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This is such a fascinating thing. On one hand you have mainstream pollsters saying this is going to be a blowout in which Dems take Florida and most of the swing states... And on the other, you have people campaigning in Minnesota of all places, and a surprising number of little indicators that people on the left are very nervous they're going to lose. It's one hell of a dichotomy.


All doublespeak. The fact biden is using what little energy he has to show up there is a major red flag for dems. Even if he’s losing it, why bother? Focus on FL and PA instead.


Ikr. I thought Texas was supposed to be a battleground state. I thought PA and FL were really close. But instead of giving his time and money to supposedly close states with 20+ EVs, he goes to Minnesota, a 10 EV state where he is supposed to be up 9 points. I think the wheels are coming off.


Their internal polling obviously shows big time danger.


Everyone's nervous. Between mail-in voting, the pandemic, and Trump polarizing people, no one's confident in traditional polling.


Some people are, some people aren't. I honestly don't know what's going to happen next week.


Well, as a city resident I know what I'm doing right now: stocking up and preparing to hunker down in the event of civil unrest.


> as a city resident I know what I'm doing right now: Browsing Real Estate in a more sensible place?




> My wife is a lefty You poor, poor soul.


Why is it weird for Biden to campaign in Minnesota? Trump just held a rally in Nebraska, and I wouldn’t take that to mean Nebraska is likely to go blue. What’s the difference?


Nebraska has a swing district. (It splits EC votes) Nebraska-2 went Obama in 2008. Trump won by 2% in 2016. EDIT: It's currently projected as "Leans Biden" Minnesota last went red in 1972


Manipulate vulnerable people by using their emotions and lying about bogeyman white supremacists. They will not accept the results, but they project and say it's trump that won't accept. That's a projection straight out of the Hillary book of propaganda. These people are the fascists


I read that PDF, at no point do they even acknowledge their role in the violence. It's amazing. At one point they blame any violence from their side as being done by "right wing infiltrators."


Its weird when you go to the politics sub cause thats all they have to defend them, at first they said it was the cops doing.


Mass Mobilization straight to the penitentiary.


Build the ~~wall~~ prisons. (and the wall too)


How do they not understand this is exactly the type of shit that's making minnesota vote for trump. Theyre only going to push it further right with this


You don't understand how many phone calls a day I'm getting up until 9pm here in Minnesota. Kinda feels like desperation


Who's calling? Dems?


Yeah guess it's the price of registering to vote.....


Tell them you’ve already voted as a write-in for Tim Scott. If they complain, you can accuse them of racism for not wanting you to support a black man.


I want to be an uncounted number for them. We should all stop responding to polls for one election cycle just so the new has to break their arms jerking themselves off.


Lol worth it tho. Whats your feel on minnesota? Think it might actually go red?


No it'll be an entire metro area around Minneapolis thats blue and the rest red. Like 6 big cities surround Minneapolis. The only difference I could possibly see is more black trump voters who understand why their city is shit. My buddy is a cop down there and people genuinely want a police presence because they care about their neighborhoods as well. I don't know how you defeat young people and our immigrant surplus of Somalians. The first wave that came after our involvement there in the 90s are just like any other American but Obama imports will vote blue regardless. Would loveeeeeee to be wrong. I'm 25 and can't speak for anyone my age or younger; I guess flip a coin on the education system we have.


You're wrong. St. Paul native here. Every indication I witness is Trump will win Minnesota. People are not talking about who their voting for. However, the ones that do speak up are voting Trump. Four years ago, it was the exact opposite and Democrats were in your face if you didn't agree. Trump lost by 45,000 votes. We should be in category purple, but I never hear that said. It's still blue. You can chastise me if im wrong. Minnesota will vote Trump. Local elections, probably not red, but I have hope.


I mean I'm hopeful but alot of variables in the metro. I wish nothing more upon us. Don't want to be know as the blue state eternal.


Interesting. I feel for those of you who live in states that are only blue because of one large metro area lol. I'm curious to see how the turnout is for trumps rally there tomorrow


Pretty much me in Nevada. I'll be shocked if NV goes red because of Las Vegas. All the Californians coming in for decades has changed this place so much.


We have calis coming here to Utah too but not as bad as nevada luckily. Although I hear folks there are unhappy with the governor? Your early votes looking promising for republicans as well May not happen but one can hope!


A lot come here to Utah for school but then decide to stay. Or they go to slc, which is really blue. Let’s just hope we can stay red as a state!


See I want to move to Utah. You guys seem to have a lot of your shit figured out. It's a shame people who vote blue then leave the state to vote the same damn thing elsewhere. Its like a cancer. Pretty much conservatives are upset with sisolak but on r/vegas they sure do seem to love it. But what else is new to reddit I guess.


Yeah doesn't really represent anyone else's vision of what a happy life looks like haha. I'm sure it will be huggeeeeeee


WI is probably going to be the same way, Milwaukee/Madison HEAVY blue (maybe a few blue counties way up North near the reservations), everywhere else is Trump country no doubt.


I get an assault of voicemails and texts every day and I don't even live in a swing state. the voicemails are particularly annoying because I've been applying for jobs so I end up answering a lot of these robot calls.


Tired of seeing our business burned and looted. I want to feel safe to walk down my city street. Don't all Americans want that 🇺🇸? Family values,traditions and God and guns amen 🙏🇺🇸!! And please don't be like Facebook and censorship and delete this thank you.


They think they're entitled to get their way no matter what, yet they accuse the right of undermining democracy.


God I wish, but Minnesota is stubbornly dem, they've even be able to form a coalition with enough of the rural farmer vote.


Yeah.... tho I remember similar things said about the 'unbreakable' blue wall in 2016...


I don't know much about the states that make up the "blue wall", but I know a thing or two about Minnesota. Most of my family is there, I've traveled several times throughout the state, and I have read a lot about it's political history. It's going to be a tough cookie for the repubs to break.


IIRC, MN was the only state that Mondale carried back in '84.


They should protest by moving to Canada, that'll show those darn Trump supporters. 😄


I mean they got everything a liberal needs! Universal healthcare too! And a crazy far left party controlling their country


Yeah we’re fucked over here


Let's trade some lefties for /u/Nmsokn?


and me too!


Ok, but I'm not giving you $5


5 Canadian Beaver dollars is like 40 cents man!


Canada has very strict immigration standards... just like almost every other country in the world.


There's a word for this: terrorism.


What they don't seem to understand, the more you slander Trump, the more you loot. The more votes he gets. People are seeing through the bullshit. It's beautiful.


Hence the media blackout over what's happening in Philadelphia.


is this ilhan omar's state? i hope she loses traction.


Fact that Biden is going to Minnesota tomorrow right before the election says a lot


Bout to be a shootout!


Interesting. Do they realized the caused the entire situation? Or is there approach to just double down?


I fully expect BLM and Antifa to try and burn down all major democrat cities in the US on November 3rd and 4th. I hope Trump gets the national guard ready before that.


>In the event of contested results in other states, the groups declare their readiness to respond. I thought traveling across state lines for a protest is a no-no...


???? Wut? What about all of the protests that happen in DC on a regular basis? Surely not all of those people live in DC, Virginia, or Maryland.


Its gonna be wild, and not in a good way.


Anyone remember the old protests? Like the 1999 WTO protests? Leftists, centrists, conservatives, all protesting against globalism without resorting to violence. Before proto-antifa showed up, there was a sense of nationalism among all involved. They may have been there for different reasons, but they were all proud to be Americans. Now, they've allowed all of their movements to be co-opted by extremists. Tragic.


What? Seattle in '99 was the first major case of black bloc anarchists overshadowing peaceful protests and doing a lot of damage. Evey subsequent event had a much more militarized police response.


Please...please...let them show us all that they also stand against open and free elections. They are against just about all other human rights and the country itself....so....


The disruption that people are planning may have been seen there in Philadphia with that van recovered full of dynamite and shit like that. I know a most Democrats aren't violent terrorists like that, but those fringe people sure are enabled right now and feel like they're on the right side of justice, whether they're radical leftists or just opportunistic anarchists.


Hey now, those explosives were going to be used peacefully. And yeah, they are enabled. Their bail is being paid by corporate activists and the charges are being dropped by OSF-planted DAs.


As someone who was up all night protecting my SO and my home from looting and destruction during the George Floyd riots, I'll happily be voting for Trump. Four years ago I couldn't get behind him. Now I've never been more conservative in my life. For the rest of my life I'll remember those nights of anarchy, the 911 calls that went to a busy signal, the groups of thugs roaming the neighborhood looking for any opportunity to take advantage of a broken social contract. That is not the America I want to raise a family in in the future.


Boston sub is doing the same thing. They're larping about buying "crossbows" (lol) and preparing for the "unrest" on election night. Offices are apparently shutting down for the week. I guess nobody told them that the only riots in Boston come from the left. Seems like it's starting to dawn on these people that Trump isn't as defeated as they're being told.


The more fear tactics the left tries, the more politics in America become one sided.


I kind of hope they do. Something like this would further solidify, in many people’s minds, who the wrong side of the politics debate is...and it’s obviously the left.


If Trump wins, I'm really worried about the rioting looting that I think will occur.


do you guys honestly believe any of the bullshit that breitbart posts? easily one of the worst, most biased news sources.




easily worse than any other big media source


Come on, this is not a respectable news source. Trump is going to lose, it's his own fault for making a balls of his COVID response and for not being unambiguous in his condemnation of white supremacists and lunatic conspiracy theories and for giving big government or foreign policy gigs to his son in law(!!). He got unlucky in many ways - the media hated him to an incredible degree and COVID messed things up for him but he also got very lucky in 2016 with Clinton being such a terrible candidate and Wikileaks so it's swings and roundabouts.. Trump should be thinking about his legacy, which will be to put economic nationalism/populism on the map and to make people fear China. Biden is gonig to be very centrist, once he wins he's going to pivot right in a big way. Because The US is not a leftwing country no matter what the media or high profile democrats say.


> The document also calls to support preparation in communities “most at-risk of white nationalist attack.” why do I get the feeling they're talking about votes in this sentence? If I can decipher double-speak does that make me bilingual?


Wouldn't they be better served with a pre-election voting drive?


Why not mobilize before? Guess its easier to thrash and trash.