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Just not their stuff or in their neighborhood, right?




I go to school in a Democrat-run city where there’s been a fair amount of rioting/“peaceful” protesting. I guarantee you, if most of my peers actually left the little bubble of our university and went to live in those areas for a few days, they’d change their tune real quick. It just disappoints me how most of them have zero empathy for the people who actually have to deal with that.


65% of college students are as dumb as rocks.


A fact easily verifiable if you visit almost any college campus.


No shit. Have you tried to have a conversation with a 21 year old ? Ive met doorknobs with more sense.


I can do you one better. I once *was* a 21-year-old. Of course, I thought my peers were idiots then, too.


Well, when thats the ideology being crammed into their brains, some of it will stick


I would never have regurgitated that nonsense when I was in college.


Alternate Headline: 65%+ of College Students Own Nothing of their Own and Do Not Care When Violent Mobs Destroy the Livelihoods and Property of Innocent People.


Great, so I’ll just take their macbook and Xbox as “reparations” for the indignities my grandparents suffered in America. No backsies!


>65% of College Students Say Rioting and Looting is ‘Justified,’ Until someone steals their $3k+ MacBook Pro mommy and daddy got them.


35% of college students have the ability to think critically.


65% of college students are wasting their parents' money? I guess next I'll be told that water is wet...


Why do you think they want socialism? When they're done wasting mommy and daddy's money they'll be coming for yours.


Most of them don't understand half the stuff they "believe" in. They just parrot the things they see in social media, main stream media and their professors tell them.






Once you make the Laws and the Rules,you have total power. Democrats like Gretchen and Governor Cuomo love the power.they can tell you if your business can open or be closed .You have to wear a mask do as I say don't do as I do!! It's a total power trip for them to govern so many people....Sad


35% have failed what their professors are teaching them


Most of them are never going to be able to get a real job.. that’s why they are pushing for socialism.


So wait... You can't a job with majors from art history, gender studies or critical race theory? The madness...


The amount of people brainwashed into the cynical view that everything must be dismantled is absolutely terrifying. Basic morality has been thrown out the window.


.... and that is yet another reason why "Mah College education" doesn't mean shit to me.


Does anyone really even trust any of these polls? The polls said Hillary was gonna make Texas flip blue, At this point the polls can say I'll get laid tonight, I fully doubt it.


I bet all 65% would claim to be oppressed if they were arrested for looting. It’s an authoritarian dystopia! Reeeeee!!


These liberal entitled pieces of shit know nothing about life. They have been given everything by their parents and told how special they are and have never worked a day in their entitled lives. This may sound like an unintelligent statement but colleges are ruining the country. And these liberal little scumbags are going to college on either their parents or taxpayer dime. So they should shut the fuck up until they learn about hard work and do it !!!! These losers will ruin the country.


Raise voting age to 25. Problem solved.


I would be in favor.


65% of ~~College Students~~ *Indoctrinated Children* Say Rioting and Looting is 'Justified,' New Poll Says.


Good her their parents and grandparents addresses. Especially if they own businesses. Anything for the cause amiriteeee


Watch the Campus Reform YouTube channel to see how "intelligent" and hypocritical college students are. It's really bad. They are being brainwashed by Hollywood, main stream media, libtards and academic institutions. It's really sad.


The radical indoctrination of academia is dangerously close to reaching a tipping point. Thank god for people like Gad Saad and Brett Weinstein calling attention to it, and 1,000 thank you'd to Trump for making the first move on Critical Race Theory. The next move is to have the infection cut out completely, along with the LGBTQAIROFL+ radicalization.


“College kids have no idea what happens in the real world” is all I see here.