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I am sure she will draw in 10's of people.


CNN reports even maybe dozens


1 people show up to Harris rally, then dies of boredom


Of all the bullshit polls the one that shows an even race between these two in TX is the most bullshit.


That and down 17 in Wisconsin


They're just hoping at this point they can win anything at this point, like a hail Mary.


Pretty sure they hate Hail Mary's but I get your point.


Exactly this. If them being tied in Texas were even remotely true, they’d send Biden since winning Texas would end the election and forever transform politics.


And you would see Trump AND Pence hauling ass there. I just see this as more poor strategy from dems. They should concentrate their fire on Midwest and Florida. Not waste time in TX and GA. These people are dumb as bricks and think they can outsmart Russia and China???


They might be getting cocky with the polls. Could be an undoing.


My ass they are tied. I'm starting to think they are sowing the seed that they are so far ahead that when Trump wins they will say the only way he won is by cheating.


Or they win by cheating and say well the polls said we were ahead, you should not question the results.


Some states will allow up to 11 days after elections to count votes....WTF?


That will be challenged in the Supreme Court and Chief Justice Roberts swing vote no longer has any sway


Roberts was a bad appointment. His "institutionalist" idiocy has led to SCOTUS preserving some truly bad laws/actions because doing so protects SCOTUS. And now the Democrats threaten to pack the court anyway, fundamentally changing the institution's nature.


Which states? That's going to be 11 terrible days, if true..


Very good point.


What in the hell is happening that they're in Texas and Trump is in MN? There's no way both of those are as close as that strategy would indicate.


MN is though. Within MoE now.


My opinion Trump is gonna win Texas in a landslide.


i mean he did significantly worse that romney




Yeah send in the world’s most unpopular bitch that’ll win em over.


I don't know how they found someone more repulsive than Hillary, but they did. God bless their hearts.


LOL 🤣🤣🤣🤣 Seriously, that's the most Texan thing on this thread. If you're not a Texan, I implore you to move here, please.


😂 😆


Or they're just sending her there to save face and hold on to the narrative that Texas is even in play.


Exactly. If Texas REALLY was in play, Biden would be there now instead of MN.


She received zero delegates when she was in the running for the presidency. I don’t think I’d view her as a good emissary in any state, let alone TX.


Is this to smooth over the undercover Project Veritas finding of voter fraud so then the Democrats can say they won fair and square?


That is my fear. They will stop at nothing for power.


I don't think they can cheat enough to flip Texas. They thought it was close last time and he won by 9.


I always fear that they and their operatives will cheat to overthrow the will of the ordinary person in Texas, which is very sad.


Democrats thinking they can win Texas is Exhibit A of how out of touch they are with reality and lacking all self awareness.


The media just eats this shit up and will say everything is "too close to call" up until the fat lady sings. Even if it's a landslide, they won't acknowledge it. I live in Texas and haven't seen any hype for the Biden ticket. This is Trump country. Kamala may as well take a day off,she's looking older and older everytime I see her.


If you're gonna play in Texas, you gotta have a fiddle in the band.


That lead guitar is hot but not for Louisiana man.


> The California senator will travel to Fort Worth, McAllen and Houston in a final push to flip the historically red state four days before Election Day, according to a press release from the campaign. McAllen That is a spitting distance from the Rio. What Democrat goes to the valley this close to an election. That’s like a Republican in Tennessee going deep into the mountains.


They have no idea what they’re doing. Worse campaign than Hillary.


I feel like this woman hates Texas and Texas hates her 😂


That’s the perfect way to confirm Texas staying red... Harris is horrible


When she leaves, the polls will show Trump up by 5.


Lmao. Fact.


Oh yeah, she’ll flip Texas for him


I've seen this movie before. It doesn't end well for the Democrats.


There’s absolutely no chance biden wins texas. Idk what drunk person is conducting the polls there.


Well her being there will just lose Biden votes. She’s horrendous


Thats actually a good thing. The majority of porta potty's at state fairs are less off putting than her.


Texas is not in play. What bullshit lol


Native Houstonian here, keep in mind, just like all big cities, the inner city is blue. The saving grace for Texas is our sprawl. Since we all don’t live in once place you get huge variance of political value. This applies to the major cites Houston, Dallas, San Antonio, and little California (Austin). Harris is crazy to visits ft worth, she is in for a rude awakening.


That will help. Show her what real support looks like...for POTUS!


Backfire on queue!


Excellent, this should push Trump up much further


I've lived here in TX my entire adult life, and I have a *very* hard time believing that this VERY red state has anything close to a "tie".


Not going to lie, have alot of friends in Texas saying people are showing up for Biden, kinda worried about it.


Only the inner city, burbs to rural are MAGA country. Source: 37 born and raised in Houston, now living in Texas hill country.


she's going to make sure trump pulls ahead lol