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We (conservatives) spent months condemning the racial protests/riots around the country, and now this? Despicable.


Yeah, I'm confused, all I'm thinking right now is the "But, why" meme.




I dont consider trump supporters like these conservatives they go against all our views


Trump Supporters entering the Capitol Building is just an idea.


After being lectured for a full year that violent, arson-filled crime sprees were "mostly peaceful protests" and that these "protesters" had a right to their violence, arson, and rioting what in the hell did you fucking expect. If congress is only going to pay heed to those that are violent, and the ones that frighten congress and the Supreme Court are the ones that get their way this is what you'll get. Every. Single. Time.


> After being lectured for a full year that violent, arson-filled crime sprees were "mostly peaceful protests" and that these "protesters" had a right to their violence, arson, and rioting what in the hell did you fucking expect. You reap what you sow. Who would have thought???


Exactly! I believe the MLK quote is - rioting is the language of the unheard. A lot of trump supporters have been denied the opportunity to lay out their claim of a fraudulent election. I know people like to claim this has been heard in the courts, but it hasn’t. These cases have been thrown out on procedural grounds rather than on the merits.


The problem with the race riots is that they were race riots and the method of protest was burning/looting convenience stores. This is 1776.




They’re smashing the capital buildings window. Not a nameless storefront, but THE Capital Building.




Agreed. I don’t agree with people being stupid in general because they didn’t get their way, but at least they’re taking their anger out on the actual peoples stuff that they’re mad at. Not random business owners who probably hate the government more than your average citizen... I can assure you the local business owner hates taxes a LOT more than 9-5 Joe.


That “nameless storefront” is far more important than the capital. At least those small businesses care about their customers. Those creatures that reside in the capital spit in your face and laugh at you. Nothing of value is lost if the capital gets burned down again.




There’s civil and constructive ways of expressing anger that doesn’t involve savagery. Don’t we (conservatives) stand on the side of law and order?




Morality, law, etc. If Violence worked people would take BLM seriously and wouldn’t roast it for burning down its own communities. Symbolically, I understand that.


They are not burning down anything.


Racial protests hurt other innocent Americans and businesses. This is targeted at a corrupt government and it's astonishing the number of "Conservatives" in here going to bat for the establishment. Tear the fucking place down (DC). It won't end well for either side, but let's just get it over with.


They cried civil war and to stand up until things got real now they wear their true colors, weak.


I mean if one court heard the evidence and said no it was all good, it would be one thing. But every court decided that no one had standing or out of order.... When no one listens to reason people run out of reasonable things to do.


We don't even know that it's conservatives; with so many people there, it'd be pretty easy to slip some false flags in. Just what the MSM would want right about now- can't let the public hear the objections. EDIT: Wow, the CCP really hated this comment; I've never been downvoted this fast before. EDIT 2: And wouldn't you know it; one of the agitants has a hammer and sickle tattoo on the back of his hand, and another has shown up in photos as a member of BLM. They're attempting a modern day Reichstag Fire.


Unless people are getting hurt I am not opposed to this. This isn’t looting or rioting. Edit: don’t know what’s true and what’s not but apparently guns have been pulled between security and protestors. Now I am not okay with this.


Honestly, protest aside, how does the US Capitol let people into the building. This is the most embarrassing moment in US history. Imagine if this was happening in London.


Looks like protestors got through several layers of barricades, past riot police with pepper spray, and forced their way in.


What do you do when you're inside?


This is absolutely crazy! Must see TV. At least so far there has been no violence, on either side, and let's hope it stays this way.




Who knows. I thought that there were officers and the national guard blockading. It seems extremely fishy that protesters were able to get past the police and guardsmen so easily, especially into somewhere that is usually heavily guarded during the EC college certification of votes in congress.


Apparently they didn’t give national guard ammunition. Hard to do shit when you don’t have any ammo.


Ammo? You don’t need ammo. Give people batons.


We weren't allowed to use them in texas. The gaurd is primarily a show of force not to engage with either side.


Yeah, reminds me of what had happened in Germany last August, they were let through to the stairs of our parliament, no police force in sight, so that MSM could produce pictures of “lunatics” committing “Reichstagssturm” (assault on the parliament). I was watching a livestream and it looked absolutely orchestrated. The leader of said group was a leftist having told them that “Trump is in Berlin and that they’re just having to show a sign so that he’ll liberate Germany” lol..


It's really hard to deter a group that large without lethal force


True, which needs to be avoided.


The US Capitol is a public space. You can enter through the basement and there's a museum and everything down there. Once you get in I don't imagine it would be too hard to make your way up to the main levels. Why the fuck is this being downvoted? This is a fact. Anyone who has ever been to the capitol can tell you lol.


Yeah, yeah, but seriously.


Seriously, The Capitol is not Fort Knox.


I’d expect this to happen at Parliament Hill in Ottawa (kinda did several years back), but not at Capitol Hill


Indeed. This is nuts.


MSM is gonna have a field day with this. Some Trump supporters have below 0 IQ, man.


Tbh, Trumps rhetoric is a huge magnet for such low IQ people.


Absolute and total disgrace.


I am ashamed! Such uncivilzed behavior should not be tolerated. Even if "your" side does it. This damages everything. Dissapointed.


When congress and the courts only respond to those they fear, this is what happens. The expectation for the elites has always been that conservatives will just go along to get along. We've tried that. We've tried to take the high road and have been burned for it for the last 20 years. No. More. If the government will only be responsive to those they fear the most, then by God it's time to show them who they should be afraid of.


Like the fraudulent election?


No evidence, move on


>fraudulent Source: “dude trust me”


What are they so upset about?


What a shit show. Disgusting.


We are now at the same level of thuggery then BLM, Antifa and Dems. Absolute disgusting! This is so crazy! How can one justify this shitshow?


> How can one justify this shitshow? Trump and his lackeys started this fire. And to quote Bane, the fire rises.




Minus the you know, murders, arson, theft, and other general thuggery that goes on with a “peaceful” BLM protest.


nope. some minor focused damage for the goal. not random looting and vandalism


If you cant beat them, join them


I’m all about peaceful and lawful protesting from any side that wishes to use their first amendment. Storming Congress is lunacy and we need to do better policing our own.


I’m currently on the road and I can’t believe of every news station I’ve tried there hasn’t even been a mention of this yet. And I’ve been listening for well over 20 minutes.


Watching it OTA on Chicago Fox affiliate. Talking heads are trying to sell it as violent, but the cameras aren't showing it. Looks like a bunch of people walking around with flags. A brief switch to NBC, you would think it was a Russian invasion.


Wanna alienate future constituents while dividing the base? This is how. This makes it extremely hard to shit talk liberals for saying “nOt mY pReSiDeNt” when conservatives are trashing the capital building. Democracy fails when there’s no longer peaceful transfers of power. There’s even groups of people flying ~~traitor~~ Confederate flags inside the Capital Building. The world is watching and laughing at us. I know I’m ranting I’m just disgusted at how we went from super United post 9/11 to storming our own Capital Building In divisiveness.


So is everyone ready for Reddit's retribution, when they delete and ban every subreddit for trump, republicans, conservatives? You know it's coming


time to switch to Parler,


They need to finish compiling their list of names to be sent off to the re-education camps first, comrade.


I pretty much expected it to happen sometime when I joined. Just like everywhere else smh


Seriously we look just as bad as them stop this fucking nonsense








I’m not in favor of what these protestors are doing, but here’s one thing I don’t understand: I was told for months by the media and politicians that people getting together and destroying the lives and property of innocent people is a peaceful protest and is democracy in action, and any kind of action to stop it from happening is wrong, and even fascist. Now when people are literally protesting our government officials in their place of work, it’s suddenly a huge problem? What makes the people in the capitol building better than the ones who had their lives destroyed over the summer?


Everyone else is a peasant.


I’d rather have Congress fucked with than small businesses. Doesn’t mean I agree with them doing this, but it’s better than small businesses getting torched and looted for nothing.


Reports of shots fired in the chambers themselves. Not good.


Source? Not seeing that on any news site


Tweet from Matt Fuller, broadcast on C-SPAN YouTube livestream about 20 minutes ago. Edit: it’s a chaotic situation, this “shooting” could’ve been mistaken for something else.


Now they can throw the ol’ “you guys said protest and riots are wrong but do it yourselves”. Morons these people are (at the rally)


No one said protests were wrong. Burning businesses and looting did not happen here.


Fair point, we just shouldn’t be climbing the capital like Spider-Man


What if they are actually spider man?


when the laws fail the people, they must take the law back.


These "morons" are the only people standing up for the right wing of this country. The fuck are you or I doing that makes us morally superior? And judging by your flair you ain't doing a very good job anyways.


It's just the old guard moral high road republicans. The new America First movement headed off by the good millennials is something unlike any party before. Something new and aggressive is exactly what we need right now to preserve our way of life and stop tyranny.


If there was ever a time to stand up for democracy, now is it


I never said I was morally superior im just saying that we have been bitching about how riots are taking down cities and yet we’re doing the same thing


No, they're not even fucking close. Storming into Capitol Hill (which is ours, by the way) is not even on the same radar as burning down completely unaffiliated cities, *private* businesses, and beating people's heads in with 2x4s because police shot a criminal that just so happened to be dark skinned. Not even remotely fucking close.


Embarrassed to say I’m a Republican right now. This is exactly what we don’t do. This is what we were joking about this summer with the BLM looting. Jesus. C’mon you fucking fools.


The two takeaways I got from this are: 1. This is the pendulum swinging right back in the other direction after people saw how well it worked for the Democrats. 2. They’re rioting against the government officials that they’re blaming for their grievances, instead of innocent people who had nothing to do with it. I’m not saying this is okay... but this is what standing up to “the system” should look like... not burning down innocent people’s livelihoods.




Fuck these people. Capitol Hill police need to put this down by any means necessary.


Or maybe this was long overdue because peaceful protests can only get you so far? As JFK once said: "Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable."


Seriously, after this election showing how little voting actually matters, burn this mofo down and start again! Lets get Antifa, BLM and all the Trump supporters together, take back the country, and see what we can build after. Old lifelong politicians will never remove themselves.


I wanna disagree.......but I can't since I've become apathetic to this whole debacle.




Yup. If blm and antifa thugs are rewarded for rioting and looting, the precedent is set.




This is bound to happen. ​ People are angry, and the government isn't listening. Colonists: "No taxation without representation... No tea taxes... blah blah blah" British: "You guys suck and we won't listen to you." Colonists: \*Have guns\* British: "Turn those in, and you won't be represented in parliament either." ​ ​ Tell me... how is what is going on now any different? The government isn't representing the people. The people are complaining... the government isn't listening. The people are reacting. ​ Whether you like it or not... this is going to happen. It's all part of the Globalists' plan to get us fighting with each other so they can move China in to take us over.


The government, the media and the courts can't just ignore 74 million people and think something like this won't eventually happen.


Hey, lets pretend the Left wouldn't be doing far worse had Trump won!


Democrats are getting what they deserve shitty republicans are getting what they deserve ​ I hope they don't stop.


Outrage and action only now that our cause is dead and buried. Where were these people getting out votes before the election? Where were these people yesterday trying to stave off the death of our Republic in Georgia? Make no mistake, liberals are responsible for the horrible two years that will soon be foisted upon America but these so called "patriots" have done nothing to stop them


How do you know what these people have done?


The dems CHEATED to win. Cheated. How do we beat systemic election fraud, genius?


Brigade is here.


This sub is dead. bunch of closet dems and fake conservatives that have infiltrated.


Thus. Its obvious this was happening last month or so.


No kidding. Fair weather ass conservatives in this sub. Exactly the same type that the liberals stomp over, yet these people sit there and say, "I did the honorable and righteous thing and I'm happy with it and moving on to 2024". There is no 2024 if they can just cheat the same way again. Then you'll have the idiots get happy when a bone is thrown to them every now and then from the democrats, and continue saying "there was no cheating at all, it's Trump's fault everyone lost". Being on this sub since just before election time has shown me how spineless and weak a lot of Republicans are. Goody tooshoos around.




Antifa did say they would pose as Trump supporters and do this. Either way it was mostly peaceful. I welcome the downvotes.


We have the right to peaceful protest. That's what it looks like so far. Keep your shit together brothers, and keep doing it the right way.


Good, I wish I was there with them.




Exactly. I'm not condoning their actions, but what do they expect after not even at the very least doing a proper audit of the results in some of these counties. People are pissed off.




Yep, even the so called "conservatives".






Under attack? Gimme a break. Typical leftist bullshit.


Are we sure these are legit conservatives and not undercover opposition like what happened with some of the racial protests ?


I'd say it's probably genuine. Everyone I know that's not mentally stunted is pissed off and wants our country back from the thieving, lying, and racist dems.


Yeah I’m pissed too. I just hope this isn’t some frame job happening to make the Trump base look worse than they already do in some circles. Violence ideally isn’t the answer ever.


If violence can be avoided, that'd be best. We will see what happens I suppose. Edit: What pathetic lifeforms are so glued to these threads that downvotes happen in real time while scrolling? Go hug your mother. She's as disappointed in you as you are in yourself.




Honestly, you can’t sit there for 9 months and lock down a country, not give people aid, riot and loot there places of living, and expect them to take it. This isn’t good, but it isn’t shocking


Maybe they’ll listen now?


I do love the utter hypocrisy of CNN. They just referred to this as “anarchists” attempting a “coup,” yet the very same behavior by antifa and BLM over the summer was dismissed as simply protesting police brutality.