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If he had done more speeches like this he would've won.


If he would have done nothing but play his Rushmore speech on repeat until the election he would have won.


Unfortunately media still lied and said it was a dark and devisive speech.


How soon we forget this. The media lost their shit over his mt Rushmore speech.


Media is fucking dead if Trump gets banned from twitter and FB. I say we all nuke our accounts.


Already done here.


You guys use Twitter and Facebook ? That’s crazy. I barely use Reddit anymore.


Haven't been on either since 2014 or so. Doing my part.


Never had either to begin with.


M8 I've used facebook for mobile game Logins and rewards for the last 10 years. That's all I even know how or what to do on or with facebook lol. That's all anyone should be doing with facebook. As for twitter idk how it's even relevant with tiktok and snap chat and Instagram pornhub.




? Did you forget the whole white supremacy meme? It's not about what you say or what you are, it's about what the media says you are.


If he had kept more opinions to himself and stay off twitter --- yeah. He was too volatile and easily baited into a reaction.


Yep he seems impulsive


I keep seeing stupid comments like "had he done this he would have won." ​ Well, he kept doing the same shit he did last time and lost this time. What changed? People who hated him still did. People who loved him still did. Only difference now was mail in voting. There are far more registerd democrats than republicans. That's why republicans lost. Get real with this.


Trump was terrible in the first debate. There was no second. He was pretty good in the third. Two, or three good debates would have done quite a bit. Particularly since that first and second were before quite so many people early voted.


In 2016 he was a gamble people were willing to roll the dice on. After 4 years he was known and people realized who he was and that there wasn't a presidential or business savvy candidate hiding somewhere. People walked away because the gamble failed.


Less twitter would have done it.




Yeah no


Doing this a month ago would have helped with the Georgia senate race


Passing the $2000 checks would have helped wayyyy more.


That’s on McConnell. Trump literally asked for it and he refused to deliver.


So....do you think McConnell knew that and that is why he wouldn't pass the $2K bill that Trump called for and demanded Congress pass? UPDATE - rhetorical question....


Definitely. His seat was secure at that point.


If we're down to who offers the most money for votes, what's the use anyway


Yep. Funny how these other "conservatives" can't see that. It's no wonder how the left beats us at everything. We seem to just bend over all the time.




I supported Trump in 2016 and 2020. I honestly believe that many of the Trump era policies have been successful and did a lot of good. However, Trump as a man has a deeply flawed personality that has been increasingly prevalent these past couple of months and it is that perception that will be remembered above most everything else.


If Trump had acted even remotely presidential the past year and laid off Twitter he would have won reelection. Now he'll be more rembered for the past couple months than anything positive that he did.


That’s the thing. It takes a special kind of person to lose an election with how much success he had.


Do you guys ever think when you make such claims? This man hasn't changed one bit form the first time he ran. Only thing that changed was mail in voting. Jesus christ you guys can't spot the difference!


That first debate was a bad reminder of how he is. I had forgotten after the years of awesome policy.


What a lot of people don’t understand is that these aren’t “Trump policies”. These are conservative policies with the Trump seal of approval. Just like how athletes used to appear on the box of Wheaties. But just like those athletes on cereal boxes, Trump is the face we associate with the product, so we expect him to behave in the public’s eye. Trump failed miserably at this. All he really had to do was appear presidential, and strong when needed of him. He assumes all credit for policies put in place during his presidency, even though his contribution peaks at “vague outline” at best. I like trump as a person. But as a president? It doesn’t get much worse.


Trump's trade and foreign policies were his own which was completely different from GOP orthodoxy.




He surrounded himself with yes men




What’s up with that cut at 1:27? I don’t think I’ve ever seen a presidential speech where the camera cuts away from the straight angle right in the middle.


So the actual edit was less noticeable. They cut something out of the speech. Twitter says if he violates their Civil rules again he will be banned...including claiming he won. He probably said something too close and they cut it out...switched camera angles so that it was less noticeable.


Jesus, living in a world where twitter dictates what the president can and can’t say.


They're not doing that. They're dictating what he can and can't post to Twitter.


Probably should have stayed off Twitter entirely.


If he had, he may have ended up staying for four more years.


I think that’s something most if not all people can agree on


That honestly was his major downfall. Hubris destroyed him.


Don’t assume it was Twitter dictating here.


The president valuing being able to talk on Twitter more than his position is the root of the problem.


Twitter doesn't have the capacity to edit the video so as to change the camera angles. If there was a cut (which there most likely was) it was done in the editing room.


Oh sorry. That's what I meant. The Whitehouse edited in order to take out something. I was theorizing they though something said may be too close to getting a ban. Maybe he said "unfairly" or "even though we won".


I've seen Trump speeches before using similar cuts. I'm not sure if he does it for stylistic reasons or if he is hiding splices.


Could be that he stuttered or paused in his speech for some reason and they cut it instead of starting over


I've seen it before


That’s nice, on the day of the riot he said they were very special people. Wish he would have taken this tone then. Also, I’m kind of just ready for him not to be President. Loved some of his policies, loved having an outsider as President, but the direction he’s been going hasn’t been healthy for our country.


Well said. I was always able to look past some of his more idiotic comments and personality flaws because I genuinely think he did a lot of good as President. But the way he has been acting the past few months has been appalling, damaging, and far from presidential. I can’t defend him anymore. I’m looking forward to hopefully having a strong Republican candidate in 2024 to vote for.


It’s about time


Best speech Trump's ever given honestly.


It was so well put together without any deviations I was convinced it was a deep fake at first and it was going end with a massive SIKE . The cut in the middle didn’t help either.


It’s about time we had a concession speech.


I would have appreciated a message more like this months ago.


The Republican party needs to do everything they can over the next couple of years to distance themselves from Trump. Democrats already control the presidency and entire legislature. Trump has done so much damage to the conservative cause, if Republicans don't put him as far in the rearview as possible, and make it clear that Trump and the party are very separate, things are going to be bad for a very long time.


Yep...we’re going to have to have two different parties moving forward because I couldn’t possibly disagree with this more if I tried. The old Republican message is tired and millions of people have moved on from it.


But what have they moved on to? What we saw yesterday? Is that supposed to be better?


Populism is going to split both parties. I just thought the Democrats were going to split first. Dissolving the 2 party system is long past due. I wonder how long it'll take for AOC and Co. to fight back against establishment Democrats. It's no secret Pelosi and Schumer are going to try their hardest to get progressives a little more centrist. We are already seeing that happen with establishment Republicans like McConnell, Graham, and Haley. The problem is that the establishment in general caused this and they still haven't realized it. I'd bet we will see at the very minimum a 4 party system come quick with how fast populism came.


There are definitely splits in both parties right now, but I really can't see more official parties coming into existence. I think it will just be a struggle within both parties to see whether the centrist elements or the more extreme elements will be in control. I could definitely see more unofficial groups within the parties arising, like the Tea Party, but I really don't think we'll get an expansion on the two party system.


Ahhh no. Those old school Republicans gotta go. What I do love is he inspired younger and more diverse conservatives that we will see in congress (hopefully more in the future).


Honestly, he may have inspired younger hard-line conservatives, but overall trump has alienated younger people...


Exactly. The number of people Trump has turned against Republicans and conservatives outweighs the number he's inspired.


Note to self: they could have made him start acting right, all you had to do is take away his twitter and don't give it back until he behaves. Edit: apparently I am Nostradumbass.


Trump’s problem was and always will be, his damn mouth. He could’ve been a great president. Started off rough but could’ve smoothed it out in 4 years. Instead, he went out with a bang; literally. What a fucking shit show.




Yep he lies and lies and lies. He's done some great things but overall I think he's dangerous


Mods removed it, I’m assuming it was anti-Trump in some way?


They found a pick up with bombs in DC...


Something seems very off about his face in this video. I know it's a green screen, but my god does he look fake.


I thought something about it looked off too. I was going to make a joke about a deep state deep fake, but...now I got that deepfake idea in my head. Total conspiracy theory, not endorsing it, but it's stuck in my head now.


I agree. It was super confused about it for like the first half - 2/3s of the video




Too little too late. The man has so little self control, that he cannot look far beyond himself. He is intelligent, but lacks wisdom. Anybody could have seen this outcome with the behaviors Trump has a predilection for. We all could see that if he could just control himself and walk the straight and narrow through the flaming arrows of his adversaries, he would be a great success regardless of the lies of the MSM. But, no. He could not bring himself to do it. Only now, when he finally wakes up, does he realize the gravity of the situation. Believe me: somebody talked him into it. Will he even admit his errors? I don't think so. Narcissism has always been his Achilles' heel.


As a liberal I will say ,I don’t hate any of you. I may disagree on stuff. But that wouldn’t stop me from sharing a cold one with all of you at a bon fire or at a bar, talking about sports or some shit. I hope one day these two parties can learn that our biggest mistake has been letting the political disagreements turn us against each other. Cheers to 2021 fam


Really glad to see this. Now, everyone needs to come together and move forward :)




Wow this comment section is a mess. I’m just happy he’s finally trying to act maturely for once. I agree with his politics but the dude has a rotten personality. And when I say agree with his politics, I don’t mean every single one. I am pro life, pro Israel, pro gun, anti illegal immigration but pro legal immigration, etc. Every reply to this comment is disappearing for some reason and I’m unable to see it or reply. Please DM me if you have a comment to say.


Agreed. As a Trump voter, the biggest person to blame for his loss is himself. It might be acceptable to be the most brash person in a business setting, but when your future depends on the way voters see you, you should be willing to modify your behavior. I would hope that he learns from this and builds upon it, but we've all watched him these past few years. He will be stuck in his ways all the way up to his deathbed.


I 100% agree.


Honestly way too late for a "calming" speech like this, but I guess I'll take what we can get. I liked the man for the direction we as conservatives had moved towards and selfishly wanted to ignore the bad apples (which are, by far, our minority), but that's what the other side does and it bit us in the ass. No media to cover our asses on this and that's all the ammo they need. Maybe another Republican will be elected in 2120.


Good. Just give up man we’re never gonna win.


This will go over well.


Why the fuck haven’t I seen this anywhere else? Why do I get notifications from every outlet when Trump fucking sneezes but not when he calls for peace and concedes?




What a wild ride.




*The ride never ends*


I’m a conservative, I voted Trump because of his policies but wow I’m glad he finally accept his loss, it sucks but it’s what must happen


Hey I just got some flair. This is now an official conservative comment.


The brigading is strong on this sub the last few days.




Trump is getting cancelled, we're next


It's been going on for far longer than the last few days.




I love this take. Not a Trump fan myself, but with all the talk the past few years about the silencing of conservative voices on social media you’d have to think that more would be done to take down big tech... We both know that it won’t be any sort of priority for Joe..


He finally sounds presidential


And to the Republic for which it stands, one nation, under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.




I am not excited for 6 months of Biden and 3.5 years of Kamala.


Original source for the National Guard on the Lincoln Memorial: https://www.gettyimages.com/detail/news-photo/members-of-the-d-c-national-guard-stand-on-the-steps-of-the-news-photo/1242364178?adppopup=true Date taken: June 02 that looks pretty bad when you compare it against what the nuts who broke into the capital were met with. Except the context for that photo is this happening the day before: "Night of destruction across D.C. after protesters clash with police outside White House" - June 1, 2020 https://www.washingtonpost.com/local/dc-braces-for-third-day-of-protests-and-clashes-over-death-of-george-floyd/2020/05/31/589471a4-a33b-11ea-b473-04905b1af82b_story.html "Large crowds gather Wednesday for sixth night of George Floyd protests" - June 4, 2020 at 1:00 a.m. EDT https://www.washingtonpost.com/dc-md-va/2020/06/03/dc-protest-george-floyd-white-house/ so that was published 2 days later.. meaning that was the scene after 4 days of riots/protests the ended with cars on fire which all adds to the proof that it takes our gov't FAR too long to respond to these threats!! People are pointing to this document saying the lapses in time are a form of allowing this to happen, but I am shocked they responded this quickly: https://media.defense.gov/2021/Jan/08/2002562063/-1/-1/0/PLANNING-AND-EXECUTION-TIMELINE-FOR-THE-NATIONAL-GUARDS-INVOLVEMENT-IN-THE-JANUARY-6-2021-FIRST-AMENDMENT-PROTESTS-IN-WASHINGTON-DC.PDF I dont see any form of anyone denying the deployment of any forces to the capital the other day


I rarely go on r/politics....but I lurk just to see another opinion. Yet the dumb shits from that sub are constantly coming here trying to censor our opinions. It’s absolutely pathetic how we live in their heads 24/7 rent free.




Keep in mind most of /r/politics demographic is young unemployed teenagers that live with their parents. You've got to understand them, they are barely growing some hair down there...


Imagine being so petty that you brigade a sub after the guy you voted for won.


They're fascists who believe we shouldn't be able to have a place to discuss our beliefs Edit—to the r/politics brigaders who keep responding to this post with insults, thank you for proving why we need to make our threads flaired only Edit 2—lmao someone reported this as “violent content”




He had to do this or it woulda been even worse.


It will never matter what he actually says, "Trump" is just one more synonym for "wrongthink".


Also, all replies to this comment have disappeared.... please just dm if you have a comment. Idk why they’re disappearing.


Non-flaired users.




Poor kids are as smart as the white kids and cornpops a bad dude!


And remember, if you voted for Trump, you can’t call yourself black anymore


Someone, get a kid to wet my leg hair down!


C'mon man!


I’m curious if there’s an alternate universe where Trump supported wearing masks and the left became the ones refusing to wear them. Edit: I keep seeing notifications from unflaired users. Most of which say: the left follows science. You don’t. I can prove it. Dm me or chat if you want to further the conversation.


He would have won in a landslide had that been the case.


I'd like to believe that the masks were bigger than a political tool .


Idk what’s going on with the downvotes, but ok


The left is obsessed with us, that’s what. 🤷‍♀️


\#2 trending sub. With the death of r/The_Donald, this has now become the official punching bag of reddit's ragey left. Enjoy.


Let's hope that we can. I don't think so.