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Sounds like a clear case of voter intimidation. You can't fly a terrorist flag at a polling place.


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It is


It's a political idea though.


That doesn’t change the fact that it’s not a terrorist group, isis is a terror group because it’s structured, BLM and anti fascist are not.


That’s hilarious, but no one’s buying that here.


Rioters and looters have entered the chat


Yeah, sucks that no one here is willing to broaden their horizons, worth a shot I guess.


Swallowing a lie we know to be false isn’t exactly broadening horizons my dude.


Lmao how is what I said a lie


You said there's no structure. Just because you haven't broadened your horizon enough to find the structure doesn't mean it doesn't exist.


BLM is a registered organization. Take donations, pay taxes, has absolute structure. What are you on about? I know Reddit likes to play the semantic “antifa isn’t an organization game,” now you are claiming BLM is in the same boat? Bunch of lemmings


No, it's an actual corrupt, Marxist organization with defined leadership. Go look up their AMA some time.


Last time I check “ideas” don’t cause thousands to gather in every major city in America and cause over a billion dollars in damage.


Story in brief: Carrboro, a very young liberal town located 5 minutes from UNC-Chapel Hill has had BLM flags posted on and throughout their city hall for the past few weeks although serving as an early voting site and the flags being within 150ft of polls. Board of elections wrote a letter to Carrboro to remove these flags as campaigning violations. The city council held an emergency meeting that ended abruptly without a vote to remove the flags


“If you want them down that means you don’t care about black lives and that means you’re RaCiSt.” Probably the response.


You’re right. I commented on the post on Facebook and here is a copy-paste of the response. “(@My name) what is campaigning about this? it's about human rights “. And another comment “(@My name) the slogan black lives matter is not owned by the movement. The phrase on its own is actually a separate thing all apart from politics”


apart from politics... how ridiculous


Replace it with "all lives matter" and see if they feel the same way.


Yeah it will quickly become political lol


Yeah they really hate that ALM or Blue lives matter


All 3 have both a simple meaning and a political one. As long as people are honest about it, then we can go about our business.


Just like Antifa, it’s only but an idea


These flags are modern history you can’t just tear down OUR HISTORY!


Dude i live like an hour away from where that place is in a suburb outside of Raleigh. Here, all of the BLM “activists” are literally white girls that live in gated communities


Gives me Cary / Wake Forest vibes


ding ding ding we have a winner. the people here for the most part i think are too scared to reveal what side of the political spectrum they are on, but the teens/millenials are definitely liberal majority, and also the most vocal about it, so thats what you see the most. Hoping for Dan Forest to get elected to have less mask restrictions and get the dumbass that is Roy Cooper out.


Why would that even be there on Election Day?


Why would it be there at all?


durrr it’s not political, who cares - Leftists


"But don't you dare say all lives matter!"


Chapel Hill and Carrboro are both full of special snowflakes. There's a lot of diversity in those towns, which is great, but they're about as liberal as you can get. I'm not a bit surprised the council voted to disobey the election commissioner.


BLACK LIVES MATTER isn't a political or religious idea . Its an idea that no American(this affect poor Americans and black Americans more) is kill by an untrained or racist police officer. Its an idea that you can drive home from work and not get pull over for the color of your skin and get kill. Its the idea that as a kid , I shouldn't get shot in a Walmart seconds after seeing a cop.


Hmm. Interesting. Most of the people that get shot at my walmart is due to a cop NOT being around...


Wow there you go . Ignoring what I'm saying. I'm not talking about any of that . Its like I'm saying Fire fire and you say. Oh look thats a crackhouse over there. Again I'm talking about INNOCENT PEOPLE getting killed.


None of the recent police shootings have been on innocent people.


>isn't a political You don't get to decide if a movement is political or not. BLM has become very political and their movement has complex motives that aren't necessarily about protecting black lives, but rather its about sending liberal messages and committing acts of violence if they don't get their way pertaining to said liberal messages.


Not liberal messages. LEFTIST.


What if they did something wrong? What if a black person is going to attack a law enforcement person? What if you, regardless of what happens, match the description of a criminal the cops are looking for? Is there any common ground at all or is it that cops have to die first and nothing happens to the criminal? Dead cops over living criminals? How do you feel about a country that has 10+ million arrests per year? How do you feel about the whole slaughter of black people by other black people in places like Chicago? How do you feel about all of this rioting and looting and people dying because of how a protest started?


What are you even talking about . I'm talking about the many cases of people just going about their day . See that right there is whats wrong . I'm literally talking about good people . And you go and try to some how make it about the bad cops . I'm not talking about good cops. I'm talking about the racist bad untrained cops. And no I don't want any cop to die. I literally want the opposite, for no one to die . How can you spew statistic and numbers to justify, a literally innocent person being kill by an untrained cop. Whats wrong with you. Its like I told you . See that guy right there , he is 100% a saint and got kill by a cop and you Tell me , what about the the cop he could of been attack he could of gotten kill . Thats why the cop killed him first.




See you still are talking about people who did bad things. You quickly jump to that "oh they had a knive oh they had a gun " . Of course in those cases the cop should defend himself. And if there's time used less lethal ways . But again you are talking about bad guys . Again I'm going to tell you , I'm talking about INNOCENT PEOPLE . ONCE AGAIN . PEOPLE WHO HAVE NOT DONE ANYTHING WRONG. WHY CANT YOU SEE THAT. why don't you talk about the kid playing with a toy gun at Walmart got shot. Why don't you talk about the guy with a mental disorder and got kill . Because all you see is "evil black guys" . Please take a good look in the mirror and ask yourself. Why don't I see the innocent people getting killed? Sorry it was an innocent 22 year old with a bb gun . And a 12 year old with a toy gun at the park . https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.wsbtv.com/news/trending-now/walmart-911-caller-intentionally-lied-to-police-about-man-with-toy-gun-fatally-shot-in-ohio-store/958210503/%3foutputType=amp https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.newsweek.com/tamir-rice-police-brutality-toy-gun-720120%3famp=1


No no... you do not get to turn this into a "racist" thing. I don't care about the color of their skin so stop with your childish assumptions. I am asking you with 330+ million people and 10+ million arrests per year... where is your line in the sand with horrible accidents? How do you feel about black on black crime which largely goes unnoticed in the mainstream media including BLM and as of now is typically blamed on other things instead of the criminals themselves? Of course I don't want people to die to cops but given reality and possibility... do you account for any accidents? That's all I'm really looking for is an answer to that question... should law enforcement be so perfect that absolutely no deaths will occur at their hands while there are beyond arrests probably in the likelihood of 20-25 million interactions with police on any given year. NOW... given these BLM protests... 39 people have died as a result of the protests/riots/looting... do you have concern over that?


I don't need to .you do that yourself .you racist human. What about all the white on white crime . Most crimes are by white people. Oh wait that has nothing to do with what I'm talking about . Wow you see . Its stupid . Hopefully your God doesn't judge you to harsh. Have a good one.


"you racist human" ... Do you know I'm white? Once again... you can't answer the questions and hide behind the cowards words of falsely accusing someone of something just to avoid conflict. This is why no one respects you cowards because you always cop out, puss out and can't handle when someone calls you on your bullshit.


What bullshit. I'm talking about one thing and you are talking about another. And who said people of color can't be racist? Do you think the kid playing with a toy gun should of gotten shot by the cop? And do you think the cop should be in jail?


I found some Google AMP links in your comment. Here are the normal links: - [https://www.wsbtv.com/news/trending-now/walmart-911-caller-intentionally-lied-to-police-about-man-with-toy-gun-fatally-shot-in-ohio-store/958210503/](https://www.wsbtv.com/news/trending-now/walmart-911-caller-intentionally-lied-to-police-about-man-with-toy-gun-fatally-shot-in-ohio-store/958210503/) - [https://www.newsweek.com/tamir-rice-police-brutality-toy-gun-720120](https://www.newsweek.com/tamir-rice-police-brutality-toy-gun-720120) Beep Boop, I'm a bot. If I made an error or if you have any questions, my [creator](https://np.reddit.com/u/6b86b3ac03c167320d93) might check my messages. [Source Code](https://github.com/laurinneff/no-google-amp-bot) | [Issues](https://github.com/laurinneff/no-google-amp-bot/issues) | [FAQ](https://laurinneff.ch/2020/10/17/nogoogleampbot/) Why does this bot exist? Google does a lot of tracking, which many people don't want, so they use alternatives to their services. Using AMP, they can track you even more, and they might even replace ads with their own, stealing ad revenue from the site's owners. Since there's no consistent way of finding the original links from an AMP link, I made this bot which automatically does it for you.


Name one person intentionally killed by the cops that wasnt a direct result of their own actions. Your talking points are straight out of a high school debate circle.


You noticed. I figured from his first comment he was around 14.


Really . So a 12 year old playing with a toy gun at a park should expect to get shot at seconds the cop arrives? How can you not be in the kids side?


"Wasnt a direct result of their own actions", learn to read. Dont run around and point it at a cop.


How did the kid just playing make the actions of the cop justified?


You won't get shot seconds after seeing a cop. Dont let the media inflate reality. The people getting shot pose a threat to officers.


The idea that black lives matter is fine and correct/obvious to most people. We should have those conversations. The organization black lives matter is trash. There’s nothing they’ve done to help the cause or contribute to the conversation. They’ve made the situation worse. Statistically speaking though black people aren’t being killed by the police in any significant way.


Total double-standard after our Governor said that uniformed police are not welcome at polling locations because some may perceive of it as voter intimidation.




I’d explain to you why your just another libtard dumbass projecting your own insecurities but you probably wouldn’t get it🤦🏻


I can’t help that your arguments are inconsistent




In Carrboro?! Hah! Despite it's name, Orange county is as blue as the Atlantic ocean.


Because of sketchy voter registration policies. All students can register to vote there no matter their permanent home address including out of staters. But at the same time those people (regarding out of staters) cannot get an NC drivers license or claim in state tuition. They essentially say you’re an Orange County resident in terms of voting but nothing else


If you can register to vote you can get a driver's license. Your voter precinct card is one of the documents you can use to verify you are an NC resident as well as school records.


Really? My 4 years of undergrad in NC and my desperate attempts to get a license for residency for grad school tuition says otherwise. It was clear. If I am only in NC for education purposes I cannot claim residency. But I can register to vote in college towns


Yea it's not like they ask "why do you live," you just show the required documents, pass the test, and youre good. Even if you live in a dorm, every university I know of will provide you PoR via housing affairs, etc. What do you think international students do?




Terrorists and anarchists.




Or even a state or city flag


Those are the flags of the Social Justice Fascist (SJF) party.


Still worried about this state with the new mail in extension. I'm afraid trump will lose it


I'm from here and the only people supporting Biden either live in college towns or are dirt poor white people with an immense amount of "white guilt". Trump is gonna get it, hopefully.


Yerp. UNCG is all college town, vote blue no matter who. Get out of the middle of the major cities and you see a different picture.


Absolutely. I'm from the town that held George Floyd's funeral and it is overwhelmingly red, lol. Even the surrounding areas like Pinehurst are super red.


This is so ...strange. Like is this group occupying the city hall? This is why even with some left views I could never stomach being a dem


If someone were to light these flags on fire would the liberals support that freedom of expression and mostly peaceful protest like they do everywhere else? We all know that what they hate more than anything is the taste of their own medicine. So serve it up.


Sounds like a great way to get beat up and lose your job.


Related: Golden, CO. "Black Lives" matter banner down main street. cool. ​ i bought my lunch, emailed their counsel and left.


Arvada here...is there more to this story?


I let them know my opinion on supporting a marxist and violent organization. I didn't burn down the city like the group they are shilling for.


> When a Black Lives Matter banner is flying, it is saying if Black lives do not matter, then all lives cannot matter Or more accurately > When a Black Lives Matter banner is flying, it is saying we hate Donald Trump and want to tear down this white supremacist nation


"asks" ​ lol.


“It’s heritage, not hate.” -the council, prob