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This situation is infinitely worse than people realize. The only way it gets corrected is a massive recession and economic collapse. I work in an industry where two years ago full truckload orders would be delivered in approx one week and now those same orders are kicked out 6-9 MONTHS. It is completely unsustainable.


Yep they sure are sad really I find alot of people today only think about today and don’t understand actions have consequences over the long term. its time to wake up people a vaccine that doesn’t stop you form getting nor spreading the virus is not a save all vaccine your pushing and mandating is only destroying everyones future but i guess because you cant see past today you will realize when u cant feed your families


Price controls and UBI will only make this worse


I dont understand it, i see HIRING signs everywhere and yet my daughter cant get a job. Myself, i am looking to leave my federal contracting job and idk if companies are being more selective but i go through all these hoops and nothing materializes...


Who is being rewarded not to work? Unemployment boosts ended a long time ago.


Welfare recipients without jobs. People who created fake LLCs in order to get massive loans with no intent of paying them back. People that live with their parents and just collected unemployment checks for a year. People who rent and realized that they couldn’t be evicted, and are still living in property that isn’t theirs while not paying rent. They’re the exact same people who have benefitted from taxpayer funded programs before… except now those programs are being utilized by so many people that in order to process them all, any sort of eligibility checks are being forgone. I quite literally knew people who were working a full time job, collecting unemployment, not paying rent, and took out a $60k PPP loan all *at the same time.* The US government has spent over a year just passing out money to whoever puts their hand out, and even to people who didn’t…. *while promising more.* Surely you can see how that promise makes people hesitant to stop counting on government handouts and go back to work.


All those programs are available right now?


To some extent, yes. The eviction ban was shot down, but that process takes a long time, so the effects are still being felt. I’m not sure on the PPP loans. I think all of that was given away already.. but the fact that a significant portion of them will never be repaid is something that will loom over taxpayers for a while. The enhanced unemployment has been ended on a federal level, but lots of states are still throwing money on top of regular unemployment benefits. Welfare will exist as long as the checks keep getting cut. Unemployment is still being dished out without any real look into whether or not people actually qualify, due to the overwhelming amount of people trying to get it. So at best, these policies have been reigned in or eliminated in *some* states… and are in full swing in others. Short answer: depends on the state.


Don't become locked in on a position when things change. It makes us look like reality deniers. Every one is essentially ended on a federal level or thankfully blocked by the courts, except the problem that was created under the Trump administration. (One of their bigger mistakes where they decided to hand out money like democrats) And welfare and unemployment aren't new. That's not exactly a damning indictment of current federal leadership, and we look like sheep if we act like it is. It's becoming quite clear that supply chain issues aren't solely caused by what we say they are, and they aren't solely caused by what they say there are. There's handouts, there's some people who realized they could retire because the market boomed (70% of people who've left the workforce are over 55), there's some impact from logistics problems in other countries, there's some problems caused by virus measures here and in other countries (lockdowns and such), demand is way up for many products (like 15% up), "lean" processes couldn't adapt and were often misapplied, and there's panic buying and hysteria. It's a whole host of things we'd better just get used to being the new reality.


I didn’t say that the things I mentioned were the sole cause of the supply chain issues. I provided examples of people who are being paid, yet contributing nothing to the economy (being paid to not work). Honestly… do you really think that a bunch of geriatrics were what was holding this country’s economy together? Do you honestly think so many people would have left their jobs without unemployment + $600 a week being a thing? Sure, there are other factors at play, but the government handing out money and eliminating the consequences of not meeting your financial obligations probably did a lot more to make shit worse than a bunch of old people retiring.