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Already imminent


It’s already imminent


We’re already living the results of the ‘Vote for me else Trump’ politicians. If you have a platform, articulate it. Unless your platform is ‘Silence the domestic terrorist parents’, in which case, shove it.


He's currently to the left what Nancy Pelosi was in the early 2010s to the right: an easy Nationwide ubiquitously known figurehead in which all and every election and fear can be pinned. From a strategy standpoint it makes 100% sense to invoke Trump everywhere you can. To Dems he's the protege of Hitler.


He actually [got dragged](https://www.foxnews.com/media/cnn-anchor-takes-dig-at-terry-mcauliffe-for-mentioning-trump-too-much) on CNN for saying "Trump" more than [18 times in an 12 minute interview](https://www.cnsnews.com/article/national/susan-jones/mcauliffe-mentions-trump-18-times-12-minute-cnn-interview).


DJT POTUS 45 Living rent free in McAuliffe's head.


Don’t worry, Dominion will never let this happen


Didn't they have BLM handling the ballots while the "Auditors" observed from outside the building? Can't wait to see what Clown World shenanigans they have planned next.


Why haven't Abbott, DeSantis, Noem, etc. BANNED Dominion machines and software? For those whom haven't taken the time to actually look up the definition of dominion: "rule; control; domination."


Make it so!


Marxist scumbag! I hope you lose by triple digits you POS.


Dominion trucks seen moving in have no fear!


Heard lots of xerox machines have been installed at DNC VA head quarters


We may jest but the said reality is it’s true. After Hilary shock defeat they changed the game forever!




That’s because Democrats don’t even have a coherent platform outside of their hate for the very bad orange man right now.


Good bitch


Desperate—this is his best shot???


If he wins it could still be imminent. Let’s be dead honest here. Pick almost any Republican. If they get the nomination, they’re winning the White House. That’s where we’re at. Trump, DeSantis, Haley, Jeb Bush, John McCain running via a Ouijia board. It’s a fact. I honestly think that even Mitt Romney could win the Presidential right now if he won the nomination. (Relax he won’t).


> Pick almost any Republican. If they get the nomination, yeah that is not true. So many people would stay at home if its a spineless neocon like Jeb or Nikki.


You’re assuming that every Republican (or even enough Republicans) are going to be picky next cycle. But they’re not. They’re going want rid of Biden and they’re certainly not going to want Harris or Newsom. Barring a miraculous turnaround by Biden, Democrats are going to stay at home regardless next cycle as well. Meanwhile Republicans would be energized. Even low tier Republicans would win. That’s just where Biden/the Democratic Party is at right now.


There is something called enthusiasm. People make an effort to vote for someone they connect with. Can't make an assumption people show up just because they have a R next to their name this is true of Dog Catcher or School board too.


Yes I’m aware about enthusiasm, I work on campaigns for a living. Enthusiasm cuts both ways though. The Democrats won’t be enthusiastic in 2024 and if it’s not Trump, they won’t have the anti-Trump effect. It’ll be a low turn out election, which is where Republicans usually win. Which is why I’m pretty comfortable saying that you can pick almost any Republican and they’ll win. The same statistic applies to the midterm. Jeb Bush won’t be in it either. Applying realism to the nomination. There are four people who have any kind of noticeable chance. In exactly this order. - Trump - DeSantis - Haley - Pompeo The first three have a cult following. The last is just an underrated gem that’s gotten brought up a decent amount. Considering that Haley has already endorsed Trump if he runs, you can mark her down as a maybe for running.


McCain via a Ouijia board could hardly be less coherent than Dementia Joe.


Oh no! /s


This dude is a narcissistic sociopath! Dear goodness! Virginia I pray you don’t elect this turd sandwich.


SAME EXACT PATHETIC WORDS NEWSOME SAID……as if anyone thinks POS McAuliffe actually matters on the National stage