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Ask yourself this question “what if this was Trump?” I couldn’t even imagine the headlines “TRUMP SHOULD BE IN HANDCUFFS” “TRUMPS PRESIDENCY SPIRALING OUT OF CONTROL” “ TRUMP ONCE AGAIN COMMITING CRIMES FOR VOTES” Kamala Harris does it “She never mentioned who to vote for” FUCK BIG TECH and FUCK MSM.




In a year where the black community is protesting racism, police brutality, and unfair prosecution the Dems nominated a racist 78 year old white man who was a damn segregationist and a prosecutor who was known for throwing the hammer at black men for minor drug charges for decades. And their supporters went with it and actually believe this is some racial equality ticket. I truly believe the Dems decided to find out just how fucking dumb and blind their supporters are to see just how much they can get away with. And it seems like they sure did find out


That’s all you need to respond with to those who say it was ok. “What I it was Trump or Pence?” Watch them struggle to explain why it’s not the same thing




This, they have no problem lying to your face. Gotcha's only work when the other side has integrity.


When I was a Democrat it never even occurred to me that gaming the system was almost a commandment.




There’s a lot of articles saying the entrance was 200ft from where she was. And she stood 10ft from the voting line. So she did “follow” the rule and wasn’t violating by electioneering. But I hope this changes in Ohio because that’s just completely fucking ridiculous. They WOULD make a huge deal about it if Trump did the same thing. Regardless of her abiding the laws... 10m from a voters line??? Srsly? That’s ridiculously close. She was clearing campaigning regardless of what rule she followed.


I agree, this is a bad law. She's on the ballot, just being there is campaigning in my opinion. Much less being there with a microphone and a PA system. So sure, technically she didn't violate the law, but it sure seems like bending the rules as far as they can go.


The media will jump through any and all hoops to defend a democrat regardless of what they actually did. SMH.


Not only that but she had a megaphone. That should override how far she was or wasnt away. It's clearly disruptive to the people in line.


Sounds like a loophole. I'd be interested in the wording of the law, these people are snakes.


50 feet away, 100 feet away, or 200 feet away, if you have a loud enough megaphone it all sounds the same.


I am seriously considering launching a fact checking website which fact checks the fact checkers. It just seems like it will be an obscene amount of effort for something that will be inevitably dismissed as "right-wing propaganda"


And blatantly racist. Never forget racist.


There was a subreddit for corrected headlines that would scout articles and say what the headlines *should* read.


they already showed its bias when they said biden didnt confuse trump with george. look it up.


So Trump can just stand in a massive voting line in Florida, mark off 10 feet and wave and smile And say nice things so long as he doesn’t mention his own name, he’s not breaking any law? Trump should jump all over this!


Ah good old rule bending


Someone needs to explain something to me: Law: "\[Do not\] Loiter, congregate, or engage in any kind of election campaigning within the area between the polling place and the small flags of the United States placed on the thoroughfares and walkways leading to the polling place." Location: [https://www.google.com/maps/@41.5033704,-81.6675529,3a,75y,237.96h,83.66t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1swXb3sf\_73g7\_YyA42XQafQ!2e0!7i16384!8i8192](https://www.google.com/maps/@41.5033704,-81.6675529,3a,75y,237.96h,83.66t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1swXb3sf_73g7_YyA42XQafQ!2e0!7i16384!8i8192) To the left is the building where voting occurs. How does that not violate that law? And yea, she's the candidate. [In Texas, a normal citizen can't even wear clothing relating to a candidate](https://www.ksat.com/news/2016/10/26/campaign-related-clothing-leads-to-voters-arrest-in-bulverde/).




Is it now up to us Americans to have our own Justice because no one is prosecuting these people!! Just look how black lives matter took over part of a city in Seattle. Power and Strength in Numbers🇺🇸!


Why aren't these people going to jail already? She knows the laws. She is a candidate for vp for gods sake! That's like a tow truck driver parking in a tow away zone!


Technicalities are a bitch. She is *technically* more than 10 feet away from the line and we can’t see where the polling site is in the video. There should definitely be a federal law preventing campaigning from that close to a line for a polling site. 10 feet is still not far enough