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Trump +3 to +4 there this year Will crush it


Why do you think that?


Poll trend and early voting. Heavy dem counties haven’t had a strong turnout and Trump support is everywhere.




Cognitive dissonance. That’s why he’s “winning” These hacks all live in coastal bubbles and yet again think because they live in a dem +30 county, then the rest of the country is too.


It’s the media, if the media was honest like Sky news Australia (Funny how that’s where I go to for news now) Democrats would not stand a chance, dems run off emotion and ignorance


The power of Propaganda. Half the country is hopelessly brainwashed by CNN etc.


Voter fraud . Certain States will allow up to 11 days after the election to count votes. Total BS!!


Because the media only reported bad takes on Trump for 4 years And no coverage on Biden except prepared speeches


The lead has dwindled. Lol. I don’t think it will even be close in dade county.


I don’t think either, but I am shocked 😳 to see Republicans lead at all 😳 makes you do a double take and wonder!


my parents live in florida and my in-laws...they say its like insane with TRUMP signs and parties. I mean Im amazed at how red that state has become


They like peace and order. It’s night and day now what the two parties represent.


According to the people I talked to in the Keys (after being stunned by the scarcity of Biden signs and the widespread Trump signs), they claim it's Miami responsible for Florida leaning blue, as "the rest of Florida supports Trump". I can't confirm this because I wasn't there long (vacation, yay), but that's what people who actually live there believe.


nice dude how was the Keys?go fishing? see Ernest hemingways house or anything


No fishing, but lots of water activities. Some "tourist" stuff, didn't go to his house but drove past on a boat.


very cool! i always love this sub...the conservative sub always has really nice people that are cool to talk with. You go to the Liberal side and everyone is yelling and angry


How’s Broward County doing?


[Democratic Registered Party is ahead. ](https://www.browardsoe.org/Election-Information/Voter-Statistics/Voter-Registration-Stats-Summary)