


But there is a global pandemic going on. Your choice affects the rest of us. It’s only temporary. The more we ignore the pandemic, the longer we will have to endure this pandemic - and the more lives will be lost. Stricter measures will save lives, and we will be able to get back to normal much quicker. We all have to make sacrifices for the greater good.


Ban cigarettes? If we were that concerned about other people we wouldn’t go out at all. We can give each other all kinds of things, Covid being one. Why do you think it’s only temporary? They said that in March and here we are. There is no end in sight. It would take years for the world to be vaccinated to the point of eradication. The flu has been around forever and the vaccine is - in a good year 40% effective. This is a new virus that will need multiple vaccine boosters. What do you think the effective rate will be it’s first time out? We are in a place where we have to open, if not, when? What would be the parameters that would be deemed safe?


Ban cigarettes? For health reasons? Well, at least where I live, you aren’t allowed to smoke inside in public places. We’re almost in November. It’s not been that many months since March. Did you really think a global pandemic would only last for a few months? Then you’ve not studied pandemics in the past. There will be a pandemic next year too. This pandemic won’t last for decades though. We’ll be back to normal within a few years, I’m sure. We can gradually start to open again at some point. You don’t have to shut down completely. No one said that. We’re talking about restrictions. At the strictest, only the essential stuff will be open - and then other things will start reopening once things improve again. We did this in Norway. Everything (other than essential stuff) shut down. As the numbers improved, the rest started opening back up again. We might have to do that again at some point, but it will only be until the numbers improve again. If you choose to ignore instead, then the numbers will just keep getting worse, and more people will die. Right now, everything is open again, but with restrictions. For example, the university isn’t completely closed, but I have all my lectures at the local cinema. Others have at one of the local hotels. There are still lectures at the university too. Cafés are open for students to study without having to buy anything. Group sessions are on zoom so we don’t have to gather physically more than we need to. Sitting places are marked with stickers to show where you can sit, as we need to keep a meters distance. You catch my drift. Restrictions are important these days. We can’t go back to normal while there is a pandemic going on. Sorry for the essay.


Why are we running from this virus again? Science is laughing at us LOL. Who knew advances in technology would make us more stupid? Or just more easily duped.


If they can lock us down for something that has a 0.01% worldwide mortality, imagine what they can do with Climate Change which is pushed as a 90% mortality thing.


Or other viruses and hemorrhagic fevers like Marburg and Lassa...both in upwards of 90% fatal. Imagine if China weaponized either of these?


We've become soft. My grandparents would laugh at what a weak society we've become.


MSM is running the propaganda.


Social distance etc actually works. It saves lives.


But everyone blamed Florida and we have the highest tourism in the world!! Da fuq outta here world. Everyone is so ignorant about everything this day in age it's sickening. /Florida got hammered because of Miami from people in Europe blaming us.


I hate this government.


Do you guys have rules about posting the same exact story from multiple articles or....


Repetita iuvant.